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Induce to Capitulate

Kingdom Wei in the mortal world-

The war targeted Kingdom Wei came so suddenly that its king didn’t deploy his army well in time and forcibly accepted it in haste.

This war was so unfair. The previous war lasting a decade was at least a one-to-one war between Kingdom Liang and Kingdom Wei. However, Kingdom Wei had to face eight kingdoms this time, including Kingdom Liang and the three strongest kingdoms of the mortal world. Thus, all the people, the King of Kingdom Wei included, felt completely desperate.

Surrender-exhorting Letters were thrown inside the city wall every two hours by the Stone-thrown Machines placed outside of the city wall, thus, filling the entire capital like snowflakes. The civilians inside the capital had already been desperate and crazily wanted to get out the city with the letters in their hands.

However, all generals guarding the city gate had been told not to let anyone leave, for everyone knew that once the city gate was open, the enemies would utilize the chance to get inside.

“Hence, we can’t open the city gate, Your Majesty!” The ministers in favor of fighting bent their knees and persuaded the King of Kingdom Wei who had wanted to surrender.

“My ministers, I don’t want my kingdom subjugated, either. But, the enemies outside the city outnumber us by ten times soldiers. We only have 100 thousand people, including the old, women, and children. How can we fight against them?” The King of Kingdom Wei wanted to cry, but there were no tears at all.

The ministers who advocated surrender instantly cried, making the servant-girls shed silent tears.

“Your Majesty, one messenger sends us one more Surrender-exhorting Letter.” A eunuch rushed inside with a piece of paper held high and tripped over the threshold of the palace. The paper floated and fell beside a minister in favor of surrender.

In his 30s, the minister picked it up with an original thought that it was no different from those shrouding the city. But, after a glance, he rushed toward the throne like he got a treasure and said, “Your Majesty, we can be saved this time.” He held the Surrender-exhorting Letter over his head.

“What?” All the ministers fell into an uproar.

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The King of Kingdom Wei felt lucky but sighed after receiving the letter and reading only half of it, “There is one thing you guys don’t know. The Dragon-subduing Bead was stolen days ago.”

“What?” The minister exclaimed in unison again.

“What should we do?”

Someone thought of the two divine spirits staying at the Imperial City in the midst of despair.

“Had you not let the female thief go, we wouldn’t have awaited our doom.” Jiuyang couldn’t hide her anger. The moment she approached me, she railed at me.

“Jiuyang, don’t be that impolite to the divine spirit.” The King of Kingdom Wei scolded her to back down and then knelt down in a manner of respect. “Divine spirits, small as my kingdom is, it has a population of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. As an incompetent king, I’ve plunged them into sufferings, so I have no face to meet my ancestors at all. Without alternatives, I come here and ask you two to save them from danger.”

Under his leadership, those present knelt down behind him except for Jiuyang. She stubbornly stood with her wide open eyes glaring at me as if Xiao Rang and I stole the Dragon-subduing Bead.

“Your Majesty, I know nothing about the mortal world. How can I locate the stolen Dragon-subduing Bead for you?” said I with a euphemistic excuse.

“Well.” He felt awkward.

“I’m afraid it’s still late if we start to find it,” said Xiao Rang. “Your Highness, this isn’t a safe place to stay anymore. Your injuries aren’t healed, so you can’t fight against them again.”

“Divine spirits, you’re Gods of Heaven while we’re ordinary people on the ground.”

“Didn’t you dispatch a large army to infringe on us a hundred years ago?” asked Xiao Rang indifferently. In his view, those mortals who once looked down on us didn’t deserve our sympathy.

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But, I still saw somewhat blame in Jiuyang’s eyes. Right, it was me who let the female thief go, so I was held accountable.

“Your Highness, let’s go, shall we?” Xiao Rang pointed to them with his spear, instantly scaring them away.

“Let’s go.” I turned around.

“Where are you going, you two imposers?” shouted Jiuyang behind me.

“Ah?” shouted loudly those present, including the King of Kingdom Wei.

“Impostors? They are impostors?” They were busy discussing with each other.

