In Virtual Reality

Chapter 53

【Keep running!】

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The sound of hurried footsteps and the whirring of an electric saw merged into an ear-splitting cacophony, causing Xu Jin Yi to strain forward as she ran, unable to break free from the body she was trapped in.

Despite her predicament, she couldn't help but notice the world around her. An ancient, foreign house loomed before her, exuding a strong sense of exoticism. Its walls were adorned with patterned wallpaper, but the peeling corners revealed black and yellow marks, remnants of a previous fire. Flickering household wall lights illuminated the narrow passage, but the dim yellow light rendered the path indistinct.

The body jolted forward over the dilapidated wooden floors, its tiny frame struggling to keep up. Some areas were so damaged that large holes had formed, threatening to trip them up at any moment.

【Oh~ Looks like this running speed is up to par~,】 the strange figure behind her laughed. 【Let's have some more fun!】

The passage widened in an instant before Xu Jin Yi's eyes, and a crowd of "people" ran alongside her. She turned her head and saw her roommate and fellow student, Yang An An, frantically running with a look of terror etched onto her face. A tag with a circular number fluttered in the wind around Yang An An's waist, and Xu Jin Yi noticed the same tag tied to her waist.

A sharp, unknown voice cackled from behind, "The one being hunted now is number 5!"

A rotten wooden board had risen in front of them, blocking their path. Xu Jin Yi calculated its height and determined that she could climb it. She stepped onto the board with the body's help and raised both hands high, but the body slipped down.

Xu Jin Yi felt a cold sweat break out on her skin. She knew the masked stranger was getting closer and closer. Could she not climb up such a small height after all her training? Her eyes widened, and she clenched her teeth. "Get me up there!" she demanded.

The slipping body stood up again, and Xu Jin Yi watched as it smoothly climbed to the top. Just when she thought she could continue running, the body turned around, and Xu Jin Yi followed suit. The dream figure that looked just like Yang An An cried out and reached out to her while behind it, the masked stranger raised a chainsaw and stepped closer and closer.

Xu Jin Yi's mind was in turmoil, her instincts telling her to act while her rational mind urged caution. She hesitated momentarily, her gaze flickering between the desperate plea of "Yang An An" and the figure bearing down on them with a chainsaw in hand.

Despite the danger, her body acted independently, reaching out to "Yang An An" with a strength that was a mere fraction of her own. Their hands clasped together, but it was too late. The chainsaw reached her and cut through her flesh, unleashing a geyser of crimson that splattered everywhere, including onto the once pristine white rabbit mask.

The visceral screams of agony and terror rang in her ears. She could feel "Yang An An" desperately clinging onto her hand, "Save me... Save me..."

With a cry that grew more frenzied, the monster brandished the chainsaw dripping with fresh blood, bellowing, 【Come on! Come on!】

The body let go and crumpled, screaming in agony while crawling backwards from the sudden and brutal attack. Finally, as if this was the breaking point, Xu Jin Yi merged with the fallen form and took control of its flimsy limbs.

Meanwhile, the masked stranger climbed up and perched atop their victim to leer down at Xu Jin Yi, who huddled on the ground.

【Oh, poor child,】 they cooed, lowering themselves to her level with a twisted smile. 【Looks like we'll have to start all over again tomorrow.】 Xu Jin Yi narrowed her eyes and sprang to her feet in the blink of an eye, sprinting ahead without glancing back. Behind her, the masked figure hesitated for a moment.

【Hmm? Another new move?】 they murmured to themselves. 【Well, let's carry on then. Ugh, another long day of work...】


The walls on either side were wallpapered, revealing no signs of any other possible path. The lengthy corridor ahead stretched deep into the darkness, devoid of bright light to expose alternative escape routes.

The figures spawned in her dream were mainly familiar faces, comprising classmates and school staff. But she knew that this was just a figment of her imagination. Xu Jin Yi was now fully conscious. Had her previous dreams been like this?

As she bolted down the hallway, a men's and women's toilet suddenly manifested on her right. Without a second thought, Xu Jin Yi planned to run past it.

Yet she stopped in her tracks, pondering for a moment. After a fleeting hesitation, she decided to turn back and charge into the women's toilet.

Xu Jin Yi rushed in, her footsteps echoing off the walls. The air was thick with the scent of bleach and the harsh hum of fluorescent lighting.

