Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 36.1


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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


There were not many treasures in the small chief´s treasure chest, but two yellow-level weapons instantly distinguish it from the treasure chests dropped by the other barbarians.

After dividing the treasure chest of the small chief, the other treasure chests were all familiar items. After tidying them up, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian discovered that the only white top-grade exercises include ” Seven Star Sword Technique “, ” Bone Breaking Blood Palm “, “Returning Pill”, “Poisonous Gu Secret Technique”, “Frost Sword”, “Quick Arrow”, “Wind Dancing Axe”, “Lotus Heart Whip”, and “Golden Sun Stick”, nine in total.

Facing these nine exercises involving various weapons, even poisoning and alchemy, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize were speechless for a long time.

It may be because they had seen too much, they were not excited when they saw the exercises now, but they were distressed that they couldn’t learn so many exercises.

In the end, the two of them each picked two white top-grade exercises that they were interested in to learn by themselves, and the others were divided equally and the income space was reserved for later use when needed.

As for the white middle-grade and white lower-grade exercises, the number was even larger, with seventeen and seven exercises respectively. For these levels of exercises, the two were even more disinterested. After counting the number, they didn’t even study them. They directly put them at the bottom of the system space.

In addition to the exercises, a large number of weapons, armors, medicines, gems, etc. were also dropped from the treasure chest.

Fortunately, the weapons had a special storage space, otherwise the system space of the two people may not even be able to hold the weapons.

There were thirteen weapons of the white top grade, 28 and 18 weapons of the middle grade and the lower grade respectively, in various forms.

Except for some of the more unique ones, such as hidden weapons that may have miraculous effects at certain times, they were picked up for special inspection. The most common ones were knives, guns and sticks. The two of them didn’t even bother to look at them. Just divide it and collect it in the space.

In addition to the armor, two shields and three complete sets of armor were dropped. As long as they were not afraid of being too conspicuous and clumsy, the whole-body armor could protect people from head to toe.

The number of drugs dropped was relatively small, but the two of them became stronger and stronger. They supported each other along the way, but rarely got injured in the later period. Most of the drugs dropped before were preserved.

As a result, there were a lot of medicines stored in their respective system spaces, including healing, detoxification, and maintenance.

White gems and poison gems were divided into two groups. However, these gems were only suitable for white-grade weapons. After they obtained yellow-grade weapons, they were a little bit tasteless.

Fortunately, there were still opportunities to use some of the more unique weapons, so the two put them away.

In addition to these graded things, there were also many items that were not graded but were very useful, from black gunpowder, sesame oil to Mongolian sweat medicine, from goshawks to war horses, from food to drinking water and even clothing.

Many of them were essential goodies for murder, arson, and sneak attacks that had been tested in actual combat.

After finishing all the trophies that were harvested, looking at the filled space, a sense of satisfaction came to life. Then, the two casually chatting were found by Captain Ma.

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When Captain Ma wanted to commend the two great heroes, he looked around and found that Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize could not be seen at all. He sent someone to look for them, only to find that they had been hiding in a hidden position outside the battlefield.

Captain Ma had to take his generals to find Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize who were resting outside the battlefield in person.

“The two brothers really surprised the old man. Good job! You successfully blocked the barbarians; this old man will report your achievements to the court truthfully.”

Captain Ma was extremely happy, he walked up to Cheng Huaiqian, patted the young general on the shoulder vigorously, and other generals in the camp also stepped forward to praise him.

They saw the two generals for the first time and were very excited. They couldn’t imagine that the barbarian threat that they had been so worried before was solved before they even met. It felt so easy and beautiful that they could not believe it.

The imperial court’s order to Strictly Guard Bianlu city’s death was easily completed, and there was no better news than this.

These two strong men, who did not know where they come from, just relied on dozens of cavalries, dragged down the marching speed of the barbarian army abruptly, and left the barbarian forever on the way, so that the Daxia army only needed to solve the aftermath. Some skirmishers and generals who were less than 60% of their strength in their heyday won the final victory easily.

Such an incredible achievement was really curious, what kind of person did it?

The generals gathered to praise Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize, trying to get closer with their colleagues in the future.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize also laughed happily. Just as Captain Ma praised them, their watches vibrated violently again. It wasn´t surprising, it must be a reminder of the completion of the extended mission.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize looked at each other with tacit smiles in their eyes. While responding to everyone’s praise, they looked at the task prompt displayed on the watch casually:

[Extended mission: to stop the offensive progress of the barbarian support team

Mission status: completed.

Complete evaluation: perfect.

Mission reward: Reward 6,000 survival points. All attributes +5. “The Milky Way” yellow low-grade swordsmanship.]

Xia Ruize’s exercise reward was a sword technique, and Cheng Huaiqian’s exercise reward was a yellow low-grade body technique called “Ghost Step Phantom”, which at first glance was a body technique that increases agility.

