# 447 Past and Extra Edition

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A/N: Fixed inconsistencies in # 337 and # 404. As you said, it is a discrepancy that is a digest of the past edition. I'm sorry. Basically, # 404 is correct. There may still be minor discrepancies.

As a spoiler, I was planning to mislead the "he" in # 337 as Chrome Sanchez, and in fact it was Touya-kun, who had transferred over time and 5000 years ago.

I'm not apologizing, but here's a chapter that was in the store as an interlude before marriage. (TLN: I don’t know what Fuyuhara-san was trying to convey. However, the chapter you are reading right now is just supposed to be an interlude before the marriage. There aren’t a lot of words, so I shall be posting this as well as chapter 448 today. :) I think that “Chrome Sanchez” is that man that Touya met in the reverse world. Again, I’m not good with names. )

■ Touya Mochizuki (a friend's story from middle school)


 I had a dream of when I was in middle school.

 The time of the dream was around the time when I was often hanging out with Touya-san.

"Hey, Touya-san. Isn't this overkill?"

"Is that so? Well, I guess I went a little crazy. Did I overdo it a little?"

"A little ... Ha ..."

 When I see the blond man with long hair who is stripped naked and fainted, I feel pity that I can't say anything about it.

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 That man is the leader of a gang and is quite famous here. It all started when this man repeatedly stalked a girl, which could be taken as an invasion of privacy.

 The girl had a boyfriend, and when she learned of the stalking, she went straight to him to ask him to stop the stalker. The boyfriend was a brave guy.

 But these kinds of gang leaders don’t listen to such advice. The boyfriend was sent to the hospital after being beaten by the leader and his minions.

 That boyfriend was one of our classmates.

 When we came to visit, we saw him sleeping in the hospital bed, with his girlfriend crying and continuing to say, "It's my fault." over and over again.

 Touya-san, after managing to ask the girl about the situation, immediately left the hospital and started making phone calls to various places on his smartphone.

"Ah, ◯ △ -san? It's been a long time. It's Touya. Yes, Mochizuki's grandson. I have a little request ..." (TLN: The circle and triangle were intended because we don’t know the people’s names.)

"Well, you want to help find out where the gang is located? No, that gang leader is not enough to bother you. Yeah, I’ll just do it since I’m already here. Haha, Grandpa seemed to say that a lot. " (TLN: The next few sentences are so confusing…. I’ll just put a number here, and you can look at them without the proofreading. This is #1.)

"◯◯ △ ◯ is the name of the gang leader? That's good. No no no, it is the era of harmful hooligans? I'll do it carefully. " (TLN: #2)

 Hey, Touya-san? Where are you going! ?? I'm scared with this conversation you’re having! The contents too!

 After a while, Touya-san contacted various places, and then it happened in the blink of an eye.

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 Touya-san, he located the gang leader’s whereabouts, skillfully defeated the guards, and brought them into a one-on-one situation. To be exact, I was there too, so it's one-on-two. (TLN: “Them” refers to the gang leader vs. Touya&Friend.)

 Touya-san acted like the gang leader was nothing to him and started throwing insults and abuses at him. The gang leader got so angry that he self-destructed and fainted. We didn’t even touch him. 

 Since the gang leader was almost about to attack with an iron pipe and a jackknife before he fainted from anger, would it be called legitimate self-defense ...?

 After that, Touya-san went towards the leader of the gang and peeled off his clothes, leaving him naked. He then took a picture with his smartphone.

"Yes, now send ..."

"Where did you send it?"

"To the vice-captain of the gang he belongs to. I heard that this gang leader isn’t on the best of terms with his vice-captain, so if the vice-captain gets an item like this, he'll be happy to hunt the leader down."

"I’m sorry for this dude ..."

 As Touya-san laughed with a sadistic face, I swore in my heart that I would never offend him. He's a normal junior high school student who doesn't look bad, but his true self can be sadistic at times, that’s all. He usually takes a step back quietly.

 After that, the leader was kicked out of the gang, couldn't stay in this town, and disappeared somewhere. Of course the leader’s stalking was gone and everyone should’ve been thankful to him, but Touya-san didn't tell anyone that it was him who made the gang leader be punished.

"I don't need to be thanked by anyone. It's something I did on my own. It's just for self-satisfaction. I just did it because I wanted to do it."

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"Usually, most people would hesitate in getting involved with someone else’s business."

"I don't want to hesitate and allow someone to get irreparable damage. “You should do what you can,” Grandpa often said. "

 I wonder why it sounds like the phrase "I kill only when I need to kill". I once again vowed that I would never offend Touya-san.

"That was something that happened, before his death."

"Oh ... I wish I knew that. That child was completely influenced by father-in-law ..."

 Touya’s father sighs when he releases his hand from the manuscript that still had to be penned..

"At that time, my father-in-law died, and it was a little rough ..."

 A little……? I want to ask all my questions, but let's keep silent. I turned my eyes back to the solid manuscript in front of me.

"He did that kind of thing? Touya was mostly cared for by my father-in-law because I couldn’t do it because of my job. It seems that father-in-law-san took him to various places and taught him strange techniques."

 This sensei, who is the father of Touya-san, is a manga artist, and Touya-san’s mother is a children’s picture book writer. They were always at home, but when they were busy with work, I'm sure there were many times when they couldn't deal with their child. So, that was why Touya-san’s grandpa was taking care of him, I take it?

"What kind of person was Touya-san’s grandpa?"

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"You are asking about my father-in-law? Hmm ... I mean, he was a round-faced person. He had acquaintances and friends from all over the world. They were made when he used to do entertainment work all over the world and when he was involved in politics. He'd been with Touya since Touya was a baby. There is also a picture of Touya being held by the person who was the former prime minister. "

"Seriously ..."

"I heard that father-in-law killed a bear with his bare hands, met an alien, and destroyed the Mafia."

"Seriously !?"

"I don't know if it's true"

 Haha, Touya-san's dad laughed, but I couldn't. On this grandfather who raised him, I feel that common sense doesn't work very well ...

"Well, let's do our best. I've finished putting the drawings in, so I'll ask you for your opinion too."

"Usu. It looks like it will be in time."

 I received a new page from my teacher. The end is coming to light. Alright, it's the last spurt. Let's get excited.


TLN: So, it seems that Touya's friend was learning to become a manga artist all this time. He is reading Touya's father's latest manga. 

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