In Search of Love

Chapter 80

It’s a no? Ran Feize frowned, as Su Xiaopei’s words echoed in his mind. 

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Su Xiaopei ignored the look on his face, raised her chin up slightly, and said, “It’s settled then.”  

“Settled? I did not agree that this is settled.” Ran Feize also raised his chin up, refusing to back down. “Other than settling for marriage, I have not agreed to anything else.” 

He’s being stubborn! Su Xiaopei stared at him sternly with her eyebrows furrowed, and Ran Feize did the same. After a while, Su Xiaopei let out a resigned sigh. 

She decided to try another approach by lowering her voice and speaking in a melancholic tone, “I’m saying this in your best interests, Warrior. I really…can’t do it.”

Su Xiaopei met his gaze. “If you could read my thoughts then you would know that every word I’ve said today is from the bottom of my heart. I cannot lie to you or to myself. No matter what feelings we have for each other, we are bound to be apart in the end. Luckily, we are aware of the ending, so we can take measures to prevent the heartbreak that we would face in the future. We could just stay like this, as close friends. To be honest, I never had a friend like you back in my hometown, Warrior. This friendship is immensely precious to me. Even if we are apart, I would always miss this. I probably would not meet any other man who has such deep feelings for me for the rest of my life either.” Her voice broke at the end. 

Su Xiaopei sucked in a deep breath, trying to suppress the sadness in her heart before continuing, “But, Warrior, my hometown is truly too far from here.” Their worlds were separated by a distance that cannot be conquered even if he had the courage to climb the highest mountains and brave the deepest seas. She truly didn’t want him to be tormented by despair and sorrow in the end. “I apologise…but I really can’t.” 

Tears pricked at her eyes once again. Ran Feize continued to stare at her silently, holding back his own urge to wipe away her tears. 

After a few moments, he parted his lips and spoke in a despondent tone as well. “This is…heart-wrenching.” His voice was deep, yet soft.

Su Xiaopei felt a lump in her throat. But, she persuaded herself that the sadness would just be temporary. He would get over it soon.

“And devastating.” Ran Feize said, his tone filled with emotion. 

Why did he have to split his sentence into two? Su Xiaopei glimpsed at him quizzically. 

“I’m in an awful mood today, I don’t feel like cooking anymore.” 

Wait, what did he mean by that? Su Xiaopei thought. He can’t be joking…

Ran Feize shook his head slightly. Without another word, he turned and left. Su Xiaopei peered at him from afar, then followed him out of the house as well. 

“Are we going out later to eat together?” She asked. 

Ran Feize “I am heading out to eat. Not sure what Miss plans to do about food. Oh, right, do you have any money with you, Miss?”

Su Xiaopei widened her eyes slightly. This can’t be happening. Your revenge is too soon, Warrior! And you’re being childish! How typical of you!

“I wish I could do the cooking, but I would only do it for my wife.” He sighed. “How saddening.”

 Su Xiaopei wanted to bonk his head. What a jerk! He’s not trying to get revenge, he’s blackmailing me! 

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“Warrior, I made myself very clear earlier,” she emphasised.

“I heard you.” Ran Feize looked at her pitifully. “But I’m still heartbroken…” He paused, trying to make himself seem even more miserable.

“And devastated, right?” Su Xiaopei arched an eyebrow at him. 

“Mm.” Ran Feize nodded, completely unabashed. “You’re truly intelligent, Miss.” 

Intelligent, my foot. The corner of Su Xiaopei’s lips lifted slightly into a fake smile, then she turned, heading back into the house.

“Where are you going, Miss?” It was now Ran Feize’s turn to run after her. 

“I guess I’ll stay in the house until I starve to death since I have no more food to eat. If I die and come back alive again, don’t be afraid, Warrior, just get used to it. I’ll probably die, then rise from the dead, and starve to death again only to come back alive again, and starve until I die again…” When she turned around, she noticed Ran Feize peering at her with an amused expression. 

What’s he smiling about? Does he think I’m joking?  Su Xiaopei angrily turned the other way. She went into her room, sat down by the table, and began to grind the dark ink stick against the ink stone. 

I’m going to write my notes and ignore that childish, petty jerk! 

Ran Feize shamelessly sat down right next to her and watched as she began to write. Su Xiaopei felt a little awkward, so she shot a glare at him and angled her body slightly so her back faced him. But, Ran Feize remained in the same spot, his hand propping his chin up while he watched her silently. 

“What?” Su Xiaopei could not bear it anymore. He was making her lose her focus. She could not even remember how certain words were spelled.

