In a Different World With the Naruto System, Chapter 07.1: 2 years after the battle

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Ren Tian You looked at the sand from which blood was seeping out, seeing this sight, something suddenly surged from his stomach. He hanged on and not spit it out. He choose to bear the protest of his stomach and didn’t vomit anything.

Actually, he had caused this bloody scene and gore intentionally, he had done this so in order to temper himself. Because he knew that, in this world, there is no longer any rule by law society like in his previous world ‘Earth’. Here, the actual strength is the highest. If your actual strength is low and got killed, other than your loved ones, no one will care. In this world, the lives of human being is as cheap as dogs.

So he had deliberately created such a bloody scene, to remind him that this is not a peaceful world as Earth. And to make himself adapt to this world as soon as possible, otherwise sooner or later, he would be eliminated.

If this was not the case, he would not deliberately create meat sauce out of this Wind Wolf King by using ‘Sand Shower’, ‘Sand Coffin’ and ‘Sand Burial’. He had already mastered some jutsus, he at least had 10 other jutsu, which could be used in order to deal with this wolf without creating such bloody scene.

He adjusted his complex feeling in his heart, and removed ‘Sand Burial’. Immediately, the pile of broken piece of meat sauce of Wind Wolf King flowed out along with the sand.

Catching this sight of this, his originally suppressed protest of stomach, surged again. It was not that easy to suppress that protest of stomach again, he had to waste great deal of his strength to do so. After that he took out the crystal core of magical beast from that meat sauce.

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This core of magical beast is the source of energy for all magical beasts, without this core, no magical beasts could survive. This core could be used by many magician for cultivation, blacksmiths could use it for making precious magic weapon, alchemists could use it for it refining mysterious metals items, and even <medical master (suggestion)> could use it for refining few precious medicine.

The core of illusion beast and battle qi beast could also be used as the core of magical beast. Its just that, it is appropriate for illusionist and battle qi fighter, nothing more.

And at Divine Wind continent, the core of these magical beasts, illusion beasts and battle qi beasts are extremely precious. Even to the extent that high level cores couldn’t be bought in the market with any price, because the same level of beasts could be compared with the same level of human existence.

And now at this time, he was completely poor, as after he was killed all of his valuables were taken away only leaving him a piece of cloth. That’s why, so that he didn’t go hungry in the future, he took core of every magical beast that was killed by him.


Now his strength had already increased to next level, he could also use Naruto world’s BUGninjutsu Shadow Clone jutsu. As a result now his cultivation can all be divided to 3 Shadow Clone and learn together.

Although he had learned Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu, he didn’t dare to create more than 3 clone to aid him to practice. Because Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu is ‘A’ rank ninjutsu, and it is very difficult for a junior ninja to learn as this jutsu has very large downside. When the Shadow Clone jutsu is released, the amount of chakra was equally divided with the clones and not only all the experience of the clone is transferred to the owner, even the fatigue and other negative emotions are transferred back, which caused a lot of people who use this jutsu exhausted. This is why, this jutsu was one of the forbidden jutsu in Naruto world.

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He still clearly remembered, the sudden feeling of extreme exhaustion at his mind when he had undone his Shadow Clone jutsu for the first time. He was not like Naruto, that cockroach who could use Multi-shadow clone jutsu just like he is eating the meal.

So he had only created only 3 shadow clone. His real body cultivate chakra, and among other 3 clones, one practice ninjutsu, another practice taijutsu, and final remaining one practice forming hand seal. Although his speed of forming hand seal is quite fast, but he was not satisfied with that speed, and wanted to improve the speed even further.

While cultivating in that place, in a blink of an eye, he had already cultivating in that place for 2 years.


Deep inside Magical Beast forest, within a valley, a single youth who was wearing a white cloth was bravely confronting a huge lion with blazing flames.

The white and plain clothes that was worn by that youth, was the types of clothes that had never seen in this Divine Wind continent. And the waist belt was tied at the waist of this youth. At the right hand side of this waist, there hung a sheathed sharp sword.

