Chapter 107

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Dire Waters (23): Reward

Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


The process of infusing the genetic optimizer into the body was long and difficult. Because of the pain, sweat was fell like rivers, and the sweat from his forehead hurt Xia Ruize’s eyes, but he still kept his eyes open and watched until all the green liquid had entered his body, and the doctor pulled out the needle, he couldn’t hold on anymore, his eyes darkened and he fainted.

Previously, after the medical staff said that the more awake the person was during the use, the better the effect of the gene optimizer, Xia Ruize secretly set a goal in his heart to persevere through the whole process of use, which really made him persevere with his strong will and strong mental strength.

No one disturbed Xia Ruize, who was frowning and drowsy. The medical staff in charge of the follow-up work calmed down, and the lady nurse who wiped Xia Ruize’s sweat with a wipe was even more gentle, even breathing lightly.

Occasionally, everyone’s eyes fell on Xia Ruize, who was embarrassed but not detrimental to his beauty. There were two points of amazement in his eyes. There was actually someone who stayed awake the whole time when the gene optimizer was injected into the body. What a ruthless man!

This state of existence in theory was rarely encountered in practice, and each case couldn’t help but marvel at the huge difference between people.

The medical staff who left the operating room lightly gathered to summarize and report the performance of the six contestants in the process of using the genetic optimizer. The other contestants only took a few minutes or ten minutes. The best results were in the father-son file. The father persisted for twenty-three minutes of sobriety.

But when it was Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian’s turn, they persisted for an hour and a half, awake the whole time.

This result surprised the medical staff in charge of the other players, and the leader of the tourism festival was even more surprised. He really did not expect that there would be two rare cases of people who persisted in the whole process.

Thinking of the detailed information about Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian sent to him before, the person in charge was surprised and excited.

The identity given by the Lord god would naturally not be found out. The information obtained by the person in charge shows that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were two natives from the Zhuoyuan stars.

Both of them were orphans. They grew up in the same orphanage officially run by the Star planet. When they became adults, they left the orphanage to support each other. After hard work, they finally earned some resources to train themselves.

But it was clear that the resources they had been given limited their development, and the potential of these two young people was far greater than the strength they had shown.

This made the person in charge and the people around them excited, and they all felt that Zhuoyuan star was favored by the god of luck this year. The list of 2,000 people selected by the super-brain actually included two people with firm minds and extraordinary talents. With the young people, could they expect Zhuoyuan star to get a better ranking this year?

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The seven habitable planets of Chang’an civilization had always been divided into “three upper and four lower” comprehensive strengths. The three long-developed planets, including the central star, have complete soft and hard facilities, and the average quality of residents was high. In the Tourism in Chang’an civilization there was always a fight for the top three.

And Zhuoyuan star was in the latter echelon. The four slightly “young” habitable planets were not as deep as the old planets, and the average quality of the residents was not as good, but the gap between them was not very big. Who wins or loses depends on luck.

Good luck was mainly reflected in whether there were players with firm mind and good strength in the list of 2,000 people selected by the super-intelligent brain.

At the Tourism Festival three years ago, Zhuoyuan star only won the sixth place. To be honest, the performance of the two groups of players officially prepared was no problem. It was a pity that Zhuoyuan star was not very lucky. The six people selected could only be regarded as the tallest among the dwarfs, and their performance in the competition was mediocre.

The results of each planet were calculated comprehensively. In the end, Zhuoyuan star only got rid of the embarrassing situation of last place with a slight advantage, and took the second to last place.

This star had been in office for five years. In the first two years of his tenure, he got the resource tilt of the fifth place left by his predecessor. As a result, the last tourism festival fell back one place. Don’t look at the gap of only a small ranking, in fact the inclination of resources varies greatly.

In addition to working hard on weekdays, the star leader had been under tremendous pressure before the start of this tourism festival to obtain the super reward of the king-level genetic optimizer for all the ten contestants sent by Zhuoyuan Star this year.

What the star planet privately values ​​in his heart was not the improvement of the player’s own strength by the genetic optimizer, but the tempering of the player’s mental will in the process of using the genetic optimizer.

