Visitors from the Wilderness (10): Easy

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Xia Ruize lowered his eyes, avoided Cheng Huaiqian’s gaze, and was silent for a moment before replying:

“In the novice world, one person died. In the second mission world I participated in, all the trialers except me died. Now in the third mission world, there are already twelve known deaths.

I didn’t think about it before because I felt that I was still young and didn’t want to take responsibility prematurely. Now I don’t think about it because survival is the most important thing, and I can’t take more responsibility. So, I really didn’t think about it. ”

“Shouldn’t it be a more colorful experience if it’s because you think you have a short life left?”

Cheng Huaiqian frowned, disapproving of Xia Ruize’s idea.

“Ha, isn’t the experience rich enough now?”

Xia Ruize made a joke that he couldn’t help laughing. Every month, he faced a world that was completely beyond his imagination, and the experience of life was too colorful.

After finishing speaking, Xia Ruize pushed Cheng Huaiqian’s shoulder to push his teammates away from him, and took the lead to lie down with his back to Cheng Huaiqian, and urged:

“Okay, go to sleep, go to bed, tomorrow is the last day of the new people’s mission, I don’t think it will be easy.”

Cheng Huaiqian was still unwilling, and leaned over to Xia Ruize’s ear and continued to ask, “Have you considered finding a lover who is also a trialer?”

Xia Ruize’s hand clenched the quilt, feeling gloomy in his heart, he asked in a displeasure after a moment of silence:

“A lover who forgets after leaving the mission?! A lover who doesn´t know when the other party is dead?! Or a lover who abandons the other party without knowing when?!”

Xia Ruize’s voice was a little annoyed. After speaking, he pulled the quilt to cover his head and expressed his refusal to continue communicating.

Cheng Huaiqian had to lie back, but the expression on his face did not show much frustration, instead there was a little excitement. Xia Ruize’s abnormal mood just proved that he was not without ideas in his heart, which was a good thing.

Although his heart was messed up and a little troubled, but after a tired day and the people around him were reassuring, Xia Ruize quickly fell asleep.

At six o’clock in the morning on the third day, Xia Ruize found that he woke up in Cheng Huaiqian’s arms. Confused, he blinked and buried his face in the arms of his teammate. After a moment of worry, he pushed the arms around his waist away and got up first.

Xia Ruize still needed to go through the washing process in the morning to wake up completely, but Cheng Huaiqian wakes up immediately after opening his eyes. While Xia Ruize was washing, he took out two new sets of desert camouflage.

When the two were ready to walk out of the tent, the twenty-three experienced newcomers were also awake. They washed a little with the water in the tent and gathered outside the cave.

In addition, Cheng Huaiqian specifically instructed Li Mingcheng to wake up Gao Hexuan and wake him up. After packing up, the group left the cave, walked to the foot of the mountain, and set up a defensive position.

Out of prudence, Xia Ruize only let the Xiang insect release 1 unit of pheromone first. Facts had proved that his prudence was right. After just one night, the wild animals that appeared in front of them had a larger size and bigger strength.

In addition to hares, squirrels, pythons and other animals, other wild animals were so large that humans needed to look up. Even if they had been psychologically prepared in advance, the newcomers were still startled by these large animals.

Cheng Huaiqian’s face was serious. Facing the dozen or so wildebeests that were more than two meters high, he rushed out of the position to meet them. With the cooperation of Xia Ruize, the two quickly killed most of the wildebeest, leaving only three wildebeest.

The last three wildebeests were deliberately missed by Cheng Huaiqian, beckoning for the newcomers from the two groups with the strongest average strength to surround two wildebeests. The last wildebeest was handed over to Gao Hexuan, who said he had the means to attack.

Gao Hexuan was standing beside Xia Ruize. He really had the means of attacking, but they were all long-range means. Many times, the enemy was already rushing forward without giving him a chance to use it.

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All right now, Cheng Huaiqian blocked the wildebeest in front of him. Although he didn’t attack, he wouldn’t let the wildebeest rush up the mountain. Gao Hexuan had enough time and opportunity to attack.

Then Xia Ruize saw Gao Hexuan’s fingers tap quickly in the air. Then, a series of transparent codes appeared in the air and expanded rapidly, and finally a piece of code rushed towards the target wildebeest.

The wildebeest was trapped by countless transparent codes, and rammed in vain, but was unable to move.

Taking advantage of this time, Gao Hexuan typed out another large piece of code. This time, the function of the code was to attack. After the code hit the wildebeest, it exploded, and one of the wildebeest’s front legs was blown off.

Before the second attack code was formed, the wildebeest’s vigorous impact finally had an effect, smashing the code that trapped it at first, and finally got out of the trap. Fortunately, Gao Hexuan’s second attack code finally formed, breaking the other front leg that was also blown off.