“Just looking.” Ran Feize said nonchalantly. “If I cannot marry a wife, I will just look at Miss then.”

“Is this really appropriate, Warrior?” Su Xiaopei glanced at him incredulously. What happened to your sense of decency, Warrior?

“I do not treat other women like this. So, it is quite appropriate.” 

Su Xiaopei was lost for words. Fine, you win, Warrior. In your lifetime, you definitely win the Guinness World Record for being the most shameless man. Su Xiaopei ignored him and continued to write. I got to focus…focus…Think about Luo Ling’er, Fu Yan, and Jiuling Taoist. Think about that letter with the words “Who are you”…

Gradually, Su Xiaopei was completely in her focused, work mode, recording every detail of recent events and individuals involved that she could think of. 

Ran Feize was not content that Su Xiaopei prioritised work and neglected him. He wanted her to pay attention to him again. But, as his eyes trailed over Su Xiaopei’s features, his impulse to disturb her dissipated into nothing. He liked the way she was fully concentrating on her work. 

She was certainly different from other women he met. She was his one and only. However, she did not agree to marry him nor did she promise to even consider the thought of it. She had refused him outrightly, insisting that she would leave one day and that it was not up to her to decide—that everything was beyond her control. 

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“Miss.” He finally said.

“Hm?” Su Xiaopei replied absentmindedly. She was busy drawing out a relationship chart inclusive of all the persons involved, with details attached to certain individuals. She pondered the similarities Luo Ling’er and Fu Yan had. 

They had the same hidden compartment installed in their house. Plus, Luo Ling’er claimed that she killed me, while Fu Yan was certain that I had died. So, there must be a connection between them. Yet, no one claimed to notice that the two of them were in contact. Perhaps they had a secret way of communicating? But, why? Fu Yan also wanted to frame Jiuling Taoist for unknown reasons. He used Fang Tong’s murder to get rid of Jiuling Taoist. But did he kill him too? Two birds with one stone? But, why did he choose Jiuling Taoist? Was there a connection between Jiuling Taoist and Luo Ling’er?

“Miss,” Ran Feize called her again. This time, Su Xiaopei turned to him, her mind still preoccupied with work. 

Ran Feize murmured, “Miss, you told me that what shall happen is not up to you to decide and that you cannot control it. The same goes for me as well…” 

Su Xiaopei blinked in confusion. Before she could react, a voice hollered outside their house,
“Senior, senior! I fetched the water from the well for you!”

She swung around in the direction of the voice abruptly. Her attention was now focused on the young man outside the house. 

Ran Feize sighed. “If I was just a little more vicious, that boy would top my list of targets to be assassinated. He always ruins the moment.” 

Suddenly, Su Xiaopei thought of an idea. “Warrior, please take me to Shensuan Sect.”

Ran Feize gazed at her with a frustrated expression. Su Xiaopei understood he was silently blaming her for changing the topic. 

“It’s about work.” Su Xiaopei prodded while gently nudging his arm.

“I know it’s about work. Did I say anything? I did not complain, right?”

His frustration was so evident, anyone in Wu Town could notice from a mile away. But, Su Xiaopei pretended not to notice and calmly nodded. “So when will we go?”

“Now.” Instead of staying here and watching as his beloved lady becomes sad again, Ran Feize decided to do something else as a distraction. He knew why Su Xiaopei wanted to go to Shensuan Sect. She wanted to investigate why Fu Yan chose Jiuling Taoist to frame the murder on and to find out whether there is a connection between Luo Ling’er and Jiuling Taoist. He knew it all. He was an intelligent man as well, albeit just a little lazy. 

As they walked out of the house, Ji Jiawen jogged over with a water bucket in his hands. “Senior! Where are you two heading off to?”

Ran Feize glowered at the young man, silently telling him “do not ask, and do not come either”. 

Ji Jiawen understood, but he merely scratched his head and continued to speak in a slightly embarrassed tone, “I-I just wanted to learn some skills from Miss Su.”

Ran Feize’s eyes narrowed. This boy! I have never seen him ask me to teach him some skills! 

Su Xiaopei merely responded to Ji Jiawen’s words with a smile, “Ji Jiawen, Xuanqing Sect takes care of your daily meals, am I right?”

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“Huh?” Ji Jiawen was surprised by her sudden question and was even more perplexed when he saw Ran Feize furiously blinking and squinting at him. He could not understand what Ran Feize was attempting to tell him this time, so he could only answer honestly, “Yes, of course.”

“Could they count me in as well? Just three meals per day would do.”

Just? She sounds as if normal families offer four or five meals per day. Ran Feize inwardly smiled at her silliness. 

