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(MTL, but proofread to make sense)


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In this Life, I'll be the Biggest Star in the Universe:  Chapter 003


    Oh my god.  What did I just do?

    "Are you okay?"

On the marble floor, I rushed to the police.

"I'm sorry! I also didn't know. . ."

"It's- it's okay."

"Hold my hand and get up."

The young man held my hand and stood up.  My head was in a state of confusion.

What's going on?  It was ridiculous.

My body moved on its own without me realizing it, and I threw an unknown person on the floor.

The opponent seemed puzzled, but so did I.

This is because the movement I tried just now was the same as the one I saw in the movie on the TV just before.



After moving to a cafe in the hospital, the man introduced himself.

"I came from Eunpyeong Station and am the investigator in charge of this case."

"Yes, hello."

A short sports haircut.  He had a face resembling a detective because of his dark skin and thick lines.

The business card he handed over said "Jang Kyungil, the chief of the traffic investigation community."

"Did you get hurt anywhere else?"

"I'm okay." officer Jang smiled coolly.

"I used to be on the judo team when I was young.  I didn't think I could do that. Oh hahaha. . .!"

"Are you okay?"

"I- I don't know."

It seems to hurt a lot, but I decided to move on.

"I can say you're amazing at flipping me over.  You didn't do it for a day or two. I guess you were an athlete if you did it unconsciously."

"Oh, yeah, yeah."

"Eyy, I knew it."

It was a lie, but I couldn't say, 'I copied the technique in the movie without knowing, haha.'

Soon after, the officer took out a notebook and began to ask questions.  I answered the questions truthfully.  After a short Q&A session, I brought up a question I was curious about.

"Was it perhaps drunk driving?  The car was going around left to right."

"It wasn't drunk driving.  He was an epilepsy patient. I heard from the man that he had a seizure while dropping his daughter off at the exam entrance."

"Can epilepsy patients also have a driver's license?"

"It's possible."

The police officer nodded.

"Well, the content is complicated to explain here, but there was no legal problem with obtaining a license."

". . . Is that so?"

It's somewhat bitter to think that the reason why I couldn't take the exam was because of an examinee's family member.

"Then what's going to happen now?"

"I'll have to charge them since in this case, almost two people could have passed away."

I almost died. Now I realized how reckless it was to jump in front of a speeding car.  If the same situation were repeated, would I do the same thing?

Honestly, I can't guarantee it.  My life is precious, but there is only one person in the world who lives looking after me.

"Have you contacted your family?"

"There's my grandmother in Gunsan.  I'm trying to contact her, but her cell phone is turned off. I guess the temple is still doing their prayers."

"Ah. . ."

The young police officer, who had an expression that was difficult to express in words, changed the subject as if embarrassed.

"I wanted to say this, but you've done a great job."

"Yes, thank you."

How many times have I been told this?  I think it's been about 26 times, but the police officer said something different.

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"You're going to be upset about this now, but there's nothing free about life. You have to return as much as you've gotten."


"It won't be bad for the time being."

I asked the smiling person who was taking the notebook, "What are you talking about?""

"Do you know what hospitals and police stations have in common?"

"I don't know."

"It's that rumors spread incredibly fast."

He shook my hands holding them with him.

What do you mean by rumors spreading?


It was time to leave the hospital cafe following officer Jang who left a lively mystery.  I then realized the meaning of what he said.

"Oh? He came out."

A group of people surrounded me.

At first, I had no idea since they were different genders and clothes, however the moment I saw a young man with a camera on his shoulder, I got a sense of what was going on.

Someone pulled out a business card.

"Hello Mr. Seon Wooju.  I'm reporter Noh Kigi of KTN. Do you have time?"

I blinked my eyes and soon understood.  So that's what you meant.  It was clear that the story spread through people working in hospitals and police.

Well, it was also a good story to me, too.


- On the day of the exam, a student who was going to take the exam threw himself to save a grandfather who was pushing a rear car

I smiled when I saw the business cards handed out by the reporters.

"Of course. I have time."

There was this proverb in the EBS English textbook I saw while studying for the exam.

When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade.

A proverb that means that if heaven gives you a crisis, turn it into an opportunity.

Yeah. If it happens, I'll gladly enjoy it.  I was willing to make lemonade.


*  *  *




A middle-aged anchor was combing his hair neatly on the TV screen.

The 2014 College Exam.


The anchor lifts his lips against the backdrop of such a screen.


- This is anchor Hong Ahran talking about an issue about an examinee that's the talk of the town in the internet world.

- Yes.


An anchor appears on the screen on the right.  He was ranked on internet search terms. 

I was standing in front of the in-screen.


- Today when the College Exam was held, wasn't there some heartwarming news that came out, right?

- Yes, that's right.


    When anchor Hong Ahran touched the No. 1 Internet search keyword, it expanded.


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- ISSUE TALK TALK today will cover today's internet search term.

- The internet search term is "Galhyeon-dong Righteous Hero." He has been ranked No. 1 in real-time search terms since this morning. Shall we watch the related video?


