The battle of kings (5): The Director

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Player 2 put away the energy box that appeared on the lotus pier, and read his reward loudly to the teammates behind.

That’s right! This was what a reward should look like! Confirming that the lotus pier was not all punishments, the players secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Without waiting for the tone to be complete, the East Theater No. 2 contestant, who was closest to the sixth lotus pier, finally saw the punishment on the sixth lotus pier:

[Punishment: Drop into the water once.]

He immediately shared this information with his teammates in the rear, and everyone’s hearts sank again. Now they all have shadows under the lake. Without professional equipment, they didn’t want to fall into the lake at all!

Xia Ruize was moved. The description of punishment was ‘drop into the water once’, but not ‘drop into the water’. Did it mean that if you could escape the punishment yourself or you could escape safely after falling into the water, this punishment would be enough? There wasn´t a need to die?

This still needed to wait for other players to prove it.

Next, the No. 1 player in the North Theater also chose to walk forward 5 steps. After he stood on the lotus pier tremblingly, the lotus pier sank slightly, and then it did not float up but suddenly bounced, making the player above it fly into the sky.

The North Theater No. 1 contestant who was fully prepared for falling into the water tried his best to adjust his body shape in mid-air, but it was too late. Because of his initial posture, he flew out at an angle. Farther and farther, he fell into the water with a “plop” in an instant.

The panicked player No. 1 of the North Theater immediately opened the protective shield of the protective armor. With one hand, he paddled the water and tried to approach the nearest lotus pier. With the other hand, he used a laser gun to shoot randomly under the water. Suddenly, the surface of the water churned, as if something below reacted violently after an injury.

The North Theater No. 1 player protected by a protective shield did not disappear immediately after falling into the water like the previous East Theater No. 1. On the contrary, he hovered on the water for a while.

During this period, not only was he attacking underwater, but the same theater players who reacted on the shore balcony also helped to shoot underwater around him. Very quickly, a large swath of blue blood floated on the surface of the water.

Some teammates threw a long rope to the falling player No. 1 and tried to drag him ashore. Unfortunately, the rope was not long enough for No. 1 player to catch it.


What was worse was that the things in the water were dragging down the North Theater No. 1 player crazily. In order to maintain the protective power of the armor and the attack power of the laser gun, the energy box he reserved were quickly consuming.

In just two minutes, the North Theater No. 1 player swam five or six meters in the water, during which time he was completely dragged into the water several times. Every time his figure disappeared from surface, the players on the same team would worry about accidentally injuring him, so they could only suspend shooting.

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Two minutes later, the No. 1 player of the North Theater was still three meters away from the fourth lotus pier, but because the energy in the protective armor was exhausted, the protective shield could no longer be supported and was completely dragged into the bottom.

Surprisingly, before being completely dragged into the bottom of the water, the North Theater No. 1 player threw away the laser gun without energy, and in his hand inexplicably appeared a heavy machine gun equipped with explosives, and he even dropped grenades underwater.

Unfortunately, none of this changed his ending. After being dragged into the water again, he was never able to float again.

Soon, the surface of the water returned to calm, except for a large swath of blue blood, there was nothing abnormal.

When Xia Ruize saw this scene displayed on the curtain, his pupils shrank slightly, and the final performance of the No. 1 contestant of the North Theater reminded him of the trial.

Xia Ruize guessed right. The North Theater No. 1 player was a trialer. From the first level, he unscrupulously took out a large number of ancient heavy weapons, vented ammunition, and tried to destroy the organizer´s designed levels.

The door of the first secret room was opened by this guy with a full sixteen high-explosive mines blasting all the door locks.

But such a move was completely provoking the organizer, and the director was so angry that he yelled at him.

All the contestants’ entries must be displayed to the audience. The presence of this guy and several other rule-breaking guys had made many audiences clamor that the show was shady, boring, sick… that the organizer was incompetent, cheating, rubbish…

The rating of the show went down for a while, and the director wished he could pounce on and kill those disgusting guys.

This player who just lost his life to the lake, when the director arranged to lose the numbering leaflet, he specially threw the number of North Theater No. 1 on his head, in order to make him the first to die! Even if the in first round of the lotus pier he did not die, there would always be a round of the lotus pier that could kill him!

The result was of course very gratifying, the director cheered cheerfully.

The players who didn’t know that the organizer secretly controlled the deaths, only knew that the elimination of the North Theater No. 1 player was a foregone conclusion. There was no other way but to accept, so they turned their eyes to the South Theater No. 1 player in silence.

The South Theater No. 1 player took a step forward tremblingly and refused to move, obviously preparing to flee back to the shore immediately in case of any accident.

The lotus pier sank and rose again, and nothing happened in the end. It was a blank lotus pier.

But for players who only pursue no bad luck and didn’t even pursue rewards, the blank lotus pier was already a good result.

At this point, the second round of Monopoly was over.

Two rounds of attrition made the other players nervous, especially the number 1 players from each theater, which made the players with the highest numbers want to escape.

Then, the third round of Monopoly began.

