In Search of Love

Chapter 78

Due to Fu Yan’s bone-chilling last words, no one was concerned about how Ran Feize and Su Xiaopei’s intimate embrace was against societal norms. To them, it sounded as if he had sworn to return from the grave to kill Su Xiaopei. The hatred in his voice was clear as day, like a vengeful ghost bent on revenge. 

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But, why did he end his own life? Even if his crimes were revealed to everyone and even if he was truly broken-hearted from being deceived by Lady Lee, he had no plausible reasons to go to such an extent. 

No one could figure this out. They shook their heads and sighed at the sight of Fu Yan’s motionless body. Nonetheless, he made a mistake that he would regret for the rest of his life. 

Ran Feize brought Su Xiaopei outside the hall to get a breath of fresh air, with Ji Jiawen and Bai Yulang following closely behind as they were worried about Su Xiaopei. But Ran Feize glowered at them until they turned around and went back into the hall, where Fang Ping had summoned a few servants to move Fu Yan’s body and clean up the mess Fu Yan had caused. Under Fang Ping’s instructions, the servants also led the guests to one of the courtyards in the stronghold to rest. Soon, Fang Ping apprehended Lady Lee and commanded his men to arrest Fu Yan’s men that are disloyal to the stronghold.

Once all the guests recovered from the shock of witnessing Fu Yan’s suicide, they began to chatter. Who was the one that murdered the Jiuling Taoist? Was it truly Fu Yan? It is impossible if it was him alone. But, who could have been his accomplice in the murder? 

Fang Ping recalled the events that occurred that day. When Ran Feize and Jiuling Taoist left the Linglong Formation, Fu Yan was actually sitting right beside him. Fu Yan only left his side after claiming that he would get some medicine for his injuries, while the two disciples that were with them throughout the journey stayed behind with him. They were never once out of his sight. Soon after, Jiang Weiying gathered everyone to search for Jiuling Taoist together. Fu Yan had come back by then, delivering medicine as he promised. 

The other swordsmen also tried to remember where they were at the time, and who else was with them. After discussing for a while, they realised that quite a number of them were left alone, separated from each other due to the fog that day. Hence, it was impossible to determine who was Fu Yan’s accomplice by a mere process of elimination. 

“Maybe Fu Yan used some sort of method that we had not thought of before. That cunning man went there with a careful plan in mind, so he must have had something up his sleeve.”

“I disagree with that, though. No one had known Jiuling Taoist would come to the Linglong Formation that day. Nor did we expect that we would have to pass through a formation that was completely shrouded in thick, white fog. Fu Yan would not have been able to foresee any of this, isn’t that right?”

“Come to think of it, why did such a cunning, ruthless man like him, who would risk everything to kill his own master and have an incestuous relationship with his master’s wife, just kill himself all of a sudden?”

“Those last words of his were as if he gave up on fighting while he was alive, and intended to exact revenge once he became a ghost,” one man commented, causing everyone else to shudder as they recalled Fu Yan’s dying words. 

At the same time, Ran Feize was still accompanying Su Xiaopei in the garden, enjoying the warm sunlight. When he noticed that her face seemed less pallid, he asked, “Feeling better?”

Su Xiaopei nodded weakly.

“Don’t think too much about it. He is dead now. He cannot do anything to you.” 

Su Xiaopei nodded again and said, “Warrior, I want to take a look at Fu Yan’s room.”

Ran Feize complied and brought her there. He had previously searched his residence to find the poison, but he did not find anything else that was suspicious. But Su Xiaopei still carefully observed every nook and cranny of this place. From the furniture arrangement to the bookshelves and a trove of clothes, she left nothing unseen. 

“What are you looking for?”

“I’m not sure yet,” Su Xiaopei said. After hearing what Fu Yan said before he died, she had grown suspicious of him. If Fu Yan was truly involved in her murder, then there might be some sort of clue left here. 

Regardless, they did not know each other before all of this, so he should not have any reason to kill her. His reaction upon seeing her in the Linglong Formation corroborated her guess as he did not seem to recognise her. Perhaps, he did hear about her, hence he knew that she was an advisor of the Magistrate’s Office. His source of information must have also told him that she was dead. But, Su Xiaopei was not sure whether he already knew that when he was in the Linglong Formation, or was he informed way earlier. 

Various theories formed within her mind as she continued her search, hoping desperately to seek out some clues that would point her to the identity of Fu Yan’s informer. She quickly flipped through a few books, perusing their contents fleetingly as nothing held much significance. There was nothing complex about the furniture arrangement in Fu Yan’s room as well. Ran Feize had also shown her the little hidden compartment at the top of his bed, containing nothing but several trinkets that were obviously given by a woman to him, possibly tokens of love from Lady Lee. 

