In Search of Love

Chapter 72

Su Xiaopei and Ran Feize walked along the path toward Xuanqing Sect again, the former was troubled over various doubts in her mind and let out a resigned sigh. 

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“Don’t worry, Miss. We will find those evil persons who tried to harm you.” Ran Feize attempted to comfort her, but Su Xiaopei felt even more uneasy. 

The more they try, the worse it gets, she thought. 

She nodded to Ran Feize without saying a word in reply. She continued walking with her face lowered. After a while, Ran Feize said, “Miss, if there is anything troubling you, you can talk to me.” Su Xiaopei nodded again, still staying silent. She honestly didn’t know what to say. But her withdrawn state caused Ran Feize to feel anxious as well. 

Both of them fell silent. In the end, they reached Xuanqing Sect without speaking another word. After they told Jiang Weiying the reason they were there, he agreed to their proposition without hesitating and scheduled for them to depart the next day. 

When the two of them returned to Ran Feize’s house, Ji Jiawen had come knocking on their door. 

“Senior.” Ji Jiawen seemed reluctant to speak, his face reddened as if he was going to say something rather embarrassing. 

“Don’t be shy, speak,” Ran Feize said. Su Xiaopei wanted to kick his shin for being so straightforward, causing Ji Jiawen to feel even more embarrassed. 

Ji Jiawen let out a dry cough, and said in a serious tone, “Master agreed for me to join you all to visit Qisha Stronghold. It’s also because I’ve been in the Linglong Formation and know what mostly happened from beginning till the end, so Master thinks it’s good for me to go, and in a way, broaden my experience.” 

Su Xiaopei and Ran Feize both nodded simultaneously. It sounds alright to them, there was nothing to be shy about. 

“Also, the machete you gave me previously, Senior. I’ve been practicing, a lot. I can wield it effortlessly now. Master mentioned that I can bring it along to Xuanqing Sect too. Although they are focused on swordplay, they didn’t set a rule that every disciple must be able to wield a sword. So, Master said it’s alright. Eldest Shixiong also agreed, saying that since you gifted the machete to me, I can bring it out whenever I want to. But, I…I just wanted to ask your permission. When we go to Qisha Stronghold, can I bring it along?” 

Su Xiaopei couldn’t comprehend his words. It was just a simple matter of whether he could bring a machete there, why did he need to ask for everyone’s consent? 

Unlike Su Xiaopei, Ran Feize understood his reason. They were all part of the jianghu, and their weapons were a symbol of their identity. As the machete was a unique weapon, with Ji Jiawen’s stature in jianghu, the machete would greatly increase his prestige and reputation. But, in such a case, whether one could live up to his or her reputation is another issue. However, Ran Feize was confident in Ji Jiawen’s skills. He gifted the weapon to him because he believed that he would fully utilise its potential. If he carried it to a formal visit between various sects and factions, he would be making an official appearance with his own weapon, which was rather crucial to someone that was part of jianghu. Previously, it was well known across all sects and factions that the youngest person to own a famous sword is Xiao Qi. If Ji Jiawen brought his machete, he would break Xiao Qi’s record. 

Ran Feize nodded in approval. It was indeed important for a young boy like him to tag along. No wonder he seemed excited yet very careful with his words. He gave him a smile, “Your eldest Shixiong is right. Since I gave it to you, it is yours now. Use it when needed, bring it along when you think you should.”

A huge smile appeared on Ji Jiawen’s face. “Thank you so much, Senior!” He was so ecstatic he didn’t know how to act for a moment. He pondered for a second, then ran off toward the backyard, his face reddened with embarrassment again. “I-I’ll go chop some firewood for you, Senior!”

