Book 1 ch 3 · “- – Sakura, I want you to marry me”

The knight who was grabbing my hand, glanced at Winsel with puzzlement.

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“Why is Winsel- instructor is here — Um,is this girl perhaps?”


“Sakura” The person who came with Winsel-san replied to the knight tightly grabbing my hand.

One glance at his clothes, and it became clear that he is knight too. However, now it is a rose flower drawn on the necklace insignia.He is representative of the Orfen Knights, second of the three Knights orders surrounding the Kingdom. He is too was looking at me with surprised face.


Not really black,but grayish hair and eyes.

That person who seemed to have serious look on the face, dressed in knight uniform, with shiny polished shoes.

If you wonder how to compare a man to a flower, but the knight here seems to suit the lily’s insignia. Not as eye catching as a large rose, but white and clean, dignified lily flowers.


Analyzing the situation, Mr.Winsel says “Some of the knights got chosen for their beauty, and the appearance is also important for everyone of them.”


“You, you do not remember them? Its Vios and Ruiz. They had outstanding sword techniques.” Although their technique may be excellent, there is almost no memory of it in my head.

For a kitchen lady everyone is like cute sons, whether it is excellent or not.

Even though I remember their likes and dislikes, I hardly remember who was excellent either archery or in swordsmanship.

A year had passed by, but i seem to remember those names.


Four pairs of eyes looking at me.

I move my brains hard to remember anything about these boys that i attended to for a year


“What? Did you remember now?! “

With three pairs of shining eyes and somewhat dissatisfied Ciel’s line, I nodded

“I remembered!”


“You are Vios that have been scolded well by Winsel-san’s for not eating your rice properly? You are the one who hates carrots

And Ruis hates pumpkin and potatoes,crawling into my bed being afraid of the ghosts?

Both of you have grown well !”


Smiling awkwardly at my remark, two knights lowered their heads. Ciel cast a strange gaze


Winsel gave out a big lough.


When Ruiz understood that i was not going to ran away he gently released my hand.

While staring at the fingertips pulling away, he turned his eyes to the left hand connected to Ciel.

Ciel who was gripping my hand tightly was giving of a feeling of superiority.


“You are adults now i guess’…… not older than 12 years old before..yet


Vios was the only one who used the honorific language for me in that dormitory.

I felt like old lady facing the children that grew up in a blink of an eye.


Although I remember it bit by bit, Ruiz of that time had a really cute face, almost like a girls.

Now he gives of a feeling of real man thought. Both of them grew bigger, but they still left in me the shadow of that time.

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“Sakura haven’t changed at all,even though  it’s been ten years already.”

“Thats because I am still 20 years old.”

How funny, half of the boys who made fun of me with “baba” word would be slightly older than me, and rest are about my age.


To escape noisy questions of the two i decided to explain it right away.


“So,  Sakura,what will you do from now on?”

“I will be taking care of Ciel at Winsel-san’s home”

Surprised by my words they started to glare at Winsel.

What’s wrong? I tilted my head,


Ruiz threw disapproving sentence:

“Winsel instructor, is not it

wrong ?”


“What babysitting, i thought you were going to merry Ciel?”


“Hu~~uh? What are you talking about! Ciel is still a child and we have only met today. Open your eyes, i don’t know what gear got loose in your head but Ruiz, but that’s absolutely impossible “


I was ashamed of such remark! Ciel sorry! Ciel must surely have  younger and cuter girlfriend!

Beyond my line of sight in the storm of confusion Winsel laughs cheekily.


“Was i found out?”

“Found out what? It’s surely Ruiz’s misunderstanding !”

Sometimes boys over think things greatly i would say.


“No,I don’t mind if Sakura became the bride. I can cherish Sakura”

“Shush, i’m sorry but Ciel could you stay silent for a while, Big sister is having grown up talk right now”


“Hei,Winsel. What are you trying to press on your son!”


Couldn’t help myself in rising my voice out loud

“Please explain yourselves right now!”




“Declining fertility rate of girls?” Apparently, from around 20 years ago, it seems that in this world — not nationwide – but globally – girls are rarely born.

The birth rate of men and women was roughly 1: 1 just like in my world. However, now it is said that the proportion is 7: 1. In other words, when 8 children are born, there is only one girl among them.


