Chapter 1 I missed the Air Force Enlistment Medical Examination Because I Was Developing the Pulse Detonation Engine

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Air Force Enlistment Medical Examination Department.

The air is dry with a sultry heat that is common in the capital during August.

“Uh, I’m sorry I am late. I had to take care of a few things, but can I still participate in the examinations?” I, Qin, say while sweating profusely as I run to the soldier that is standing guard.

“Sorry, but the exams are over,” the guard says.

“Can’t you make an exception?”

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“Do you think this is a joke? If you really wanted to enlist in the air force, you would not have been late. You need to wait for the next enlistment cycle,” the soldier finishes speaking and then turns away from me to continue guarding the entrance.

I just sigh helplessly and walk away listlessly towards the street. As the scorching sun rises, the temperature gets hotter and hotter, but a smile soon appears on my face anyways.

“Even though I could not complete the medical examination, I was able to solve the problem with the engine. It only took half a year. With enough opportunities, I should be able to make it.”

Thinking this, I cannot help but feel a little excited. I am a traveler of worlds and have gained the ability [Mechanical Affinity] when I came here. This ability gives me all kinds of knowledge on different machines. As long as I can read about it, I can infer the many different complexities of any machine, even with the limited information.

All machinery will soon be toys in my hands. It is precisely because of this ability that I was able to develop the Pule Detonation Engine in just six months. This engine was why I was late for the exam. I just needed to test out my machine myself.

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Unexpectedly, I was too devoted in my research. After I solved the materials problem, I realized I was late getting to the medical exam. I did not expect that I would miss it in its entirety. I have no regrets, though.

I may have missed the enlistment examination, but I can now build the engine. This world’s military research and development was not that well developed, and the engines that are used for fighter jets were mainly Turbojet engines that were invented decades ago. Even if the military of the Blue Star planet innovated on this technology, it was still just a turbojet engine.

With the continuous development of jet technology, the shortcomings of such an engine are becoming more and more apparent. They consume egregious amounts of fuel and have a low efficiency at slow speeds, making their travel ranges very short.

Although this is not a serious failure for high-speed jets performing defensive tasks, it is unacceptable for civil transport aircrafts that have strict economic requirements. The countries of Blue Star are eager to invent the Second Generation Aero engines and make the new concept of Scramjets a reality. However, this engine is nothing more than a theory, and not many countries are trying to develop one. The ones that are, have made unknown progress.

I invented the Pulse Detonation Engine that is the third generation of aero engines. This is a new concept that uses pulse detonation waves to generate thrust. The engine itself has a simple structure with little to no moving parts, with a higher thermal cycle efficiency than conventional piston, turbines, and ramjet engines. It also has a good thrust-to-weight ratio and low fuel consumption too.

While on the road, I have forgotten that I missed the enlistment as I am too focused on the Pulse Wave Engine’s data and formulas. I cannot wait to build this epoch-making thing right away.

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“Unfortunately, the conditions to build one have not been met yet,” I mutter.

During this thought, a familiar ringtone rang out. I take out my phone and see that ‘Mother Queen’ is clearly displayed on the phone.


My mother had put this as her name, but I did not care about it, so I never changed it.

I hesitate before answering the phone. It is apparent why Mom is calling me. She wants to know about the results of the examination. I would not hesitate if it was for anything else.

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I do not know how to explain that I was late for the enlistment. Grandpa always wanted me to be a soldier ever since I was a child, and he prefers that I become a pilot for two reasons.

One reason is that being an Air Force pilot is a nice dream. As a child, the old man always thought about flying in a fighter jet, and when his dreams were broken, he wanted me to realize it for him. The next reason is that the Air Force ranks in the top three in all of the military.

I am an only child, and I missed my chance. To tell you the truth, there is no risk of being killed by my family, but there will surely be complaints.

The phone has been ringing for some time now, and passersby keep looking in my direction to find the source of the ringing as they walk by. I am a little embarrassed when strangers look at me, and swipe the green answer button.

“Mom, what’s the matter?”

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