Su Xiaopei watched as Ji Jiawen ran off like a little rabbit. Then, she turned to look curiously at Ran Feize, who patiently explained everything to her. Su Xiaopei listened and applauded, “What a nice young boy. So humble, polite, and responsible too. For wanting to bring his weapon out to such an event, it’s clear he yearns for fame. Back in my hometown, people would say he dreams big. But, he doesn’t show it off either, and he knows to ask the right people for advice. He must have thought it through, the likely consequences of bringing it along. Still, I have to say he is rather bold though, for daring to do so.”

“Yeah. He has quite the potential.”

Su Xiaopei smiled, “You’re almost drooling. Do you like him?” 

He definitely wanted him as his own disciple, she thought.

“Like?” Ran Feize raised a brow at her. 

How could she use such a term simply? 

He stared at Su Xiaopei, and said with a serious expression, “That’s only fitting to describe my feelings to you.” 

Su Xiaopei’s heart skipped a beat. She laughed. “I can’t brandish a hammer without wearing trousers. Definitely not fit to be your disciple.” 

“I see. You can only be my wife, then.” Ran Feize said, matter-of-factly.

Su Xiaopei felt her heart race. She maintained her smile and struggled to think of another topic to talk about. Suddenly, a voice was heard from the backyard. “Hey! Who are you? A thief? Watch this!” It was followed by loud noises of metal clanging against metal as if people were fighting. 

Su Xiaopei jumped up from her chair. “It’s Bai Yulang’s voice! Let’s go check it out.” After she spoke, she ran off toward the backyard. 

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Ran Feize inwardly cursed. Why does something always happen at the most crucial moment? Did she understand what he said? Why did she run off so quickly? It’s just a couple of men fighting. There was no use in her watching them as she was defenseless. 

He got up and slowly ambled over to the backyard. He had known what was happening back there. As he expected, Bai Yulang, who had changed to an ordinary civilian’s clothing, was fighting with Ji Jiawen. 

Su Xiaopei stood on the side, unaware of what had caused them to fight. When she noticed Ran Feize, she waved her hand, urging him to come over and explain. Ran Feize obediently went to her side, but when he was going to speak, Bai Yulang interrupted him, “Uncle Ran! This man is acting suspiciously in your backyard! He must be a thief!”

“I’m not!” Ji Jiawen brandished his machete against Bai Yulang’s constable sword. In terms of weapon size, the former was at a disadvantage so he was being extra careful. 

“If you’re not, then what are you doing here?” Bai Yulang persisted with his questioning and attacked him further. But, he didn’t manage to completely overpower him. 

“Chopping firewood.” Ji Jiawen answered while he blocked his attacks. 

“What for?” After Bai Yulang finished asking, he paused. He raised his hand and said, “Wait.” Ji Jiawen immediately halted his actions as well.

“Firewood?” Bai Yulang asked incredulously.


“What for?”

“For cooking and boiling water.”

Bai Yulang was surprised. “Are you a handyman hired by Uncle Ran” He squinted his eyes at him. “No. You’re wearing the uniform of Xuanqing Sect. Speak! Why is someone from the Xuanqing Sect acting all fishy in Uncle Ran’s backyard?”

“I didn’t! I’m just chopping firewood.”

“What for?”

“For cooking and boiling water.”

Bai Yulang’s face contorted. Is this kid toying with me? He thought angrily. I asked him why someone from Xuanqing Sect is chopping firewood for Uncle Ran! Does he have nothing else better to do?

The other two people on the side struggled to hold in their laughter, completely unnoticed by Bai Yulang who was furious at Ji Jiawen. “I’m asking you why someone from Xuanqing Sect is here, in Uncle Ran’s backyard?” As the constable responsible for capturing the culprit who intended to harm Big Sister (T/N: an intimate form of address referring to Su Xiaopei), he had purposely come over to patrol the neighbourhood. Coincidentally, he had bumped into this suspicious-looking person. 

“I am indebted to Senior.” Ji Jiawen answered honestly.

Bai Yulang frowned. He turned to look at Ran Feize, who merely smiled and said, “I gifted him my machete.” 

