In Search of Love

Chapter 70

But that intelligent maiden disliked taking her medicine. The look she gave the bowl was far more bitter than the medicine itself.

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“My overall health is much improved already and should completely recover with some sleeping, so no need for medicine.” Su Xiaopei was being fumigated by the nasty smell alone, rendering her much more clear-headed. How could she have forgotten that the only medicine here was traditional Chinese medicine? The utterly bitter and pungent Chinese medicine, she had only drunk it once in her lifetime during her childhood and had subsequently regurgitated it back up. Her father and mother never again prepared Chinese medicine for her to take. 

Ran Feize frowned; how did he even guess she wouldn’t be that obedient.

“Don’t smell it. It’s better to do it in one sitting.”

To still say ‘in one sitting’, she seriously couldn’t even make herself pick it up. Su Xiaopei’s face was full of misery. 

“I have already cooled it to warm now so it won’t burn your mouth. Swallow it all in one gulp and it surely won’t be bitter. 

“Sense of taste and the speed of food intake have nothing to do with each other.”


“May I continue sleeping?”

“You can sleep upon drinking it.”

She didn’t care. Su Xiaopei closed her eyes and flopped back down but Ran Feize singlehandedly pulled her back up. “Don’t fuss and drink quickly.” The bowl was held close to Su Xiaopei’s lips and she immediately wanted to vomit upon smelling it.

“Can it be exchanged for pills?”

“There aren’t any.”

I’m going to beat him to death once I return.” Oh, she wanted to cry; that bastard Yue Lao Number 2238, it was all his fault.

“You need to drink medicine to have strength to beat someone.” It mattered not who she wanted to beat, the medicine needed to be taken anyway.

The bowl was once again brought near and Su Xiaopei pursed her lips. She knew it was unavoidable and so gathered her determination, glaring at the bowl to prepare her courage. When she still hadn’t plucked up the courage even after a long time, Ran Feize persuaded again, “Look at you take medicine with such difficulty, Eighteen will want to laugh at you.”

Su Xiaopei abruptly lifted her head to look outside. There was Ji Jiawen, standing outside the door with his back half turned to avoid looking into the room and arousing suspicion, all whilst waiting to assist in anything, an innocent look about his face. He wasn’t; he looked quite somber. He must be feeling despondent towards Su Xiaopei for not drinking medicine and that this must be hard on Ran Feize. Yes, he certainly wasn’t laughing at her.

Su Xiaopei couldn’t see Ji Jiawen’s face so she turned her gaze back to Ran Feize. She had almost plucked up her courage but he just had to interrupt. 

Ran Feize brought the bowl close again, “Drink quickly.”

“I can’t be that quick.” Now she had to work up her courage all over again.

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Her aggrieved expression made Ran Feize want to burst into laughter. “Did you not claim to be a demoness and for one to be such a weakling. If the medicine isn’t taken and you reveal your true form, what’s to be done if you frighten that child, Ji Jiawen?”

Who’s a child?! Ji Jiawen nursed his grievance.

“This is my true form.” Su Xiaopei gritted her teeth while also nursing a grievance.

“With a true form like this and you still boldly claim to be a demoness; even a child won’t be fooled. A pig turned demon is a pig demon, a snake turned demon is a snake demon, a tree turned demon is a tree demon, then should a human like you who turned into a demon be called a human demon*?

[TL/N: Oh boy, I’ll just explain here ahead of time so you know why Xiaopei becomes angry. 人妖 in modern terms refer not to a human who changed into a demon, as Feize is referring to, but a hermaphrodite. So Su Xiaopei, who is obviously not one, is offended.]

Herma – phrodite?

Su Xiaopei’s face turned green. Wasn’t it just drinking medicine- couldn’t she do without such mockery?

Ji Jiawen became even more despondent. Senior, if you attempt coaxing Miss to drink medicine like this, will Miss really drink it? To mock others as a demon. Won’t she quickly drink it? Merely hearing this over here was making him feel tired. The two inside simply had too much tolerance. 

Su Xiaopei drank the medicine. Oh, she was angry. Sir Warrior, do you know what the hell ‘human demon(hermaphrodite)’ means? Misusing words so ignorantly.

She pinched her nose to down the medicine in one gulp, then dry heaved from the nauseating taste. Ran Feize stroked her back and offered her some water to drink; it took a long time before she recovered some. Ji Jiawen felt he had learned yet another trick- whoever resists drinking medicine in the future need simply be scared into thinking they’ll turn into a demon.

The ‘demoness’ gulped down half the bowl of congee and then continued sleeping while nursing tears. She would rather consume another two bowls of such terrible congee than drink any more medicine.

But when night came, there was yet another bowl of nasty medicine paired with terrible porridge. It was nasty enough that Su Xiaopei sweated through most of the night and the fever receded by half. 