Once Fang Ping found out that Su Xiaopei was searching for something in Fu Yan’s residence, he rushed over to offer his assistance. With the murder case finally resolved, he was utterly impressed by Su Xiaopei’s skills and felt immensely indebted to her. Hence, he would do anything to be able to repay her. 

Su Xiaopei cocked her head to one side and pondered, then asked if he knew where Fu Yan went three months ago. She specified a date—the exact date when she was killed in this world and was sent back to hers. 

“He had been in the stronghold,” Fang Ping said confidently. That was merely days before the murder of the late Stronghold Master. Fu Yan had never once left the stronghold grounds during that time. 

“Did he come in contact with anyone peculiar before then perhaps?”

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“Peculiar?” Fang Ping’s eyebrow creased as he thought hard, “The late Stronghold Master had put him in charge of many tasks, so he often had to meet with many people. But, whether he met someone peculiar… I cannot seem to think of anyone for now.” His voice grew anxious, annoyed at his own incompetence. “Miss, could you please explain more? What did you mean by peculiar? I will do my best and try again.” 

“A short-haired man, for example. His accent might be rather unordinary, similar to mine, in a way.” 

Fang Ping shook his head dejectedly. 

Su Xiaopei asked, “Have you ever seen any weird text that resembled symbols, Great Swordsman Fang?” 

Fang Ping shook his head again. 

“After you returned from the Linglong Formation, did you notice any strange behaviour of his, or if he met with anyone suspicious?” Su Xiaopei persisted. 

Fang Ping shook his head. He had to recuperate for a while after the trip, primarily for his injuries to heal while mulling over his recollection of events on the day of the murder. Moreover, the death of Jiuling Taoist was quite a shock to him, so he had no spare time to care for or pay attention to anyone else. 

“Great Swordsman Fang, are you acquainted with a woman named Luo Ling’er? Or perhaps have you seen Fu Yan speaking to any other women?” 

Fang Ping shook his head. “Why, Miss? Is there something wrong?” He asked in a worried tone, but Su Xiaopei could not give him a definite answer. 

So, she merely said, “Nothing.” After all, she couldn’t just tell him that she suspects Fu Yan is somehow connected to her murderer. 

Ran Feize, who had been silently listening to their conversation, finally understood what Su Xiaopei was trying to find here. Back then, he had disappeared after receiving that strange letter, inscribed with three lines of strange-looking glyphs. Luo Ling’er, who claimed that she was responsible for Su Xiaopei’s death, killed herself soon after. 

Yes, what a coincidence. First Luo Ling’er, then Fu Yan.

Ran Feize was sure that she was looking for clues that could connect Fu Yan to her kidnapping. He glanced around the room and contemplated for a moment. Upon finding the vial of poison, he stopped searching anywhere else. There might be other hidden compartments in here that he had not discovered previously. He moved swiftly, opening the cabinets and shoving the troves to one side. He found another secret compartment behind a table, but it was empty. 

Su Xiaopei let out a sigh as disappointment seeped into her mind. The feeling of almost catching onto something, but finding nothing in the end was deeply frustrating. 

Later, Su Xiaopei and Ran Feize returned to Hulu Town with Jiang Weiying and stayed there for the next five days. Upholding his duties as Sect Leader, Jiang Weiying spent time socialising with his fellow jianghu acquaintances that he had invited over to Qisha Stronghold, while Su Xiaopei continued to look for clues related to her murder. 

However, there was no one in Qisha Stronghold that had seen Luo Ling’er before, nor did they hear about a strange man that fits Su Xiaopei’s description. To them, the strangest person they had ever met was Su Xiaopei. 

Su Xiaopei felt even more disheartened after that. To make things worse, Fu Yan’s ominous last words were a constant eerie reminder lingering at the back of her mind. 

Regardless, she had to accept that she failed to find any clues. All her suspicions led to a dead end. 

By the end of the five-day period, Su Xiaopei joined Jiang Weiying and several other swordsmen, as they began their journey back home. 

Ran Feize was immensely worried upon noticing Su Xiaopei’s listlessness. It was going to be a long, arduous journey as well, so he thought hard about how to make her feel better.

The carriage was passing by a forest when they decided to stop for a quick rest. Many flowering vines hung from the tree branches, with tiny, brightly-colored flowers adding various vibrant shades to the lush, green foliage, forming a picturesque scene from afar. 

Ran Feize jumped off the carriage and dragged Su Xiaopei along with him into the forest, claiming that he was bringing her for a short walk to stretch their legs and enjoy the much-needed change of scenery. 