Xiao Rang didn’t want me discussed like this, so he thrust out his spear and wanted to give a lesson to them. His spear first hurtled at Jiuyang.

“Clang!” The spear hit a Swirl Seal that showed up suddenly in front of Jiuyang. The latter was so frightened that she stood transfixed.

“Xiao Rang, back down!” I turned my head around with my fingers twisted.

Having withdrawn his spear, he stood behind me.

“Whatever you said, I won’t kill innocent people for no reason,” said I calmly. “But, you should also know my tolerance is limited.” When I broke the seal, I said to Jiuyang who just resume her consciousness, “I’ll go and find it for you.”

“Your Highness, it’s none of our business.” Xiao Rang felt confused.

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“Never mind. We won’t stay here any longer,” said I. “However, I don’t know how long it takes us to find it, so you hear me this carefully. It has nothing to do with me about whether you can defend the city or how long you can defend it.” I fluttered my sleeveless and went away.

Xiao Rang warned them with his eyes and didn’t catch me up until I walked a long distance.

We immediately left the Imperial Palace. Since the city gate wasn’t allowed to open, we stepped onto the city wall.

Looking around, we saw the army under the city wall lay out different formations. Within our range of vision, the flags fluttered like a wave in the hot wind; the spears were like a forest without boundaries; the battle drums were beaten fitfully, not only deterring the civilians and soldiers inside the city wall but also cheering up for those who were ready to attack the city.

“Let’s go, Xiao Rang.” I unfolded my Snow Swirl. As soon as we were to jump off the city wall, Jiuyang rushed forward.

“Wait a moment,” she stopped us.

“If I stay here, how can I find you the Dragon-subduing Bead?”

The rotating Snow Swirl released a gush of cold air, making her involuntarily tremble. Standing on situ, she said, “What shall I do if you leave?” Her face was reddened by the scorching sun.

“Forget what you said. I’m a divine spirit, not a mortal, so you can consider that your words just have a binding force on the mortals.”

“Please don’t go.” She stepped forward. As soon as her dress met the Snow Swirl, it was fluttered by the cold air. Under the sunlight, she quivered so badly, which was impossibly caused by my Snow Swirl. “My father has accepted the Surrender-exhorting Letter. If you leave us, my father and I will be treated like prisoners.”

“Then run away, like us, far far away. Otherwise, you’ll actually be killed by them.” I could feel the despair in her words.

“My father made such a decision in order to save his people. He’s a good king, and he can’t die this way.” Jiuyang cried sadly and squatted down. Her tear fell on the swirl and was condensed into a snowflake when it was sprung away.

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Subsequently, the snowflake immediately turned into a teardrop again that was then evaporated into shadowless moisture by the heat wave on the city wall.

How could a simple teardrop have so complex changes? I could only see crystal ice on the snowland except for the pure snow.

The funny thing was, I kinda sympathized with the situation of her and her kingdom, which made me mock at myself. I sympathized with the mortals, but who would sympathize with me?

Under the city wall, a messenger on a horse holding a white flag was riding to the enemy camp. His shadow became long against the sunset.

“Your Highness, we have to go.” Xiao Rang warned me.

“We’ll stay a few more days.” I withdrew my swirl and held Jiuyang up. “In fact, even if they get the Dragon-subduing Bead, the war still breaks out.”

She nodded in agreement. The sudden sense of security overwhelmed her, and she fainted into my arms.

“Xiao Rang, even if they don’t ask me to find the bead, I’ll seek for it myself," said I to him on seeing his grumpy face. “If I get the bead, I’ll be able to call for dragons and then possess my own army. I’ll be a king of the mortal world first and return to the snowland to take my throne back.”

“Yes, Your Highness. Sounds much better,” said Xiao Rang in a muffled voice without questioning my decision.

“We need to stay and watch how the overlord of the mortal world deals with the losers.” I walked back with Jiuyang in my arms.

It turned out that the physical bodies of the mortals were so vulnerable just like the pieces of paper floating in the city. I couldn’t imagine how the mortal army infringed on the snowland and forced us, the divine spirits, almost to lose our territory one hundred years ago?

Had something great also taken place in the mortal world over these years?

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