If I look closely, there are certainly almost no females on the streets.Excluding children there were only two girls among around of 20 people on the streets.


“So that’s what happened?”

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Ruiz looked down on me with pity.


“Like this, now it’s hard to find a bride anywhere in the country. Especially in the countryside, as girls are born, they are often bought by aristocrats or frivolous raptors,how rude Winsel-san, to take the only girl to marry into your house..”


“No, no, just wait a minute, no matter how you think about it, there is great age difference! And I am a person from another world!”


“I think if it’s Sakura, it will not be an obstacle with the age gap or world origin, as it almost the time for Winsel’s  son to search for a bride. The way Sakura thinks is really childish”


“Wait a moment, this conversation is not going anywhere, i’ll pay no attention to the first half of it, as it is laughable. But the last part of it! How dare you to say that i think like a child, when just a while ago you was the one!” And perhaps, it is not a joke from the atmosphere of everyone. Winsel-san is an adult parent, and it is his duty to find a good wife wor his child. And there is no girls of the same age as Ciel.No, I mean, Ciel is still a child! I am an adult!

And what will i do if they refuse to give me work until i agree to the marriage? Will i be searching for work again…or maybe..even selling myself away…Wait..get a hold of yourself..maybe i should say to postpone the decision and work while Ciel growing up, there is a lot of time ahead and everything could be changed. And for us it would be a win-win relationship.

My inner voice troubled me with those thoughts, what should i say to make situation favorable to myself. I am not a shotacon thought, why should i even have thoughts of marrying Ciel.


“Sakura, it was bad to cheat you in this, but i didn’t have a thought doing anything against your will. I do not mean to marry Ciel with force, if you say you do not want to do it i will understand.For the time being you could just stay as playing partners, until i find a proper girl for him  ”


” But, ”


While i was in deep thoughts,  realised that Vios took my left hand politely, while my right hand was still held by Ciel.


“— Sakura, marry me.”


Everyone, including me, were shocked by words of Vios and froze.


Ciel pulls my arm angrily,and says  “Sakura is returning home!”

Winsel san : “Hey,hey, why all of a sudden?”


Next it was Ruiz who said:

“Then I want you to marry me too!”



I made a mistake.


What is going on with these guys.

The very first proposal in my life began with a ridiculous scene.


4·”· · ·That’s how women came to have 7 husband’s “

“I want you to marry me.“

To the sudden proposal from the two of them blew up my mind, I raised my voice saying

“Wait!!” And Winsel had to put his hand on my mouth to stop me from disturbing the streets.


“Let’s move somewhere, for the time being, it’s not good for you to discuss such topic in this place,” Winsel said

,Vioz and Ruiz kept their eyes on each other and nodded in approvement.

I closed my mouth and I became aware of the surrounding gazes..

And eventually i was dragged into small place that resembles a bar. Unlike untidy and dirty establishments that fill this world, this place seemed to be not so bad. With 5 counters and 5 tables on the first floor, and private rooms on the second floor. We were led upstairs, which turned to be inn quarters.

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In a small room with 2 bed, i sat down on one of them, while being disturbed by whole situation i gouged my brow. Ciel naturally sat next to me. Winsel took place near the exit while Vios and Ruiz sat in front of me.

Before someone could say anything, i opened my mouth.

“I don’t have plan on marrying anyone in this world.” I resolutely cleared my intentions of rejecting the proposal.


Vias asked “Then, what are you planning to do?”

“I will take the work, i don’t have a choice anyway?”

It was about a time for the dishes to be placed.

Ruiz let out a deep sigh.

It’s so rude of him to suddenly bring up this topic, even though we haven’t met for a long time, and even thought he was running around calling ‘Sakura, Sakura’ all the time, as if i was his real mother.

“I do not understand sakura at all, it is forbidden for women to work outside the public for the past five years now.”

“What??? What do i do?” I nervously exclaimed after hearing Ruiz’s explanation.

He tilted his head with the “Got it now?” emotion.

“It’s dangerous for women to wander around and be away from the home, it is not strange that they will be bought by the people even while they are at work. Of course it is a different story for a married women, so to say,do you want to work even while knowing this?.”