But, the short walk turned into a rather long walk. Ji Jiawen, Bai Yulang, and Liu Xiang rested by the roadside and watched the lovebirds from afar. 

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Ran Feize tugged on a flowering vine that hung low, inviting Su Xiaopei to smell the pleasant floral aroma. Su Xiaopei tried her best to tiptoe but was unable to reach even the lowest flower bud, causing Ran Feize to burst out laughing. He placed a hand on top of Su Xiaopei’s head, and then moved it to his shoulder, seemingly teasing her height. 

Su Xiaopei glowered at him, rolled her eyes, and wanted to turn around to leave. Ran Feize pulled her back just in time, and tugged on the vines again, yanking them lower for Su Xiaopei. When she tried to turn around again, he pulled her back and tugged another flowering vine that hung even lower for her. But Su Xiaopei was still not pleased—she did not want to tiptoe again, so she walked away. After a few moments, Ran Feize appeared beside her, with a flower that he had plucked from the vines. Finally, the frown on Su Xiaopei’s face was replaced with a bashful smile, but she still folded her arms at him, as if she was reprimanding him for plucking the flower. 

Ji Jiawen, Bai Yulang, and Liu Xiang simultaneously turned around, not wanting to watch the two of them any longer. 

“This is beyond inappropriate,” Bai Yulang muttered. 

“True. How could he just pick the flowers off the tree? It’s blooming and thriving up there. What a pity,” Ji Jiawen nodded as he responded. 

Bai Yulang shot daggers at him. “Is that what you think I am talking about?” 

“What else?”

“Them!” Bai Yulang flailed his arm in annoyance, gesturing toward the forest. “They are not young anymore, but they still act like…like that.”

Like what? The other two thought as they turned back, sneaking a few more glances at the couple. 

Ran Feize was just about to put a garland of flowers on Su Xiaopei, but Su Xiaopei quickly swatted his arm away and he chuckled. When Su Xiaopei glared at him, Ran Feize merely laughed even louder. 

Bai Yulang mumbled under his breath, “I do not get it. What is so funny?” 

“Hm. Why don’t you go ask him.”

Ji Jiawen’s wholehearted suggestion was met with Bai Yulang’s scowl. “I am not risking myself to get beaten up by Uncle Ran. It would hurt a lot! Do you not know?”

“Oh,” Ji Jiawen replied absentmindedly. He truly did not know as he had never been punished by Uncle Ran. 

“Alright, alright. Rest time is up. Call them back to the carriage, would ya?” Liu Xiang said. 

“I am not doing it,” Bai Yulang immediately responded.

Liu Xiang glanced at Ji Jiawen, who got the hint and hollered, “Senior! Please come back! It is time to go!” 

Bai Yulang sighed as he thought, what a silly, young man. 

Ran Feize waved at them in reply, signalling that he had heard them, but he did not turn back. Instead, he held Su Xiaopei’s hand and led her deeper into the forest, toward the fruit trees that grew far away.  

“See? He ignored you.” Bai Yulang patted Ji Jiawen’s shoulder. There was nothing they could do after all. 

Suddenly, Xiao Qi strode over to the three of them, informing them that they should get on with the journey. Ji Jiawen took this chance and reported to Xiao Qi that Ran Feize did not want to come back. Xiao Qi turned toward the forest and frowned upon seeing the familiar figure among the trees. 

How unbecoming of him, Xiao Qi thought. 

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He shouted, “Ran Feize! It is time to go!”

“We are not done yet!” Ran Feize replied in a louder tone. 

Are they blind? Can’t they tell that my lovely Miss finally seemed to be in better spirits? Unlike how she was earlier, she was now smiling, occasionally glaring and even swatting my arm when I teased her. When she rolled her eyes, she was so adorable. I love watching how her face scrunches up when I tease her. What a delightful sight after several boring days! Why should we rush to leave the forest? This is so fun. 

Ran Feize tugged and shook one of the branches of the fruit tree, intending for the fruits to fall, hopefully landing right on top of Su Xiaopei’s body. Su Xiaopei ignored his antics and wanted to rejoin the group. 

Ran Feize hurriedly held her arm to stop her. “One should stay true to one’s will. Being obedient merely makes us seem easily swayed.”

Su Xiaopei looked at him incredulously. Oh Sir Warrior, is your so-called will founded upon rebelliousness? 

“We should go. Everyone is waiting.” Su Xiaopei twisted the arm that Ran Feize was holding onto, so her hand could reach his arm, attempting to drag him back toward the carriage. 

“Ah!” Ran Feize said out loud suddenly and winked at her. “I thought of something fun. I’ll hide and you’ll seek.” Upon saying the last word, he turned around and sprinted, disappearing among the thick foliage. 

