I got up the next morning, Vias wasn’t next to me.

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Instead, there was a scribbling, in summary it said,

“I have to go to job, because I have work to do, so please relax for today if your body feels strange.”

Although it feels strange,  the feeling of the lip and tongue planted on me last night still remains on my skin.

“… … Let’s get up”

Cleaning, washing, etc. Let’s do it. My mind want's to be distracted.

While thinking so, I took off a night dress and tried to wear a dress that one of my mother-in-law gave me.


I screamed.

Hearing the scream someone suddenly opened the dore.

“What happened — oh my, I’m sorry for intruding!”

It seems that someone who guards around the house misunderstood my scream,and a big man came in.

But I was alone in the room, I was half naked just wearing panties … I wanted to die from shame.

Why must i have to be seen naked all the time.


“Oh, the kiss trace …!!”

Last night I wasn't aware that

“I am covered in kiss marks”

But the traces left were more numerous than I had expected.

To the extent that it seemed like sickness, traces of lips are left everywhere.

In the traces, the act of last night revived, I crawled into the bed again “Uwaaa!”

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Vias idiot!

I returned to the bed.


It seems apparently that the knight has some freedom here, taking two shift system or three shift system, work time and free time,. Everyday time is torn in pieces.

When I was making bread for dinner and supper, suddenly the entrance door opened with great momentum.

I was surprised by the sound that I heard from the kitchen, and I thought

“Just what is?”

To the sound of approaching footsteps.

However, he opened the door vigorously and seemed a little tired, Louise.

My heart skip a beat. I do not have any more suitable words then

"Welcome back home"

to welcome the landlord. My ordinary greeting, but Louise ran over to me.

Hugged as it is, kissing “forehead” and "Cheeks".

I remembered that feeling from last night’s Vias, and tried to get out of those arms gently, but Louise will not release me.

“Louise, I cann't move … …”

He was sticking to my back with hug from behind.

Louise calls out my name “Sakura”  with so much happiness.

“Sakura, were you missing me alone last night?”

I could not say that Vias is a culprit here , and I shook my head as loose as I could.

“No, no problem. You worked hard”

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I remembered last night and Louise blink at me who is dead tired.

The long eyelashes moved.

“Sakura, what’s wrong?

I do not feel very well, but before I say that there is no ” such a thing ” ,Louise removes his arms and turns me around.

As I was half-rotated,I looked face-to-face with him, looking at me he said

“You sure it's not a cold?”

I shook my head, differently it's not it, denying, but Louise said

“Heat, headaches, abdominal pain, bodily injury”

“I'm fine, it's nothing like this"

It seems that Louise who inquires as if he seriously concerned about my physical condition.

I am thankful for that kindness and maybe he a nicer guy than Vias, who did terrible things last night.

Even though I was robbed of the first kiss by Louise yesterday, and i didn't allow him to touch my chest, he tried to remove the dress from the top, but yesterday's tension was just gone.

I came up with such a ridiculous idea, I remembered the event of last night and my face got hot. I could not believe that I would actually do such a shameful thing.When closing my eyes tightly i felt like i was cheating, but Louise is still worried,

“If you feel bad anywhere, let's call a doctor?” Softly embraced me.

“Waaa, wait a little!”

I suddenly got lifted up, grabbed by Louise i was pressed against his clothes,nearly experiencing sense of floating.

Louise gently whispered “I will not drop you absolutely, but cling to my neck if you are scared.”

“Umm, really, I'm okay.”

“Nope, Sakura is always overworking herself, do you know how many times you decieved me 10 years ago?”

Many times, it should have not been so many times at all.

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Oh well certainly I had overworked myself about 1 or 2 times, as if was going to collapse, but now it's not hat.

However, even when telling

“I'm okay”

and “Put me down”, Louise stubbornly brought me to the bedroom.

This was probably a mistake.At this time, I should have said, “I am all right, so please put me down!”

Telling me to sleep a little, i felt relaxed around Louise. He looked anxiously, carefully and brushed my hair with his fingers.

Again, it was gentle, polite behavior.

“Oh, Louise, I’m all right, you too are tired from your work, you should go to sleep?” I just put out my face from the futon and say so, Louise had a little troubled face.

Gently dropped his lips on my eyes.

Then Louise took off his coat and put it on a chair, after having only shirt and pants, he lifted my futon.


“Well, may I stay next to?”

“No,you can't.”

I told him it was impossible, but Louise came into my bed without consern.

Hey, weren't you worried about my condition a while ago? If you can use your mind there, just use your mind here too!

I thought so, Louise gently hug me

“Next to Sakura i will sleep right away”.

A little, no, I thought I was in big trouble, but it's cute compared to last night’s Vias.

I only said that

“Don't come too close” and decided to allow him to sleep by my side.

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Louise smiled sweetly, whispering “just a hug”. I felt breath near my ears.

“Sakura,so cute, I love you”

Spilling such sweet words i couldn't help it,and stayed silent.

No, I wish I could return it. But i'm not sweet, i'm more like sugarless black cofee.

Embracing me Louise was happy — I was hugged from my back – I think I should fall asleep.

Indeed last night I could not sleep much because of Vias.I tried to escape from the bed several times during the night, but Vias got up every time and threatened

“Sakura, I will kiss you again”, and drag me into the bed. I could not sleep.

Thanks to last night’s tiredness and lack of sleep,Louise suddenly got up to me as I thought of something,

“That's right” to me who began to turn around quickly.

Louise picked up a cotton dress that was in the corner of the room when thinking with a blurred thought what was wrong.

With that in place of my pajamas, Louise will come back to bed again.

“Sakura, it would be difficult to sleep in those clothes?”

“Yes … ….”

I thought it would be troublesome, but in this world there are no good ironing as in modern times.

The dress I am wearing now is also for casual wear, but I will be troubled if it gets wrinkled.

While thinking it was troublesome, I received the cotton dress and got up

“thanks” and a thank.

“Want me to help?”

Why should adult be help to get changed?

I shook my head and turned down his offer.

And, I noticed.

—dangerous. he can see kiss marks.

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