The wildebeest, which lost its two front legs, lost the ability to move, and the third attack code finally took it all out.

At this point, Gao Hexuan’s battle was over. He tapped the code four times before and after, which took nearly five minutes. Compared with the efficiency of Xia Ruize’s one arrow and Cheng Huaiqian’s one knife, it was indeed a bit low.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian finally fully understood how Gao Hexuan made himself into that unfortunate appearance. It seemed that he knew that his attack was not powerful enough, and he was deliberately avoiding wild animals all the way.

However, Gao Hexuan’s fighting strength was weak, which was when compared with Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian. When compared with those newcomers, he was still strong enough.

When Cheng Huaiqian deliberately passed the wildebeest to the newcomers, the two groups of newcomers who were selected were terrified. The tallest man among them was not as tall as the wildebeest, and everyone had to raise their weapons to attack the wildebeest.

The nervous wildebeest lowered its head, its sharp corners pointed at the humans. If the two captains were not standing next to them, the newcomers would not dare to charge.

Even with Cheng Huaiqian’s help, it took more than 10 minutes for the newcomers to have a hard time with each other, and the wildebeest was smashed to death.

Cheng Huaiqian had a concept of the strength comparison between them and the prey. After that, only 2 units of pheromones were released each time. Cheng Huaiqian would deliberately pass six prey to the six groups of newcomers in the rear. He did not ask the newcomers for a quick solution, he just required them to cooperate with each other while protecting themselves as much as possible.

In addition, two prey would be missed successively to Gao Hexuan.

Except for the eight prey that were deliberately missed every time, Cheng Huaiqian stopped the other prey, and Xia Ruize solved it. During the battle, the two would always pay attention to the situation of the newcomer and Gao Hexuan, and help them in time.

In short, both the newcomer and Gao Hexuan were driven to participate in the battle. Unless they were extremely tired and needed a rest, they rarely stopped. On the contrary, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who control the rhythm of the battle, still had free time from time to time.

Under tremendous pressure, the newcomers’ combat experience had increased rapidly, and they had become better and better with each other, and the drop rate of the treasure chest after today’s prey was further increased, even if killing a wild animal required more time, but the newcomers could also eat a fruit from time to time, and their physical attributes gradually improved.

At the same time, Gao Hexuan finally obtained the treasure chest by himself and opened the fruit. Except for the two fruits he got at the beginning, he insisted on returning them to Xia Ruize, and the fruits he gave out after that were unceremoniously eaten into his mouth.

The hunger and thirst that had been plaguing Gao Hexuan had finally been completely resolved. In addition, his energy and physical strength had also recovered quickly, and Gao Hexuan’s overall condition had improved visibly to the naked eye.

He knew that all this was because of Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize, and he could not help but secretly make up his mind to repay them.

When Cui Fu and Xu Ruoran, who fell asleep very late because of too much thinking, woke up again, they found that several fires in the cave had been extinguished, and only two remained. They looked at the place where the fires were extinguished, and found in a panic that they didn´t see the newcomers belonging to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian.

The two hurriedly woke up their newcomers, took a careful inventory, and found that besides theirs, there were still newcomers from Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, but there were only three, and the other twenty-odd people were all gone.

“Hey, wake up, wake up, your captain is gone, you are still sleeping!”

Cui Fu stepped forward and vigorously pushed one of the newcomers to wake up and said eagerly.

But when he saw the other party woke up, he rolled his eyes, and said angrily: “They didn’t leave, they´re just down the mountain.” Then he turned around and changed his posture and continued to sleep.

Cui Fu and Xu Ruoran looked at each other, and could not help but walk outside the cave. The tent at the entrance of the cave made them feel a lot more at ease. At the foot of the mountain?

It was nearly nine o’clock, and the sky was getting brighter outside the cave. In the morning light, Cui Fu and Xu Ruoran walked down the mountain, and they saw that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian had already led their newcomers to form a formation to kill the prey.

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Seeing that some of the newcomers were so tired that they took turns to attack with laser guns in the rear, Cui Fu and Xu Ruoran immediately understood that they had been up early for a while.

Looking at each other, Cui Fu and Xu Ruoran were shocked and helpless. They finally understood why the newcomers who followed Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian could quickly adapt to this task world and gained a lot.

If they could meet such a reliable guide when they entered the novice world, they would definitely gain a lot.

Xia Ruize was the first to discover the arrival of Cui Fu and Xu Ruoran. After a night’s rest, they looked better than the previous night, so Xia Ruize took the initiative to ask:

“Are you going to join the attack?”

Xu Ruoran was overjoyed and asked eagerly, “Is it okay?”

There was nothing more surprising than being able to join the team of the boss and enjoy the care of the boss.