What? Su Xiaopei stood frozen on the spot, dumbfounded. “Are you a child?!” She screamed. 

She tried to follow him, but she could not see him anywhere. As she trod through the trees, she looked around, and repeatedly called out, “Warrior! Come on out! It’s time to go.” 

There was no response. 

He really was hiding somewhere. 

He’s got to be kidding me! Is he really going to be this childish? Unbelievable! Su Xiaopei felt her anger was reaching a boiling point. 

“Ran Feize! Come out now! You’re not Ji Jiawen or Bai Yulang! They’re much younger than you but even they don’t play such games anymore!” 

There was still no response. 

Su Xiaopei placed her hands on her hips angrily, unwilling to walk any further. She said sternly, “Stop it. Everyone is waiting. Come out now! You’re not a child anymore. Stop playing games. It’s not fun. You’re already thirty years old—old enough to be someone’s grandfather. Have you seen anyone as old as you playing such silly games?”


Ran Feize appeared on top of a branch above Su Xiaopei. He peered down at Su Xiaopei with a frown. “Don’t bring up such a depressing topic.”

“What do you mean by depressing topic? That you are making everyone wait? Not letting you have your fun?”

“That those other 30-year-old men out there are already grandfathers,” Ran Feize gave her a playful glare as he continued, “while I’m still here pursuing a lady. Isn’t that depressing?” 

“You’re not pursuing a woman! You’re making me pursue you! That’s childish! Come down here!” 

Ugh! How is he so…unabashed? Su Xiaopei thought. 

Xiao Qi, who was standing by the roadside, wanted to place his hands on his hips as well. That man is so infuriating! Not only did he refuse to return, he went deeper into the forest! 

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“Let us go!” He commanded the rest. 

“Huh?” Ji Jiawen jumped up, surprised by the sudden instruction. “What about Senior and Miss Su then?”

“Leave them!” Xiao Qi swiftly made the necessary preparations. Within a few moments, everyone got onto their respective horses. 

Ji Jiawen anxiously tugged on Xiao Qi’s sleeve, pleading, “Eldest Senior, I will go call them back. Just a moment will do!” 

“No!” Xiao Qi was fully intent on teaching Ran Feize a lesson. “Resume our journey. Bring along all the horses and the carriage. Leave nothing.” 

“B-b-but what about Senior?”

“Leave him.” 

Ji Jiawen’s eyes darted between the group and the forest behind him, his expression filled with worry. There was no sign of Ran Feize and Su Xiaopei anywhere. A few men at the front were ignorant of what had happened at the back, and their horses had begun trotting forward. 

Bai Yulang and Liu Xiang also got up on their horses. Ji Jiawen glared at them. “Are you guys not on Senior’s side?” 

“Those who acknowledge reality are wise,” Liu Xiang said. Their meals would be taken care of if they followed the group instead of staying behind. It would be silly of them to stay. 

“Uncle Ran will survive, surely. If everyone left, I would feel uncomfortable being alone with the two of them as well,” Bai Yuling chimed in on the side. There would also be too many chances for Uncle Ran to bully him. 

“T-then, I…” While Ji Jiawen stood by the roadside, dillydallying, the others had left. Only he and a horse carriage remained. In the end, Ji Jiawen decided he should leave at least something for Senior. So, he turned to the forest and hollered, “Senior! We are going to take our leave now! You must hurry!” 

Then, Ji Jiawen left the horse carriage and used his martial arts skills to catch up to the group up ahead. 

There were certainly enough horses for everyone. Each man had their own. Someone must have taken mine as well. They better not play a prank on me for staying behind. Give me back my horse! Ji Jiawen thought as he leaped forward. 

When Ran Feize was finally content, he cheerily led Su Xiaopei back to the road. Although Su Xiaopei was still angry at him, he was beyond gratified. During the time spent in the forest, he felt as if they had an intimate time together. 

She truly looked so adorable while she glared at me like that. Oh, and when she tried to pinch me earlier as well, that look on her face was priceless, Ran Feize thought happily. 

But, as they reached the road, they noticed no one was there. Only a horse carriage was tethered to a nearby tree. 

Ran Feize grimaced. At that moment, a thousand curse words flickered through his mind.

If you all leave us just like that, fine. I wouldn’t mind. But all of you should either leave nothing behind, so I can have an excuse to carry my dear Miss on my back, or leave a horse so I can embrace her while we slowly ride home. What’s the meaning of leaving this horse carriage for us? How inconsiderate. I am no coachman! There is only enough space for one at the front as well! That means I can’t steer the carriage while flirting with my dear Miss by my side!

Those guys…they have gone too far! Wait till I find out who is behind this! I’ll definitely teach you a lesson!



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