Book 3, Chapter 8 - Keeping An Agreement

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After Ling Bo Re heard Hua Lingsu’s words, her eyes turned red. She stubbornly closed her beautiful eyes and only her eyelashes trembled. Even though her eyes were wet, she stubbornly refused to let her tears fall.

One of the most difficult things in life was being in love and not being able to say it.

During the trip to the Liu Province, when he blocked that fatal blow, it left a deep mark in Ling Bo Re’s heart. However, because she only wanted to pursue immorality, and taking into account her teacher’s feelings, she could only cut it off and not think about it.

She thought she would be able to fool others and bear the burden in her heart alone. However, the teacher who had raised her was able to instantly see through her. She felt wronged in her heart and she tightly held Hua Lingsu’s hands while tears gathered in her eyes. The normally noble and cold Ling Bo Re was like a child that had lost their toy, sad and helpless.

Zhao Jiuge had no idea about what was happening between Ling Bo Re and her teacher. If he had known Ling Bo Re did care about him, he wouldn't have acted like he did.

When leaving, he passed the picturesque sea of flowers again. However, due to the change in his mood, it had become tasteless to him.

The hope in his heart was destroyed. Although he felt sullen, he still loved Ling Bo Re, but his love was not returned.

He felt like this was a mess, so he decided not to think about it. If there was fate between them, they would naturally end up together. If there was no fate, then no matter how much he forced it, it would be pointless.

The most important thing right now was to improve his own strength. After all, once he had strength, he would be able to pursue his own ideals and explore this endlessly fascinating world.

There was also the matter of Su Su and Bai Qingqing, which gave him a headache. He didn’t know how to face the lively Su Su, who had cried during their separation, or Bai Qingqing, who he had promised to travel the 13 provinces with.

Love was a difficult thing to understand, and he was no different. Since the marriage proposal failed, it was time for his training. The first thing he had to do was head to Green Jade Mountain and fulfill that promise he had missed.

Although the failure of the marriage proposal was within reason, how it went was unexpected. Zhao Jiuge looked at the Hundred Flower Valley and revealed a self-deprecating smile. He looked at the smile and thought that even sadness was another kind of beauty. As long as he worked hard, the future would definitely bloom.


Hundred Flower Valley.

After the three of them left, they weren’t in a hurry to leave and stood outside. Jian Wuxian had not calmed down yet. The matter with Hua Lingsu had already been a sore spot for him, but he had pretended like it was nothing over the years.

After a long time, Jian Wuxian let out a sigh. “Jiuge, Teacher has harmed you. Otherwise, you would’ve had a chance to be together with Ling Bo Re.”

Two different people had said the same thing. It could only be fate making a fool out of people.

Jian Wuxian was not his usual self and seemed to have endless words to say. He wanted to spew out all the things that had been buried deep in his heart for all these years. He didn’t care that Xu Jiahui and Zhao Jiuge were here, nor what their reaction was. He talked about what happened between him and Hua Lingsu back then.

It turned out that many years ago, before Jian Wuxian and Hua Lingsu were the masters of their respective sects, when they were still direct disciples, they met during their training. They fell in love and this relationship lasted for many years.

When the two of them told their teachers of this matter, Jian Wuxian’s teacher strongly opposed it. His teacher had less than 100 years of lifespan left and was ready to pass the position of Head Teacher to Jian Wuxian.

If he wasn’t going to accept the position of Head Teacher, it wouldn’t matter who he became dao partners with. However, at the time, Jian Wuxie was too impulsive and Jian Wuxuan was too young, so the task fell on Jian Wuxian. If he were to become the Head Teacher, he naturally couldn’t be the dao partner of a direct disciple of the Hundred Flower Valley because when it came to the interests of the sect, how would he be able make a decision?

Back then, Jian Wuxian naturally didn’t want to become the Head Teacher of the Mysterious Heaven Sword Sect. He would rather have beauty than the world. However, he was helpless against his teacher, who used emotions to move his heart and then reason to make him understand. His teacher said that he was going to die soon and forced him to agree unless he wanted his teacher to die with regrets.