The interior was pristine and organized, with only a few half-height cubicles adorning the walls. If she wanted to hide, she'd have to crouch down next to one of the cubicles, yet the possibility of being discovered was high.

Ignoring the cubicles, she made a beeline for the sink, her heart pounding.

She turned on the tap, the water gushing out in a torrent. She scooped up handfuls of it and flung it across the polished porcelain tiles of the toilet, dampening the floor. As she squatted down, she gazed under the sink and spotted an iron bucket near the wall and a decrepit mop resting beside it at a slant.

Xu Jin Yi pulled out the bucket, the metal cold and rough under her fingers. She gripped it firmly as she moved towards the door. Footsteps approached, then paused outside the closed door to the restroom.

【Are you in here?】 A strange voice chuckled outside. 【I'm coming in, oh~!】 The thin plastic barrier was violently kicked open, the door slamming into the wall and obscuring the mirror above the washbasin. With the view obstructed, the figure couldn't see Xu Jin Yi by the doorway, wielding the iron bucket.


Xu Jin Yi slammed the bucket onto the masked figure's face, causing it to topple backwards. The foot that had kicked the door slipped on the slick floor, sending the figure tumbling down, its head slamming into the bathroom tiles.

Placing the now-deformed bucket onto the figure's head, Xu Jin Yi stepped on its arm and stooped to snatch the chainsaw from its grasp. The chainsaw's teeth glinted in the harsh light, the metallic edge sharp and deadly.

When the figure came to, it was filled with rage. It quickly lifted the bucket from its head to see what had hit it. Its eyes widened in fear and confusion as it stared at Xu Jin Yi, standing in front of it with the chainsaw and pulling its string to start its majestic purr.

"Surprised? Unexpected?" Xu Jin Yi smiled, her voice slow and deliberate.

The Strange Figure: "..."

It was only a matter of time before everything was turned on its head.


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The following day, Xu Jin Yi stirred slowly, her movements languid and relaxed. She stretched, unleashing a big yawn, and basked in the satisfaction on her lips. After getting out of bed, she washed up before settling in front of her computer. She perused various game forums, scanning the pages for any intriguing updates.

As she scrolled through the latest news, she stumbled upon the official "Elevator Safety Instructions" that provided feedback on her progress from the previous night. She furrowed her brows in confusion as she read the message.

【Here's what happened, Excelsior. Our technicians ran multiple checks and found that your actions were perhaps too innovative, causing you to become stuck in the chase scene and triggering a bug that resulted in all NPCs attacking you. We apologize for any inconvenience.】

Xu Jin Yi:??

Xu Jin Yi was taken aback. She had followed the normal process, so what did they mean by "innovative"? She quickly typed her response.

【Well...there is no 'player versus NPC' setting in the VR version,】 the official replied.

Xu Jin Yi:??

【Of course, this was an error on our part. We will retrieve the VR version of the game for further inspection in the near future. Your game progress will also be marked as 'cleared.' Your feedback was extremely helpful to us, and the evaluation reward will be deposited into your account shortly.】

Xu Jin Yi was relieved. She didn't want to argue any further, especially when a reward was at stake. At least the developer had been courteous and professional.

【On this note, we have a selfish request; we want to ask you to borrow Excelsiori's video of clearing the game, upload it to the game forum, and promote "Elevator Safety Instructions."

The promotion fee would also be included in her account.

In front of a veteran player, Xu Jin Yi, the developers acted like a spoiled child.

Xu Jin Yi tapped her fingers on the keyboard, considering her response. 【Sure, as long as it helps the game sell better.】

Developer: "(【Toast to our friendship.jpg】)"

Developer: 【Let me give you an insider tip, Excelsior. I heard that a new game is set to release in October this year~ (evil grin.GIF)】

Xu Jin Yi's interest was piqued. A new game? She had to know more.

Excelsior: 【Could you share more insider news, kind-hearted developer? (evil grin.GIF)】

Developer: 【Hehe, I heard that a new development team has joined the game website, and the other official accounts who watched the preview PV all thought it was great. Maybe it will be the popular game of the second half of this year.】

Xu Jin Yi's living expenses for the past few years were earned through game reviews on the website. This news made her even more excited.

Excelsior: 【Thank you.】

Developer: 【You're welcome~】

After closing the private chat, Xu Jin Yi began scouring the website for more information on the new game. The newly established development team...

She sorted her search results chronologically, quickly identifying several official accounts. Checking out their respective platforms, Xu Jin Yi inferred the possible style of the new game.