The competition method of each tourism festival was different, but it was certain that the mental will of the players was more important than the individual strength.

So, after he carried the news of the entire use of the genetic optimizer of Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian and reported it to the person in charge, the director was really happy, rubbed his hands, and decided to mention the two’s citizenship level within his authority.

After sleeping for more than a day, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian woke up feeling overwhelmed.

Cheng Huaiqian eagerly found Xia Ruize as soon as he woke up. The two sat on the hospital bed, exchanged a tacit look, and checked the mission prompts they received first.

The first thing they got was a completely different prompt from the genetic optimizer than before use:

[Gene Optimizer (King Level): Probability to mildly improve physical fitness, strength +8, agility +6, spirit +5, constitution +8]

Although Xia Ruize could no longer look directly at the word “midly” in the introduction, he had to say that the opportunities obtained through hard work were reliable, and the pain to endure was worth it. The improvement obtained by using the gene optimizer was surprising.

Since their physical fitness value had successively exceeded 50, the original 100 survival points can be exchanged for 0.1 points of physical attribute improvement, and now it took 200 survival points to exchange for 0.1 points of physical attribute improvement, which was expensive enough, but now it was more expensive.

Therefore, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were trying to obtain physical attribute points by completing extended missions, and the effect was outstanding. For example, such a king-level gene optimizer could bring about 54,000 survival points in exchange for the improvement of physical attributes.

When they got the chance, it was equivalent to saving more than 50,000 survival points.

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Compared to this, the main mission completion prompt was a bit lacking:

[Main mission: Participate in the five-day celebration of Zhuoyuan City Tourism Festival

Mission Status: Completed

Mission Rating: Perfect

Mission reward: 1,000 survival points reward; 1 free attribute point reward (perfect extra reward for mission evaluation)]

Looking at each other, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huai knew in their hearts that the benefits of the main missions were meager compared to the extended mission, which was probably why they were able to beat the old players Da Hu and Xiao Hu in the Bamboo Silk Area when they first entered the Area.

They develop extended missions in each world, even more than one, and the benefits were several times that of trialers who had experienced the same number of missions worlds. Although the unique treasures of each mission world that they had accumulated were not rich enough, their physical fitness, bloodline skills, and practice equipment were all good enough to defeat the trialers who have experienced the mission world several times more than them.

The newly released extension mission was the best proof:

[Zhuoyuan star is eagerly waiting for a victory, looking forward to a ranking that they can be proud of!

Extended mission: representing Zhuoyuan star to participate in the Chang’an Civilization Tourism Festival

Mission completed: reward according to the final ranking]

Just when the two exchanged their consideration of the mission benefits through heart net, the staff sent over the rewards they had chosen before.

The gem boat, aircraft, portable medical kit, and advanced energy crystals were all delivered to them.

After touching the real object, the corresponding item prompt appeared in the mind. The aircraft and the portable medical box were all high-grade white treasures, and the gem boat was white middle-grade.

Xia Ruize suddenly realized that their previous touch in the virtual world did not trigger the relevant prompts because what they got was not a real object at all.

Immediately afterwards, the person in charge gave Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian a treasured backpack with a smile, saying that it was given to them by the star leader himself. The star leader was busy with work and could not come to say goodbye to them in person, and sent gifts to wish them to climb the peak!

Of course, the two of them would not refuse the white mid-grade space backpack, and they just put the previous harvest into the backpack.

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Afterwards, the person in charge reminded the two that Star leader personally helped them improve their citizenship status. Seeing that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were still a little dazed, the person in charge couldn’t help but introduce two more sentences:

“Your previous status level was the most common ‘civilian’, and now you have raised two levels, and you have passed the ‘talent’ and entered the ‘elite’.

The promotion of your status level will bring a lot of convenience to your future work and life, not only with various priorities, but also with the reading rights of the planetary library. If you want to join the star administration or join the army in the future, your initial rank will be higher and can be promoted quickly. ”

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian’s eyes lit up. The other benefits of increasing their status were of little significance to them who only stayed here for a few days, but there was one benefit that was very surprising. They thought the planetary library that needed permission would provide them with lots of useful information.