Jian Wuxian had no other choice but to accept, thinking that he would explain the situation to Hua Lingsu in the future. After all, nothing was set, and once he found the right person to pass the position of Head Teacher to, it wouldn’t be too late then for them to become dao partners.

However, it seemed that Hua Lingsu’s teacher, the Shadowless Old Lady, had the same thoughts as Jian Wuxian’s teacher when she learned of this. She didn’t agree with them being together but didn’t use force. Instead, she immediately passed the position of Valley Master to Hua Lingsu. She also told Hua Lingsu that Jian Wuxian’s teacher had forced Jian Wuxian to choose between being the Head Teacher or Hua Lingsu and in the end he chose the position of Head Teacher.

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The Shadowless Old Lady’s deliberate concealment resulted in this misunderstanding lasting for over 100 years. Hua Lingsu, whose heart was dead, only learned the truth of this matter when they met again after 100 years. However, at that point, both of them had knots in their hearts and neither had the courage to take another step forward. As a result, things evolved to this point.

Elder Xu Jiahu had some understanding of this matter, but he didn’t expect the actual situation to be like this.

Zhao Jiuge could only sigh and feel sorry for his teacher.

After spitting out the matter buried in his heart for so many years, Jian Wuxian felt a bit better. He slowly returned to his usual self, carrying the prestige of the Head Teacher of the Mysterious Heaven Sword Sect.

Perhaps because he saw Zhao Jiuge feeling regret for him, or perhaps because he was worried that Zhao Jiuge was traumatized by this marriage proposal, he smiled and said, “You should go and have a good workout. Forget about marriage for now. As long as you have the strength and still wish to be together with Ling Bo Re, I believe you two will be together. Your teacher here hasn’t given up yet either. Once you guys grow up and I can step down from this position, I can pursue my own happiness. Right now, my burden is too heavy and I have to think about the sect. I can’t bring my personal feelings in and bring unnecessary trouble for the sect.”

Those words made Zhao Jiuge understand a lot. It looked like being the Head Teacher of a holy land was not as glorious as it seemed. He had a lot of unknown troubles that others didn't know about.

As for being traumatized? It wouldn’t affect Zhao Jiuge that deeply. Even if he was affected, it would just be transformed into motivation for him. His heart was determined and he would strive to improve his cultivation so he could protect his loved ones, right the wrongs in the world, and kill all the evil-doers in the world. Not even the sky collapsing could change his goal.

Zhao Jiuge’s lips moved and then he looked at the unfamiliar surroundings. He furrowed and asked, “Teacher, do I head out here?”

“What? Did your courage decrease after leaving the sect by yourself?” Jian Wuxian said while looking into the distance with his hands behind his back.

“That’s not true. Teacher should I go now?”

Zhao Jiuge looked at Xu Jiahui and found that even this normally playful elder was serious. It looked like training was no small matter. Before, he was eager to go on his training trip and see the world, but now that it was time, he was a bit reluctant. He remembered life back at the sect. Perhaps because of how he grew up, he was a bit reliant on the warm atmosphere in the sect.

“Go, don’t waste time. Remember, you must come back in two years. At that time, it will be time for you to participate in the Battle Competition. Those harsh words you said back in the Hundred Flower Valley must be achieved by yourself.” After he finished speaking, Jian Wuxian’s mouth curved up into a smile.

“After heading out, you have to be careful. It's easy to lose your life. You teacher and I will wait at the sect for your return in two years.”

This was the first time Zhao Jiuge had seen Xu Jiahui with such a serious expression, but the warmth on his face made Zhao Jiuge smile.

Zhao Jiuge’s eyes were filled with determination. He waved his hand and smiled. “Then, I’ll take my leave. Teacher, Elder Xu, goodbye. Wait for me to return in two years, I definitely won’t let you two down.”