Suspense and horror were the two main factors of horror games.

But what caught Xu Jin Yi's attention the most was the self-introduction of the third development team:

【No save files allowed~!】

No save files? Xu Jin Yi propped up her chin and contemplated. Would the game only have one ending? Could it offer a movie-like gaming experience?

She reached out to the bookshelf and carefully pulled out a weathered notebook, opening it and swiftly jotting down her conjectures. The sun gradually rose, casting its warm light into the dormitory. By 10 o'clock in the morning, the other three roommates had started stirring awake.

Yang An An observed Xue Jinyi, who was writing furiously at her desk as soon as she got out of bed. She inquired curiously, "What are you working on, Jinyi?"

"Just some notes on gaming," Xue Jinyi replied with a lazy stretch, her limbs seeming to awaken from slumber. "I slept well last night."

"Did you have a dream?" Yang An An prodded.

Xue Jinyi smirked and glanced at their roommates, who were now paying attention. "No, I had another one of my escape dreams."

"What's it about this time?" Yang An An asked with interest.

Xue Jinyi tossed her pen onto the desk and settled into the chair, her smile growing sly. "I finally fought back."


"Brrrum Bruuumm ~"

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The girl brandished her electric saw, its teeth still dripping with crimson liquid. Her grin widened at the prospect of her next victim. "Let's see who's next," she mused, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous light.

Beside her feet lay a strange person in a goat mask, their bodies still and lifeless, with black and red blood pooling around them. Xue Jinyi kicked the corpse aside, unwilling to let it impede her progress towards the flashing lights that beckoned her from the darkness.

This was all just a dream.

As Xue Jinyi regained control of her body, she felt a deluge of memories from the past four years rush into her mind, depicting her dream in vivid detail.

In her dreams for the past four years, Xu Jin Yi had been relentlessly pursued by masked strangers with animal faces. Each time, she would be caught and wake up in a panic.

It was true; four years ago, after experiencing unexplained heart palpitations upon waking up, Xu Jin Yi decided to prioritize her health by exercising regularly and establishing a healthy routine.

But upon waking up, she believed that her desire for a better life drove her to exercise... and now, she remembers the truth.

She is running for her life.

She always felt fragile and powerless in her dreams, with no other option but to flee.

However, the excruciating pain she recently experienced upon landing gave Xu Jin Yi back control. As for those dream creatures...

"Are you hiding well~?" the girl's laughter rang out, "I'm coming to find you~!"

How many times have they killed her in her dreams? Today, she's going to get revenge.



After hearing Xu Jin Yi's description, Yang An An fell into deep silence before finally speaking, "What can I say? You're incredible!"

Xu Jin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, her excitement still palpable.

"You know what? When I treat the dream as a game, it becomes so much simpler! For gamers, as long as the ghost dares to show its HP bar, everything is about to end~!"

After listening for a while, Tan Bao hesitated and said, "Jinyi, why do I feel like this situation is somewhat reminiscent of hypnosis?"

"I know, right?" Lao Xiang exclaimed, patting Xu Jin Yi's arm in agreement, "It's like waking up suddenly from hypnosis after being strongly influenced by an external force."

A powerful external force...

Two nights prior, she had slammed her head, and her dreams of escape and murder halted for a night. But in her dream last night, she tumbled onto her rear, yet her soul took control.

"That does sound similar," Xu Jin Yi pondered, stroking her chin.

"But hypnosis? Who'd do that? Isn't that just a fictional plot?" Yang An An, an experienced fiction reader, challenged. "And besides, Jinyi's so lovable. Who could hold a grudge against her?"

Xu Jin Yi replied with a sigh, "..."

Who's lovable here?

Impatiently brushing away Yang An An's extended arm, Xu Jin Yi thought momentarily. "I saw a private psychologist a long time ago."

Back then, Xu Jin Yi lived alone and felt particularly down for a period, so she booked an appointment with a nearby private doctor online.

She didn't really care about the legitimacy at the time... but after that visit, Xu Jin Yi believed the private psychologist was a charlatan and never returned again.

She opened her phone's notes and dug up the address of that clinic from a distant past.

Xu Jin Yi then searched the map and discovered that the private clinic had vanished. She also scoured the internet and discovered that it had been shut down by a girl three years ago.

Now, there was no way to find that person anymore.

"I still don't think 'hypnosis' is very reliable," Yang An An persisted, "maybe your mood's just gotten better lately, Jinyi."

