Chapter 121

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Shadows of the city (8): Capture

Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


The security guards who heard the order of Investigator Brooke were very excited. The bomb maniac had tortured them for a whole day and a half. When the mastermind behind the scenes was caught, we must let those damned guys taste the taste of torture!

The arrest operation was arranged quickly, because the time passed by minute by minute, and it was getting closer and closer to 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Everyone hoped to catch the culprit before 2 o’clock and prevent more bombings!

The honest Rodney had been bitter and sweet recently, not to mention how complicated it was.

The hard part was that he had been a cleaner for many years, and this was the first time he had encountered such a difficult newcomer.

Every day, Xia Ruize not only did not pay more attention to his work, but became more and more inattentive. Every time he arrived at the service unit, he disappeared. He did not know where he went to hide and rest. Poor Rodney could only complete two tasks by himself.

Xia Ruize was still extremely strong, and Xia Ruize has the final say on what cleaning tasks he took every day. Rodney, who dared not fight against the power, had no right to speak or autonomy.

What’s even more embarrassing was that every time the supervisor asked Rodney how the new Xia Ruize was doing, Rodney didn’t even dare to say a bad word.

He knew very well that, given the “cheap” of Xia Ruize’s asking price, even if he said that Xia Ruize’s performance was not good, the greedy and stingy supervisor would not be willing to fire Xia Ruize, but would only persuade him to endure.

The only sweet thing was that Xia Ruize voluntarily gave Rodney half of his daily income, barely soothing his wounded heart and making him bear it day by day.

Today’s Rodney was again fighting the cleaning task alone.

Since the two came to this company an hour ago, Rodney had never seen Xia Ruize again. He complained in his heart, but he didn’t dare to stop the movement in his hand. When suddenly black men’s leather shoes popped up in front of him.

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“Ah, I’m sorry! Sir, I’m so sorry…”

Rodney quickly apologized, shouting bad luck in his heart.

The company he worked for today was a well-known big company. The employees in it were all urban elites. All of them had their nostrils turned upside down and were extremely arrogant. If he accidentally soiled their shoes, he won´t be let go by them.

Worried in his heart, he kept apologizing, Rodney raised his eyes and tried to observe the other party’s expression to decide how to behave next. Or was he going to act rude and unreasonable?

According to his experience, people with different personalities needed to take different coping methods, and it was easiest to resolve disputes by fighting accordingly.

Just after seeing the people in front of him clearly, Rodney was stunned on the spot, because in front of him were five burly men in black suits and black sunglasses, with expressionless faces.

Did he meet a black… gang?

Rodney was startled, and stared blankly at the person in front of him, only to feel that his knees were weak, and he seemed to be unable to stand.

The man in black whose leather shoes were soiled by the mop didn’t move. The other four burly men took two steps forward and surrounded the short Rodney in the middle, blocking all his escape routes.

“What, what? I’ll pay, I can’t pay…”

Rodney tremblingly explained his bottom line for negotiation, and he was willing to lose money. Although it looked like a pair of high-end leather shoes, and the price would definitely make his flesh hurt, but he didn’t dare to take any chances when he was shivering in the circle of black-clothed men.

“Where’s the young man you’re working with?”

To Rodney’s surprise, the man in black didn’t mention what to do with the shoes at all, but asked Xia Ruize.

Rodney was a little angry for a moment. Could it be that Xia Ruize’s troubles outside affected him?

Anger was quickly replaced by panic, and Rodney waved his hands repeatedly to deny that he had a relationship with Xia Ruize:

“No, no, I’m not familiar with him, I’ve only been partnering with him for the past two days…”

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Rodney, who was about to continue to clear the relationship, heard a cold snort from the black-clothed man next to him. He shivered and finally grasped the point. The other party wanted to know where Xia Ruize was now, but where the hell was he? Where was it?

Rodney had no choice but to guess: “Maybe he was hiding in the stairwell to rest.”

Rodney’s voice was low, and he looked very unconfident. Xia Ruize would pop up on his own at the end of every cleaning task before. He had no idea where the damn yellow-skinned monkey went!

“Do you know this?”

The man in black directly in front of Rodney raised the positioning ring in his hand, signaling Rodney to identify it carefully.

Rodney had actually seen this style of ring on Xia Ruize’s ankle when changing clothes.

Unfortunately, his answer could not satisfy Investigator Brooke. Brooke raised his hand and gestured. The two big men in black behind Rodney immediately held Rodney’s shoulders firmly and showed him the FBI investigator. After the certificate was issued, he was formally notified:

“Rodney Oliver, we suspect you are involved in a bombing, please come with us.”

Rodney, who was already in a tense state, was frightened by such a development, what? Did they suspect he had something to do with the bombing? He had never seen a bomb when he growing up, how could he be involved in any bombing case?!