A source was written on one side of the blurry image quality video.  It was a black box that recorded the video of the vehicle parked nearby.

The video began when an old man struggling to push a rear car appeared on the screen.  A young man wearing a yellow padded jacket appears and begins to push the handle together.

This time, it will be changed to a CCTV screen.

The car begins to run, and the young man who was walking suddenly runs and pushes the old man.


Although there was no sound, the rear car was destroyed in an instant, and the waste of paper boxes (cardboard boxes) contained in it flew everywhere.

The car that stops is idle.  The screen returned to the briefing room.


- The accident took place at around 6 a.m. today in front of a school in Galhyeon-dong, Eunpyeong-gu. The car was running and caused an accident. A police investigation revealed that the driver had been suffering from epilepsy since last year. The police believe that the cause was that he stepped on the accelerator while having a seizure.

- That's unfortunate news. Were there any victims?

- Yes, as you can see, an elderly man in his 70s, who was pushing a rear car almost suffered a disaster, but fortunately was rescued by a passerby.

- The rescuer's personal information has become a hot topic today, right?

- Yes, that's right.

When anchor Hong Ahran touched the screen, a video thumbnail appeared.  Likewise, so did also a young man wearing a yellow padded jacket.


- The righteous man who saved the elderly in his 70s was a test-taker who was on his way to take the exam today.

Shall we watch the first interview that reporter Noh Yongki joined this afternoon?


A young man sitting at a cafe.

He is wearing a black sweater without the yellow padded jacket.  A slightly tired, but handsome face was clearly revealed.


The young man smiled bitterly and continued to talk.


[GALHYEON-DONG RIGHTEOUS HERO SEON WOOJU] It's a bit of a waste, but human life comes first. I don't think it can be compared to the test you can take next year.

[REPORTER] What did you think when you went to save him. . .?

[GALHYEON-DONG RIGHTEOUS HERO SEON WOOJU] Oh, back then? I don't know. I just didn't think about anything. Before I knew about it, my body moved first.

After briefly showing it in the middle of the interview, the screen returned to the briefing room.  Anchor Hong Ahran looked straight at the screen and continued to talk.

- That was an interview with Mr. Seon the Righteous Hero in Galhyeon-dong. Fortunately, Mr. Seon rolled onto the hill, but ended with a mild concussion. On the other hand, the regret is growing as it has been revealed that this righteous hero has achieved an average of first grade several times in the last mock test of the Korea Appraisal Board.

- It's heartwarming but unfortunate news. What about the other victims?

- Victim Choi was later transferred to the hospital. Except for a broken rib, he reportedly suffered a minor bruise too

- I can say that it's a relief.

- Yes, that's right.

- Due to this incident, the Korea Expressway Corporation's license management has come under fire, right?


I put on the DMB screen at that point. When I went onto the internet and my name was stuck everywhere in the news society.


- On the day of the college entrance exam, the examinee saved the life of an elderly man in his 70s. . .

- "Galhyeon-dong Righteous Hero" Seon Wooju, "I feel burdened with more interest than I did."

- Seoul National Police Agency is reviewing the commendation for Galhyeon-dong Righteous Hero.


I looked up at the night sky and breathed in the cold air.  There's a lot going in the world.

When I was an idol trainee, I imagined this every day.

How would it feel if I became famous on stage and became famous enough for people to know me just by hearing my name?  Ironically, it was like that now.

Sure, I knew better than anyone else that it was just a temporary interest.  However, today I was more famous than any other trainee in the world.

In addition to the grand title of righteousness, other parts seemed to have become a hot topic on the internet.  My interview pictures that were captured was going around every internet community.

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- Wow, so handsome hahaha

- But he really has a baby face. . . I thought he was a high school student

- If I was the head director of the cram school, I'd pay for a year's worth of tuition and invite him.

There was a line of compliments about appearance that made my hands and feet cringe.  I read the comments one by one, kneading my cringe-worthy hands and feet.

I was happy to receive attention, but it felt strange.

Anyway, it's true that the two-year study went down the drain.

"Whoo~. . ."

I looked up at the night sky in the cold wind and looked at the smartphone in my hand.  The messenger notifications continued to appear.  Countless notifications.


From close friends, to acquaintances who sometimes contact me, to people who I can't remember their names well.

The phone, which was usually quiet, was fired up with a flood of contact.

Perhaps sometimes I'll look at the news or the internet and will ask how they're doing, but I wasn't in the mood to reply to all of them for now.

There was something more important than that now.

I looked at the baseball in my hand.  An empty playground.

It was the night of the CSAT, so all the lights in the school were turned off.  I grabbed the ball and went somewhere no one was watching.

What happened during the day.  It was necessary to verify what it was.

I was going to throw a baseball into the playground stand for the experiment, but my smartphone suddenly vibrated.

The moment I saw the name on the screen, I couldn't help but be surprised.

What? Why did he call me all of a sudden?