Xu Jin Yi gazed up at her and smiled, "Maybe."

"By the way," Xu Jin Yi asked Yang An An, "didn't you mention something 'mysterious' that happened yesterday? Let me check the news."

She reached for her phone but found it had frozen and shut down. "Hmm," she said, inspecting it closely. "Maybe I dropped it too hard yesterday."

Yang An An leaned over and offered her phone. "Mine is fully charged, why don't you use mine?"

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Xu Jin Yi smiled gratefully, "Thanks." She took the phone from her, but as she began scrolling through the news, her eyes widened, and she gasped. "What the...?"

"What is it?" Yang An An asked.

"My's working again," she said, holding up her device.

Yang An An frowned, "That's weird."

Xu Jin Yi ignored her and continued to read the news. She found what she was looking for, but her phone shut down again before she could click on the article. "What the hell?" she muttered.

Yang An An chuckled, "Looks like your phone has a mind of its own."

Xu Jin Yi smiled wryly, "Seems like it."

"When do you think you'll find out what's going on?" Yang An An asked.

Xu Jin Yi stood up, "I don't know, but I have a feeling it's not the right time yet." She grabbed her clothes and toiletries from the wardrobe. "I'm going to take a shower. I feel sticky and uncomfortable."

Yang An An nodded, "Sure, I'll wait for you here."

As Xu Jin Yi took a shower, her thoughts turned to her strange dream from the previous night. A strange man yelled at her in it, but she couldn't remember what he said. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind.


On September 20th, 2222, Wang Ju sat inside the Jiang City Police Station, sorting through the materials in her hands. She looked over at her colleague, He Du. "Hey, have you noticed that something's been strange around here lately?"

He Du didn't look up from his computer. "Where's the strange part?"

"Cao Wei Min," Wang Ju said. "Hasn't he been absent from the police station for the past few days?"

He Du shrugged, "Li squad made him stop working and go home last time because of those things."

"It's been almost a month since then, though," Wang Ju said. "Has anyone heard from him?"

"He came back a few days ago and had a fight with Li squad," He Du replied, typing away on his keyboard. "Then applied to resign."

Wang Ju frowned, "That's odd. I wonder what's going on. Wait! This is it... What?!?" Wang Ju exclaimed in surprise as she turned around. "Him? Cao Wei Min??? Resignation??? What happened?" she asked, blinking in disbelief. "But didn't the 'Secret Investigation Department' just get established? Didn't Captain Li say he wanted to transfer Cao into that department? Why did he suddenly resign?" Wang Ju was puzzled.

He Du saved the document and turned around, explaining, "That's because Captain Li didn't know what Cao Wei Min had done, and the two of them had a big argument. Or rather, Cao Wei Min was criticized unilaterally. He's an impulsive person who rushes in when he encounters anything 'mysterious.' Of course, Captain Li wouldn't dare to let him join the special investigation team," He Du added.

"So, Cao just submitted his resignation because of that?" Wang Ju asked.

"In fact... it was Captain Li who said that Cao wasn't suitable to be a police officer," He Du replied, giving a thoughtful pause.

Old Li was a comrade-in-arms of Ye Cheng Jing, and Cao became a police officer because of Ye Cheng Jing. Now that Old Li said this, Cao was probably feeling very dissatisfied in his heart.

Wang Ju shook her head but remained silent.

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

The transparent glass revealed the appearance of the person outside.

A well-dressed boy holding a brown paper bag greeted politely, "Excuse me, is Officer Li here?"

"Shen Jia?" Wang Ju recognized him and walked over. "Captain Li is in his own office. What's the matter?"

Shen Jia wore a white T-shirt with a jade green tea leaf brooch on the collar. "Officer Li asked me to deliver something. Could you take me there?"

"Of course, follow me."

As they arrived at Captain Li's office, Wang Ju knocked on the door and entered after getting permission.

"Captain Li, Shen Jia is here," she announced.

The man was looking at the documents in his hand but put them down and stood up when he heard the news. "Hmm, come in."

After Wang Ju left, Shen Jia handed the brown paper bag to Old Li.

"Allow me to offer my assistance," he said as he handed over the bag of notes. Within it lay detailed accounts of his observations and experiences at Dark Virtue University from long ago. With any luck, the police officers might be able to glean some insight from these tenuous leads.

