Chapter 119

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Shadows of the city (6): Cute

Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


The busy sheriff Anderson first received the news that another villa was stolen. Before he could lead someone to round up the two hateful thieves, the director of Shengma City Library called for help:

“Mr. Chief! We got threatening letters!”

The Chief assigned the task of rounding up the thieves to others, and arranged for Sheriff Anderson to go to the city library to investigate the situation.

Anderson rushed to the city library with a large number of elites. The staff of the library had already asked all readers to leave the library in the name of temporary library renovation according to the suggestion of the Public Security Bureau. The door of the library was closed, and only the curator was left with the staff that was urgently rescuing some precious books to the area outside the library.

Seeing Sheriff Anderson, the curator quickly greeted him and took Anderson to the small screening room on the top floor of the library.

The big screen at the front of the auditorium was now on, displaying a threatening letter with a few lines of blood-colored characters written on a pure black background. The content was very similar to the threatening letter received by the teachers of Shengma Middle School in the morning.

[Dear Shengma City Library staff:

We are ready to give a gift that has been carefully prepared for a long time.

God promise, you will love it!

We will detonate the bomb buried in the Shengma City Library at 3 o’clock this afternoon.

Books will then be scattered throughout the city.

We sincerely invite you to witness this wonderful picture together!]

The final inscription is “Enthusiastic Shengma City Citizen ” in gold font.

“At two o’clock, the screen that was originally closed suddenly opened by itself, and this letter appeared. After that, no matter how we debugged the machine, we couldn’t close the letter!”

The librarian whispered the situation to Anderson in a panic.

Anderson stared at the threatening letter on the screen, his expression was bitter and full of resentment.

Obviously, the same team behind the bombings at Shengma Middle School and was behind this Shengma City Library  incident, and they actually committed the crime twice in one day?!

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You must know that the recent public security situation was severe, and the public security bureau had stepped up its monitoring of urban security. Those black gangs who used to dance happily have all shrunk and dared not cause trouble. Who was the one who jumped out now?

Who the hell was eyeing Shengma Middle School and Shengma City Library under their noses? What was their ultimate purpose? Would other units be targeted in the future? …

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Anderson began to arrange for his subordinates:

“Since there is action, it will definitely leave traces. Investigate thoroughly!”


The subordinates responded with a loud bang, and they were scattered and raced against time to investigate the clues.

Their current mentality was completely different from that in the morning. When they investigated Shengma Middle School in the morning, they thought the threatening letter was a prank, but the fact hit them hard in the face. Now the library had received another threatening letter, and no one dared to take it lightly.

Before three o’clock, they had a very valuable investigation time, during which they could have the opportunity to find the bomb placement site, and then identify suspicious persons who had recently approached the bomb placement site.

The security guard in charge of investigation and monitoring soon found that the library’s recent monitoring records were all cleared, and the data could not be recovered.

The security guards who were in charge of investigating the bombs did not find any trace of the bombs as time passed by.

As the time approached three o’clock in the afternoon, the security guards who had found nothing could only withdraw from the library, gathered in the distance with the library staff, and looked at the library anxiously and flustered.

The mastermind behind the scenes didn’t make them wait any longer. At three o’clock, amidst the loud noises of “Boom” and “Boom”, smoke and dust fluttered in the sky, and the Shengma City Library was reduced to a pile of ruins.

Sure enough, it exploded… Sheriff Anderson’s heart sank, and he reported the news stiffly.

Because of the advance warning of the mastermind behind the scenes, the explosion also caused no casualties.

However, in the eyes of Shengma City officials, the threat of the “Bomb Maniac” team hiding in the dark had skyrocketed.

First of all, two important buildings in Shengma City were blown up, but so far, officials had not found out where all the bombs were placed, and by whom, when, and how they were placed in the destroyed buildings.

That is to say, after losing two important buildings, they still didn’t know anything about the modus operandi of the Bomb Maniac.

Secondly, the arrogant bomber provoked them each time, and the time interval between the two crimes was only five hours, which did not leave enough time for the public security bureau to respond and investigate.

