Chapter 116

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Shadows of the city (3): Lesson

Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


“Are these gangsters out of their minds? They dare to rob a bank in a daze?”

“What kind of weapons are they holding in their hands, that they actually succeeded in robbing?”

“Why are they so ruthless, killing so many people! It’s dangerous enough to let him run around outside, hoping to catch the one who escaped quickly!”

In the heated discussion, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian noticed that the guns in the hands of the gangsters in the surveillance screen broadcast on the TV were very different from the guns in the hands of the surrounding security guards. The guns of the gangsters were more powerful.

Judging from the pictures recorded by various cameras at the scene, the two gangsters who broke into the bank were very strong, powerful and fast. In addition, their weapons were dominant, and they started to crush the security guards who came for support.

However, there were only two gangsters, and within three minutes of breaking into the backstage of the bank, security guards came after hearing the news.

The two gangsters had to fight with the security guards before they had time to loot much wealth. At first, they had the upper hand by relying on their personal strength and weapon advantages, but more and more security guards gathered, and their numbers overwhelmed the gangsters.

One of the two gangsters was injured by a sniper in the distance. In the panic, he failed to dodge in time and died from the gunshots.

Another gangster originally wanted to fight with the security guard, but the accidental death of his companion made him dare not continue, and he fled desperately.

But the frontal high-definition photo of most of the gangster’s face had been displayed on the TV screen, alongside the hefty bounty offered by the angry security bureau.

It was conceivable that people in the entire city would be mobilized to stare at strange and suspicious people around them.

The TV had started to show other programs, but the surrounding people were still talking about the shocking news. It had been a long time since Shengma City had seen such a serious criminal case, which made people tremble.

“Hey, it’s really stupid. They dare to mess around without knowing everything. I really don’t know how they survived until now, and they don’t know how to die in the mission world…”

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Looking back, Cheng Huaiqian shook his head, and the corners of his mouth evoked mockery.

According to his speculation, it should be a trialer who did this, but this action was not beautiful at all.

Cheng Huaiqian didn’t finish his last sentence, but Xia Ruize understood what he meant. Being able to appear in the endless world meant that he had already died once in reality. If he died again in the mission world, it would be a complete soul dissipation.

“But why didn’t they use the space to save the money?”

Xia Ruize put aside the heavy question of life and death, and instead remembered a key point.

If the two gangsters who robbed the bank were really trialers, even if they didn’t buy the space equipment themselves, they should have the system space.

The gangster who died accidentally was hit because the purse on his back was too cumbersome and his movements were deformed.

Did they guess wrong? Those two gangsters were ordinary mission world natives instead of trial people?

Hearing this, Cheng Huaiqian paused for a moment, then thought about it and replied:

“I still think those two idiots are trialers. As for the money not being put into the space, either the pictures broadcast to the outside world have been modified by the Lord God, or they are actively or passively unable to put money into the space. I think it should be the latter.”

Cheng Huaiqian talked in his heart:

“If 300,000 NC is put into the space, of course it won’t take up much space, but if it is not allowed to be put into the space, the ‘keep’ in the mission prompt will be difficult.

I think it’s more likely that this restriction is specifically designed to make the mission harder for us. ”

“Then we would also like to thank those two warriors for helping us find the way, reminding us that the combat effectiveness and weapon level of this world are a threat to us, and the money obtained may not be able to be put into the space.”

Xia Ruize actively learned from the experience and lessons of his predecessors and prepared to make his career bigger and stronger.

After eating half of their wages, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were barely satisfied. The taste was strange, but at least it was better than hard bread. The other half of the salary was going to be use by the two to buy some basic daily necessities.

The two found out that there was a cheap discount mall nearby. The quality of the items might be average, but the price was cheaper. Anyway, they only needed to deal with it for a few days, it was cheap, and the quality was not forced.

Looking for the address, they found the shopping mall. It was a large two-story shopping mall. At a glance, various stalls and containers were crowded in a mess, and the aisles were occupied a lot. However, the prices of goods here were really cheap, so there were many customers and the crowd was bustling.