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And looking at this youth facial feature, you could see his clear angular face, and slightly raised corner of mouth, which appeared to be an indistinct smile, and you could also see his hair was slightly waving along with the wind. And the must peculiar was his eyes. Actually this youth’s eyes was blood-red in color which seemed very frightening. And inside these each blood colored eyes, you could see 3 tomoe.

Looking at the lion type magical beast which was being confronted by a youth, you could see this magical beast had 2 huge sharp horn above its head and this lion body was covered with flames with dangerous heat. If any of the Divine wind Continent’s people caught the sight of this lion, they absolutely would cry out in alarm and utter: Saint Class magical beast—Raging Flame Cloud Lion.

Correct, this youth is precisely Ren Tian You, who had practiced inside Magical forest for more than 2 years. As a result of 2 years of cultivation, his actual strength had already raised to elite senior ninja. Above mentioned ninjutsu system’s ninjutsu, taijutsu, forbidden art and secret art all learnt 7 **.

[TL: 忍术系统上面所记载的忍术、『体』术、禁术和秘术都学得七只**了。, Help needed]

The clothes he was wearing now was exactly the same type of clothes which was worn by Sasuke in Naruto world. Although the system store had Akatsuki organisation’s wind breaker and Tobi’s mask, nevertheless wearing those clothes looked like it would give negative impact, and he also felt that these clothes of Sasuke made him look even more handsome. As a result he had exchanged for this clothes. As for the sword hanging in his waist, it was Kusanagi no Tsurugi(Grass-Mowing Sword) [in anime it is called ‘Snake Sword’]. This was the sword that was passed to Sasuke by Orochimaru, in Naruto world. And now he had exchanged this sword from his Naruto system with system points.

Now finally his Sharingan had already enhanced to 3 tomoe level, his Sharingan’s ability of observation and copying ablilties also significantly increased. But to awaken Mangekyo Sharingan he needed 10,000 system points. If he had not exchanged Snake sword then he could have already awakened Mangekyo Sharingan, but he had chosen not to do so. Because at that time he was not capable enough, and although awakening Mangekyo Sharingan would have increased his strength, still that increase in strength would have been more harmful than good at that time and for increasing his strength in future. That’s why he decided nott to awakenMangekyo Sharingan until he was capable enough.

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But now his strength had already reached to elite senior ninja, and with regards to the amount of chakra, the previous him couldn’t even compared to current him. Now he place focus on cultivating change in chakra attributes. [in anime change in chakra nature]

His had 3 chakra attribute which was fire, lightning and wind. Thanks to Sharingan, he didn’t need to painstakingly study change in chakra attribute of fire attribute. Now only wind and lightning attribute was left.

He had remembered that in Naruto world, Naruto had created Futon—Rasenshuriken! (Wind Style—Rasen Shuriken) after adding his chakra attribute to his Rasengan, after he had learnt change in chakra nature. This ninjutsu power was so formidable that it was given S-rank. Sasuke had learnt change of chakra attribute of lightning attribute and after that learnt Chidori and created Chidori Nagashi(Chidori Stream) ninjutsu.

Although he had now already learnt Rasengan and Chidori, but with regards to wind and lightning change in chakra attribute, he was still confuse. No need to mention about learningRasen Shuriken and its level ninjutsu.

After studying for several days, he realized that it was quite complicated and had to give up for the time being practicing this change in chakra attribute, and then started to think about the things beyond Magical Beast forest. He had already nested in this Magical Beast forest for more than 2 years, making himself a barbarian who know nothing about any affair in the world.

He had wanted to awaken Mangekyo Sharingan before leaving this Magical beast forest, this way his strength would quickly soar through the sky and his security would also be guaranteed. He was the descended of Ximen clan which was one of the 4 major family, but he clearly knew that the water of Divine Wind Continent was very deep.

He looked at his system points, currently he had 8000 to 9000 points. He estimated that killing a Saint Class magical beast would be enough to reach 10000 points. He had targeted this Saint Class—Raging Flame Cloud Lion, first reason was to test his strength and his second reason was to accumulate enough points to awaken Mangekyo Sharingan.

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