Ran Feize was very satisfied, “Look, look, obediently drinking medicine will make for quick recovery.” But Su Xiaopei believed she was scared into recovering for she feared seeing Ran Feize appearing with another bowl of medicine. The moment she was able to get out of bed, the first thing she did was secretly take the remaining medicine packets with her when going to the latrine and threw them all down the hole. When Ran Feize found out, he was at a loss whether to cry or laugh.

Su Xiaopei continued using hard and soft tactics and shamelessly shed crocodile tears until she finally wasn’t made to drink it again. But her illness was indeed difficult to counter. Though the risk of death was no longer a concern, her body was weak and frail; it took ten days of recuperation to pronounce her mostly recovered. During those ten days, beside vehemently requesting, and succeeding, in bathing and washing her hair, she spent the rest of it sleeping. Ran Feize bought her new garments, shoes, and a cap, even preparing a bodice undergarment* for her sake. Su Xiaopei could no longer feel herself blushing, only rejoicing in her fortune of meeting someone like Ran Feize. 

[TL/N: See footnote.]

Ran Feize also rejoiced, feeling fortunate that the maiden felt neither bashful or awkward, or became distantly courteous. She accepted his assistance in purchasing her clothes with a calmness akin to an old married couple and it made him feel he had half succeeded. The other half felt unsuccessful because the maiden was too calm, too at ease, too unembarrassed. What part of this seemed like she held affections for him?

Ran Feize could neither make speculations nor decipher it clearly so he decided to observe a while more and find an opportunity to discuss this matter again.

Taking advantage of Su Xiaopei’s improved health and increased alertness, he relayed to her his speculations on the Juiling Taoist’s death. Su Xiaopei thought it a logical one. “If no one suspects the Jiuling Taoist’s death, then Qisha Stronghold will indeed no longer need to overturn everything in their search for evidence against the culprit, and the case will be closed and dropped.”

Ran Feize nodded, “It wouldn’t be easy to assassinate the Jiuling Taoist out in the open and it would lead to suspicion. But within the Linglong formation, it is much more convenient.”

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“As for Fu Yan and Fang Ping, anything suspicious?”

“I saw the two of them when I took you out of the foggy barrier but I was busy looking for Jiang Weiying to retrieve medicine for you afterwards, so I didn’t take notice of their whereabouts. But there is one detail: considering their skills, it is impossible for them to try killing the Jiuling Taoist with a single, fatal arrow so quickly. The Taoist would certainly retaliate and definitely cause the Jiuling Cleaver to ring strangely, thus notifying the others that something was happening. From the condition of the corpse, the Jiuling Cleaver was never unsheathed. Therefore, the perpetrator is powerful and highly skilled in martial arts to have succeeded with one strike.”

“Who first discovered the corpse?”

“Luo Hua.”

“Where is he from?”

“Riyue Shan Stronghold and is the martial junior of the Stronghold Master and therefore, has the status of a martial uncle. I have also looked into him. Riyue Shan Stronghold, Qisha Stronghold, and Shensuan Sect do not associate much with each other while Luo Hua is a person indifferent towards fame and wealth, and has few to no unpleasant rumours. He is a nodding acquaintance with Qisha Stronghold Master and the Jiuling Taoist but are not considered familiar with each other. Selecting him to venture into the formation together this time does not seem to be connected to the Qisha Stronghold murder case so he will treat this matter fairly.” 

“Then did he see anything?”

“No. Everyone was looking for the Jiuling Taoist and he was quite close to where the ringing from the Taoist’s Jiuling Cleaver stopped at the time so he headed towards that direction. The Jiuling Taoist’s corpse was very close to the foggy barrier thus, he couldn’t see clearly; he had to circle around the area before he actually saw it. He only saw the corpse and nothing else.”

Luo Hua even specially came visiting the day before to speak with Ran Feize about it. He had finished dealing with everything from his end and was readying to return to the stronghold; he would return to Martial Town when the Wulin summit was ready. He came to see Ran Feize right before he left. He was the one to discover the Jiuling Toaist’s corpse and knew Ran Feize would certainly have questions to ask him. He even thoughtfully brought nourishing foods as gifts to Su Xiaopei. Su Xiaopei had been sleeping at the time so Ran Feize had hosted Luo Han in the outer room.

“Should you need to find me for anything, come to Riyue Shan Stronghold’s separate residence in town and speak with the disciples there; they will send news to the stronghold. I will come back at that time.” Luo Hua was candid and courteous, Ran Feize couldn’t see anything suspicious about him.

He handed Su Xiaopei a paper listing the people who had been in the Linglong formation at the time. Those circled indicated that they were skilled in martial arts and on par with the Jiuling Taoist while the ones crossed out were firmly ruled out as suspects. For example, Jiang Weiying, who was with him examining and providing medicine for Su Xiaopei, as well as Xiao Qi, who had stood not far away from his line of sight and therefore, had no chance to commit the act.

