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'Isn't he good at dancing?' 

Sun Wooju was dancing while bending his body to the beat of electronic music.

It was unusual at first glance.  

It wasn't his specialty, but if you look at him, you'll come to learn.  If he invest only in a few months, he'll have the potential to become a dancing machine.

'The flexibility is a bit disappointing.'

Was it because he lost some flexibility after taking a 2 year break from practicing?

Some movements that needed to be soft came out as rough.  However, since flexibility can be solved through some stretching, I also gave a passing score for the dance.

It was indeed skills that was like a trainee in his sixth year.

'Why did Chief Manager Yoon make a fuss when he was so good?'

When I turned my head in a puzzled mood, I looked at Yoon Seokhwan who was sitting at the edge.  A face with his eyes wide open.

It was as if he had encountered a ghost.

'I can't believe it.' (We have switched over to Yoon Seokhwan's POV!!)

Yoon Seokhwan's eyes blinked uncontrollably.

Who is this Seon Wooju?

He was a kid who was known as a log and robot among trainers at TJ ENTERTAINMENT.  Although he was good at singing, he was an unlucky trainee who got eliminated because of his dance skills.

'Should I be thrilled or not?'

I was happy to see my beloved boy dance well, but honestly, I was stunned.  What happened right in front of my eyes was something that I thought was impossible.

It was Wooju who became depressed after getting a failing score in dance at the end of each monthly evaluations due to being unfit even if he stayed up all night.

I can't believe a person suddenly changed like this.

I was excited and confuse, and yet on the other hand, I feel touched as if I was seeing my own child grow up well.

"This kid. . . you should have told me in advance if you have improved in dancing after 2 years."

I was frustrated that I had been nervous for no reason for three weeks.

The freestyle came to an end.

Seon Wooju, who was panting and wiping off his sweat in the middle of the practice room, smiled when I made eye contact with him.

You're so cheeky.

I looked around while applauding from the bottom of my heart.

It's a pass.

I felt it from the eyes of the judges looking at each other even if they didn't say anything.

The audition was a pass.

To think there are people who liked Wooju's dance.  I laughed thinking that there's many great things in the world.



* * *



After the audition, I signed a contract with LEMON ENTERTAINMENT. (Back to Wooju's POV)

First, it was three months.

It was a contract where the time would automatically be extended if there were no problems, but could be cancelled at any time during the middle of the months.

CEO Park Gyuho brought up the story of the debut.

"June of next year?"

The expected debut date was June 2014.

It was going to be December in a few days, so the remaining time was about half a year.

"The investors were annoyed and talking bad. It has been two years since the leaving of the trainees, so now it's time to show the results."

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"I like it, but will you be okay?  The schedule must be a little tight."

"It'll be fine.  If it doesn't work, I'll grab hold of the investors' pants and beg."

CEO Park smiled and reached out his hand, "So don't give up and just work hard.  Got it?"

"Yes, I will."

"Since it's the first day, the lessons will starts tomorrow.  Do you want to say hi to the members today?"

"Right now?"

"You'll  see each other anyway. The sooner, the better."

"Okay, that's nice."

I gladly accepted the offer.

CEO Park Gyuho was right when he said the soon the better since we'll have to meet each other anyway.

Basement practice room.

After CEO Park went in first, I adjusted my clothes for a while.  As I entered the room with a gesture to come in, curious gazes followed.

The moment I saw the four trainees, I paused for a moment.

This is because all of them looked unreal.

Even though I don't know much about my ability, I felt an aura for some reason.

Two of the trainees were  tall.  One had a manly impression and the other was handsome.

And there was a person who's visuals made me go, 'He's an actor' the moment I saw him, but he looked as if he was in a bad mood.

The gazes of observing each other in the air was the same.

"Say hi.", CEO Park said with a smile.

"He's a friend who's going to practice with you from today onwards."

At the CEO's words, we bowed our heads and greeted each other awkwardly.  While saying the same, 'Hello' repeatedly, the CEO pointed to the trainees and introduced them.

He just told me the name, but to be honest, I wasn't sure who was who right now.

A calm looking trainee raised his hand.

"CEO, I have a question for you."

"Oh, ok.  Bijoo."