Rodney was so frightened that he couldn’t walk at all. He was completely supported by two investigators and couldn’t help but turn his eyes to Investigator Brooke for help.

Investigator Brooke’s eyes were hidden behind the sunglasses and could not be seen clearly, and he could only see the corner of his mouth picked up mockingly, kindly reminding Rodney:

“If I were you, I would think carefully about what’s unusual about that person named Xia Ruize, and explain it frankly. You know, we don’t pay attention to the right to be silent here.”

After that, Brooke waved his finger, and Rodney was dragged away by his subordinates.

At this time, the security guard in charge of searching the entire building ran over to report the situation:

“Everyone has searched, no one is in the building, and the staff in the building have not seen the target person. All the surveillance of the building is lost, and we are trying to find useful clips from the surrounding surveillance.”

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At the same time, the subordinates sent by Investigator Brooke to arrest Cheng Huaiqian called and reported that the target had failed to be captured. Cheng Huaiqian had absconded, and the positioning ring was discarded in the roadside flowers. They never saw any news of Cheng Huaiqian.

As soon as Brook’s mind turned, he immediately thought of the key point, pouted his mouth, his teeth made a huge bite, and said angrily:

“Damn it! Shut down all the public network of the Public Security Bureau, those idiots have been touched by someone and they don’t even know!

Issue the highest-level wanted notice! I want to see those two damn mice in the shortest time possible!”

Obviously, there were experts who were proficient in the Internet in the bomb maniac team. The network of the Public Security Bureau may had been breached unknowingly.

Without waiting for Investigator Brooke to return to the police station to scold the idiots from top to bottom, he first received a call for help from the chief of the police station:

“Mr. Investigator, please come back quickly, we have received… a new threatening letter…”

It was already two o’clock in the afternoon, and Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were not caught, they ran away. The public security bureau had no time to lose because a new threatening letter had appeared.

This time, they didn’t need to wait to answer the police call, because it was themselves who received the threatening letter. To be precise, all the staff of the Shengma State Government received the threatening letter!

When two o’clock arrived, all the computers of all government employees crashed, and the background of a letter appeared on the screen. This letter had a gold background and was printed with beautiful bright red swashes:

[Dear Shengma State Government staff:

You seem to be curious about our gifts

You know, we’ve always been generous and friendly

We would like to send you a well-prepared gift too

Why don’t we just detonate the bomb buried in the state government building at 3:00 this afternoon?

The heavy duty is buried

No need to thank us for our generosity!

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Enthusiastic Shengma City Citizens]

Unlike ordinary people who were kept secret, the staff of the state government vaguely knew some internal information. For example, the public security bureau occupying the adjacent podium building had not had a break recently. Simple, such as the news department worrying about how to explain the subway outage in the morning to the public…

After seeing this threatening letter, many people first had the idea of ​​”that’s it”, and then panicked. Someone was going to bomb the state government?!

“Hehe, it should be fake… Anyway, don’t worry, the Public Security Bureau is right next to you, and the problem should be solved soon…”

A staff member who said this to comfort himself and his colleagues was slapped in the face before he finished speaking, because the security guard had frantically rushed into the state government building and asked everyone to evacuate quickly.

The state government was completely different from the three previous targets targeted by the bomber.

After receiving the threatening letter before, the focus of protection was on people. Even the Shengma City Library, after rescuing those precious books, other books could be re-purchased even if they were destroyed.

But the state government was different. There were many important documents stored in the state government office building. If these documents were destroyed, the administrative work of Shengma State would be chaotic for a while.

Therefore, not only people should be evacuated, but also important information should be evacuated.

On the issue of evacuation, there was a violent conflict between the top officials of the Shengma state government and the Brooke investigator team.

The top officials of the state government insisted on the last hour to evacuate the documents, and Investigator Brooke insisted that all personnel should be cleared immediately, and he would personally investigate where the damn bombs were hidden.

The two sides eventually failed to reach an agreement, but it didn’t matter, time was tight, they didn’t have the time and energy to convince each other, and finally they simply split into two factions, with the state government top directing all the staff to rescue the materials in the office building, and Brooke’s investigators inspecting the building layer by layer with his subordinates.

Of course, the personnel of the Public Security Bureau still had to obey the orders of the state government, and all of them had been arranged to rescue the materials. Brook secretly cursed stupidity in his heart, taking advantage of this perfect opportunity before the explosion, he must find a loophole!

Unfortunately, less than an hour was still too tense. In the end, the state government only rescued important materials in recent years, and Investigator Brooke found nothing.

Brook, who felt deeply beaten in the face, had a gloomy face, clenched his fists, and vowed in his heart that he would give some color to the two damn yellow people.


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