After he finished speaking, he immediately turned and left without waiting for them to react. He was not used to expressing himself, so he was not good at saying goodbyes.

He didn’t even turn his head before he walked toward the mountains. He didn’t blade soar and instead was thinking about things. As for where he was, he had taken a look at the map before leaving the sect, so he wouldn’t make any mistakes.

However, he was thinking about whether he should return to the village where he grew up first. See the old man’s grave and then head to the mountains to see if Little Black was still there. Then he would go to the city of Dong Yang to get revenge for being hunted like a dog.

Or if he should first go to Green Jade Mountain to honor the agreement he had missed. Although he had missed the agreed-upon meeting time, he would feel uneasy if he didn’t go. He wasn’t sure if she would still be there, but he had to go and find her to honor the agreement. Zhao Jiuge had unknowingly found that he owed others far too much and that some promises might not be possible in his lifetime.

The city of Dong Yang and the village he had grown up in were in the Yan Province, which was the jurisdiction of the Hundred Flower Valley, so it wouldn’t take long for him to rush there. Green Jade Mountain was in a nearby province. If he went there first, he would have to take a detour and waste a lot of time.

He struggled for a moment before making a decision. He would go to Green Jade Mountain first. Even if it caused delays, he didn’t care. Perhaps she was still waiting for him even though he had missed the agreed-upon time.

The earlier he went to find her, the lower the chance of missing her and causing another regret.

In particular, after hearing his teacher’s story, he realized that there were some people he had to cherish. Once he missed the chance, there wouldn’t be a second one.

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On the highest mountain near the Hundred Flower Valley, Elder Xu Jiahui and Jian Wuxian stood there and watched the youth leaving under the sunset.

Even though Zhao Jiuge was Jian Wuxian’s disciple and had a high status, he still had to go out to train. It was the rule of the sect, so everyone had to participate.

Perhaps Zhao Jiuge’s cultivation wo

Book 3, Chapter 9 - You’re Like April

On Green Jade Mountain, on the day of the five-year agreement, Su Su bitterly waited into the night. When she still couldn’t see Zhao Jiuge, she soullessly returned. Although her heart was filled with suspicion and disappointment, she didn’t give up.

Her cultivation had increased rapidly, so there was no need to cultivate for a while. Since she was idle, she would come here at sunrise and leave at nightfall.

Every day, she stood at the top of Green Jade Mountain, enjoying the scenery while secretly wondering why Zhao Jiuge hadn’t come. Was he deliberately not coming? Had he forgotten? Or was there an accident? Her mood constantly shifted between feeling a sense of loss, worry, and tension.

Even she felt like doing this everyday was suffering. She made up her mind that she was going to wait for two more months before she headed toward the Mysterious Heaven Sword Sect to get news of him. Then she would find him personally and ask him why he had broken the agreement. Although she shouldn’t be allowed to do this—given her identity—it would be very dangerous. However, at her cultivation, she needed to experience the world in order to continue making breakthroughs. She believed that if she secretly ran away, her father wouldn't know.

On this day, Su Su was wearing a green dress while standing on the mountain, looking into the distance. She was still waiting for a certain person to appear.

She was idle and had nothing to do, so she looked at the green scenery of spring. This helped ease her troubled mind.

After a large part of a month, Su Su’s mood had calmed down a lot. Her face was calm like a calm and clear lake.

After six years, Su Su had changed from a lovely girl to a quiet and elegant woman. Her silk-like hair was coiled up by a turquoise jade hairpin, but most of her hair was still scattered over her shoulders. Her hair occasionally shifted and revealed her white neck.

Her beautiful figure had bloomed and her green dress made her temperament more elegant while outlining her curves. Although her chest wasn’t very big, it was enough for a handful.

The picturesque scenery made her mood a lot better.

The half-piece of jade that she was clenching suddenly shined brilliantly. This awakened Su Su, who was enjoying the scenery.

She looked at the half-piece of jade in her hand, but it took a while for her to react. She couldn’t help but be stunned, which was followed by joy and disbelief.