Bai Yulang was shocked, his mouth wide open. “Your machete? Uncle Ran if you don’t like it anymore, you could give it to me.” 

Why give it to a kid like him? I’m so jealous! Bai Yulang thought. 

“You’re more suited to use a sword.” Ji Jiawen spoke in a soft tone. 

Bai Yulang shot him a glare. “What the hell did you say?” It was as if he said it on purpose, to pour salt onto his wound. 

Ji Jiawen continued, “You have great dexterity and quite strong wrists. Judging from your arm length, your stride, and abdominal strength, you are more suitable to use a sword.“

Bai Yulang stared at him blankly. Wielding either weapon is the same thing, isn’t it? What lies! Think I’m easy to fool? I’m the Sixth Young Master of the Bai Family Stronghold.

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After Bai Yulang told him his identity, Ji Jiawen quickly bowed and mentioned that he was the eighteenth disciple of the Xuanqing Sect, the son of the blacksmith in Hulu Village. 

Bai Yulang was rendered speechless again, he wasn’t sure if Ji Jiawen was still mocking him, while Ran Feize burst out in laughter on the side. Bai Yulang wanted to ask Uncle Ran to stand up for him, but he felt that he would be more embarrassed if he said so. 

After Ran Feize was done laughing, he went to speak to Bai Yulang about the Linglong Formation, and told him that Ji Jiawen is actually a good person. Then, he patted Ji Jiawen’s shoulder, praising him, “Good judgment. He is indeed more suited to use a sword.” 

Ji Jiawen smiled shyly. “I’ll go chop the remaining firewood.”

Heck, acting all diligent. Bai Yulang glowered at Ji Jiawen. The more the young kid was praised, the more queasy he felt. 

Later, Ran Feize brought Bai Yulang into his house, and informed him about their trip to Qisha Stronghold the next day. As Bai Yulang and another constable, Liu Xiang were appointed to investigate the case, he insisted on joining as it wouldn’t be proper if he didn’t come along to protect them. 

Ran Feize, who expected his answer, didn’t wish to stop him either. He merely requested him to wear commoner’s clothes, and not expose their identities as constables to others. Bai Yulang swiftly agreed to his terms. 

The next day, Bai Yulang, Liu Xiang left along with Ran Feize, while Hao Wei stayed in Kai Town, checking for clues. When Du Chengming and Qin Dezheng returned to town,  Hao Wei would also be able to inform them where the rest went. 

Qisha Stronghold was located in the Hulu Town, which needed two days to travel by horse carriage from Wu Town. Ji Jiawen was familiar with the roads as his hometown, Hulu Village was right next to Hulu Town. He was rather excited about the trip. Although Bai Yulang occasionally tried to taunt him, Ji Jiawen wasn’t irritated and focused his attention on the roads.

What a pity, Bai Yulang thought, as he wasn’t successful in provoking Ji Jiawen. 

Su Xiaopei, who had just fully recovered from being poisoned, felt that the journey was rather arduous. Fortunately, there weren’t any grave issues to her health as everyone took care of her, especially Ran Feize.   

Although the name ‘Qisha Stronghold’ sounds murderous in the literal sense, it was actually founded with the idea of great justice. ‘Qisha’ means to eradicate the seven undesirable elements, including the demonic, the wicked, the foolish, the ruthless, the unfilial, the disloyal, and the untrustworthy. 

The victim, Fang Tong, was the fourth Stronghold Master. His first wife had died young, without bearing any child. When Fang Tong was fourty-five years old, he married the eighteen-year-old daughter of the Lee Family who lived in the neighbouring town. They gave birth to a son three years ago and were said to have a happy marriage.

Along the way to Qisha Stronghold, Ran Feize and Xiao Qi expounded various details regarding the stronghold, including its history and everyone who was connected to it, to Su Xiaopei. The latter listened attentively and jotted down notes. To avoid suspicion, she chose to write them down in English. She mentioned to them that it was merely the lettering system back in her hometown, so Xiao Qi didn’t ask further. 

