Frontier town (33)

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Even the barbarians were disturbed and turned their heads to check the situation, and then they watched Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize galloping past only ten meters away from the barbarian army. The horses and people passed, only the fast-shot crossbow arrows were left.

The barbarians on the fringe circle of the barbarian army wailed with arrows.

This incident shocked many barbarians, and the threat at hand forced them to finally move their positions. Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize looked at the barbarians expectantly, hoping that they could get up and chase again because they were provoked too angry.

To their disappointment, the shocked barbarians chose to continue to play dead after rolling inward a few times, as if they could escape the attack of the Daxia cavalry.

No way, the crossbow arrow attack was really sharp, but it was only Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, the firepower was still too small, of course the barbarians would hold the fluke that the crossbow arrow will not shoot themselves.

Disappointed, Cheng Huaiqian chose to control the horse to rest against the edge of the barbarian army that was resting on the ground.

Of course, in the middle of the journey, he encountered a lot of bloody barbarians who didn’t only dodge and suddenly violently attacked.

But their attack was in line with Cheng Huaiqian’s intention. Cheng Huaiqian’s crossbow arrows were only white medium grade, but his marksmanship was yellow low grade, and his long spear was also white high grade. It was more powerful and unparalleled in close combat, especially cavalry versus infantry. Absolutely crushing advantage, he was waiting for a barbarian to hit him.

The barbarians who fought back were all killed. After deflating again and again, the barbarians completely gave up their resistance, preferring to hide together in a group rather than jumping out and attacking.

Unsatisfied, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize could only continue to run around the barbarian army. Under their pressure, the barbarian army occupied a smaller and smaller rest area.

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All the barbarians wanted to hide in the inner circle and have a good rest, so that the barbarians, who were scattered in a large area, had to gather together. In the end, the barbarians of less than a thousand numbers abruptly squeezed into one small area.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize were also happy to see the barbarians gather. In this way, going around the barbarian army could save a lot of time. What they were looking forward to was, if the barbarians gathered together again, and had the idea of ​​chasing and resisting, wasn’t it just as they intended?

As a result, the two of them drove the barbarians together like a shepherd driving the sheep to the sheepfold.

The Daxia cavalry looked at their two officers as if seeing gods. There were people who could push the fierce and sturdy army of barbarians who could dominate the Northern Territory to such a level. If they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe it.

The barbarians were attacked for as long as they rested. The barbarians were annoyed, and the small chief of the barbarians realized that it was not advisable to stay here to rest, so he again ordered to return to the camp in the south.

Obviously, the camp set up the night before was only temporary and left a lot of unpleasant experiences, but at this time, the barbarian army was sincerely happy to hear that they could return to the camp, and even felt nostalgic for the camp.

They subconsciously believe that the damn Daxia cavalry dare not approach their camp openly during the day, so as long as they return to the camp, they were completely safe!

So, full of expectation, the barbarian army set off.

After resting for half an hour, the barbarians recovered some strength, followed behind the senior barbarians, and walked toward the south.

This time, Cheng Huaiqian did not chase with his horse. Seeing the barbarian army began to set off, he waved his hand to give an order and summoned all his cavalry to one place.

The bows of the Daxia cavalry were not like Xia Ruize’s bows that could automatically replenish arrows. Even if more arrows were prepared before leaving, after such a long time of shooting, the quiver of the cavalry was almost empty.

Therefore, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize were ready to change offensive methods.

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After gathering all their subordinates in one place, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize no longer paid attention to the barbarian army that was gradually going away, but moved to a small jungle with their subordinates.

Cheng Huaiqian stopped the horse, and then let the cavalry dismount and rest. The barbarian army ran desperately all morning until it was exhausted to vomit blood. The Daxia cavalry only ran a lot longer, and the horses were tired. It was time to rest.

A group of cavalries who had been fighting side by side for the whole morning sat in a circle. Xia Ruize distributed the hot buns to these young-looking cavalries, and distributed some mineral water to everyone, and even water to each horse.

The cavalry did not talk about the situation of the bun, just as the cavalry never thought about asking why the weapons of the two officers could be easily and frequently changed.

The amount of mineral water dropped from the treasure chest was large and had a slight effect of promoting recovery. It could quickly replenish energy and restore physical strength. Anyway, they got a lot. In special times, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize would not be stingy to share some treasures to people who can enhance their strength.

Everyone was eating and drinking while listening to Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize to arrange the next battle plan.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize were determined to maximize the essence of guerrilla warfare. The enemy advances and retreats, the enemy was stationed and harassed, the enemy was exhausted, and the enemy retreats, nightmare!

Although it may not be possible to keep all the barbarians on the road in the end, the more barbarians were left, the less the barbarian’s pressure on the frontier city garrison would be, and the higher the evaluation of the completion of the extended mission may be.