She quickly looked into the distance, and not far away was the figure of a young man who was looking back at her with a warm smile.

This caused Su Su’s eyes to turn red, and she cried from joy. Over the years, she had fantasized countless times about meeting Zhao Jiuge again.

However, when the moment really came, the thousands of words she prepared couldn’t compare his gaze.

Looking at Zhao Jiuge’s eyes, Su Su had never felt so happy. The suffering from cultivation and grievance she had buried in her heart over the last several years erupted forth as tears.

Zhao Jiuge, who she had dreamed about for so long, had unexpectedly appeared before her. Happiness had come too suddenly, and she was afraid it would be short-lived.

Her eyes were red and tears had built up. She no longer cared about the image she was supposed to maintain and rushed into Zhao Jiuge’s arms.

Feeling Su Su in his arms, Zhao Jiuge felt a lot of emotions. Mostly, it was a sense of warmth and contentment deep in his heart.

Su Su was sobbing in his arms. Zhao Jiuge didn’t comfort her but instead held her tightly.

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Just like this, the two of them stood there and hugged each other in silence.

After a long time, Su Su left Zhao Jiuge’s warm embrace. She looked at the man she had worried about for so long with a tearful face.

A black robe and a quaint sword on his back. His face was no longer as naive and had matured a lot. Su Su was very satisfied with all of this.

Looking at Zhao Jiuge’s eyes, Su Su affectionationally asked, “Have you been well over the years?”

All these years of emotions and thousands of words condensed into this one question.

The resentment she felt for Zhao Jiuge for missing the agreement was thrown to the side when he appeared. Him coming here meant that he hadn’t forgotten about the agreement, and that he still had the other half of the jade.

Zhao Jiuge was startled for a moment before he slowly replied, “I’m fine, how about you?”

There were still two streams of tears on Su Su’s exquisite face. That bleak expression made Zhao Jiuge’s heart ache.

“I’m fine too.”

Su Su desperately nodded as if this was the only way to show Zhao Jiuge that she had been fine over the years. She didn’t talk about the various forms of suffering she had endured during her cultivation.

When the two of them met again, they were like two kids. They weren’t especially excited or had anything to say. Soon, both of them became silent.

After a while, Zhao Jiuge suddenly asked, “Why didn’t you ask me about why I didn’t arrive on time?”

Su Su shook her head, her expression containing an unspeakable sense of playful cuteness. “I don’t want to ask. You’re here, so it's fine. If you didn’t come, I was going to go to the Mysterious Heaven Sword Sect to find you.”

The guilt in Zhao Jiuge’s heart became even stronger. He originally planned to tell Su Su about the matter with Ling Bo Re. However, he didn’t expect Su Su to not want to hear the reason at all. Zhao Jiuge felt like he should just find another chance to tell Su Su about it. After all, he felt like he was deceiving Su Su like this. He already felt a lot of guilt toward her.

Su Su suddenly began to talk. She hadn’t even wiped the tears from her face when she asked, “I heard that you have been doing well in the Mysterious Heaven Sword Sect and that you even became the Chief Head Disciple. You’re even the direct disciple of the Head Teacher. Should I call you Head Teacher Zhao in the future?”

Su Su was smiling, but her eyes were filled with worry. The more prominent Zhao Jiuge’s identity was, the more difficult it would be for them to be together. Originally, she wanted to bring Zhao Jiuge back with her, but he had refused. This was fine, but who could’ve expected him to shock the world and become the Chief Head Disciple of the Mysterious Heaven Sword Sect?

Zhao Jiuge was a bit embarrassed by Su Su’s quip and scratched his hair.

Zhao Jiuge’s embarrassed expression made Su Su laugh.

“Silly blockhead, why haven’t you changed after all these years? Still a block of wood.”

Su Su laughed while hugging her stomach and then affectionately hugged Zhao Jiuge’s arm. She was not embarrassed or hesitant at all.

