“Drop it!”

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When she turned towards the source of the sound, she saw a man and a woman who appeared to be nobles, engaged in a struggle. The man’s hand was wrapped around the woman’s waist, and her hand, raised as if to slap him, was also pinned down by the man.

“Lady, why are you behaving like this?”

“Your words are insulting. Count, I have already written my answer in the letter I sent.”

“Yes, you said in every letter you sent that you weren’t feeling well and couldn’t meet. But now that we’ve finally met, I wonder if it truly is fate.”

It seemed like he was turning down her rejection and was firmly holding onto some misconception.

“Um… Have you read the last sentence I wrote in my recent letter?”

“I’ve carefully read through the letters you sent multiple times. ‘Our situations and positions are too different, so I hope we can conclude that it’s not fate.’ It felt like my heart was being torn apart reading those words. Even if the relationship between you and my family isn’t great, wouldn’t it be possible for it to improve if you and I were to join together? That’s not a bad idea, isn’t it?”

Wait, to anyone it sounds like a rejection, right?

The strained tone felt as thick as cheese. Cordelia feigned a gagging motion, slowly looking around, but unfortunately, there was no one passing by. Well, at this point, choosing a location for such an ignoble act seemed unnecessary.

Letting out a light sigh, Cordelia walked toward where they were. Her movements were graceful, like that of a fox.

“Maybe this is a good time to establish the facts… Ugh!”

As the hand that had been fumbling around her waist attempted to move higher, the man let out a scream as his arm was grabbed and twisted lightly behind him by an ominous force. Cordelia exerted even more force to subdue the struggling man, causing his rough movements to knock his hat to the ground.

Looking at the man writhing in pain, Cordelia regarded him with a rather curious expression. She knew that she was different from a normal person, but it was surprising to be able to overpower him without much effort.

“Whether it’s a partnership or anything else, shouldn’t all relationships be based on consent? While suppressing a lady and demanding an answer doesn’t make for a very pleasant sight.”

“W-who, who are you!”

Turning his head with great effort to confirm Cordelia’s appearance, anger seeped into the man’s eyes. Perhaps he was convinced of her status as a servant based on her attire, as he confidently started to berate her.

“Let go of this! How dare a servant be so insolent!”

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“You’re Count Zern, aren’t you?”

At the precise mention of his name, the man flinched. Cordelia lifted the corner of her mouth in a smile, but her eyes were veiled, giving off a slightly sardonic vibe.

“If you intend to punish me, feel free to do so. However, I cannot say for certain whether His Majesty the King will find this commotion to his liking.”

Her calm yet commanding tone pressed upon the man. Anyone who knew about the King’s fondness for the Queen could easily imagine how he might react when confronted with a disturbance on the Queen’s birthday. The man, who had momentarily flinched, shouted back with an air of confidence as if wondering when he had ever been in such a situation.

“Are you trying to threaten me?”

“So, this was considered a threat. Good to know.”

Responding with a disdainful attitude, Cordelia released the man as if tossing him aside, blocking his view of the woman. Taking a few steps back and stumbling on his feet, the man barely managed to regain his balance, avoiding the embarrassing fall to the ground. His snake-like eyes scanned Cordelia from top to bottom.

Just as she was about to find that scrutinizing gaze unpleasant, the man openly expressed his displeasure.

“You should know your place, interfering in matters that are as vast as the sky! Get on your knees right now and beg for forgiveness!”

Despite his words, he seemed hesitant to come too close, almost as if fearing retaliation. It was a typical display of a coward, not quite willing to fully engage in confrontation.

Wow, it’s getting tiresome. Is this all he’s capable of saying? Cordelia suppressed the desire to roll her eyes and responded to the whining man with an even more polite tone. It was heightened to the point that it almost sounded mocking.

“It seems like your understanding is somewhat mistaken.”


“Count Zern, would it be acceptable to let the lady’s household know about this situation?”

As Cordelia calmly answered in her usual tone, a mixture of unease flickered across the man’s face. Despite clearly appearing as a servant, her manner of speech and gestures exuded a distinct air of nobility.

Could it be that she’s a real noble?

If their statuses were indeed equal, this situation wasn’t in his favor. Though he knew he should retreat, he gazed wistfully at the woman standing behind Cordelia.

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“…We’ve had an interruption. I’ll bid you farewell for now.”

With those words spat out, the man turned on his heel and swiftly departed. Trying to walk with an air of dignity, he managed to move fairly quickly, and Cordelia almost burst into laughter at the sight of his retreating figure.

Putting on airs, and he’s still as worthless as ever, that fool.

“Thank you for your assistance.”

Cordelia turned slightly as she heard the quietly ringing voice.

The woman was also someone Cordelia recognized. Lady Dahlia Follett, the daughter of Marquis Follett. She must have just passed the age of twenty.

Once again, she chewed on the mouse tail of the conscience of that damn Count. Roughly estimating, they must have had an age difference of more than ten years, yet with average wealth and looks, what audacity does he have?

She wondered how she got involved with such an unassuming person, but truthfully, she wasn’t all that curious. It was something that happened once in a while after making a name for oneself in social circles. Nonetheless, she asked out of courtesy.