First, I pressed the call button.


- Oh, you answered?

I licked my lips at the thought of surprise.

"What do you mean, 'you answer' hyung?"

- I'm only three years older, but you still call me hyung. I guess you didn't forget my name yet.

"Of course I remember."

- As expected, my network management skills did not die.

"Seeing that you're saying weird things, you must be in pain."

The caller's name was Yoon Seokhwan.  It was the manager who took care of me during my trainee days.

"Are you feeling better? You quit with a herniated disc shortly after I left."

- How did you know?

"I heard it from Taehyun."

Han Taehyun was a trainee who was preparing with me for TNT together.

After quitting, we exchanged contact for a while, but after serving in the military, we were only checking if each other was alive or dead on TV.

"Is your body feeling okay?"

- I'm all better now. I started working again while you were in the army.

"TJ Entertainment?"

- I was going to go back, but they said they already filled up my spot. Big companies are like that.

"That company is kinda of like that."

Looking at the excitement about the company, I bonded again for a while.

"By the way, what's going on?"

- Do we call each other only when we have something to say?


- ". . ."

"You called me because you had something to say. I don't think it's bad."

- There's one thing I want to suggest face to face.

"Can't you tell me over the phone?"

- You too. Isn't it customary to talk face to face in this industry? Do you have plans today?


"No, I don't."

- Come out, dude. Let's see each other for the first time in a long time. I'll buy you food.


Come to think of it, I couldn't even eat dinner because I was hit here and there.  I coughed in vain, feeling my stomach growling.

"I won't go unless it's expensive."

- I have a corporate card ready. Tell me anywhere.


- Rib eye?

"Yes, not just rib eye, but snow rib eye."

- Didn't you like pork?

That was true and it's the same now.  The last memory I had was exceptionally clear when I rolled onto the ice at dawn.

45,000 won for 3 servings of sirloin.

If it weren't for that memory, I would have said, 'Let's eat pork belly.'

- Anyway, I should have known that you'll like it for free. I know an amazing beef restaurant.  Do you want to go there? You're in Eunpyeong-gu, right?

"How did you know?"

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- How do I know? Your face is around every internet community.

Was it that bad?

- I'm sending you the address of the meat restaurant through chat.

"Hyung, i'm going to take some time getting there though".

- How long?

I fiddled with the baseball and answered, "It's because I have something to do."

- Okay. Call me when you're about to leave.

I got up after ending the phone call.  With one hand, I brushed off the sand on my butt and searched for MeTube with the other hand.




The best games played by U.S. Major League Baseball players were edited and uploaded as clip videos.  When you click on the video, the games are played with a matching BGM.

I focused on the video while holding my breath.

And how long has it been?  I was sure when the advertisement came out at the end of the video.

Strange feeling.

Throughout the video, it felt like an indescribable sensory organ was stimulated.  If I have to explain it, it's like the sixth sense beyond the five senses.

The experiment I'm doing now was to test it.  After watching the rough play video, I put my smartphone in shooting mode and put it on a stand by the side. Then I stepped back for a long time, widened the distance, and took a pitching posture.

Just when I intended to throw the ball, my body was moving without me knowing.  It was the same as when the police officer was thrown in the morning.

My body moved on its own.


I felt a moment of pain because the angle of the pose was beyond my flexibility, but it's only for a moment.  The right arm drew a cheerful line.

Break it!

The baseball that hit the stand rolled around a few times.  Instead of picking it up, I picked up my smartphone right away.

Then I checked.




Before watching the MLB video, I played the  video that I took for comparison.

When the video began, I shuddered with embarrassment.  In the video, I felt awkward with all the movements. 

There was a reason why I was nicknamed a "robot" when I was a trainee.  From the cut-off motion to the proper position of the limbs.


The ball also flies without a hitch.

After that, I threw the ball a few more times, but I didn't have to watch it any more.  I pressed the Go Back to leave the video and pressed the next video to enter.




Less than a few seconds after the video was played, I gasped without realizing it.

Is that really me?

It's different.  It's different from the first one from the gaze processing.

It's clumsy, but wherever I go, I would be hearing, 'You must have played baseball well?'

The interval between filming the video was 5 minutes.  However, in just five minutes, my attitude and posture has changed so much beyond belief to me.  The type of person was involved.

There is only one factor that can explain the huge gap between the two actions.  It was that I saw two diverse pitching movements styles of professionals.

Suspicion hardened into doubt, and doubt hardened into certainty.  Can I do the same move that I saw once?

It was not known for some reason, but perhaps the concussion has changed the nerve cells in your head, or maybe it is in return for good things.

But two things were certain.

". . .Ugh!"

My thighs were throbbing.

This is because the leg he raised to follow the professional player's pitching movement exceeded his flexibility. 

He frowned while kneading his stiff thighs.

My body can't keep up with the movements.  There's nothing perfectly for free in the world.  That was the first sure fact.+

And the second one is. . .

That it was the start of a new path opening for me.

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