Chapter 125

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Shadows of the city (12): Smiley

Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Xia Ruize and other two who boarded the ship did not attack immediately. They patiently probed all aspects of the ship. For example, did the crew need to regularly report safety signals to the National Guard? Did the bank staff need to report safety to their superiors on a regular basis?

It was not until an hour and a half later that the sky was getting dark, and the three of Xia Ruize had a thorough understanding of the operation of the ship. After the people on the ship reported the latest safety signal, the three moved.

The first to be breached was the captain’s room. The naval soldiers who were seriously sailing did not notice at all how, quietly, the comrades in the rear fell one by one.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian held a handkerchief soaked with high-purity anesthetic in their hands to cover the target’s mouth and nose from behind to prevent them from making sounds. The anesthetic needle in their hands pierced into the target’s body at the same time, and within a second or two, the target would go from dizziness to weakness and then completely lose consciousness.

In the first mission world, the two experienced the magical effect of Mongolian sweat medicine, and then bought a lot of similar products from the Lord god store, and the powerful anesthetics were well prepared.

It wasn’t until there were only three of the captain’s crew left in the captain’s room that they finally noticed the abnormality, but they were already trapped in the illusion that Xia Ruize had built, thinking that the alarm they had issued was actually defective, and thinking that the loud cry for help was actually not coming out of the captain’s room at all.

After piling up the fainted crew members, Gao Hexuan entered the captain’s room, mastered the operation methods of each system in the captain’s room at the fastest speed, and controlled the ship to slightly deflect the direction and continue sailing.

Xia Ruize prepared an illusion for the captain’s room. Except for Gao Hexuan, everyone who came here would see a busy captain’s room.

Afterwards, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian dived deep into the cabin, starting from the lowest deck, and anesthetized the escorts of the patrolling guards, the soldiers of the National Guard and the bank staff.

The fainted people were dragged into the room by them and locked up, and the communication equipment was removed from their body. Even if someone woke up unexpectedly, it would not affect the overall situation. Before leaving, the two would take the property of the comatose person with them, thinking that when they wake up, they would probably want to kill them.

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There were nearly 200 people on the ship. If they took weapons against Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian together, they would really pose a threat to them.

But the reality was that these people were scattered all over the ship, and they were attacked and solved in sequence without any precautions. Basically, no one could survive the two people before closing their eyes and falling into a coma.

In addition, since Xia Ruize unlocked the role of illusions in concealing whereabouts, he had played with illusions, covering himself and the scene of the murder. A senior bank executive in the top rest cabin stepped out of the cabin and looked down inadvertently, but did not notice any abnormality.

After finally knocking down all the breathing people on the ship except himself, he let the ship sail towards the open sea. The three came to the familiar warehouse, pried open the blocked warehouse door, and saw that there were piles of money boxes inside.

“Now these are ours!”

Xia Ruize turned on his skills and confirmed that the cash and gold bricks in the box had not escaped. Xia Ruize, who had never seen so much money, patted the box with excitement, waved his hand proudly, and announced loudly.

Cheng Huaiqian had already forcibly destroyed several boxes, pointing to the neatly placed gold bricks in the boxes and suggesting to Gao Hexuan:

“It’s useless to leave the cash here. All of those are used for our tasks. These precious metals may still be useful. Pick the ones you like and take them away.”

The little guy Gao Hexuan was so excited that his eyes brightened, but he still insisted on standing outside the warehouse door and refused to come in. Hearing that, he waved his hands repeatedly to refuse:

“Just give me 300,000 NC to complete the task, I don’t want the rest.”

Xia Ruize pried open all the boxes containing valuables with careless movements, feeling that he was full of gangster-like demeanor.

“The plan can go so smoothly and your credit is indispensable. We will share the cash and bars equally. This is what Huaiqian and I have discussed. The minority obeys the majority, so don’t talk too much.”

Cheng Huaiqian nodded to indicate that he really agreed. Gao Hexuan’s ability was very powerful in this world. Cheng Huaiqian recognized his contribution in this task world. Big Brother Cheng even thought about whether to include Gao Hexuan in the team.

Gao Hexuan’s weaknesses and strengths were very clear and prominent, which meant that if they encountered a world of science and technology in the future, Gao Hexuan should be able to play a big role, but in other types off mission worlds, his ability would be greatly limited.

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Gao Hexuan, who didn’t know that he was being assessed by the boss, was stunned for a moment when he heard Xia Ruize’s words, and then madly refused, insisting that he would not share with the two bosses equally.

Xia Ruize discussed with him for two rounds, got impatient, and made a tough decision:

“Okay, I´ll divide the box into three parts, you can take the smallest part.”

With the cooperation of Cheng Huaiqian, Xia Ruize quickly divided the boxes in the warehouse into three parts, pointed to the one in the corner that looked the least, and said: “Hurry up, we are not completely safe. If you insist on not accepting, we can part ways now.”

The little guy Gao Hexuan was so scared that he shrank his shoulders. He didn’t dare to argue with the boss anymore. He walked to the corner of the warehouse and looked blankly at the black boxes all over the floor.

Although he had been staunchly following in the footsteps of the big guys to do big things, he really didn’t expect that he could gain so much, it was a problem far beyond imagination…

In the pile of boxes that belonged to him, Cheng Huaiqian forcibly opened several boxes and threw them casually. The gold bricks fell on the dark and damp floor so casually that Gao Hexuan’s eyes twitched.