Following the reminder of competition of the extended mission, it was the “treasure box” that Captain Ma personally gave to the two of them.

It was indeed a “treasure box”. With a wave of Captain Ma’s hand, his subordinates presented a tray with two palm-sized treasure boxes on it.

Captain Ma gave the two treasure boxes to Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize, and smiled and patted the shoulders of the two and said a few words of encouragement. This led to the generals to leave and continue to deal with the follow-up cleaning of the battlefield.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize had nothing to do, so they simply continued to hide in a quiet and clean place to rest, and opened the treasure box smoothly.

There was a palm-sized black jade token in the treasure box. The front of the token was engraved with a cavalry pattern, and the back was written with the word “ride”. As soon as the token was touched, the relevant introduction emerged:

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[Cavalry Token: It can summon ten cavalry and ten horses to assist the summoner to fight. The initial loyalty value of the summoned cavalry is 100 points, and the loyalty value is reduced by 10 points for each death, if the loyalty value drops to zero, the cavalry can no longer be summoned. Consuming 100 survival points can increase loyalty by 10 points.]

This cavalry token was really a pleasant surprise. It did not seem to be a mission reward, but a self-reward by Captain Ma based on their outstanding performance.

With the Cavalry Token, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize could summon highly loyal cavalry anytime and anywhere, instead of always fighting alone, it was really useful.

At this moment, the watch vibrated again, and the mission reminder that popped up this time was very special.

They saw a piece of white paper slowly unfolding on the mountain wall beside them, and lines of black writing scrolled up from below:

[main mission:

Survive for three days. Mission status: completed. Kill three barbarians. Mission status: completed.

Complete evaluation: perfect.

Completion reward: reward one thousand survival points

Special reminder: leaving the mission world in five seconds. five four three two one……]

Just like being suddenly thrown into this world, leaving was also sudden.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize only had time to look at each other in surprise. The person they spent with for three days and night was disappearing. Cheng Huaiqian subconsciously grasped Xia Ruize’s arm and before losing it.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Ruize appeared in a ten square meter white empty room. His body shook uncontrollably, and then he felt a lot of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

The watch on the wrist was gone, and the corresponding operation screen and explanation appeared directly in the depths of his mind. The information was suddenly but unobtrusive, explaining a lot of things for Xia Ruize.

For example, what he had experienced before was actually the novice selection level of the endless world, and the reason why he was selected to participate in the novice level of the endless world was because he died in the real world…

The last memory of his life that was forcibly covered by inexplicable power was returned to Xia Ruize. He then remembered that on the way to work in the morning, he was hit by a car drunk driving through a red light. He was seriously injured and died on the spot.

The soul that had not yet completely dissipated was selected by the endless world, giving him the opportunity to participate in the novice selection level.

If he could successfully pass the novice selection level, the Lord God of Endless World would help him reshape his body and let him regain his life. If he died in the level, his soul would completely dissipate.

Xia Ruize touched his hand and then his head. His current body looked the same as his previous body, but it was a little different. The muscles were firmer and tighter, and he could feel the power in his fist.

Xia Ruize felt incredible, he though deeply, according to this explanation, If the endless world could bring him back to life, and manipulate his memory, was his current memory true?

At this moment, Xia Ruize was stunned, because he suddenly discovered that he could remember everything that happened in the novice selection stage, except for the name and appearance of his teammate and the contact information they exchanged in the final stage.

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After trying desperately thinking for a long time, from the person he fought side by side for three days and night, he couldn´t even remember his heigh. The only thing he could be sure of, was that his teammate wore a delicate suit on the first day of their encounter.

In addition, the images of the other two companions who participated in the novice selection together were also blurred in his memory.

With a long sigh, Xia Ruize was no longer obsessed with thinking. He could understand the reason why the Lord God erased related memories, because he passed the novice selection level, and he could really return to the real world of Blue Star!

This meant that the people he meets in the mission world could also return to the real world. If there was a grudge in the mission world, going to the real world for revenge could be a big trouble.

Letting go of this point, Xia Ruize’s heart moved. There were some changes in the originally empty white room, adding some daily furniture and daily necessities. Xia Ruize sat on the same bed as his rental house, quietly sorting out the extra information in his mind.

From then on, his soul will be imprinted with the mark of the endless world. He needed to enter at least one mission world every month. Some missions could be selected by him, and some were directly arranged by the endless world.

Those who passed the novice selection level like him were called endless trialers. When the endless trialers enter the mission world to complete the mission, they would change the mission world. This change will produce the energy that the Lord God of the endless world loved. In exchange, the Lord God will give endless trialers the opportunity to become stronger.

As for the trialers who do not want to complete those dangerous tasks, and do not want to become stronger?