“Okay, your weapons are all guns, right? Then you attack the two wild bulls that are farthest away first, and then Cheng Huaiqian will make arrangements according to your situation.”

Xia Ruize suggested that he and Cheng Huaiqian were too tacit, and they knew how to do things in line with each other’s behavior without the need for temporary communication.

Cui Fu and Xu Ruoran were pleasantly surprised, and immediately took out the firearms in the space, set up their brackets, and prepared to attack.

However, before the real attack, Cui Fu couldn’t help but look back at the rookies behind him and the rookies in front of him who cooperated tacitly.

He knew very well that it was not for their own good, but for their harm.

Because he and the newcomers under Xu Ruoran did not adapt and run in the first two days, and directly confronted the wild animals that had become terrifying on the third day, just to die!

Given that Cheng Huaiqian and a bunch of newcomers were in front of the front line, it was inevitable that stray bullets would accidentally injure them. Cui Fu and Xu Ruoran were not using heavy machine guns that could fire at high speed, but single-shot rifles, and the prey was blocked not far away, they didn’t need to worry about their own safety at all, they could easily kill their prey just by constantly shooting. This comfortable attack state made Cui Fu and Xu Ruoran enjoy.

Sure enough, following the big guy was dazzling.

With Cui Fu and Xu Ruoran sharing the pressure, Duan can attract more prey each time, and when a newcomer was replaced due to exhaustion, they could also help share the pressure of the rest.

At the rhythm of taking a break from time to time, the battle continued until close to noon.

The temperature in the desert rose again, and everyone was sweating.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian found that the number of wild animals attracted by dull pheromones was decreasing. Having had similar experiences, they knew right away that this meant that all wild animals in the surrounding area had been wiped out, and they needed to keep moving forward if they wanted to attract more prey.

After finishing the round of surrounding wild animals again, Cheng Huaiqian waved his hand for a temporary rest, and the newcomer behind him immediately collapsed to the ground.

A handkerchief appeared in Cheng Huaiqian’s hand, and he walked back to Xia Ruize while wiping off all the blood on his body.

“Big brother, your husbands are really working together! Please continue to hug your thighs!”

Xu Ruoran excitedly expressed gratitude to Cheng Huaiqian.

Hearing this, Cheng Huaiqian raised his eyebrows with joy, and the corners of his mouth leaked a smile. At the same time, he subconsciously looked at the expressions of his teammate.

Xia Ruize was stunned, and immediately prepared to explain that they were just teammates, but was interrupted by Cheng Huaiqian, who saw his plan, and only heard Cheng Huaiqian asking Cui Fu and Xu Ruoran:

“We’re going to move forward, what do you think?”

Of course, Cui Fu and Xu Ruoran wanted to follow Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian with the two bosses and continue to gain the glory of the bosses, but the nine newcomers behind them expressed different opinions.

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These nine newcomers had clearly recognized the gap between them and the newcomers under Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian in one night and one morning. This gap made them feel a huge sense of crisis.

They were all newcomers, others were so much better, but they were much weaker, how could this be accepted?

After understanding the growth methods of Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian’s newcomers, the newcomers who followed Cui Fu and Xu Ruoran insisted not to go further into the wilderness, but insisted on returning to the area on the first day, only in that area, they could get attack opportunities suitable for their current strength.

So, when Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian brought their newcomers to pack up the camp and prepare to transfer, Cui Fu and Xu Ruoran had a fierce conflict with their newcomers.

The quarrel between the two sides was getting louder and louder. Cui Fu and Xu Ruoran, who had not dealt with disobedient newcomers for a long time, were about to go crazy, but they couldn´t forcefully change the insistence of the newcomers.

Finally, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were about to leave, and when they asked for their opinions again, Cui Fu and Xu Ruoran slumped that they were going to leave on their own:

“We are going to go back. The strength of wild animals is slightly weaker. We can deal with it more easily, and newcomers also have a chance to get started.”


Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked at each other, and naturally understood the reason for their decision, and the two teams went in opposite directions.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian’s team turned into six newcomers to lead the way this time. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian sat in the middle, Gao Hexuan rode the Gorefiend bull and followed them behind, and then there were twenty-three newcomers.

Most of the prey attracted by the first six people were solved by Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize, and a small part was screened by Cheng Huaiqian and leaked to Gao Hexuan at the rear.

The main task of their team was not to hurry, but to kill the prey, so the speed of the movement was not fast, and they stopped and went along the way, and the newcomers would stop to rest when they were exhausted.

The difference was that this time, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian did not let the retired army stop and camp until night fell at nine o’clock in the evening.

Those who had experience in the novice world suspect that the newcomers will be taken away from the world when their novice missions were over tomorrow morning. Since this was the case, they didn’t need to rest tonight. It was better to fight thoroughly and accumulate more capital.