“Sure. I can bring the meals over for you, Miss.” Ji Jiawen nodded. Then, he noticed Ran Feize glaring at him menacingly. So, he quickly added, “For you as well, Senior.”

I don’t need it! Not even half of it! Ran Feize was fuming. 

Su Xiaopei gleefully smirked at Ran Feize, causing Ran Feize to roll her eyes at her. She almost wanted to lift her hands up in a victory pose too. 

What is so great about getting free meals to eat? I still have tricks up my sleeve! Just you wait! Ran Feize thought. 

Su Xiaopei ignored Ran Feize and asked Ji Jiawen to lead the way to Shensuan Sect. On the way, Ji Jiawen and Ran Feize eagerly explained to Su Xiaopei how Shensuan Sect came to be, as if they were competing against each other, with Ran Feize having the advantage most of the time as he knew much more about jianghu matters than Ji Jiawen. But, Ji Jiawen did not back down and attempted to add on wherever he could.

The name ‘Shensuan’ literally meant godly divination. Hence, just as its name, Shensuan Sect was filled with members who are masters in divination from countless towns. Due to their specialty, they are the largest intelligence organisation across jianghu, with clients originating from various sects racing to trade their monies for valuable intel. Jiuling Taoist was of sufficient seniority to preside over the sect as their leader. But, he did not wish to be tied down by such duties and passed on the title to the current sect leader, Gu Kang. 

However, Gu Kang was deemed not as capable as Jiuling Taoist. Jiuling Taoist’s reputation across the jianghu was also unmatched by Gu Kang. Hence, when any swordsmen speak of Shensuan Sect, they would surely be talking about Jiuling Taoist instead of Gu Kang. Now, with the death of Jiuling Taoist, Gu Kang had put in extra effort to manage Shensuan Sect to prevent its well-revered status from declining. Ji Jiawen also added that Gu Kang also visited Jiang Weiying often to discuss official matters and express his concerns about unexpected troubles, hoping the esteemed sect leader of Xuanqing Sect could lend him a hand. 

When Su Xiaopei, Ran Feize, and Ji Jiawen arrived at Shensuan Sect, Gu Kang was not around. It was a senior servant who greeted them and invited them in. Ran Feize made small talk with the servant and casually mentioned that they wish to visit the late Jiuling Taoist’s old residence to offer their prayers. The servant was immensely touched and eagerly agreed. Then, Ran Feize also asked further questions to get more information out of him, such as people who had visited Jiuling Taoist when he was still alive or if he had any unresolved troubles with anyone. The servant helpfully answered each of his questions patiently, but the three of them learned nothing that was out of the ordinary.

Upon reaching Jiuling Taoist’s old residence, everyone offered their prayers to his memorial plate. Su Xiaopei scrutinised the arrangement of the house carefully and found nothing worth noticing. Ran Feize shot her a glance and Su Xiaopei nodded understandingly. Then, Su Xiaopei began to chat with the servant, keeping him distracted, and slowly led him out of the house. Once the two of them were out of sight, Ran Feize instructed Ji Jiawen to stand guard by the door while he went to investigate the study table by the corner. He dragged it out a few inches from against the wall and brushed his fingers over the back of the table. There were no hidden compartments to be found. Ran Feize hurriedly pushed the table back to its original spot, then checked the other furniture as well. The results were the same. 

Ji Jiawen was breaking out in cold sweat as he watched Ran Feize act sneakily around the house. Fortunately, Ran Feize was done before the servant returned and they both left the house. 

The servant was just about to check on Ran Feize and Ji Jiawen, but upon seeing them outside Jiuling Taoist’s residence, he quickly greeted them again. He also informed them that Sect Leader Gu Kang had not told him when he would be back, hence he suggested for them to return for now and that they will send an official invitation when Sect Leader Gu is available to speak to them. 

Su Xiaopei and Ran Feize agreed with him. They glanced at each other before bidding their farewells to the servant. Halfway to the entrance,  Ran Feize suddenly exclaimed out loud, saying that he needed to go to the toilet urgently. The servant hurriedly asked another younger servant to lead him to the toilet. But, Ran Feize, with his face flushed and a hand clenching his stomach, tersely said, “My apologies, it is too urgent.” Then, he used his martial arts skills to fly up the walls, disappearing within seconds.

The younger servant who could not keep up with his speed stood on the side helplessly. Su Xiaopei swiftly apologised for Ran Feize’s rudeness and persuaded them that they need not worry about him. She used this chance to further ask about the divination practices of Shensuan Sect, to which the two servants obediently answered. 