In addition, the surveillance records at the scene of the incident were missing, and even the surveillance of the surrounding stores were destroyed, which brought great difficulty to the investigation.

To sum up, the Chief of the Public Security Bureau decided to report again and apply for support.

Apply! Apply for support now!

The security personnel in Shengma City were no longer enough, and they simply couldn’t deal with the terrorists that were popping up like a blowout! There were so many messes that people didn’t know what to do!

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Responses from the state and federal governments had yet to come back, and preliminary findings at the explosion site had been passed on to the chief’s desk.

According to the investigation of the scene by blasting experts, it was confirmed that two completely different bombs were used in the bombings of Shengma Middle School and Shengma City Library.

To compare, the explosion scene of Shengma Middle School was very common, and it was the most common bomb blast effect. If there was no threatening letter before, the explosion was like the result of the school wanting to destroy a building to renovate it.

But the bombing scene at the Shengma City Library was very unusual.

After the deafening explosion, the building walls of Shengma City Library turned into fine powder. The corners of the wall in some areas still maintained the original appearance, but when you move it by hand, you will find that if you use a little force, it would shatter into powder.

The end result was that after the massive explosion, only the building wall was damaged, and the internal facilities other than the wall were basically safe.

The most obvious thing was that the books in the library that were not removed in time were not only not damaged by the bombing, but also were not crushed by the collapsed walls, and they were all preserved.

Bombs with such explosive effects were unheard of even by demolition experts.

A young man among the demolition experts commented jokingly:

“It looks like the school and library buildings are too old to be blown up so that a new one can be built in place.”

The truth of the matter was certainly not guessed.

The bomb placed at Shengma Middle School was just the most common bomb sold by the Lord God Store. The purpose of the explosion was to blow up the school building.

The bomb placed in the Shengma City Library was a super bomb created by Xia Ruize with the bloodline of [Bomb Superman], which had a very special “powdering” effect.

It only took two powder bombs to turn the entire building wall of the library into powder, not only not hurting a single person, but also not a book.

The only negative effect was probably that after a gust of wind blew, people around the ruins sneezed.

That’s right, the two amazing explosions in the morning and afternoon of the fourth day of the mission world were done by the seemingly ordinary and harmless Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian who were still sticking to their cleaning and courier positions.

In order to prevent exposure, they did not personally go to the scene to watch the explosion scene they created, but it was not a big deal, as Gao Hexuan, who was in control of the surrounding surveillance, had captured the full picture of the explosion for the convenience of the two bosses to watch after getting off work.

The people in the security bureau were all serious and in a hurry, and there was one tricky case after another, and they had no time to rest at all.

On the other hand, in a small oriental restaurant on the other side of the city, there was a completely different scene.

Xia Ruize, Cheng Huaiqian and Gao Hexuan met again and ate together in a different restaurant. There had been some unrest in Shengma City recently, and there were significantly fewer people in the restaurant.

The three of them were sitting at two adjacent dining tables, each eating their own food, seemingly unrelated, but in fact they were communicating happily in their hearts.

The TV in the restaurant was showing the city news, and they watched the whole time as usual.

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Today’s news was a rarely calm. The two thieves who escaped were not mentioned in the news, and the two major bombings in a day were not mentioned at all.

Although there was suspicion of whitewashing1, it had to be said that many uninformed citizens feel relieved after reading the news.

They had been frightened by the recent burst of major cases, and today’s calm news gave them a feeling that the tense situation had finally passed, and then they would return to a peaceful life.

Of course, not everyone was unaware.

For example, the teachers and students of Shengma Middle School, the staff of Shengma City Library, and passers-by.

The leading teacher of Shengma Middle School was asked to keep his mouth shut, so he explained to the students that the government would allocate funds to build a new teaching building for them, so the old teaching building was demolished by blasting.

Although the students were happy about the new building, they always felt that something was wrong.

The school didn’t prepare anything, didn’t leak a word in advance, just kicked them out of the classroom during class time, and then blew up the teaching building?

Although the three-day vacation fallen from the sky was very cool, many students were still worried that after three days, before the new teaching building was built, where would they go to class?