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Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian followed the flow of people to choose the daily necessities they needed. The two bought the most basic toothbrushes, towels, paper towels, etc., limited by the remaining money in their hands, they had to repeatedly consider and compare during the selection process. They had the feeling of living frugally and living with precariousness.

No one could tell that the two were secretly enjoying themselves under their serious.

Just when the two were discussing whether to buy this bar of soap or that bar of soap, Xia Ruize suddenly paused.

Cheng Huaiqian immediately noticed the abnormality of his lover and asked in his heart, “What’s wrong?”

Xia Ruize’s mental power radiated out and quickly locked the source of the abnormality. He looked at Cheng Huaiqian with a puzzled tone:

“There was a man sitting in the abandoned aisle in the middle of the two stalls from the left, and he triggered my malicious perception.”

Xia Ruize couldn’t figure it out. He met a person in the vast crowd, and the two sides had no grievances or hatred. Maybe they had never contacted each other. Where did the other party come from with so much hostility towards him? Could it be that this was also a pit that the Lord God secretly buried for their backgrounds?

Cheng Huaiqian glanced at the location mentioned by Xia Ruize pretending to be inadvertent. The mall was full of chaos and people. When someone was tired of shopping, they could just find a corner to sit and rest for a while. It was a person resting in the corner who triggered Xia Ruize’s malicious perception.

The other party wore a big hat on his head, covering most of his face, and seemed to be in a drowsiness, but Cheng Huaiqian noticed his subtle movements from time to time.

Xia Ruize turned his back to the malicious source, holding soap in one hand and another soap in the other, frowning, like a person with empty pockets struggling to make a choice.

In fact, his eyes turned slightly to the left, trying to retrieve his memory, when suddenly he put down the soap in his hand, grabbed Cheng Huaiqian’s arm tightly, and said excitedly:

“I know who he is! He’s the robber who got away!”

When Xia Ruize’s mental power swept across the other party, he felt a sense of déjà vu. He carefully searched his memory, and quickly overlapped the frontal photo of the man huddled in the corner of the mall with the frontal photo of the bank robbery gangster that was shown on TV.

Cheng Huaiqian’s eyes also lit up, and he swept over inadvertently just now. The other party was holding a large bag in his arms. Although it looked like a tattered old bag, it was likely to contain stolen money. He speculated:

“If he was a robber, he might be in a state of high tension, hostile to everyone passing by, and he just ran into you.”

How could a robber who radiated malice indiscriminately to the outside world think that he would run into someone who could perceive malice? Just like that, he fell off his horse1 in front of the two of them.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were interested, pretending to be shopping on the surface, but in fact they continued to observe secretly.

Soon, Xia Ruize was keenly aware that there was something wrong with the surrounding atmosphere. The most obvious difference from before was that there were fewer customers coming and going.

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Realizing that something must have happened, Xia Ruize did not delay. He bought a piece of soap, got up and pulled Cheng Huaiqian away together. He stopped in front of a clothes stall. The distance was slightly farther, and it would not cause vigilance and would not be affected by the sudden outbreak of conflict.

Xia Ruize’s feeling was not wrong. There were fewer and fewer customers around, and there were more people in the crowd who looked a little nervous.

In fact, someone had already discovered the robber and reported it to the Public Security Bureau. The Public Security Bureau had learned from the previous lessons and directly dispatched a large number of personnel. At present, the shopping mall had been surrounded.

The security guards not only blocked all the entrances and exits to prevent new customers from entering the mall, but also let the security guards in disguise mix into the crowd to get them out of the mall.

As a result, this originally bustling shopping mall had gradually become less crowded.

The robber hiding in an inconspicuous corner also seemed to sense that something was wrong. He came here to hide because he saw how many people there were, and it would make it easier for him to hide. After realizing that there were fewer and fewer customers in the mall, he realized that his location might be exposed, so he got up decisively and prepared to leave.

There were still too many innocent customers in the mall. Even if the police wanted to catch the robber, they didn’t want the two sides to clash in the mall, so they had to arrange the manpower to keep an eye on the robber’s escape route and didn’t stop him from leaving.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian pretended to walk forward slowly, as if they could not feel the increasingly tense atmosphere, and they wanted to follow along to watch the excitement.