For this reason, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize did not hesitate to exhaust the barbarian army to death.

After resting for half an hour, the cavalry and war horses recovered their physical energy. This time, Cheng Huaiqian pulled out two amber horses from the jungle. He and Xia Ruize rode two amber horses to the forefront and led the team to the barbarian army.

The exhausted army of barbarians could finally set off on their way home. The damn Daxia people were finally no longer lingering, and everything was moving in a good direction. The hearts of the barbarians were much more relaxed, and they were eager to walk.

Even the small barbarian chief got off the horse and move on his legs.

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No way, although there were eight war horses left, the barbarians knew that whoever was riding on the war horse was the most conspicuous target to be attacked. Maybe they would be pierced by arrows when they walk. More importantly, the barbarian army in the rear was really slow, and they couldn’t leave them behind. It was better to go fast when riding a horse.

Therefore, the small barbarian chief simply dismounted and walked, summoning the remaining senior barbarians to come to him to discuss countermeasures.

The barbarians had dealt with the Daxia army for many years. They had never encountered such a treacherous and cunning team, and there had never been a major failure in which only a dozen cavalrymen turned the barbarian army led by the small chief into such a situation.

Especially the two leaders of the Daxia cavalry, they seemed to be favored by the longevity sky, they could come and go freely and easily attack in the dark night, all kinds of methods came out, and they fell directly or indirectly on them in less than one day and one night. There were more than 700 barbarians in hand, among them the high-level barbarians were just a few!

After a careful inventory, all the surviving senior barbarians were stunned by such a record. They deeply realized that these two Daxia cavalrymen must not stay!


Keeping the two damn Daxia people behind was a threat not only to them, but even to the entire barbarian army!

The leaders of the barbarians who walked in the forefront were full of indignation and discussion. The barbarians who were tired and hungry and dragged their way to the rear. The barbarians who walked at the end were the laziest. They dragged their feet and wanted to crawl on the ground.

At this moment, the ears of the barbarians who were walking at the end moved, as if they heard the familiar sound of horseshoes. They looked back in horror. Sure enough, the figure of the demon turned out from behind the small mountain and was approaching quickly.

They all recognized the two small black spots that turned into ashes! It was the two most damned Daxia cavalrymen!

Seeing the figure of Daxia cavalry reappearing, the barbarians in the rear wanted to give a warning in horror, but found that under starvation and lack of water and panic, their throat was dry, and they couldn’t even make a sound.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize took the lead, constantly driving the horses. The horses galloped faster and faster. A line of fourteen riders rushed into the barbarian army in the horrified eyes of more and more barbarians who found them.

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Then, the cavalry’s body bended slightly, and the weapons in their hands vigorously swung towards the barbarians below, quickly harvesting the lives of the barbarians.

At a certain moment, Xia Ruize realized how similar this scene was to what he had seen on the first day he appeared in this world, except that this time, the identity of the side attacked by the war horse and the side slaughtered under the war horse had changed.

The cavalry had a crushing advantage over the infantry. In an instant, a group of Daxia cavalry passed through the barbarian team like sharp swords.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize, who opened the way in the forefront, were like sharp blades on both sides of a long sword, piercing the barbarian’s queue strongly, leading their subordinates all the way, leaving the barbarian who fell all the way to the ground.

In fact, the barbarians were better at fighting this kind of cavalry against infantry. Unfortunately, they were good at being in the position of superior cavalry, not in the position of weak infantry.

When the small barbarian chief noticed the abnormal movement behind the team, and the news came up layer by layer, the Daxia cavalry had already rushed out of the barbarian army’s queue, turned the horse’s head in the distance, and rushed at the barbarian army again.

After all, the barbarians were brave fighting people. After being hit by a sudden setback, they quickly reacted. Many barbarian fighters approached one place and lined up in a close line facing the direction of the Daxia cavalry, with their weapons facing outwards. Obviously, they wanted to form a battle against the impact of the cavalry.

After the Daxia cavalry once again strongly cut the barbarian army, the barbarians who reacted became the majority, and the infantry against the cavalry army was formed.

Upon seeing this, Cheng Huaiqian instructed his cavalry to continue galloping along with Xia Ruize, heading straight for the barbarian army.

But when the barbarian warriors looked tense and waited, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize, who were nearing the army formation, suddenly deflected a little, and the soldiers split in two parallels from the front of the army formation formed by the barbarians, and the barbarians ushered in a series of crossbow attacks.

When the barbarian army realized that it had been tricked, some barbarians had already fallen down, while the Daxia cavalry quickly circled the entire army formation.

When the Daxia cavalry turned for the fourth time and rushed towards the barbarian formation, the senior barbarians who commanded the battle shook their hearts. Should the Daxia cavalry cut the formation or outflank the formation?

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