In addition, many students noticed the panic on the teachers’ faces, it didn’t look like they heard good news at all, and they felt more and more that the school was hiding some important news from them.

The students who were forced to leave school early returned home, and their families also learned of the sudden accident at Shengma Middle School. The more parents thought about it, the more wrong they felt.

On the other side was the Shengma City Library.

Shengma City Library was a landmark building in Shengma City. Although it was not so convenient to use due to its long history of construction and citizens preferred to go to the newly built bookstore, Shengma City Library still stood in the center of the city. Many people visited every day, and would pass by it when commuting to get off work.

Who would have thought that when they came home from getting off work today, many people who walked this road suddenly found that the familiar library had disappeared?

Citizens had many doubts in their hearts, and they were waiting for the city news at night to clear their doubts, but the news did not mention it at all, which was very unusual.

Just when the citizens were making wild guesses, a terrifying rumor spread from nowhere.

There were rumors that both Shengma Middle School and Shengma City Library were bombed by terrorists, and the ultimate goal of terrorists was to blow up the entire Shengma City!

The first reaction of all the citizens who heard the rumors was complete disbelief, what the hell? The bombing of the city had come out. Do you know how big Shengma City is, and how many bombs are needed to blow up such a big city! It’s really talking nonsense!

But after thinking about it carefully, the first half of the rumor made people want to believe that terrorists seemed to be very active recently. Were they really targeting ordinary citizens?

“The security personnel are investigating people who have been near the middle school and the library recently, but these two places are very crowded places. I have destroyed all the surveillance cameras that can be found nearby. If they want to find the correct clues, they still need to a period of time.

I have fixed the positioning ring, and then you can move freely with confidence.”

Gao Hexuan excitedly reported his monitoring results to the two bosses. In the first three days, his task was relatively easy, but today was different. His ability had also played a huge role, and he was excited and happy.

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“Great! Thanks to you, otherwise the mission wouldn’t have gone so smoothly!”

Xia Ruize quickly praised.

At first, he and Cheng Huaiqian’s plan was to have ghost bats deliver letters, but the letters that appeared inexplicably were not as convenient and easy to be accepted as emails. With the addition of Gao Hexuan, their plan was further improved.

Xia Ruize really wanted to pat Gao Hexuan on the shoulder to express his appreciation. In this modern task world, Gao Hexuan’s ability was very dominant.

“Good job, keep going!”

Cheng Huaiqian also smiled and encouraged, although this child had a softer personality, he was not at all cowardly in terms of professional skills.

Gao Hexuan blushed when he heard the two big bosses praise him. Fortunately, he was sitting quietly with his back to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huai, otherwise his abnormal expression would be easy to see.

The three checked their actions during the day, and planned their actions afterward, suddenly looking forward to the final result.

As it was approaching seven o’clock in the evening, the three of them went back to the administrator to check in as usual.

Administrator Robert’s expression was extremely serious. After marking Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, he did not immediately put them back in the room, but asked them about their day’s itinerary in detail.

“You have to be quiet recently, don’t blame me for not reminding you if you’re out of luck.”

Robert gave a final warning and finally let them go after seeing Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian nodding their heads in response. The security situation had been severe recently, and they were told to take good care of these guys with criminal records.

Fortunately, these two little guys were more well-behaved and reassuring.

As usual, they went to bed very late after discussing. Unlike the previous nights, this night Gao Hexuan turned over and left the room after his roommate turned over and left the room. He found an Internet cafe that was open 24 hours a day, and used the computer of the Internet cafe to invade the Public Security Bureau´s network to monitor the progress of the security officer’s investigation in real time.

Know the enemy and know yourself, and you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles. Not only do they had to promote their own plans, but they also had to monitor the progress of their opponents at all times. If the police found them out, they would adjust their plans in time.

While monitoring the Public Security Bureau, Gao Hexuan took a look at what his roommate was doing every night, and then turned off the screen blushing.

The sky was bright, and it was a very heavy day for many people.



Jev Kaez's notes:


An idiom was used here, 粉饰太平(fěn shì tài píng), which means to present a false picture of peace and prosperity when things are dark and chaotic.

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