After the rewards were distributed, the person in charge indicated that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian could follow him.

Before the Chang’an Civilization Tourism Festival, they needed to spend a day and a half rushing from Zhuoyuan Star to Central Star. The earlier they arrived at Central Star, the more time they had to rest and adapt.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian picked up their excited spirits and proposed that they wanted to take a bath.

The person in charge looked at the watch-shaped mobile phone on his wrist and said that they could only be given half an hour.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian said that it was enough and rushed to the bathroom of the research base to clean up their personal hygiene.

The person in charge who walked across the corridor to meet the other players took a few steps thoughtfully, and then explained a few words to the staff behind him.

The two young people looked at his mobile phone with admiration. These two little guys were orphans raised by the government, and they definitely didn’t have the extra money to buy high-end mobile phones.

Now that the star leader had given them gifts in private, he would follow in the leader’s footsteps and give them two latest mobile phones.

So, the cleaned Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian received the mobile phone sent by the staff. They did not refuse, and they accepted it after thanking.

The mobile phone of this mission world would likely bring them more information.

The person in charge who received the feedback was also very satisfied. Although they were from a slightly poor background, these two young people were not too inferior, and their personalities were unique, which was still very valuable for cultivation.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian followed the staff to the spaceship, and they were full of curiosity. This was their first time in a spaceship. It may be difficult to experience such an experience in the real world, but it was very interesting to experience it in the mission world.

Most importantly, they experienced it together and had enough common language to share with each other.

Looking at each other, they both saw the joy in each other’s eyes.

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The players would take a small spaceship provided by the military, board the spaceship, and enter the conference room under the guidance of the staff. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian saw the father and son files that were already in place.

It’s just that the young son, who was still full of energy the day before, was devastated by the gene optimizer, and at this time was paralyzed on the sofa weakly. The father’s condition was better, and he helped his son with water and snacks.

On the other side of the two sofas were four people sitting upright. Even when sitting, they held their chests and backs straight, and the expressions on their faces were the same seriousness.

At a glance, they could tell that these four players with distinctive styles were the official players recommended by the star administration, and it was obvious where they came from. They must be top talents cultivated by the military.

With a slight nod to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, the four official players had no intention of talking even though they had greeted them.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian also nodded back, then sat down on the sofa, head-to-head, shoulder to shoulder to study the phone.

The mobile phone in this world was very small, but the screen was actually a light screen projected on the top of the mobile phone. Only the user could see it clearly. It was large, clear and sufficiently private. The operation was also very simple and intelligent.

Just when the two successfully touched the planetary library with their mobile phones, the last two little girls finally arrived. It would inevitably take more time for the little girl to go out, not to mention that the two little girls had repeatedly apologized, and the others had not said much.

The person in charge appeared, introduced the ten contestants in turn, and told them to get along well and cooperate with each other in the competition if conditions permit.

As soon as the person in charge started talking, he couldn’t stop. During the process of his story, the spacecraft took off, the spacecraft flew out of the atmosphere, broke away from the gravitational orbit of Zhuoyuan star, and entered a state of gentle interstellar flight.

So, everyone could unfasten their seat belts and listen to the person in charge in a more comfortable position.

After Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian experienced the take-off process of the spacecraft, they focused their attention on what the person in charge said.

For others, although those competitions were adult events, the officials had some information that had not been made public, and now they were informed, which had given them a lot of inspiration.

Not to mention Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, this kind of historical information would not appear in the basic information of the mission world provided by the Lord God, so they listened very carefully.

Not only did the person in charge give lectures by himself, but the logistics team also prepared several experts in different fields to give lectures to the players. The next process of the spacecraft sailing was the process of the players listening to the class.

Although there was only a 20-minute break every two hours, everyone knew that this was a critical moment, and no contestant expressed any resistance.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were even more energetic. They frantically absorbed the relevant information of this mission world, and also explored the planetary library during their rest time, and constantly consult the materials of interest.

But the more they learned, the more frightened they became. In their opinion, the world was too real.

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