Su Xiaopei took a look at the ones circled and haven’t been crossed out yet. Of those left were: Chen Xiaoshan of Shenqi Faction, Cao Hedong of Cuishan Sect, Ding Ming of Luoyi Faction, Wei Shan from Tiexiu Shan Stronghold, Luo Hua of Riyue Shan Stronghold, and Tiequan Faction’s Ying Quxiang. Su Xiaopei didn’t recognize this last person. He was one of the assistants Jiang Weiying brought over later on, but she had been extremely weak and dizzy at the time, and couldn’t remember who they were.

“I haven’t ascertained if there are any among the list who are questionable. Everyone seems to have little to do with Qisha Stronghold and Shensuan Sect, and none seem to hold enmity towards the Jiuling Taoist, nor have I heard of them holding any enmity towards the Qisha Stronghold Master. Though of course, the things that happen behind doors ought to be further inquired about.” It was why he sought out Lou Lidong to extract such information covertly; since he wasn’t involved in this matter, it was more convenient for him to take action. 

“This doesn’t include Fang Ping or Fy Yan though.”

“They couldn’t possibly have gained the upper hand and killed the Jiuling Taoist with their kind of skills so their names were not marked. But I do think this matter must have something to do with them.”

Su Xiaopei nodded, “If it is as Warrior speculates, then the culprit is the one framing the Jiuling Taoist and is also close to Fang Ping. Only then would he have the opportunity to provide the cue.”

“It stands to reason that the most probable one is Fu Yan.” But how was he able to kill Jiuling Taoist? Ran Feize gave it some thought and then turned to underline several names. “These people have scouted that foggy barrier in advance before.”

Only by being familiar with the array can one take the opportunity mid-route to set off the traps.  

Cao Hedong, Ding Ming, Fu Yan, Luo Hua- these names coincided and intersected with other items.

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Su Xiaopei thought aloud, “I want to make a trip to Qisha Stronghold to meet with Fang Ping, Fu Yan, and any others who had been close with the murdered Stronghold Master.” She tilted her head, muttering to herself, “But the Jiuling Taoist is dead; will they use the conclusion of this matter as an excuse to decline meeting?”

“If we go on our own, then I’m afraid we’ll be met with closed doors. But if we go with Jiang Weiying leading us, there should be no problem.”

Su Xiaopei agreed, for this was also a world that ran on power and status. So the two continued discussing and Ran Feize concluded that once Su Xiaopei’s vitality improved, then in a few days, they would head over to Xuanqing’s separate residence to seek out Jiang Weiying and speak about the matter. Hence, they waited another three, four days until Su Xiaopei was much more lively before Ran Feize announced he would bring her out. It broke Ran Feize’s heart knowing she had been secluded inside the room after falling ill and hadn’t gone out to move about.

One needed to dress up properly when going out and so Ran Feize eagerly rushed to bring out everything he had bought to equip her with.

Embroidered shoes, underclothes* and long skirts, and a fluttering skirt sash as accent. The clothing wasn’t bad but this combination seemed unsuitable for the maiden, yet what was out of place? Couldn’t tell. Then let’s try another set. Out came a pair of little boots with relish as well as a peach pink, unlined gown**. This was the most popular style in Jianghu these days and all the swordswomen adored it. But sure enough, the maiden isn’t of the swordswomen sort so even wearing this won’t make her appear valiant and heroic in bearing. 

[TL/N: *The underclothes mentioned here are specifically referring to the inner dress and top that’s worn underneath the coat and long skirts. 

**Refers to the Chinese-styled unlined garments that don’t work to accentuate the shape of the body and rather obscures it. They’re usually loose fitting and airy.]

Ran Feize prompted Su Xiaopei to turn around twice while looking up and down with a critical eye, but still had her change out of it. Oh, he was despondent! He really wanted to dress her prettily, to make her feel happy but it was proving difficult. Sob, sob, sob, the attire she wore in Ning’an City was the most sound option after all. In the end, she changed into a scholar’s dress and hat. Mm, this looked pleasing to the eye, refined and elegant.

“How does Miss feel? This is fine only if Miss is pleased.”

The maiden silently thought in her heart, ‘If it wasn’t for the sake of you taking care of me……’ There was no floor-length mirror and she couldn’t see herself. After changing from one set after another for him to see, what more is there for her to like? There weren’t any Western-styled clothing nor high-heels, no t-shirts nor jeans, so whatever clothing she wore were all the same to her. Her hair was quite short anyway so she would be looked on as eccentric no matter what she wore.

“If Warrior thinks it is fine, then it is.”

“Then wear the hat as well. Miss has short hair after all, it’s best not to be too ostentatious so this is safer.”