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If the players were still a bit at a loss about the rules in the first round, in the second round, the four theaters and the same theater players seemed calm on the surface, but everyone had their own thoughts, and the contradictions had already grown. Next, then, in the third round, the contradiction was completely agitated, and there was no surface peace.

This time, Contestant No. 12 of the East Theater and Contestant No. 13 of the North Theater were facing each other, and Contestant No. 7 of the South Theater and Contestant No. 14 of the West Theater were facing each other.

The four players who were sent to the central island by the mobile board did not know how much malice and anticipation the organizer and the audience were in choosing the table for this round of battle.

At the beginning of the competition, the No. 14 contestant of the West Theater followed the previous round and tried to persuade the No. 7 contestant of the South Theater to voluntarily surrender:

“Can you admit defeat directly? So that we can advance on both sides. You have the fewest people, and ours has the most people. Let us win this time, please.”

The plea of ​​player No. 14 in the Western Theater was exchanged for the bright smile of player No. 7 in the South Theater opposite, and he could only listen to him answering in a straightforward manner: “Okay.”

Immediately, player No. 14 of the Western Theater relaxed, very good, and then as long as the opponent shouted “give up”, this round of his task would be completed.

It’s a pity that the Western Theater No. 14 player who felt relaxed after completing his task did not wait for his opponent to admit defeat, but waited for the South Theater No. 7 player to fire a shot at his heart!

The protective armor without the protective shield could not protect the user inside from surviving the precise attack of the laser gun. The expression on the face of Contestant No. 14 of the Western Theater froze in surprise and horror. His body stiffly fell backward with his fingers pointing at the opponent unwillingly, he seemed to be asking why he didn’t follow the agreement and attacked him?

Witnessed by all the surprised players, the smile of player No. 7 of the South Theater was still bright. He walked easily close to the fallen opponent and took out the three energy boxes accumulated by player No. 14 of the West Theater from his protective armor storage space and explained in a relaxed tone:

“Hey, isn’t it because you said that there are too many people on your side? I suddenly thought of a better idea so that you don’t have to worry about too many people, hahahaha…”

Hearing his arrogant laughter, all the players looked at the South Theater in surprise, only to find that the remaining 8 players in the South Theater had quietly approached each other and gathered together. Suddenly, someone seemed to understand why South Theater had so few players successfully reaching the third level…

What Xia Ruize didn’t know was that the fallen player No. 14 of the Western Theater was actually an Endless world trialer, very unique. His abilities were to use fire magic.

But when he used fire magic in the secret room of the first level to burn the belt that tied his body, and unremittingly used fire magic twelve times to break the door lock, he was put on the mortal list by the director.

On the other hand, player No. 7 of the South Theater wanted to kill the other players he encountered in the second level of the maze, and then, in the rest area, he forced the other eight players to cooperate. Such a violent and dangerous person was directly recorded in the director´s ‘I am optimistic about’ list and carefully arranged him to solve the No. 14 player in the Western Theater.

The situation developed as expected by the director. The thorny North Theater No. 1 player and West Theater No. 14 player successfully disappeared, and their deaths were very dramatic. One died in a desperate struggle, and the other died in comical nothing. Under precaution, it could obviously provide a good viewing experience for the audience.

“Double Kill!” The director shouted in excitement and was happy, but the players on the scene were not.

Affected by the behavior of the No. 7 player in the South Theater, the calm atmosphere between the No. 12 player in the East Theater and the No. 13 player in the North Theater on the nearby battlefield suddenly became strange.

They saw very clearly just now that if they solve the opponent in the battle, they could get the energy box collected by the opponent!

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The North Theater No. 1 player who died in the last round by falling into the water verified the key information with precious lives. The laser gun could damage underwater mutant creatures, and the protective shield of the protective armor could also protect them.

This meant that even if they accidentally fell into the water, as long as they had enough energy support, it was completely possible to survive. Therefore, finding a way to get more energy boxes was also a very important means of life-saving.

The more clearly, they though, the stranger the eyes of East Theater No. 12 and North Theater No. 13 when they look at each other. At the same time, all they could think about was to kill each other and get each other’s energy box.

After a stalemate for a while, the No. 13 selection of the North Theater handed a proposal:

“We use laser guns to shoot at each other, which only wastes energy, has no effect and is meaningless. Why don’t we give up the laser guns and have a fair close battle, so we can judge whether we win or lose.”

In order to show his sincerity, the No. 13 contestant of the North Theater also took the initiative to put the laser gun in his hand on the ground and picked up the high-energy vibrating knife on the side of the armor.

Contestant No. 12 of the East Theater looked at his opponent a few times, not knowing what he was thinking, and finally nodded in agreement, and also put down the laser gun to show cooperation. However, the melee weapon he took out was a cold dagger the size of a small arm, which was too small compared to the big knife of the No. 13 player in the North Theater.

Excitement flashed in the eyes of player No. 13 of the North Theater. In close combat, the weapon was as short as an inch, and the gap between the broad knife and the dagger was too big. His broad sword could attack the opponent, and the opponent’s small dagger might not even touch himself.

Not to mention, before this mission, he had just spent all the survival points he accumulated in exchange for a white top-grade knife technique, and now was the time to show the power of the white top-grade technique!