Escaping the shackles of the endless world was actually very simple, just commit suicide. Otherwise, before dying, he would have to work for the Lord at a frequency of once a month.

To put it simply, Xia Ruize was now a wage earner engaged in dangerous work.

It was just that the job content and remuneration of this job were very unusual.

After thinking about it, Xia Ruize didn’t have any special resistance. If something, he was actually very grateful to the Lord God for giving him the opportunity to be born again. He died accidentally. In the real world, he still had his parents and worries. He still wanted to continue to live. It was fair and reasonable to bear certain risks and crises for this.

To hate, hate the driver who killed him.

After sorting out the information about the endless world directly engraved in his mind, Xia Ruize eagerly chose to leave the endless world and return to the real world.

Before leaving, Endless World solemnly reminded him that after returning to the real world, his strength would be weakened to the level of a normal person, and he could not actively divulge information about Endless World in any form.

Xia Ruize nodded to express his understanding. In the next second, he appeared at a familiar street intersection, and passers-by did not react to his sudden appearance.

Xia Ruize looked forward. There was a tragic car accident at the intersection. There were three pedestrians in the middle of the road. The bright red blood was extremely dazzling. The drunk driver wanted to run, but was held firmly by the surrounding passersby. At this time, the driver realized he got into trouble and was so scared that he was crying.

Xia Ruize looked at the driver in the crowd, firmly remembered his appearance and license plate number, and then walked through the intersection with the crowd and walked towards the familiar office building, where his company was located.

Xia Ruize was a game planner, and he joined a well-known game factory in the industry after graduation. Their company was divided into large and small studios, each responsible for different game projects, Xia Ruize belonged to one of the small studios.

The elevator in the office building was always overcrowded in the morning rush hour. Xia Ruize propped his arm on the elevator wall, propped up a small space, and politely guarded the female colleague in the same studio who was crowded in the corner.

The female colleague only thought that today’s little brother Xia was very handsome. He was handsome enough in normal times. But today, his boyfriend power exploded Her small heart, who was protected in his sturdy arms, was beating wildly, and her breathing was hard.

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Xia Ruize was only a polite gentleman, and did not notice the strangeness of the female colleague at all.

All his attention was on his arm, he could clearly feel that his strength had increased. Although it was far less than the time when he was in the novice world.

With just one arm, he could easily resist the squeezing around and stand firmly on the spot without moving.

It seemed that after returning to reality, the weakening of his strength by the endless world was not a complete suppression.

The elevator stopped and Xia Ruize walked out following the flow of people, without noticing the female colleague whose face was flushed behind him and stopped talking.

Entering the office, Xia Ruize gently greeted his colleagues, sat at his desk, turned on the computer, and started to operate the computer.

Looking out of the corner of his eye, Xia Ruize turned to look out of the window. The police car and ambulance were already in place, dealing with the traffic accident at the intersection.

He watched indifferently as the scene was dealt with, the traffic resumed, and the congested traffic was evacuated, as if he was not the one who had escaped from that car accident.

If one day he died in the endless world, he would probably die in a car accident in reality.

He only hoped that this time will come later, he also wanted to go home to spend more time with his family.

“Xia Xia, the boss is looking for you.”

A colleague suddenly called Xia Ruize, Xia Ruize naturally turned his head to answer, and conveniently placed the document that was printed out at the bottom of the work materials to be reported.

As he walked to the office of the studio boss, Xia Ruize looked through the materials in his hand. It seemed that this was the work he had done overtime last night, but it was actually a memory from four days ago, and he needed to think about it.

Fortunately, the time interval was not very long. When he knocked on the door, Xia Ruize had already finished the draft in his heart. After reporting the game-related matters recently planned by the studio, Xia Ruize submitted the resignation at the bottom of the information to the head of the studio.

The boss took it smoothly, and after seeing clearly what it was, he froze for a while, he looked at Xia Ruize and then at the resignation in his hand, and asked suspiciously:

“Why did Xiao Xia suddenly resign? Did you encounter any difficulties at work?”

Xia Ruize had a strong working ability and a serious and responsible attitude. He was a good hardworking employee that the boss liked. He had never heard of the news that he was going to resign before. Could it be that he was poached suddenly?

“Boss, I am going to quit my job and go back to my hometown. My parents called me last night and said they miss me. I am also a little tired recently. I am going to take a rest for a while and go back to accompany them.”

Xia Ruize replied mildly but firmly, this was indeed his purpose.

Life may not be there at any time, and work seemed less important. It was his biggest wish to spend time with his family.

The person in charge listened patiently. Seeing that Xia Ruize had decided to leave, he had to agree, but asked him to work for one more month, waiting for the studio to recruit the handover.

Xia Ruize nodded and agreed, he also needed to solve some things in this city.

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