Soon, the group reached Hulu town. Jiang Weiying first led them all to a guesthouse to settle down, then brought them all to Qisha Stronghold.

As they came without delivering a letter of request prior to their visit, the doormen of Qisha Stronghold were surprised to see them. But, when Su Xiaopei saw Fang Ping and Fu Yan, she knew they were mentally prepared for their arrival. Fang Tong’s widow, Lady Lee, a young woman around her twenties, also came out to welcome them. Her eyes were constantly lowered, her demeanor rather reserved and she spoke to them in a soft, gentle tone.

After paying their respects and bowing to each other, they finally went in, and sat down to enjoy a cup of tea. It was time for the main event. 

Jiang Weiying represented them by firstly, speaking of the mystery surrounding Jiuling Taoist’s death. He explained how they had contacted those who went in the Linglong Formation to search for clues and find out the truth behind his death. 

Then, Jiang Weiying directed a few questions to Fang Ping and Fu Yan. The latter two responded politely, answering where they were at the time and whether they saw anything out of the ordinary. Fang Ping mentioned that he remained in his seat most of the time due to his injuries, whereas Fu Yan, who was initially with Fang Ping, had left after Sect Leader Cao asked for his help to clear up the tree vines. During that time, a fog shrouded the entire place, clouding everyone’s visibility of their surroundings. They only noticed the body after someone had shouted that Jiuling Taoist was dead. 

Su Xiaopei knitted her brows as she observed Fang Ping and Fu Yan’s expressions as they answered the questions. She turned to whisper by Ran Feize’s ear, and the latter asked Fu Yan several questions, including his age, his hometown, his marital status, family members who were still alive, and his age when he became a disciple. The others were surprised by the nature of the questions asked, but Fu Yan merely responded to each of them with great patience. 

Su Xiaopei watched silently as he spoke, noticing that his eyes were slightly lowered. As the others began to talk about other matters, Su Xiaopei abruptly proposed to see the place of Fang Tong’s murder, and specifically asked Fang Ping to lead the way. 

Fang Ping was reluctant, but he agreed anyway as he knew their motive was to investigate the stronghold master’s death. Fu Yan wanted to stand up as well, but Su Xiaopei waved her hand at him. “Sect Leader Jiang still has some matters to ask you, Great Swordsman Fu. It’ll be alright with just Great Swordsman Fang accompanying me.” 

Jiang Weiying immediately understood Su Xiaopei’s intentions and brought up other matters to speak to Fu Yan. 

Fang Ping led both Su Xiaopei and Ran Feize to the estate at the far back, followed by Bai Yulang. He noticed Ran Feize held something akin to a greatsword in Ran Feize’s arms, that was swaddled in a large cloth. He glanced at it twice, without asking any questions. Along the way, Fang Ping met a servant, who reported to him about his duties. Fang Ping listened while Su Xiaopei and Ran Feize stood on the side, waiting patiently for him. Ran Feize seized this chance and asked Su Xiaopei in a low voice, “Why did you want me to ask him those questions?”

“I just wanted to observe the change in his microexpressions when he is lying and when he is being truthful.”

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“So? Is he being honest?”

“He kept his eyes lowered throughout the conversation, without any movements. He was intentionally preventing me from observing him closely.” Su Xiaopei’s lips tightened into a line. “Back in the Linglong Formation, he acted differently when he spoke. Warrior, be careful, he is not to be taken lightly. I believe someone had taught him some tricks.”  Fu Yan was cautious back in the Linglong Formation, but he was able to look others straight in the eye to observe them, as he was confident with his own emotions. Now, it was as if he completely shut himself out from her, causing her unable to set a baseline measure for his responses. He had improved too much in such a short time. 