Under the leadership of the two captains, the newcomers could only rest for a while when they were tired. Once their energy and stamina recovered, they would immediately start fighting again. Not to mention them, even Gao Hexuan couldn’t stand such a high-intensity battle.

But when Cheng Huaiqian became stronger, no one dared to ignore his orders, so the group fought all night until the sky was bright again, and finally got a chance to rest.

The newcomers also knew that it was time for them to leave, so they handed over half of the fruits they got that day and night to Xia Ruize, and returned the borrowed weapons to the two captains.

Gao Hexuan also insisted on handing over half of his harvest to Xia Ruize. Although he didn’t say anything, he was stubborn in his actions. He decided that he would give half of it to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian. Even if they didn’t want them, he would rather throw them on the ground.

Soon, the missions prompt for the completion of the mainline quests for the newcomers arrived. In addition, among the twenty-three newcomers, eleven newcomers received the prompts for the completion of the extended mission in addition to the prompts for the completion of the mainline mission.

The newcomers quickly showed their watches to the two captains. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian noticed that the extended tasks completed by the newcomers were judged based on the number of wild animals killed.

[main mission:

Survive for three days. Mission Status: Completed. Kill three wild animals. Mission Status: Completed.

Mission evaluation: excellent

Mission reward: 1,000 survival points.

Special Note: You will leave the mission world after five seconds. five four three two one…]

[Hidden Extended Mission: Kill 100 Wild Animals

Mission Status: Completed

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Task Evaluation: Pass

Mission reward: 1,000 survival points.]

After a quick glance at the mission prompts, both parties had no time to say goodbye, and the newcomers suddenly disappeared in front of the three trialers.

In addition to the 2,000 survival points obtained from the main mission and the extended mission, these newcomers who followed Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian gained stat improvements ranging from 2 to 3 points, which was actually their greatest wealth.

These attribute points may be accumulated by other rookies in the same batch but needed to go through four to five or more worlds, but under the leadership of Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize, they obtained it in the novice world, which was a good start their Endless World Road.

After the newcomer disappeared, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian also got some task reminders:

[Main Mission:

Protect ten newbies to complete their main Mission

Mission Status: Completed

Mission Evaluation: Perfect

Mission reward: 1,450 survival points; reward 1 free attribute point (perfect extra reward for mission evaluation)]

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian immediately realized that this was the reward of survival points for the nine newcomers that should have belonged to Gao Hexuan’s protection.

Maybe it was because they protected a lot of newcomers, and the newcomers’ strength improved well, so the mission evaluation gave them perfect, so they each got 1 free attribute point reward.

Taking this as a comparison, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian also understood why the newcomers clearly completed all the main missions, but the mission evaluation was only excellent, because they were able to survive mainly by the two captains and not entirely by themselves, so they could not get the perfect rating.

As for the hidden extension task, it may be based on the same reason. Although it was completed, the evaluation was only passing. After all, without the guidance and protection of the two trialers, it was impossible for the newcomers to kill so many prey.

Seeing Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize constantly discussing tasks, Gao Hexuan simply read out his own task reminder:

[Main quest: 2. Protect ten newbies to complete their main mission

Mission Status: Incomplete

Mission evaluation: very poor]

This result was expected by Gao Hexuan for a long time. There was no accident at all. Anyway, there was no punishment for not completing it. It was too late for him to breathe a sigh of relief.

After the discussion was clear, Cheng Huaiqian stretched a lot, and when he retracted his hand, he grabbed Xia Ruize’s shoulder and joked with him in a relaxed and pleasant tone:

“Finally got rid of those annoying bear children, and then we can live our two-person world.”

Xia Ruize was stunned for a moment, his cheeks stained with warmth, and he retorted angrily: “Don’t talk nonsense.”

At the same time, he looked at Gao Hexuan subconsciously, but saw that Gao Hexuan had walked to the Gorefiend Bull behind him, climbed onto the bull’s back, and tapped something in midair with his fingers intently, as if he didn’t know anything.

Xia Ruize glared at Cheng Huaiqian angrily. Before, he felt that something was wrong with Cheng Huaiqian, but now he understands it. His teammate didn’t know what strange switch was turned on, and his actions and words became more and more straightforward.

However, Xia Ruize blindly avoided changing the subject, expressing hid refusal openly or secretly.

Cheng Huaiqian was not discouraged, he cherished the time he spent with his teammates, and always surrounded Xia Ruize to chat with him.

The next journey was three people walking together. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian ran side by side on horseback, and the Gorefiend bull carried Gao Hexuan not far behind. Although the speed of the war horse was limited by the Gorefiend bull, it was better than before. Compared to newcomers on foot, it was still much faster.

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