That’s right, the North Theater No. 13 player was also a tester, and even he and the North Theater No. 1 player who was eliminated in the previous round were still teammates!

Unfortunately, he hadn’t realized that they had been targeted by the organizers.

With all the players watching, the No. 13 player in the North Theater was holding a high-energy shock knife, and the No. 12 player in the East Theater was holding a cold dagger and wearing protective armor, and the two were preparing for a head-to-head close battle.

However, within a minute of the start of the battle, the scene once again developed in an unexpected direction.

The East Theater No. 12 player holding a short dagger and the seemingly thrilling battle. After a few moves against the North Theater player No. 13 holding a big sword, he bent down as if invincible, but suddenly, from the space for storing weapons on the side of the protective armor, he drew a short and powerful laser hand gun, and decisively pressed the trigger at the nearby player No. 13 of the North Theater.

Believing that this was a close battle with cold weapons, the North Theater No. 13 player, who was immersed in the pleasure of suppressing his opponent, certainly did not open the protective shield, so the helmet that was shot broke immediately, and the transparent interface was stained red by the splashing blood.

At the end of the battle, the No. 13 player in the North Theater was eliminated.

After the victory of East Theater No. 12, he took two steps back and raised his hands to explain to the possible cameras around him: “he said he wanted us to put down the laser gun. I did put it down.”

In other words, the No. 13 contestant of the North Theater didn’t mention that he could not use other guns. There was nothing wrong with his hand gun.

The onlookers were silent. It was not that they were dissatisfied with the suspicion of shame on the two winners. After all, they wanted to win by unscrupulous means. They just felt that before the start of this round of battle, who would have thought that the two players will end in such a tragic ending?

This result completely broke the calm surface between the four theaters, and a strong smell of fire broke out. The eyes of the players looking at other theater players were full of alert and coldness. If you want to come, there will be no more battles between them. There was only one goal to discuss, defeat the opponent!

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In contrast, Xia Ruize’s eyes were even colder.

If he remembered correctly, in the second round when the North Theater No. 1 player fell into the water by the lotus pier, it was the North Theater No. 13 player who was most active and worried about the rescue.

And in the chaos, the North Theater player No. 13 threw a long rope to the No. 1 player in the water. Xia Ruize was sure that he hadn’t seen a long rope at all in the link before in this mission world.

If the situation in the North Theater is the same as theirs, couldn’t it be inferred that Contestant No. 13 was also a trialer of Endless World, and the long rope was a prop stored in his space?

If this speculation was correct, was it really a coincidence that the two suspected trial players, North Theater No. 1 and No. 13 died one after another?

Or had the organizer mastered the method of distinguishing indigenous players from trial players? Was he rushing to kill the trialers?

Thinking of this, Xia Ruize’s dark eyes flashed with cruelty, and it seemed that he had to be more careful. Fortunately, from what he could observe, the organizers would not shoot directly, but will use the rules to kill.

Of course, Xia Ruize’s speculation was not wrong, the North Theater’s No. 13 player was the player who cut the belt with a dagger at the beginning, so he was spotted by the organizers early.

In fact, what made the organizers even more intolerable was that in the lounge after the second level, after the North Theater player No. 1 and No. 13 rendezvous, they seemed to have quickly reached an alliance with familiarity and common understanding, and they joined forces to suppress others. The contestants determined their leadership within the North Theater contestants.

How could this be tolerated?

The director was sure that the field department was very cautious when recruiting players to participate in the Battle of Kings. A lot of data collection work was be done in the early stage. It was necessary to ensure that the recruits had skills and could arouse the interest of the audience. Making sure that the contestants had never been in contact with the underground black game before and that the contestants in the same period were completely unfamiliar with each other.

After the field department had determined the right candidate, it would spend a lot of time pretending to contact the target naturally, and finally, coaxing, temptation or intimidation, adopting various methods to recruit the opponent into the battle of kings.

Therefore, the alliance between No. 1 and No. 13 in the North Theater seemed very strange and directly hit the organizers, especially the field department. From thousands of choices, they actually recruited two people who knew each other and could break the balance?

Not to mention that they weren´t surprise and seemed to have known that they would meet each other. They were simply slaps in the face of the organizer.

The director could already foresee that after this episode, the person in charge of the field department and even him would be punished by high-level officials, so how could the director make them feel better?

“Triple Kill!”

The director’s triumphant cheers resounded throughout the backstage, hahahaha, he had absolute control over this show, these damn bugs don’t want to provoke his control!

The director found that the three damn saboteurs seemed to have a unified shortcoming, that was, they didn’t seem to be very familiar with the weapons provided by the organizers, they had carefully arranged the ending for them, and then sent them on the road one by one.

There was no damn good thing after break the rules, and it felt good that everything was developing according to the plan. Seeing the rising ratings and the satisfactory rewards from the audience, the director opened his mouth and laughed.

Three seconds later, the director’s laughter was withdrawn in an instant, and his gloomy eyes fixed on the screen. This was not enough. All the bugs that destroyed his work must be killed!

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