Su Xiaopei couldn’t explain everything to him at once as Fang Ping had finished talking to the servant. He continued leading them to the back estate, introducing the layout of the stronghold, further explaining the path he took on the day of the murder. Su Xiaopei suggested, “Then let’s go down the same path you took that day.”

Fang Ping didn’t decline her suggestion and silently led the way. He brought them through a corridor lined with flowers, a narrow stone path, and passed by a row of trees. There was a birdcage hanging from one of the branches. 

Fang Ping was a few steps away from the birdcage when Su Xiaopei asked, “Great Swordsman Fang, did you stop to play with the birds? If you passed by here that day, did you stop to take a look at these adorable birds?”

Fang Ping pondered for a moment. For some reason, he couldn’t remember clearly. Su Xiaopei continued to speak with a gentle tone as if she was comforting him. “Was the weather nice that day? Was it sunny?”

“Yes.” He recalled the sun was rather scorching that day, so he walked under the trees, seeking some shade. 

“These trees have a rather fragrant smell. Is it due to the flowers growing on them? Did you smell them that day, Great Swordsman Fang?”

“Yes.” Fang Ping reached out to tug on a tree branch and smelled the little flower that grew on the branch. He remembered that he had accidentally hit a tree branch while walking that day. Then, a waft of floral fragrance drifted across him, and he noticed the birdcage, hanging on a tree branch before him. 

“I touched the birds.” He said. The air was filled with a strong floral scent. He saw the birds jumping about in the birdcage, so he stopped to play with them. He remembered he was in a great mood as well. 

“What did you do after? Did you slowly walk to the entrance of the study, or did you run to it?” Su Xiaopei asked as they strolled over toward the study.

“I walked there, slowly.” Fang Ping said absentmindedly. That day, he was still preoccupied with the memory of the adorable birds in the cage, so he ambled over to the study, his face lit up with a smile. 

“Then, you knocked to greet Fang Stronghold Master?”

“Yes.” Upon responding to her question, Fang Ping wanted to change his answer. “No.” This isn’t right, he should’ve heard the sound of the bells on the Jiuling Cleaver. 

“Great Swordsman Fang.” Su Xiaopei was still very patient, her voice steady and comforting. “Did you arrive here without a hurry?”

Fang Ping hesitated. If he heard the loud, tinkling sound of the Jiuling Cleaver, he should’ve rushed here immediately instead of walking here calmly.

“You strolled under the shade, smelled the flowers and saw the birds in front of you. You played with them, is that right?”

Fang Ping fell silent. Yes, that’s how I remember it, he thought. 

“You can still smell the flowers, and the birds were adorable. Then, you came over here, slowly, without rushing, is that right?”

Yes, I remember. Walking over slowly to the study. I wasn’t running. But I should’ve heard the ringing bells! He thought frantically, his expression changed and cold sweat formed on his forehead. He had conducted divination with the Mystical Needle multiple times, and it always told him that he never heard the bells. But that wasn’t right. He had heard it, for sure!

“Great Swordsman Fang, may we enter?” Su Xiaopei’s voice startled Fang Ping, who was deep in thought. He nodded absentmindedly and pushed open the door, allowing the rest to enter. Su Xiaopei peered around the large study. Someone had already tidied up the place as it was spotless and neat. There was no sign of a murder that had taken place here. 

Su Xiaopei turned and whispered by Ran Feize’s ear again. Then, she looked at Fang Ping. “Great Swordsman Fang, let’s go out and walk the same path again, shall we?”

Fang Ping was shocked by her request but agreed nonetheless. Ran Feize hurled his large cloth bag to Bai Yulang, and followed after Su Xiaopei. Su Xiaopei raised a brow at him, but Ran Feize merely shrugged. “Bai Yulang can handle it himself. I better stay by your side.” 

Su Xiaopei didn’t say no to him. She turned her full attention to Fang Ping once again. They started walking from the row of trees, under the shade. Before they reached the spot under the birdcage, they all heard the sound of bells ringing, seemingly from the study. It was loud and clear. 

