Episode 34. Chapter 5: Individual Circumstances

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“Making interesting sounds, huh?”

Looking down at the man who knelt with one knee in front of him and bowed his head, the blond prince, who had just shed his boyishness, spoke with a cold voice.

“You claim you’ll follow me, but one should doubt the truth of those words. Are there not those who wish to undermine me, just like your father?”

Only then did the man lift his head to gaze at the prince. The determined light in his deep blue, almost navy-colored eyes was intense.

“That’s precisely why.”


“Isn’t it better to harbor resentment than favor for the same thing? Doesn’t it unite us more?”

Finally, the boy looked more closely at the young knight’s slightly flushed face, examining the emotions concealed beneath his earnest gaze. The moment he caught a glimpse of the simmering anger beneath the straightforward expression, he burst into a hollow laugh.

“You are the heir of Borderois. If you stay silent like this, you’ll gain many things in the future.”

He didn’t know if negotiating with his father would lead to an easier path. Was the result of his greed, accumulated to the point where it extended even to the king’s stepdaughter, who had already become an adult and had several children, really not tempting?

In response to that implicit question, the man answered firmly.

“A castle built on sand cannot stand for long. It shouldn’t be that way either.”

A clean and composed gaze, entirely different from his father’s, caught his attention.

“I won’t deny anything except my bloodline.”

The boy had met many people until now. He had also heard rumors about the knight in front of him. It was clear he was a capable individual, but accepting him would inevitably put him at odds with Borderois.

Was he a worthy opponent? His assessing gaze scanned the knight’s face.

“I believe you know my worth well enough. If you accept me now, I swear to serve faithfully as your blade.”

“I wonder why you chose me, of all people. Aside from authenticity, I’m a human with no significant background.”

The man spoke, as he looked down on the prince who had grown up neglected, despite his intimate understanding of the power wielded by the family that used the queen as a pawn for their authority.

“Indeed, I’ve learned that all problems must adhere to the most fundamental principles. Furthermore, Your Highness, do you not possess the capability to uphold that?” 

“Your words are smooth.”

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As if saying, “Go ahead, I’m listening,” the man lifted his head and opened his eyes, his heavy-lidded mouth finally parting.

“I do have one request, however.”

“What is it?”

The man slowly and cautiously spoke, his words drawn out.

“When all of this is over… grant me one wish. Whatever it may be, I hope you’ll promise to grant it.”

The man maintained his detached demeanor throughout, but the boy detected a strand of urgency in his voice. Despite the perilous nature of the request, the boy didn’t hesitate to respond.

“In the name of the royal family, I pledge.”

As acceptance was secured, the knight withdrew the sword that was strapped to his waist and extended it toward the boy with both hands, grasping the blade. The boy holding the scabbard lightly raised the tip of the sword to his shoulder.

The man began to intone solemnly, 

“Tiren Borderois. Swearing by the name given to me, I pledge allegiance to my liege before me.”

And after a long time, when his family had finally fallen, Tiren confronted the now-king boy. The king, who had grown into a dazzling and poised figure like a splendid flower, casually spoke.

“So, have you come to make a wish?”

Looking at the king who questioned him before he could speak, Tiren’s eyes filled with bitterness.

“It seems you’ve already guessed what my wish is.”

“You’re good in every way, but you’re inexperienced at hiding your emotions.”

“That’s why I haven’t even visited you all this time….”

He sighed disapprovingly and wiped his face with his hand. After harboring a wish for a very long time and putting it into words, the king, who had been quietly listening, chuckled and spoke.

“So, is your intention to let a potential cause of rebellion go?”

“You know Your Highness Ian, don’t you? He’s not someone who would harbor such intentions.”

“Even a blank slate can be easily stained. You must know how changeable politics can be.”

The cold voice pointed out the truth.

“Even if you have no intentions of betrayal yourself, the circumstances surrounding the child may not allow it.”

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In response to the questioning gaze that asked if he was prepared to handle that, Tiren answered without hesitation.

“I will stake my life and honor to ensure that he’ll never become a threat to King’s reign.”

* * *

“Are you okay?”

Since the outlines of the castle became visible in the distance, Noah had been gazing out the window of the carriage, unable to contain his unease.

“Why worry so much?”

“I’m just concerned that Cordelia might end up in an uncomfortable situation.”

Noah cautiously expressed his thoughts.

“You know my perspective. Getting entangled with a family of rebels is no light matter.”