On the other hand, Ran Feize turned around the corner and headed in another direction. He had visited Shensuan Sect in the past, so he was aware of the location of the members’ residences. He took a few more rounds before sneaking into Gu Kang’s room. There were no study tables to be seen, so Ran Feize began to search the other furniture in his room. Unfortunately, there was nothing suspicious to be found.

He deliberated for a moment, then headed to another courtyard, which was the main building comprising the Shensuan Sect’s library as well as the main room for important discussions with the sect leader. After wandering around the building, he found a large study with three towering rows of bookshelves and two wooden tables. Ran Feize repeated the entire routine again by pulling out the first table to check for hidden compartments. When he was in the midst of investigating the second table, he suddenly heard voices behind the closed entrance door. 

“What a coincidence that I was out when you all came to pay me a visit. I sincerely apologise for keeping both Great Swordsman Ran and Miss Su waiting. Oh, Swordsman Ji is also here. How is Sect Leader Jiang faring these days? I hope he is well. Come on in and have tea in the study. Uncle Lee, please ask the servants to serve tea immediately.”

It is Gu Kang. He has returned! Ran Feize swiftly pushed the table back against the wall. I cannot walk through the front door nor can I jump through the window as they will see me…

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The voices became louder until footsteps were heard right outside the door. Ran Feize darted across the room and hid behind one of the bookshelves.

As the door opened, he could see Gu Kang leading Su Xiaopei and Ji Jiawen into the room. Ran Feize frowned. I was only gone for a short while and coincidentally Gu Kang returned.

Ran Feize waited patiently for the right timing, then covertly waved his hand at Su Xiaopei, successfully catching her attention. Su Xiaopei froze in her steps when she noticed Ran Feize hiding behind one of the wooden bookshelves, but she quickly calmed herself down and sat down as though nothing had happened. From her spot, she was facing directly at Ran Feize, whereas Gu Kang sat down with his back to the bookshelves. 

After they all exchanged pleasantries, Su Xiaopei decided to cut to the chase. “Actually we came here today because we have a specific favour to ask from you, Sect Leader Gu.”

Gu Kang smiled wanly. “Do tell, Miss Su.” 

“I’m not sure if you have heard of the strange incident that happened around me.

He raised an eyebrow at Su Xiaopei. “What strange incident?”

“I was kidnapped from Ning’an City and thereafter, I lost part of my memories. But, there is a woman in Ping Zhou City who ended her own life, claiming that she had killed me in her dying message. I could not understand why she would willingly take on the blame as the murderer when I am still alive. Moreover, I also want to know what happened before I was trapped in the Linglong Formation. Hence, I came here to seek the help of Shensuan Sect, to enlighten me on these unanswered questions through divination.”

Gu Kang pondered for a moment before nodding. “I could try and divine for you, Miss Su. But, my divination has to be done in the Divination Room. Please have a seat, drink some tea, and let us wait for Great Swordsman Ran to join us before heading there. Is that alright?”

“That man had eaten some nasty food earlier today. It’s truly embarrassing. I apologise on his behalf. In truth, these questions had been haunting me every single day and night. I was immensely disappointed when I thought I would not be able to see you today, Sect Leader Gu. I cannot believe how fortunate I am that I managed to meet you before I left. I’m really desperate, so please, Sect Leader Gu, could you divine for me now?”

Gu Kang agreed soon after. He stood up and gestured to Su Xiaopei. “Please, follow me.” 

When they all left the room, Ran Feize stepped out from behind the bookshelves. Before he left, he swiftly ran to the second table to investigate. He could not just leave without completing his mission, after all. But to his dismay, there were still no hidden compartments to be found. 

Ran Feize exited the room, took a few turns, and pretended he got lost. One of the servants then led him to the senior servant that greeted them when they arrived and he brought Ran Feize to the Divination Room. 

In the Divination Room, Gu Kang held a divination plate over a hollow space in the middle of the room that was filled with sand. As the candlelights shone through the small holes in the divination plate onto the sand below, they began to form strange symbols as they overlapped each other. Gu Kang slowly observed the symbols, and his eyebrows slowly knitted together.

Ji Jiawen felt nervous upon noticing Gu Kang’s grim expression. He asked, “What does it say?”

Gu Kang glimpsed at Su Xiaopei, seemingly hesitating to speak. “Miss…”

“Please tell me, Sect Leader Gu.” 

Gu Kang’s eyes flickered from Ran Feize to Su Xiaopei. Then, he sighed and said, “It says ‘death’.” 

Ji Jiawen shrunk back in shock. He turned to Su Xiaopei and Ran Feize who glanced at each other without a change in their expressions. 

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