Feeling the softness on his arm, Zhao Jiuge felt a bit uncomfortable. Before he told Su Su about the matter with Ling Bo Re, he would feel like he was cheating on Su Su. Also, the relationship between them hadn’t progressed this fast. Zhao Jiuge’s heart was still not clear of his own emotions yet.

However, Zhao Jiuge was attracted by Su Su’s charming smile. The vibrant spring seemed to be overshadowed by Su Su’s smile.

Zhao Jiuge thought to himself, “You’re like April—your smile lights up the world.” [1]

“Blockhead, are you going to have to go back right away?”

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Su Su blinked and stared at Zhao Jiuge. She was a bit nerious. It was as if she was afraid that Zhao Jiuge would leave immediately.

Zhao Jiuge answered truthfully, “I came out here to train and will head back in two years.”

Su Su suddenly smiled happily as if she thought of something and then immediately said, “How about I accompany you during your training? I just happen to have to train as well during these two years.”

Zhao Jiuge frowned slightly for a moment and agreed. Two people were better than one, and there would be someone to talk to.

Seeing Zhao Jiuge agree, Su Su smiled even wider and pulled Zhao Jiuge’s arm. “Blockhead, I’ll take you to see Xiaotian. Then we’ll greet Grandpa Yang before heading out.”

Before this, Su Su had sensed that there were three figures watching from the mountain not far away, and her father’s sect was not far from here.

In the distance was the grey-robed Elder Yang, the blood-robed Xue Wuxing, and Zhao Xiaotian, who had already grown a lot.

Zhao Xiaotian was a little excited to meet the big brother that had changed his life. If not for Zhao Jiuge, his life would never have changed like this.

Xiu Wuxing’s expression was a little dark. He had already seen Zhao Jiuge. Originally, he was angry and wanted to teach Zhao Jiuge a lesson. However, when he saw Su Su hugging him and how close they looked, he quickly abandoned the idea.

The most hurtful thing was not your beloved woman saying cold things to you, but your beloved woman being affectionate to another man before you.

When Xue Wuxing saw Su Su rush to hug Zhao Jiuge with watery eyes, he had completely given up on her. He was someone who could let go.

Originally, when he said he was going to kill Zhao Jiuge, he was just venting his anger. He was a smart man. Now that he knew that the person Su Su really loved was Zhao Jiuge, why would he still do such a thing? He would have to be a complete idiot. True love was allowing your loved one to be happy and not make them suffer just because you couldn’t have them. 

Although Xue Wuxing had given up, he still couldn’t stand them being intimate. He could only leave so he wouldn’t have to watch them.

“Elder Yang, I still have matters to deal with, so I’ll take my leave first.

After Xue Wuxing finished speaking, he left like he was running away, because he saw Su Su head over. He didn’t want to meet Zhao Jiuge face to face, as he might not be able to control his anger.

Elder Yang was still expressionless and nodded. He watched Xue Wuxing leave and secretly sighed in pity. In truth, if Su Su could end up together with Xue Wuxing, it would be a good ending, but in the end it was Su Su’s choice.

Shortly after Xue Wuxing left, Su Su pulled Zhao Jiuge before Elder Yang and Zhao Xiaotian.

Seeing Elder Yang, Zhao Jiuge was shocked and quickly respectfully said hello. He still remembered the divine strength this old man had revealed back then.

Then he saw the teenager beside Elder Yang. Zhao Jiuge squinted, and after a while, he was in shock. Zhao Xiaotian’s change was even greater than his own.

“Xiaotian, you’re already at the Spirit Core Realm?”

This situation shocked Zhao Jiuge even more. Back then, Zhao Jiuge had named this beggar child, and because he was worried, he had Su Su take him home. Not only had he embarked on the path of cultivation, but his cultivation speed was not worse than his own!

1. It’s a chinese poem that talks about the various aspects of April and relates it to love. It’s called 你是人间四月天 if anyone wants to look it up themselves. 

. These words would cause a sensation to spread across the entire sect.

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