“It wasn’t your grandfather who caused the rebellion, and Borderois is already in decline, isn’t it?”

“It hasn’t been that long since it happened. As long as I’m still around, problems may arise in the future.”

He didn’t seem flustered or downtrodden. He displayed a nonchalant attitude as if simply admitting facts.

“Brother… From King’s perspective, it would be much easier to get rid of me. I’m indebted to him for sparing my life, like a pardon.”

He had already guessed that some kind of deal had been made between his elder brother and his uncle. But regardless, his mother aside, keeping himself alive was a different issue. He had been unsure of his resolve, which had been causing him to shrink away until now.

‘Do what you need to in your position, Ian. You probably don’t want to shed more blood.’

What could his elder brother possibly be thinking?

“So, I want to live without causing any trouble in the future.”

He wanted to preserve the current peace. A faint shadow crossed Noah’s face as he smiled warmly. Cordelia was about to retort.


“Lady, we’ve arrived!”

The energetic voice of the coachman cut through their conversation. Noah adjusted his hat and stepped out of the carriage, shielding his face. Cordelia, who had been glaring at the back of his head, followed suit.

Although the Callisto Castle owned by the Weichens couldn’t compare to Debron’s, it was still a sizable and beautiful castle. Walking through the rose-filled garden, they spotted a well-dressed middle-aged man coming out of the main entrance.

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“Oh! Welcome, Cordy!”


Cordelia rushed over and hugged him tightly. Isaac, patting her back in greeting, had a bright smile on his face.

“My dear, your letter arrived a day ago. Tiela was fussing about cleaning the castle right away.”

“Is Mother inside?”

“She’s gone out for a bit. She’ll be pleased to know you’ve arrived.”

“I came here because…”

“Tell Rick it’s a secret. Right, right. I got the gist of it. By the way, who’s the one standing behind?”

The gray-tinged blue eyes stared intently at Noah standing behind Cordelia. Nervous and fidgety, he clenched and unclenched his fists before finally speaking.

“Hello. My name is Noah. I…”

“Ah, Noah, huh! So, what’s your relationship with our Cordy?”

“What? No, it’s not…”

“My guest! He’s a very, very important person, so treat him well like you would me!”

“Ah, a very, very important person. Seriously, what’s this…”

Stepping back in astonishment from her astonished father, Cordelia winked playfully.

“I’m hungry, Father. I want to drink as well.”

“Huh? Oh, well, let’s do that then. I’ve prepared a meal hastily… No, wait!”

As Cordelia dragged Noah inside, holding his hand, Isaac watched with a deflated chuckle. Scratching his head, he muttered under his breath.

“This girl’s a handful.”

After finishing a belated lunch, Noah said he wanted to rest and returned to his room first. Of course, it was less about actually wanting to rest and more about giving Cordelia and her father space to converse, which Cordelia was well aware of.

Sitting on the sofa placed at the center of the study, where her father spent most of his time, Cordelia opened her mouth.

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“Father, I have something to say.”

“Yes, our youngest. What favor do you want this time?”

Though he spoke as if scolding, affection flowed in his voice that was irresistibly gentle. No matter how infamous her father was outside, it didn’t feel real. With that thought in her mind, Cordelia began speaking.

“I met Duke Persique in Rete.”


She summarized the events that had taken place when she visited the lodgings where the duke was staying. Isaac finally opened his tightly sealed lips, his voice heavy.

“I did give him permission, it’s true.”

“Why on earth?”

Isaac hesitated with his answer, a rare occurrence. After looking around and sighing, he spoke to Cordelia.

“You seem to take a liking to the duke.”

“That’s one aspect, but I’m curious about why you would do something like that. It’s not like you.”

“Can you just pretend you haven’t heard anything I say in this room?”

“If you’re involved in a serious crime, I can’t promise that.”

“Mmph, your old man is so pitiful!”

At Isaac’s exclamation that seemed to cry out in injustice, Cordelia responded with an irritated tone.

“The duke’s wine was quite good. Father, you have a heart as expansive as an open field when it comes to alcohol gifts. So, I was just wondering.”

“Sure, we do import wine from that region! But, that’s not what this is about!”

“Well then, what is it?”

Isaac stared at Cordelia’s grinning face for a while, then covered his mouth as a sigh escaped. He had always been fond of her, and facing a face that so closely resembled his wife’s, his heart involuntarily softened.

He must be getting old too.

“While interacting with the principality, we have been receiving certain information.”

“No, then…”

“It’s a special request from His Majesty the King.”

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