The accident came suddenly. Before the robber reached the gate of the mall, he keenly discovered the security guard in disguise. He attacked immediately under tension. There was a fierce shootout between the exposed robber and the security guard.

The customers in the mall who had not had time to evacuate had no idea what was going on, but they were not unfamiliar with the sound of gunfire, and instantly wanted to run away or hide in panic. The scene was chaotic.

At the beginning of the shootout, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian quickly hid in the security door next to them, and hid behind the door to watch the conflict not far away. The two of them could see clearly that the gun in the hands of the robber should be the infinite bullet version sold by the Lord God.

This kind of gun and ammunition was powerful and had a fast rate of fire, and there was no trouble of changing the magazine. In addition, the user’s personal physical fitness was strong, and the firepower suppressed the surrounding security guards in the compact and complex shopping mall environment.

But the robber who seemed to have the upper hand was actually very anxious, and he wanted to get out of the encirclement as soon as possible.

This was the second Bamboo Silk District mission he had experienced, and he had not been able to adapt to the suddenly increasing difficulty of the Bamboo Silk District mission world.

The law and order here was not for nothing. Both the combat power and the reconnaissance power were beyond expectations. As soon as he and his teammate received the task, they thought of robbing a bank. But accidents happened frequently. First, his teammate sacrificed, and now he was also in crisis, full of anxiety.

Just when Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were watching the play and saw the key point, a man ran from the security door where they were hiding, and seemed to want to run to other places to stay away from danger.

Cheng Huaiqian rushed out quickly, grabbed the person, and dragged him behind the security door where they were hiding.

The opponent subconsciously wanted to attack, but when he saw Xia Ruize, he was stunned and stopped his movements.

“Gao Hexuan? I ran into you again!”

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Xia Ruize was very surprised when he saw the person who was pulled back by Cheng Huaiqian. He didn’t expect that he and Cheng Huaiqian were hiding to watch the excitement, but when he saw Gao Hexuan running over, he immediately arrested him.

Gao Hexuan was a trialer they had met in the third mission world. At that time, the cooperation between the two parties was relatively pleasant. It was rare to meet again in the mission world, and the fate was not bad.

The dragged Gao Hexuan was even more surprised. After being stunned, he couldn’t help but get excited. His face was flushed and his eyes were sore. After being stunned for two seconds, he said hello in a low voice: “Brother Xia, Brother Cheng!”

At this time, the battle outside was getting more and more intense, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize didn’t have much to say, they continued to watch the excitement from the crack of the door, and witnessed the result of the battle with their own eyes.

The robber surrounded by all sides was in the process of dodging and counterattacking. The robber accidentally stepped on a discarded banana peel on the ground. He lost his balance and fell in an instant. Of course, the security guard did not miss this opportunity and attacked him with all his strength.

The robber fell to death in seconds.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian fell silent as they watched the security guards gather around and carefully check the robber’s state.

If this world was not like the last mission world, all the experiences being a fake virtual world, then the two trialists were really dead.

They used the painful price of death to remind other trialers: Be more careful, don’t be too daring if you are not sure!

At this moment, a whisper came from behind: “Brother Xia, Brother Cheng, can I follow you this time?”

The two turned their heads to look, Gao Hexuan was looking at them with bright eyes, his eyes full of expectation and prayer.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked at each other, smiled at the little guy, and replied, “Okay, of course!”

Xia Ruize was actually very happy when he saw Gao Hexuan. Gao Hexuan’s ability was computer network. In this mission world, Gao Hexuan’s ability could play a big role, and it was exactly what they needed.

They were lucky to meet Gao Hexuan again.

Xia Ruize was happy in his heart, but the expression on his face was serious.

If he smiled at this time, he was afraid the security guards outside would not let him go casually.

The three walked out of the hiding place together. After the security guards who blocked the mall asked and verified their identities, and confirmed that they were innocent passers-by who were involved, the three were finally allowed to leave the mall.

Xia Ruize also included Gao Hexuan in his heart, and the three communicated while walking.

The classroom he appeared in the morning was actually next to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian. Gao Hexuan, who had no idea what was going on, sat in the classroom and didn’t move. He was not discovered by the staff at work until 9:00 a.m. when he officially went to his place to report.

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