“Speaking of which, if he’s Count Elan’s…”

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However, rather than asking that question, Cordelia changed the topic, and although Noah sensed her discomfort from her expression, he didn’t point it out and moved on.

“He’s the lord who governs this city. He’s also my previous client.”

A person who requested to capture the essence of city life in their painting. Normally, commissions would involve history, religion, or portraits. People wouldn’t usually request depictions of their city’s scenery.

When the guild first received this commission, most of Noah’s colleagues were reluctant. True, the pay was generous, but it wouldn’t significantly improve one’s reputation. Moreover, his conditions for the contract were quite demanding.

Noah was the only one intrigued by the commission. His circumstances were different from his fellow guild members, who had to worry about making ends meet. This allowed him to approach it with interest in both the technique and the subject matter.

The noble who received the finished artwork was extremely pleased, and Noah also remembered it as an enjoyable job, so it was a positive experience for both of them. Having worked on the project for quite some time and having encountered the noble in person, Noah could somewhat grasp the Count’s personality. At the very least, he wasn’t the type to abuse his power for personal gain.

“Still, thanks to you, it managed to end well somehow.”

“It’s not thanks to me, but to you, Cordelia.”


“The man’s attitude started changing after he saw your face.”

Noah lifted his head a bit more and locked eyes with Cordelia. Her irises, meeting his gaze, were as vividly blue as the sky.

Suddenly, a thought crossed her mind. Were her eyes this color?

‘Do you know lapis lazuli? Pigments made from grinding that gemstone are the only ones that produce a vibrant blue. Just like Cordelia’s eyes…’

Suddenly, remembering what Noah had just said, Cordelia fanned her fevered face lightly.

Blue eyes are quite common, what’s the big deal?

Then, a small child passed by Cordelia, reaching up to her waist. Without realizing it, Cordelia instinctively touched her waist at an uncomfortable sensation. A small dagger, a leather belt, and…


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The moment Cordelia realized her purse was missing, she looked back. Seeing the small figure blending into the crowd and getting farther away, her legs carried her in that direction without her conscious control.

“Hey, stop there!”

” Cordelia!”

Cordelia felt Noah, who was startled and following behind her, but she ran with all her might. Although it was a small amount compared to her fortune, being taken advantage of wasn’t her style.

As they entered a quieter street, the child suddenly darted into an alleyway on the left side between two buildings. Following their back view and turning into the alley, Cordelia saw a figure standing still between the dead-end walls.

“That brat—!”

Daring to pick someone else’s pocket? Quite audacious.

Muttering such thoughts, as she attempted to approach, the child turned around to look. The unremarkable brown hair covered the child’s face messily, yet through that, violet-tinged eyes gleamed, staring directly at Cordelia.

Appearing nonchalant but with a sharp gaze that felt like it could pierce through walls, Cordelia instinctively stopped in her tracks. There were about five steps left between them.

The child’s small lips produced a sound, almost a mutter.

“Weaker against provocation than I thought, aren’t you?”

As if calmly inquiring, a deep voice that was unexpectedly composed touched Cordelia’s nerves. It was a pleasant voice, yet oddly unsettling. With both hands on her waist, Cordelia skillfully suppressed her sense of alertness.

“Who are you?”

This was no ordinary human. Cordelia sensed that the sounds around her had vanished in an instant. Due to her frequent visits to Linus, she could speculate about what kind of sensation this was referring to.

Magic. She realized she was currently within someone’s barrier. As she recalled this fact, she became conscious of the texture of the gloves she was wearing.

“Judging by appearances… you’re not a priest, are you? Then, are you a mage from a foreign country?”

The child, who had been observing Cordelia’s various conjectures with an expressionless face, responded.

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“My master has business to attend to with the woman you are accompanying.”

“Is that why you separated me from her?”

Upon uttering this bluntly, the child remained silent once again. It seemed that not speaking about unpleasant matters was their forte.

“You find this amusing, huh? Just because you detached me doesn’t mean she’s defenseless. Her protector isn’t just me.”

It’s not like no part of her believed she was Cordelia. She couldn’t be taken away peacefully when she had her guards. But the possibility that crossed her mind made her blood run cold.

