Chapter 12 Wanjun’s Shock

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The time flows like water, and it takes less than an hour to get to Beicheng from Fencheng. Xia has some regret that she hid away since the time was short, so short that she only said a few words to Qin before the passenger plane landed at Beicheng.

At the airport exit, Xia’s assistant Lin Xiaoqin pulls her suitcase along as they walk. Even after nearly an hour, the shock on her face still remains undiminished. This is the first time she has ever seen Qiange like this.

Qiange had changed seats with a boy to get from first class to economy class since she wanted to have a few words with Qin. This scene completely broke the impression Lin had of Qiange. She believed that the previous image of Qiange fitted her better, but had to swallow this other image of her.

“Who is this boy, to have President Xia…” Lin thinks out loud, as even a fool would know that there was a problem with that scene.

Xia absolutely loves the boy in front of her, so much so that she would chase after him. Xia Qiange, who is called Daxia’s national goddess by countless men, and who is pursued by countless successful people, is chasing after a boy. If this news were to spread, few people would believe it. What kind of charm does this boy have, that even Xia would chase after. Lin thinks it is somewhat unimaginable.


“Are you coming to Beicheng for something?” Xia asks.

“Yes,” I say with a slight nod.

Xia thinks about it and asks, “Will you be staying here for a long time? I will be in Beicheng for a while, so if you have time, let us have a meal together.”

For some reason, Xia felt nervous for no reason when it came to eating. This is the first time she has invited a boy to dinner, and her pretty face cannot help but turn slightly red.

“Yes, I would like to, but I may not have the time to,” I say.

This is not a polite refusal, but it is clear that after entering the Air Force Academy, I will not be as free as I am now. It is also not up to me to decide whether I can leave there or not. But when Xia mentioned the date, I can only respond like this.

Lin opens her mouth wide. This is the first time that Xia took the initiative to ask a boy for dinner, but she was rejected. Is this a straight man, or someone gay? Lin does not know, but what she saw really broke her views. It turns out it is not so easy to chase after a boy as good as Xia.

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“I’ll invite you next time when I’m free,” Xia says.

“Okay!” I respond with a smile.

“By the way, I heard that you dropped out of Daxia Institute of Technology?”

This is something that Xia doesn’t want to mention, but she still grits her teeth and asks because she is eager to know everything about me.

“I read what Zhang Yu said in the class group chat…”

Xia cannot help but to explain as she is afraid of my misunderstanding.

Zhang Yu? I think.

I have some impressions of him. We are high school classmates who went to the Daxia Institute of Technology, but the two of us have not crossed paths. Other students may not know about me dropping school, but he must.

“It is nothing. It is normal to be asked to drop out of school after two years of skipping class.”

I am as calm as ever when it comes to dropping out. Xia frowns slightly. In her impression of me, I am definitely not the kind of person who would often skip classes. Moreover, I have excellent academic performance, occupying first place every year. If I had not missed the college entrance exam, I would have gone to the Daxia Institute of Science and Technology.

Xia is smart and does not ask any further questions on the matter. This is the first meeting they have had in two years, and it is ending. It is not good to ask too many questions. Xia grasps this very well.

“Where are you going? I’ll take you there!” Xia asks.

“No, I will go by taxi,” I reply.

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Xia gives affirmation, and the two of us part ways. I take a taxi and leave.

“Master, to the Daxia Air Force Military Flight Command Academy.”

“It is a military-controlled area there, so I cannot go past the entrance.”

“It does not matter, just drop me off at the nearest place.”

The taxi quickly leaves the airport.

“Ms. Xia, is he your classmate?” Lin asks with a face full of curiosity.

“Well, high school classmates,” Xia replies. “When you have time, help me find out where the taxi went.”

“What?!” Lin opens her mouth and looks shocked.

What kind of magic did that boy cast to make Xia lose her temperament?

“Let’s go to the branch office.”


In the Daxia Air Force Military Flight Command College, Director’s office.

“Liu, congratulations,“ I say.

“It is all because of you, Dean Wanjun.”

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“You do not need to flatter me. You deserve it. Young men like you deserve to have more responsibilities put on you.”

“Thank you, Dean!”

“Okay, you can go back now.”

Liu walks out of my office with a smile. The promotion is done. Shortly after Liu leaves, my office phone rings.

“Chen? Shouldn’t he be developing the Pulse Detonation Engine?”

Although I am puzzled, I still answer the phone.

“Chen!” I shout with great enthusiasm, however, I am greeted by a storm-like threat from a war general.

“Wanjun, let me tell you, protect Qin well. If he has even the slightest accident, I cannot spare you, and neither can the country!” Chen warns.

“You bastard!”

When Chen’s voice came through to push the blame onto me, I am completely stunned. What did Laozi do?

“That’s it, hang up. I’m busy,” says Chen.

Before I have time to threaten back, I hear the constant beeping of the phone. For a moment, I am stunned, but in the next moment, I tremble. What a guy! I am threatened like this and am not given a chance to yell back! I feel a little aggrieved. Let me give him a piece of my mind.

Thinking like this, I quickly call back. However, the response I get is, “Hello, the phone you have dialed has been turned off.”

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I am about to cry. Chen definitely did this on purpose, and he even turned off his phone. Just when I am depressed, the phone rings again.

“Hey, just speak,” I say.

“President, there is a person named Qin looking for you at the door. He said that you will understand as long as I give you his name.”

Before this person can finish speaking, I suddenly understand why Chen called me and I cursed. Qin is here. The guy who developed the third generation aero engine and served as the chief engineer really came to the flight college. Suddenly, I feel that I was warned well, maybe even too lightly.

The most important weapon of the country has come to be a pilot, and I cannot have him get killed in a flight accident. But… I cannot be blamed for that! I am also innocent! I do not want Qin to come. Chen cannot keep his own people near him and threatens me, so of course, I am still aggrieved.

The guy who developed the third-generation aero-engine and served as the chief engineer of the third-generation aero-engine left the front line of scientific research and really came to the Daxia Air Force Military Flight Command College.

Suddenly, Xiao Wanjun felt that he was scolded well.

Chen Qi scolded a little too lightly.

The most important weapon of the country, he came to be a pilot, and Chen Qi did not come to kill him at the Daxia Air Force Military Flight Command College.

But… you can’t blame me for that!

I am also very innocent!

I didn’t want him to come.

You can’t keep people on your own, and you scold me, and I’m still aggrieved.

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