What were you playing around with just now? Su Xiaopei was speechless.

“Then can we set out?”, she finally couldn’t help but ask. Sir Warrior was sure fussy, taking this long to prepare for going out.

“Mm.” Sure, he responded but he still first helped adjust her hat, straighten her collar, straighten the hem of the dress, and Su Xiaopei even wondered whether he planned on wiping her shoes as well. Fortunately, he didn’t and permitted them to finally step through the door. Su Xiaopei fled out with a snap.

“Miss, go slower.” Motherhen Warrior called out to her while following from behind. She clearly didn’t have the most robust of health, what was she doing going about so quickly?

One tall one short, both became dazzled by the streets of the Martial Town as they walked side by side. Ran Feize pointed here and there while telling Su Xiaopei all sorts of stories about the town. Su Xiaopei listened to it all with rapt attention and her expression left Ran Feize feeling a sense of accomplishment. It was not long before his skills in storytelling improved in this manner. 

“Miss, upon old age, let’s walk around and see the sights like this, I have many more interesting stories to share.”

Upon old age? Su Xiaopei was taken aback. She was going to disappear before she could grow old. She came to a stop and turned to look at Ran Feize. He was smiling at her, bright and handsome.

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Upon old age! She wasn’t mistaken!

Su Xiaopei’s heartbeat suddenly picked up. Upon old age. What did Warrior mean? She did say that she must leave, right? He knew this. Did he want to say he was willing to take care of her even if she was unable to ever return or was it the meaning she had suddenly thought of? Was she overthinking this? He knew she would leave, he knew her hair won’t grow longer, he ought to know……. know that she didn’t have time to grow old- she won’t have that chance.

“Warrior.” She called him but didn’t know what to say.

Upon old age. The edges of her eyes suddenly burned.

Upon old age.

“Warrior.” She silently choked.

“Miss.” He was no longer smiling, only looking at her with all seriousness. She understood, right? But she didn’t speak and merely looked at him, distressing his heart.

“Miss.” If she won’t speak then he will. Just when he opened his mouth, several horses appeared from beside them and flew right past only to come to an abrupt halt.

“Uncle Ran!” “Miss?!” Several voices of surprise and disbelief.

Ran Feize and Su Xiaopei looked up at the same time to see Bai Yulang, Qin Dezheng, and Liu Xiang turning the horses round towards them.

“Big Sis?!” Bai Yulang’s mouth was wide open, entirely in disbelief.

“Old Sixth, Head Constable Qin.” Ran Feize was just as surprised as they were, not expecting them to come here. When he first brought back Su Xiaopei, he had thought of sending a letter to announce their wellbeing. But Su Xiaopei was ill and he became delayed; he just hadn’t imagined they would actually come rushing over in person. 

The group stood by the roadside as they exchanged greetings; Ran Feize would recount Su Xiaopei’s tribulations to them when a more appropriate time arose. Although Head Constable Qin and the others were eager to know, it was indeed not a good idea to pursue such things in the middle of a main road. So the other two accompanying government officials were introduced: the first being Pingzhou City’s Head Constable Du Chengming, and the other was Pingzhou City’s Constable Hao Wei.

Both parties gave their greetings. Head Constable Qin explained that they actually did come for important matters. 

The reason was the discovery of Luo Ling’er’s suicide within a room of a private residence in Pingzhou City; within that room was a suicide note. It stated that it was Su Xiaopei who caused her father’s death, hence, she nursed a hatred towards her and later found an opportunity to exact her big revenge. She no longer had any lingering regrets in the world but she also felt too ashamed to see Chang Jun and the others, so she cut her life short.

Someone had found the corpse and reported to the officials. When those in Pingzhou City investigated, they found Luo Ling’er to be a resident of Ning’an City; she also referenced Ning’an when mentioning her father and Su Xiaopei so they submitted an official letter there posthaste. When Head Constable Qin received it, he was greatly startled. They had been troubled and grieving over Su Xiaopei’s suspicious case when this news dealt them a direct blow and so, he brought Liu Xiang and Bai Yulang with him to rush over to Pingzhou City. They went and identified the corpse, took a look at the suicide note, and confirmed that it was indeed Luo Ling’er. And while the written contents were beyond their expectations, they seemed legitimate. 

Since the matter was about Su Xiaopei, everyone immediately thought to inform Ran Feize. Pingzhou City was right next to Kai Town so everyone formed a group and immediately hurried over. They had been rushing past just now and had only come to a halt when Bai Yulang caught a glimpse of Ran Feize by the roadside.

Ran Feize and Su Xiaopei shared a look. Su Xiaopei’s heart was swirling with mixed emotions. She knew that this was going to be quite the trouble and she would need to weave a well-conceived lie to explain this situation. On the other hand, knowing exactly how she died left her with unspeakable emotions.

~~ * ~~

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