"Thank you, this will be extremely helpful." Old Li's features softened, and he cracked a smile. "The research institute managed to develop a scanner using the phone you provided last time. This is a significant breakthrough for us in dealing with these Spirit Shenanigans Events."

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Shen Jia mused, "That was Zhou Xiao Han's phone, wasn't it? She would be happy to know that she played a part in this."

Their talk of Zhou Xiao Han hung in the air, casting a momentary pall over the conversation.

The unresolved deaths remained a persistent ache in their hearts.

"Inquiring about the progress of your investigation, where do things currently stand?" Shen Jia asked in a hushed tone.

"The Spirit Shenanigans appear completely random," Old Li replied with a helpless shake. "Even the entry points vary. Remember the elevator incident a few weeks ago? One victim entered through Li Hai Community, while the other came from the construction site at Hu Lu Kou. Though both emerged from the mystery on the same day, they entered on different dates; one on August 21st, the other on August 18th."

"Seems like time and space are chaotically intertwined when it comes to entering the mystery," Shen Jia observed.

Old Li offered a reassuring pat on the shoulder, saying, "We can only take it one step at a time. There's no sense in hurrying." He was at a loss, but being adaptable was the most prudent approach. "Thank you for always cooperating with the police," he added.

Shen Jia smiled warmly, "Of course, everyone desires a peaceful and harmonious life. On another note," he hesitated before asking, "what about Officer Cao who came to inquire with me last time? I recall his keen interest in these matters. I wonder if Officer Cao is currently occupied with these affairs..."

He was merely making casual conversation; Cao Wei Min had left a lasting impression on him. Sometimes, Shen Jia would scrutinize the patterns of the mystery's participants, as proposed by the other side, to better understand the phenomenon.

Old Li's smile faded.

"He resigned," the male officer divulged. "Everyone has their own aspirations. Perhaps being a police officer was not suited to him."


In a quaint old neighbourhood in Jiang City, a man donning a duckbill hat swivelled and consulted his phone's map to find his way. He heaved open the corroded anti-theft door and expelled the dust infiltrating his nostrils. Once inside, he shone his phone's light into the inky depths and inched towards the centre of the room.

"Welcome~" A small illumination suddenly flickered in the hall's middle, and the man swung his phone in that direction. A good-looking man clapped his hands and soothed, "No need to be on edge, it's me."

"Wang Jin Long."

The man's lips twitched. Regardless of how many times he heard it, the name felt uncouth.

"It's me," he responded begrudgingly, sidestepping the subject, "I thought you wouldn't show up."

Cao Wei Min answered indifferently, "The police haven't located you. Where did you conceal yourself?"

"In what capacity are you asking me that question now?" Wang Jin Long sank into a folding chair and gazed at Cao Wei Min's slow approach. "Officer Cao?"

"...I'm no longer a police officer."

Wang Jin Long said, "It appears that you've chosen to join us?"


Wasn't it just Wang Jin Long alone?

"Well, there's me too." Someone shoved the door and entered.

Cao Wei Min lifted his arm and aimed the flashlight at the newcomer.

... A girl clad in a light-coloured dress scratched her head self-consciously while her dog beside her sneezed uncontrollably. "Sorry, I'll take Wheatley out first!" Zhang Rou Rou quickly opened the door and exited, her dog's sneezes receding gradually.

After the door shut, Cao Wei Min pivoted and scrutinized the serene Wang Jin Long. His hand shifted slightly as if to make a move.

Wang Jin Long became instantly vigilant and created distance between himself and Cao Wei Min.

"Why did you bring another girl?"

The man's face was scarcely discernible in the darkness, heightening his fearsomeness. "I've allotted you enough time, Xiao Cao," Wang Jin Long clarified, stretching his tone, "I had to find someone to assist us, right? I encountered this girl online. She wrote on her Vlog that she circumvented numerous obstacles by relying on intuition. Numerous commenters didn't believe her, so I approached her and explained the situation," he grinned, "perhaps she can aid us." Finally, he added, "She volunteered. You can question her if you don't trust me."

Cao Wei Min shut his eyes.

"Don't fret, she won't be in danger." Wang Jin Long reassured.

"You said you only required an ordinary person..." Cao Wei Min trailed off.

Wang Jin Long blinked. "Yes, Zhang Rou Rou is an ordinary person too."


"Alright," he approached and patted the silent man. "Since you're no longer a police officer, perhaps you'll attract less attention from Him. Think positively, we're one step closer to rescuing Officer Ye, aren't we?"

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