Of course i wasn’t thinking of walking around alone,beside the time i travelled back here and was picked up by Winsel san,no i don’t want to be taken… never.I stole a glance at Winsel and our eyes me.

Ruiz seemed to notice our eye contact and protested.“Sakura, you are surely not thinking of that?” With all his might showing me that it is not n option anymore.

“I haven’t, i haven’t thought of being by myself at all. As i just arrived here today” I hurriedly threw of Ruiz suspicion.

“Anyway…it’s as Sakura thinks , for now it’s impossible to work on your own.”

” Well, that’s … but … there are public institutions, maybe it will be okay there?”

“Sakura, the problem is that you would have to understand not only this countries writings, but other countries too.If you have an outstanding talent then you could try thought”




“As i said it earlier, it is impossible right now”

As i was lost was words and couldn’t find my reason’s i got a  ‘That’s what i was trying to tell you’ sign from Vios.

The deep gray eyes do not express much emotion, but they are always bold.

I remember him, 10 years younger then now, asking what is xxx with those eyes,

what are those 18 dangerous themes. I couldn’t reply to them that time.

“That’s why,please marry me!”

“I said it will not be like this! He irritated me.


Ruiz turned to Winsel

“What is going to happen to Sakura, if as you say engagement with your sun is forced. I guess it will not be okay to hire her as a guardian at Winsel’s place ,who will be responsible if she got kidnapped?

At the last words Mr. Winsel. nodded,

“Well…it’s true that..”

“I will defend her!” Ciel interrupted in high spirit.

Ruiz laughs with a snore. He also sent a fresh look at Vios.

Even though they are adult knights, how can they fight over it with little Ciel?

Sakura was trying to console Ciel warmly with her maternal instinct.

“It seems this child still needs to rely on Sakura, Why don’t you come back 10 years later?”

” It is not a question of protecting her or not, surely we will. “As Ruiz repels, Vios in a polite manner.


“Ciel i thank you, but it’s ok. You don’t have to protect me” Luiz is dissatisfied with the direction of the topic, and Vios stature gets smaller like a puppy.

I was molested only 3 times in my life, twice in the train by some perverted old man.

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The first time I was stroked on my ass, the second time I was grabbed on the butt.

I could not find the culprit, as it ended within the confusion of “What happened just now!?”

When i think again about how i was touched and groped in this way,Ciel, who was sitting next to me, stood up quickly.




What’s up? As I asked, he caught my eyes full of tears and ran over to Winsel.

Mr. Winsel, who took the ciel, showed father’s face full of reason.

The knights paled, remembering who is this demon instructor.

At first, I thought there was something that hurt the boy’s heart.

“Ciel, what’s wrong?”

“… … Sakura, I will definitely will take you for myself”


Eh? what?

To me who can not understand the situation at all, Ciel repeated.


“So — you can marry them for now,but be sure to leave me place too!”

I inclined my head. I did not intend to marry either of these two people in the first place.

I rub Ciel ‘s back  while he sobs, Mr. Winsel smiles bitterly.

After that, I spun the words that tore the atmosphere.


“No, I am not a Shotakon,” Unintentionally i got mad at everyone gazing at me with expecting eyes.


But Winsel went through brilliantly and looked to Luiz and Vios. Two knights took their eyes off me and remembered the days when they were told by a demon instructor, gently diverted his line of sight.

After laughing at it, Winsel looked at me.

“Sakura, did you understand what Ciel said to you right now?”

“Well,I do not really.” Mr. Winsel drops a big bomb to me who tilts her head while floating with a large number of question marks above her head.


“I guess it was a long time already? But, in this world Only after one get married he will finally be recognized as a person — The law amendment was done two years ago. Do you know what it is? ”

Lecturing me as if i was his student he resumed.

“It is possible for same-sex marriage between men “



Mr. Winsel blow out.

Ruiz and Vios make distorted face.


“…… That’s how women came to have 7 husbands.”


Vios answers for Winsel.

“And this is the right answer” Winsel prizes. Ruiz lightly shrugged his shoulders, Ciel clung to Mr. Winsel even more.


“That can’t be true!” Voice escapes my throat.

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