“What brings you, a person of no acquaintance, to a place as remote as this?”

“I was just looking for a refreshing place to wander.”

From the faint sound of her voice in the distance, it seemed that the place wasn’t too far from the reception hall. A bit more walking, and it seemed they could enter an outdoor reception area.

Dahlia quietly asked Cordelia, who was picking up a fallen hat and brushing off the dirt.

“You, what’s your name?”

“Why do you wish to know the name of a lowly individual like me?”

Admitting that the confrontation just a moment ago was a lie was almost inevitable. Dahlia’s brown eyes narrowed as she looked at Cordelia, who was pressing the hat tightly onto her head.

“I’m not concerned about your origins, I asked for your name.”

Damn it, this is why nobles are like this!

“Oh, right! My master had an urgent task for me, that’s why I had to go. Please be careful on your way back.”

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Ignoring Dahlia, Cordelia started running in the opposite direction from where the reception hall was presumed to be. Noah was already involved in a situation, so she didn’t want to add any more issues.

Swiftly turning around the corner of the building, Cordelia, who had been diligently running in the direction of the road, didn’t notice someone walking beside her. By the time she realized it, it was already too late.

Noah reflexively shook off the hand that touched his shoulder. The man who had grabbed him with an ice-cold touch chuckled smugly, shrugging his shoulders.

“Aren’t you a bit much? Can’t even say hello?”

He was a man with curly brown hair and a self-assured smile. Handsome in a charming way, his face seemed suitable for both seriousness and a light-hearted flirtation, someone who would easily indulge in some escapades before getting married. His cheeks were slightly flushed as if he had been drinking.

“Who are you?”

“You’re still as cheeky as ever. Putting on such a cold front right after we meet.”

Seeing him burst into laughter as if he found it amusing, it was clear that he had grasped the situation in an instant. He seemed to have been in a relationship with Cordelia before.

 ‘Well, I’ve been dating a few people… They might strike up a conversation at the event. But it’s all neatly organized, so there’s no need to worry!’

While she spoke confidently about everything else, the image of Cordelia hesitatingly sharing this fact flashed in his mind.

Noah wasn’t completely oblivious. Just from her attitude towards him, Cordelia was well-versed in dealing with men. So, it was likely that she had substantial experience with relationships.

Furthermore, despite the casual tone, there was a lingering hint of regret in the man’s gaze that he couldn’t quite shake off. Noah responded coolly as Cordelia had advised.

“You got dumped because you deserved to be dumped.”

Repeating Cordelia’s words verbatim, the man let out a sigh.

“Yeah, I guess I misspoke. My bad. But just because I did, does that mean you should cut ties so abruptly as if you’re cutting down weeds? Even I would get hurt by that.”

“I gave you a chance. I don’t understand why you’re talking as if it’s my fault that the relationship ended.”

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Noah spoke softly as he glanced around. He noticed the occasional sidelong glances in his direction. He had to be cautious, as mishandling the situation here could lead to unfavorable rumors.

“Why are you saying such things? I’m just saying what comes to mind, but have you finally cured that remarkable commitment issue of yours?”

“Commitment issue?”

“When you approached, you were fearless, but when it came to a simple kiss, you acted so high and mighty. I thought you would be just as proactive in that area, but I guess you’re just another noblewoman after all.”

His voice grew loud enough to be noticed by those around them as if he was openly trying to embarrass her. Of course, if it were Cordelia, she might have scoffed and brushed it off, feigning nonchalance. But Noah wasn’t Cordelia. His face turned pale as if he had been personally insulted, and he stared at the man silently.

“…Talking as if you’ve analyzed every detail.”


“Based on how you talk, you must have gossiped about me too when we were dating, right? With your posh friends behind my back, saying all sorts of things about me.”

Such conversations were common when groups of men gathered. Noah had heard these stories countless times whenever he happened to socialize. He deliberately sighed and rubbed his forehead, feeling almost exasperated.

“I guess you don’t have anything to boast about. If you can’t tear down your opponent, you’re left with nothing, how pitiable.”

His voice tinged with a smile as he mockingly spoke, growing loud enough to be heard by those around. This time, it was the man’s turn to get irritated. As Noah provoked, he noticed that there were quite a few people nearby. A blatant brawl here was out of the question.

However, Noah underestimated the fact that the man had been drinking quite a bit. While not completely incapable of distinguishing reality, he was intoxicated enough to act impulsively.

The man gnashed his teeth and then reached out with a clumsy, aggressive gesture as if to grab Noah once again. Not taking his eyes off the man, Noah subtly moved to the side, evading his hand while discreetly tripping him. The man fell ungracefully to the ground.

The tablecloth that had been covering a nearby table shot upwards along with his movements, then descended in a cascade over the man’s body. Amidst the onlookers, a burst of laughter erupted. Once it started, it seemed unstoppable; one by one, others began to chuckle. Covered in cream like a cake mishap, the man extricated himself from the tablecloth and stood up abruptly, his face flushed.

Looking at Noah, who seemed to be wide-eyed and oblivious, the man’s face turned shades of red and blue.

“Enough of this!”

“How about stopping around here?”

A stern voice cut in between them, wedging itself into the situation.

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