In Virtual Reality

Chapter 96

Fox Snap's heart raced as she realized the gravity of the situation, but she maintained her composure and feigned timidity, clutching the thick-shell book tightly. She glanced nonchalantly at the other two individuals, aware she was the only one who had yet to reveal her identity. To this group, aside from BGM, she was just another civilian.

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Wang Jin Long, the NPC, had a point. With five people present, including three werewolves, they could easily overpower and eliminate Old Attorney and Madam Stargazer if they acted swiftly. The problem was...

She furrowed her brow, studying Wang Jin Long, his bloodstained hands and all. She couldn't help but think that, despite being a teammate, he might turn on her at any moment.

The camera focused on BGM, who appeared calm, but the live audience's laughter was on the brink of exploding.

【Wang Jin Long: You are my teammate. BGM: No, I'm not.】

【Too funny, won't Brother BGM stab him in the back?】

【He still swore so solemnly. Is this the NPC who survived in Murphy's Playground?】

【Should I say it or not, I also think it's Murphy's official cheat for him...】

BGM remained silent for a moment, pondering his next move. He clenched the long sword at his waist with his right hand, debating whether to deliver righteous judgment upon Wang Jin Long or strike him down with the black tiger piercing the heart.

But before he could act, he watched as Wang Jin Long approached him, casually waving the dagger. A twisted smile adorned his face, one that defied description. It was as if a monster had donned a human guise, luring in its unsuspecting prey with an eerie grin.

"I mean, don't you want to win?" His eyes narrowed as the smile on his lips remained unfaltering, his elongated tone sounding as if it had crawled up from the depths of hell. Wang Jin Long paid no attention to the approaching girl knight. Instead, he fixed his gaze on the beast-eared girl, who appeared slightly unsteady. "Word on the street is that the rewards for winning this game are beyond generous." Like the lure of wealth and fame, what ordinary mortal can resist such temptation?

...perhaps some can, but most are the ones who have had a taste of such things and desire more.

Take himself, for instance; didn't he yearn for a life of opulence and extravagance? Yet, after experiencing that 'uncanny' incident, who would still cast their gaze on mere material wealth?

He desired more, more, and yet more benefits! Benefits that would make people see him in a different light that would make them both fearful and respectful!

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As Wang Jin Long's gaze became increasingly eerie, Fox Snap's back was gripped with a chilling sensation, as if something was slithering up and down her spine.

She held her tongue not out of cowardice but because Fox Snap's werewolf skill was akin to the Death Note. So far, only her number and the deceased lone wolves were known to her. Obtaining anyone else's number or identity card seemed impossible.

Meanwhile, eliminating someone at random was a reckless move. She could accidentally eliminate a teammate, causing more harm than good. Thinking strategically and acting cautiously were imperative to succeed in this game.

Madam Stargazer, on the other hand, spoke up boldly. She stepped forward, looked Wang Jin Long up and down, and spoke with a hint of disdain. "Are you trying to sow discord?" She continued, her words dripping with contempt. "You know, the mere mention of your name evokes hatred in everyone."

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Wang Jin Long remained calm, unfazed by her words. He smiled and asked, "Did I offend your interests? I apologize if I did, but pointing fingers won't help us win this game. Instead, we should work together to increase our chances of winning. After all, the rewards are yet to be decided, and anything can happen." He gestured towards the others and said, "Why not become partners? With more people on our side, we have a better shot at winning."

Fox Snap had tried the beta version of the game produced by Murphy Games, but after clearing it once, she didn't have much interest in replaying it. Instead, she joined the chorus of players on the forum who despised the character 'Wang Jin Long.' From a personal standpoint, he was unlikeable, even wholly detestable. Nevertheless, there was one admirable quality about him - Wang Jin Long knew precisely what people wanted.

When confronted with someone he believed to be Cao Du, he could quickly unravel the other person's fixation with just a few choice words, then leverage their obsession to coax them into helping him. When dealing with a solitary wolf ostracized by the group, he would take on the role of a high-IQ yet gentle companion, covertly encouraging the individual to do his bidding without realizing it. As for Fox Snap, a mere fan, only the promise of ultimate gain could ignite the influencer's passions. And what of Cao Wei Min and Zhang Rou Rou, who wore their hearts on their sleeves?

With enough incentive, anyone could become Wang Jin Long's strength, whether they volunteered or were coerced, whether they revered or despised him. For Wang Jin Long, everything could be a stepping stone towards victory if there was an absolute benefit.

This person's eyes were consumed by nothing but insatiable greed and desire...

Fox Snap realised, and it stirred something deep within her heart. Why did she start streaming in the first place? Setting aside her grandiose dreams and aspirations, it was all for the sake of making money. She agreed to participate in the beta test, started streaming, and became a streamer with contrasting cuteness in the eyes of her viewers, all for the sole purpose of steadily increasing her traffic.