"You said that he's going to practice with us, so he's the one, right? The other day, chief manager Cho Kyuhwan said he would go to recruit a member a while ago. . ."

"That's right."

"Did Director Cho really bring him here?"

As the CEO nodded, a strange atmosphere spread like a tide among the trainees.

What did their eyes want to say to me?

They looked like people who received the package they had been waiting for.

The tall guy asked, "Are we debuting then?"

"There's a certain schedule that's been set to some extent.  A&R and the management team are in a meeting, but you can think of it as of June of next year."


A member who seemed to be the youngest shouted without even realizing.

Then he said, "Hyung!  We're debuting!" and then they hug each other and scream.

The CEO smiled at the scene.

I felt like I was a bag of barley, but I laughed at the trainees who were in a festive mood.  (Feeling like a bag of barley is similar to being the 3rd wheel or odd one out of the group)

It was because I knew well what they were thinking.

It's understandable if you've been waiting for two years after your debut was flipped upside down.  For trainees, debut doesn't just mean going onto TV.

It was a ray of light that appeared in an endless tunnel.

I couldn't help but be excited.  The world around you is dangerous, so no matter how much you tell yourself not to expect too much, you can't help your mood some times.

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For the boys who're running in the tunnel, debuting was like that.

The moment you see the end of a long tunnel, your heart pounds, you laugh for no reason, and you want to hug everyone you meet.

I sympathized with them.

"Guys, calm down."

When the CEO took out a card with a smile, the trainees who were once chatting happily among themselves quieted down.  It was like looking at the Excalibur.  The CEO's and corporate card sparkled in the lights of the practice room.

"Since there's a new trainee today, let's have a welcome party and grill some meat."

There was a loud cheer.  Hearing that, I smiled quietly.

Anyway, it was a good atmosphere for the first meeting.



* * *



The first day ended with eating and relieving the awkwardness.  The full-fledged lesson began today, the second day.

I arrived at the practice room and turned on the light.

It was 7 am.

The lesson starts at 9 o'clock, but I arrived two hours earlier on purpose.

It was to take up for the lack of time to practice.  I'm still lacking a lot.  I had a long way to go as I took a break from practicing for two years.

I warmed up lightly such as splitting my legs and connected my smartphone to the speaker with an AUX cable.





It's a song that has recently become a hit on the Billboard chart.  A song that stands out for its dance performance in the R&B genre.

The MeTube video I saw on the subway this morning was the performance of this song.

Soon after, movements that I thought have died flowed out of my body.

A wave.

The movements are divided into several stages and are combined into one fluid motion, and the motion goes from one arm to the other.

Now I could understand the whole process.

In addition to imitating the motion, I intuitively knew now what principle it is made of.

Interestingly, this ability was also applicable to songs.

The ability was to understand muscle movement and imitate it.  Perhaps the vocal cords were also muscles, so it looked like that.

In fact, it was thanks to it that I was able to recover 60% of my original skills back before auditioning. At this rate, it was not unreasonable to raise it to the minimum level of debut within the next month.


After put up quite a sweat through dancing and three sets of leg splits, the first trainee opened the door and entered.

White skin and neat features.

When you at him, his features gave of an impression of a gentle deer for some reason.

He said he was Kim Bijoo.  Maybe.

Kim Bijoo, who was yawning continuously as if trying to overcome his tiredness, smiled brightly when he found me.

"You came early hyung."


"Did you come in early because it's your first day?"

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"Yeah, it's kind of bad to be late on the first day."

I heard a clear laugh.

As a result of my observations while eating together yesterday, this gentle looking trainee had a very calm personality.

Kim Bijoo sat right next to me and started stretching.

I was amazed to see his legs spread like a crane.  He's really flexible.

Did they say his role is main dancer?  As the best dancer in the group, each movement is somehow soft and elegant.  

While I was admiring him, Kim Bijoo, who made eye contact with me, laughed.

"What's wrong?"

"I think you're very flexible."

"I guess it's because I started dancing since I was in elementary school.  That's why I've improved in dancing, but I don't think I'm growing any taller."

I smiled at him who made a sad face saying, 'It's sad ㅠㅠ.' (the ㅠㅠ is like a text form of a crying face with tears flowing down)

"Don't worry. You'll grow bigger."