Fang Ping was startled. “That’s-”

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“We brought the Jiuling Cleaver.”

Fang Ping fell silent, his lips pressed into a thin line. After some time, he finally spoke. “Miss Su…” But he didn’t know what else to say. How could one speak of their doubt towards their own memory? If the Jiuling Cleaver had been in the study that day, he would definitely be able to hear it from here. Then, he wouldn’t play with the birds, wouldn’t slowly walk over to the study, and most importantly, he wouldn’t knock on the door, gently greeting the Stronghold Master. 

“Miss Su.” He called out again. 

“Great Swordsman Fang.” Su Xiaopei nodded and looked straight into his eyes. She wouldn’t blame him for feeling guilty, nor would she blame his fabricated memories. Instead, she said, “We will definitely find the murderer of Fang Stronghold Master. But we need your help. It all depends on you, and only you.”

Fang Ping felt encouraged by her words. “What should I do?”

Su Xiaopei and Fang Ping sat in the study, accompanied by Ran Feize. Whereas Bai Yulang was asked to stand guard by the door, stopping anyone from interfering with them. 

“Great Swordsman Fang, before you help us, I have something to tell you. Then, you will be able to know what you can do to help.”

Fang Ping nodded and took a deep, nervous breath. 

Su Xiaopei gave him a small smile. “It’s nothing serious, do not worry. It’s just a few stories. Once Great Swordsman Fang listened to my stories, you will then be able to help us.”

“Do tell, Miss.”

“My father once told me about a case. It was a research on people’s memory conducted by an experienced and learned Taoist Master. He asked his disciple to lie to his own brother, saying that the younger brother was lost in the market once a few years ago. The younger brother believed it to be true. Later, when they talked about it again, the younger brother recalled the details of him getting lost. On the second day, the younger brother recalled how afraid he was back then. On the third day, the younger brother remembered his conversation with his mother. Ever since then, he truly believed he had gotten lost in the markets when he was much younger. The suggestion that his brother had given him resulted in an unchanging belief.” This was a story that Su Xiaopei based on the famous ‘lost in the mall’ experiment, conducted by an American psychologist, Elizabeth Loftus. 

Fang Ping was surprised by her story, his eyes staring blankly at her. 

Su Xiaopei continued, “After that, the same Taoist Master did another research on twenty-four people. She prepared a set of questions for each of them. Each set of questions was related to events that had happened to them when they were younger. However, only three out of those questions were true events provided by their respective family members, and the remaining one, about getting lost in the market, is made-up. The Taoist Master requested them to recall the events mentioned in the question paper. If they were unable to recall it, they will need to state no. Otherwise, they will need to write down what happened in detail. In the end, one out of four people stated that they had indeed gotten lost in the markets, even adding various details of the event. When they found out this was a made-up event, they were all very shocked.”

Su Xiaopei stared into Fang Ping’s eyes, and said in a low voice, “The same as how you feel now, Great Swordsman Fang.”

Fang Ping widened his eyes at her, unable to speak for a long while. 

“Later, there was another intelligent man who conducted a similar research. He was adept at implanting memories into people, so he suggested to many people that they were attacked by a ferocious animal when they were young. Over half of them believed it to be true later on.” This was an experiment done by another psychologist named Porter. 

Fang Ping gritted his teeth. He understood what Su Xiaopei meant. If what she said is true, then…

“But I recall hearing the bells of the Jiuling Taoist, and the hem of his robe…”

“But these aren’t real. You only thought it truly happened.” 


“If someone implanted this memory into your mind, then that person is the key to unraveling the mystery behind the death of Fang Tong.”

Fang Ping’s face immediately paled. He already knew who that person was. 

Translator Note:
1) Shixiong (师兄) – The elder disciple 

2) Jianghu (江湖) – This is a term referring to the world of martial arts, the land of Wulin (武林). Most swordsman are part of the Jianghu. 

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