Excelsior was undoubtedly captivating, and Wang Jin Long was a notorious figure on the forums, but in the end...

"Ultimately," she whispered, "winning the game is what matters most, isn't it?"

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As for Wang Jin Long? All it took was knowing his number, jotting it down with a few effortless strokes in a thick-skinned notebook, to secure a victory and win the admiration of forum players. Peeling back the very essence of this game, it all boils down to personal interests. After all, even werewolves who should have been teammates could turn on one another.

【Eh? What's happening... the streamer's expression has shifted...】

【Holy crap, she's so fierce qvq, the first time a cute girl has scared me, tears are streaming down my face QWQ】

【What's going on, what's going on? Is she planning to join Wang Jin Long's team?! Don't do it!】

【Is she a lover of chaos?! Brilliant!】

With a tight grip on the book, Fox Snap frantically scanned the people around her. After hesitating, she mustered her courage and reached out to grab the hem of the young knight's clothes. "BGM," she said urgently.

BGM had been poised to draw his great sword and strike a fatal blow to Wang Jin Long, but he was distracted by a sudden movement at the hem of his clothes. He turned his head, frowning. "What's wrong?"

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The beast-eared girl activated her innate talent, and her eyes flashed with a halo that stiffened the young knight's body, causing him to enter a state of paralysis.

BGM's panic was palpable. "......"

"Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah~ why can't I move?!" he exclaimed, furiously tapping his keyboard and mouse in a desperate attempt to regain control. The viewers watching the live stream could sense his remorse and agony, imagining what he was going through.

"Do I have to watch my teammate being killed by that NPC, Wang Jin Long?!"

【At this point, do you finally remember your identity...】

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【I can only say that the hatred for Jinlongyu is terrifying】

【Why did Fox Snap betray us?! I don't understand!!!】

【Not everyone hates Wang Jin Long, you know? Just look at the forums, and you'll see people shipping Jinlongyu and Ye Cheng Jing...】

【Ah, don't make me think about that thing again!!!】

The barrage of comments ranged from laughter to madness. BGM's fingers trembled over his keyboard, trying to keep up.

BGM's righteous long sword could have easily smashed Wang Jin Long's dog head if only he had acted faster. Wang Jin Long, with a smirk creeping on his lips, sauntered towards Madam Stargazer, who was standing on the other side. The effort of BGM's eyes was evident as they were about to vomit blood from the sheer exertion to move.

【Ah, Ah, Ah, Madam, run!】

【How can an ordinary person fight against a werewolf?!】

【No, what about Old BGM? Isn't he a werewolf? Why isn't he attacking with a knife!】

【Obviously, he's being held back. I didn't expect the beast-ear girl to be a werewolf... Was she just acting before??】

The barrage of comments was filled with cries of ghosts and wolves. Madam Stargazer looked past Wang Jin Long in front of her and focused on the two people locked in a stalemate behind him.

'This is not good. Could it be that Fox Snap is not a fan of Excelsior?' she thought, trying to assess the situation. She couldn't tell if the broadcaster was a black fan or not. But it was evident that BGM and Fox Snap were unlikely to help. She had no choice but to focus on Wang Jin Long before her.

The gap between them was narrowing by the second. Madam's electric ball could, at best, intimidate Wang Jin Long. But, per the game's rules, she was not allowed to openly kill him.

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Unfortunately, she hadn't foreseen that Fox Snap was a werewolf card, nor had she expected her to betray them at this crucial moment. Madam, who hadn't been lucky enough to draw a judgment card, was now powerless.

"Now," Wang Jin Long taunted, his dagger glinting menacingly, "it's personal time."

The dagger glinted with a sharp edge in the shimmering blue moonlight as it was held up high. Madam Stargazer sensed the danger and stepped back, only to bump into someone else. The fish-headed creature grasped her shoulder and pulled her backwards, facing the threat head-on.

【100% unarmed and facing the sharp blade head-on!】

【666 Who would have thought this useless talent would come in handy now!】

【The family's hopes rest on you, Fish Head Old Attorney!】

The ghostly green fish-headed creature sneered and looked disdainfully at Wang Jin Long while he had caught the dagger in his hand. "Is that all you've got?"

Wang Jin Long stood frozen, speechless.

The fish-headed creature raised his eyebrows and motioned for him to look behind him.

【Voting has ended, and the results of this round are being announced.】

【The result of this round of voting is No. 5.】

As the fish-headed creature turned his head, the voting message appeared, conveniently covering up the fleeting bloodshed.

With his sickle raised high, the Bone Reaper moved slowly, unnoticed by everyone else. The massive and sharp blade sliced off Madam Stargazer's head in a single swift motion.

No. 5, Madam Stargazer, had been voted out.

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