"I'm turning 20 next month hyung."

"Huh? Didn't you all say you were high school students?"

"Junghyun, so the tall one, and I will graduate next year.  The youngest is now going to high school."

If it was the tall kid, he seemed to referring the member with the slightly manly feel.  It seems I misunderstood he was about 17 because of his boyish appearance, but he's younger than I thought.

We talked about a lot of things while stretching, but it was awkward since we only seen each other once.

It's went along the lines of, 'Wow, you're handsome haha',  'No haha, I should be saying that', it was the same conversation.

When the conversation stopped for a while, Bijoo quietly opened his mouth as he looked at me while doing a leg split.

"Wooju hyung."

". . .Huh?"

"When you were at TJ ENTERTAINMENT, you were selected to be in the debut group, but was eliminated because of your dancing in the past."

"That's right."

What is he trying to talk about?

"It's a little out of the blue, but this time, I hope you can debut with us."


I was bewildered.

"What are you talking about?"

"The CEO said we'll debut in June of next year.  There's about half a year left, and it'll be really hard to prepare for that time.  You might get stressed out because you can't dance."

"That's possible."

"But don't give up in the middle, okay?"


"I don't know a person's feeling.  If it gets difficult in the middle, please tell me."

Kim Bijoo spoke with a serious face.

"If you can't do it because you're tired, I can buy you a meal.  Oh. . . I'll also give you counseling.  Don't worry and talk to me anytime.  If the dance is difficult that you don't know, I can help you even if we stay up all night."

"Thank you. I'll definitely remember that."

He said something serious, but the more I listened to the story, the more he gradually laughed.

He was scared right now.

The experience of failing to debut because of the members leaving just before their debut twice is stuck in his heads like trauma.  As in the previous situations, he was afraid that I would also leave.

Besides, he heard yesterday that I gave up because of dancing, so he was stressing over the situation.

He wants to debut, but it's a problem if I leave like the last person that came in.

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Did I say something wrong yesterday?

I briefly summarized my trainee history so far, but I think I said it in a way that he misunderstood it.

What should I say to him?  

Now that I had an ability, I couldn't say that dancing will no longer be a problem anymore.

". . ."

Kim Bijoo was stretching with an awkward face, perhaps embarrassed with what he said.

It made me smile a little.


While stretching silently with Bijoo, another trainee appeared.

Tteokbokki covered in plastic. (Ttokbokki is is type of food)

Like Bijoo, it was the face of a handsome boy, but it felt different.

While Kim Bijoo was like the warmth in spring, it was a chilly winter over there.  Unlike Bijoo, who was calm and neat, he had the impression of an arrogant prince.

It feels very chilly.

It was Seo Rihyuk. I definitely remember him.

It was impressive that I remembered his face when I ate yesterday.

He's turning 18 next year.

With his earphones on, I greeted the buddy with food who came, but was only returned with a nod.

As I blinked, Bijoo whispered.

"That's how he is."

"It's chic."

His height was around the 170cm mark, similar to Kim Bijoo, and his body proportion had a good ratio to them.

A slim body and intelligent face.

The boy, who was quietly listening to music against the wall, turned his head at my gaze for a moment and soon ignored it.

You're feisty.

Rihyuk started to talk to me, when I came out of the hallway to the water purifier to kill my neck pain.

"Excuse me."

Turning my head, I could see his sharp eyes.

I smiled back, "My name is Seon Wooju, not excuse me."


"If it's hard to call me by my name because it's awkward, then it's okay."

With a soft smile, and a soft voice.

For those who appeared to have this type of personality in experience, it's necessary to speak in a soft tone to your speech and the content needs to be strong.

Otherwise, you'll be eaten. (Overtaken can work too)

"Seon Wooju hyung, did I say it?"

He looked as if he was displeased with using his hyung tone of voice.

"I have something to say, do you have time?"

"What do you want to talk about?"

"There was something I couldn't say because I didn't have time yesterday."

As I blew out the paper cup and poured in water, I nodded as if to tell the other person something.  Black eyes stared back at me.

"Yesterday, you said you gave up being a trainee because of dancing."

". . ."

What kind of good person are you with me? (Idk what this really mean tbh)

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