Ignoring the stunned little guy, Xia Ruize picked out the good-looking jewelry from the box of valuables, and put a pile of gold bricks into the space.

Anyway, these jewels were not counted in the mission, they could just take it away. As for the gold bricks and gold nuggets, although the income space was not counted in the mission income, these precious metals were hard currency, maybe it could be used in other mission worlds, it was not a loss to take it away.

After collecting the personal spoils, Xia Ruize, like Cheng Huaiqian, carried the pile of boxes allocated to him, lifted the warehouse, put it on the deck, and threw it into the sea with his hands.

This time, there was no one around to supervise the transportation work. They didn’t need to hide their strength. They were carrying two or three boxes at a time and quickly moved back and forth between the deck and the warehouse.

Some boxes were not fastened in time, and were thrown at will, and the cash or gold bricks inside were scattered on the sea behind.

Gao Hexuan looked at the sea with scattered cash floating on the surface, but felt that the scene was too exciting, and his little heart was frightened, he couldn’t help covering his “pounding” beating heart.

Since Xia Ruize had divided three piles of boxes and clarified their respective ownership, Gao Hexuan’s mission progress prompt became “784503627/300000”, and the system counted the pile of boxes distributed to him as the money he earned in the mission world.

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Of course, this number was only temporary, and it needed to be maintained for a whole day before it could truly be counted as his mission harvest.

Reluctantly pressing down the little heart that was pounding with excitement, Gao Hexuan picked up boxes of cash and threw them into the sea following the example of the two bosses.

Of course, they weren’t messing around, but they were implementing a good way to save the spoils that Cheng Huaiqian had come up with.

The main mission prompt released at the beginning required the trialers to “privately held the money for more than 24 hours”. Cheng Huaiqian had been pondering after seeing it. What could be counted as “hold”?

The unlucky guy who robbed the bank in the first place must had been “holding” the money bag by his side, but was that the only way?

The money held in the system space was not counted, what about the money that was stored in the World Bank account of this task? What about throwing it in a secret place that only you know?

In order to verify the rules, Cheng Huaiqian tossed the hard money he earned every day. Fortunately, the money in his hand was relatively small, and the number of task progress prompts changed very obviously, which allowed Cheng Huaiqian to test the conditions for “holding”.

The biggest gain was knowing that they could keep their earned money by hiding it in a place that only they knew and no outsiders could steal it.

Cheng Huaiqian experimented with burying money in the soil under a tree in the park, throwing it into the lake of the park tied with a stone, and even secretly hiding it in the plywood of the community center administrator’s desk…

In the end, after a day of waiting, the money that was not taken by outsiders was counted into his task progress reminder.

So, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian’s plan to deal with the spoils was to throw all the cash they grabbed into the sea. By throwing it into the sea, it would be difficult for others to find it. If anyone wanted to take it away, they had to see if they could find the location of the sinking box.

As long as 24 hours had passed, the long string of numbers would be fixed to their task income.

Taking a step back, even if the official determined the location of the cash that fell into the water in the shortest time, there was no way to salvage it all in one day, so Xia Ruize and the three threw it without any burden.

After looting the entire ship, they abandoned the boat sailing aimlessly at sea, and the three jumped into the sea, relying on the boats of Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian to row towards the neighboring states of Shengma.

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It was now five o’clock in the afternoon.

In just one day, the Shengma state government issued an earthquake forecast, arranged for the evacuation of citizens, and ensured that there was no one in the city before the officials evacuated Shengma City. Of course, a large number of camera equipment was left to record the situation in the city.

At the same time, the state government’s proposal to use a satellite to monitor the situation in Shengma City had also been approved and implemented.

The state government had set up a temporary headquarters in a satellite city of Shengma City. On the big screen in front of the headquarters, Shengma City was displayed from all angles.

As the time approached five o’clock in the afternoon, looking at the quiet and peaceful city on the surveillance screen, all the insiders in the temporary command headquarters were in a mixed mood, thinking that the familiar city would soon disappear in a huge explosion, even the spirit of speaking nothing.

Finally, the countdown returned to zero, and the time pointed to five o’clock. Recorded by the multi-channel and multi-angle monitoring screen, a “bang” in the ruins of the original library in the city center shot a spark into the sky.

In the nervousness of everyone’s heart being pulled into a ball, this spark suddenly exploded into a firework. The firework was a smiling face, simple and cute, especially in the dark evening sky.

And after this smiling face fireworks ended, there was a long silence. Time passed by every minute and second, for a full five minutes, and there was no movement in the temporary headquarters of the Shengma state government.

That smiling face had long since dissipated, but that scene was deeply imprinted in everyone’s mind, and that smiling face seemed to carry endless irony.

It was not until five minutes later that the governor of Shengma, who had to accept the cruel reality, couldn’t swallow, his eyes darkened, and he fainted.

The scene was chaotic, and everyone reacted to one thing: they were tricked!

The anger went straight to the top of the head like a volcanic eruption, and the eyes of the senior officials of Shengma were red with anger. Even the Investigator Brooke was so angry that he lost his mind by such a dramatic ending.

The bomber who bombed the four buildings in Shengma City one after another, and the last threatening letter said that he wanted to bomb the city, and it exploded with fireworks? Were they just fooling them?

A group of people in the know who felt that they were completely trampled underfoot and crushed by the enemy in the face turned their expectant eyes on Investigator Brooke in anger.

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