“You don’t mean you’re going to take me hostage and drag her here.”

“It seems your mind is quite active.”

“This is incredibly rude!”

Cordelia retorted with incredulity to the child, who spoke with a dry tone.

“Would you come along willingly?”

If she were to go along obediently here, she’ll be a dog, not Cordelia. Moreover, considering Noah’s situation, she had to get back as soon as possible. It would complicate things if she were perceived as trying to escape.

Regretting her hot-headedness after a long time, Cordelia chose to throw the dice rather than hesitate. 

“Hey, kiddo. I get that you’re a mage. But do you think I’d just blindly follow you without a trace of doubt?”

When she raised her voice, a hint of tension flashed across the child’s face. And in that instant, Cordelia charged toward the child as if lunging.

* * *

“Who are you?”

While chasing after Cordelia, Noah stopped in his tracks upon seeing the men blocking his path. His crimson cloak fluttered down from his shoulders as he moved slowly.

“Our master wishes to have a conversation with the young lady. Will you come with us?”

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Their tone was polite, but an underlying pressure could be sensed. Furthermore, the fact that they appeared right after Cordelia disappeared was anything but a coincidence.

With the cloak wrapped around him, it was not easy to discern the features of his attire. He appeared to be around the age of twenty. If it were his original body, he might have considered running away, but Cordelia’s body lacked the stamina he expected.

‘Could it be that the little kid from earlier…’

“I don’t intend to follow unknown individuals who won’t disclose their identities and intentions. However, you should start by revealing who you are.”

Noah replied coldly and subtly glanced behind without anyone noticing. The guards he had assigned to Cordelia would soon catch up. He needed to buy time until then.

“When you ask such a question, my master instructed me to respond this way.”


“‘Why bother asking when you’ve probably figured it all out anyway?”

‘Then, I will see you in Rete.’

He truly didn’t want to admit it, but he had no choice. As soon as he heard those words, a glimpse of silver hair flashed through his mind. The echo of a nonchalant voice seemed to linger in his ears, prompting him to shake his head as if to shake off irritation.

“Well, yes, that’s true…”

As if lost in thought, Noah trailed off before answering after a brief pause, deliberately making himself sound flustered—like someone caught off guard.

“Why did you leave my companion behind? Are you aware that this could become a diplomatic issue?”

“They said they didn’t intend to cause harm.”

“However, that doesn’t mean the rudeness disappears.”

He attempted to step back hesitantly, but one of the men at the forefront grabbed Noah’s arm.

“Please forgive the rudeness.”

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“Let go of me!”

Noah tried to pull his trapped arm back, but he couldn’t overcome the strong grip. While it might have been manageable with his original body, he felt uncertain and conflicted within Cordelia’s body.

As Noah seemed to comply and relax his body, the man’s grip softened slightly, guiding Noah more gently. However, the moment the grip weakened, Noah forcefully jerked his arm away.


The man let out a cry of pain, clutching his hand. Did Noah hit him that hard? Noah’s gaze shifted to the hand that had just been holding him.

The instant he saw a small dagger embedded in the man’s hand, Noah stumbled backward. The individuals behind the man simultaneously drew their swords.


Noah’s back and head collided with something akin to a wall. Slowly turning around, he came face to face with someone standing solidly behind him.

With his cropped jet-black hair and well-defined features, the man appeared to be in his mid-thirties. His square shoulders and a particularly sturdy frame made his skeletal structure stand out. His hands, which were resting on Noah’s shoulders, were calloused.

“What are a bunch of guys like you doing to a woman? Lack of manners, is it?”

The cool voice cut through the silence with a sense of authority. While his laughter-tinged crescent-shaped eyes had a certain charm, the man’s navy blue irises appeared chillingly cold. Standing close, Noah could distinctly feel that contrast.

“Stay out of others’ business. This concerns us.”

“Calling it others’ business, why so bitterly? Acting all self-righteous.”

No matter what was said from the other side, the man seemed indifferent, as if he heard it with one ear and let it out the other.

“Hey there, miss. It’s been a while.”

Seeing the face smiling at him, Noah found it oddly familiar and unconsciously mumbled.


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