Visitors from the Wilderness (12): Ecstasy

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Looking at Xia Ruize, who was smiling and gentle, Cheng Huaiqian suddenly reached out and pulled the man into his arms, hugging him tightly.

In the past, whether it was a trialer or an aboriginal, Cheng Huaiqian could watch them die and even give them a ride without any psychological obstacles, but if it was Xia Ruize, even if he knew that his teammate had bought life-saving bloodline, in reality Cheng Huaiqian was even more tenacious than his own vitality, but seeing with his own eyes that he was so badly injured and was knocked out, Cheng Huaiqian was still instantly mad, and his heart was like being stab by a knife.

If possible, Cheng Huaiqian really wanted to send Xia Ruize out of the Endless World, so that his sweetheart would be spared endless danger. Even if it cost him double the danger.

It was a pity that even he himself was the first to enter the Endless World, and he hadn’t fully understood the rules here, and he didn’t know if there was a way to escape.

Xia Ruize didn’t struggle, but obediently stretched out his hand and hugged Cheng Huaiqian back. When he was injured, he truly felt that life was too fragile, and many entanglements and troubles were not so important before the event of life and death.

However, no matter how much he felt, Xia Ruize still had to say that the protective armor was really awkward. Seeing Cheng Huaiqian’s delay in letting go, Xia Ruize finally felt helpless, pushed his teammate, and reminded: “It’s time to go!”

On the next journey, when he encountered an attacking wild animal, Cheng Huaiqian’s fighting power exploded and assumed the main attack position. He tried his best not to let Xia Ruize take the risk during the battle.

Xia Ruize’s [Superman Xiaoqiang] bloodline also had the ability to create an avatar Xiaoqiang to help a specific person take damage. Currently, up to three people could be created as an avatar Xiaoqiang at the same time.

Xia Ruize woke up every day and condensed two energy doubles Xiaoqiang, and then part of the damage he and Cheng Huaiqian suffer will be transferred to the energy double Xiaoqiang.

The energy substitute Xiaoqiang of the previous days all dissipated naturally, but today, the two people’s substitute Xiaoqiang shattered one after another, Xia Ruize could only make a new substitute Xiaoqiang to supplement, and then he watched the substitute Xiaoqiang representing Cheng Huaiqian continue to die, it only could be replenished continuously.

Anxious in his heart, Xia Ruize’s attack couldn’t help but be sharper, forcibly rushing to share the fighting pressure with his teammates. The two of them had been in a state of explosive combat, which made the journey a little smoother.

Fighting all the way from noon until late at night, on the last day of staying in this mission world, the two decided to continue their journey overnight. Only after each battle would they take a break to recover their physical energy.

At nine o’clock in the morning the next day, the sky was bright again, and Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian suddenly discovered that the land not far in front of them had turned dark black.

The two hurried forward and finally ran to the dark black land area. Looking around, the ground in front of them was slightly sunken, so the two people standing on the edge of the black land area could see the scene far away.

They saw that the entire dark black land area was circular. In the center of the circle, the center of the depression, there was a huge white beam of light that reached the sky. Around the beam of light, the surrounding wild animals were all dozens hundreds of meters tall.

The two did not approach rashly. According to the proportion, the shortest giant python might have a height of tens of meters. More than 20 super-super-super-large wild animals gathered together, but the two of them were like two small bugs. To approach rashly was probably to die.

After discussing for a while, the two realized that this mission world should be a huge concentric circle, the outermost pale yellow land area was the largest, and the wild animals were the weakest.

Followed by the light brown land area, the strength of wild animals increased, and the newcomers had stopped there. On the inner side was the dark brown land area, where the strength of wild animals was already a bit terrifying.

Then there was the crimson land area, where even Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian struggled to cope with the wild animals, Gao Hexuan stopped there.

In the end, after a day and night of hard fighting and trekking, what appeared in front of them was this relatively small area of ​​dark black land with the most terrifying power of wild animals.

“They all surround that beam of light. Could it be that the beam of light can make wild animals bigger?”

Cheng Huaiqian looked at the sky-high beam of light in the distance and the wild animals crowding around the beam of light, touched his chin, and made a bold guess.

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The situation in the deep black land area was basically within sight. There were more than 20 wild animals in total, which could be seen at a glance. At this time, they were all surrounded by the beam of light, and they didn’t know what they were doing, so that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian had not met other threats in this area.

“Should we try to get close? If we are found, run away. According to the experience of newcomers, our mission is almost over. If we really can’t solve it, we can directly escape back to the endless world.”

Xia Ruize observed for a moment and suggested.

This proposal made Cheng Huaiqian look at Xia Ruize with a smile, and patted his head with satisfaction. His teammate made really fast progress. When he was in the novice world, he still needed to be dragged by him before he was willing to take risks.

Since there was no way to escape from the Endless World in a short time, then find a way to help Xia Ruize adapt to the rules of the Endless World.

The two hit it off, and cautiously continued to penetrate into the black land, approaching the central beam of light.

After advancing for a long distance, the two found that the terrifying wild animals around the beam of light were indifferent to their behavior, and all kept their postures facing the direction of the beam of light and lying motionless. Only the occasional slight twitching of the ears showed that they are not really unaware.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian became more courageous, and the speed of progress began to accelerate.

Then they gradually realized that the surrounding environment was a little different. The air they breathed in their mouths was extremely fresh, and each mouthful seemed to wash out the impurities in the lungs.

At the same time, the whole body felt warm and comfortable, and the naked face felt the most obvious. The two simply took off the protective armor. Sure enough, the body in contact with the air felt very comfortable, and there seemed to be a free gentleness in the air. Energy entered their bodies.

After walking a long distance again, the two suddenly received a prompt that the task was completed:

[Main mission:

Survive for five days. Mission Status: Completed Protect ten newbies from completing their main quests. Mission Status: Completed

Mission Evaluation: Perfect

Mission reward: 1,950 Survival Points; 2 Free Attribute Points (perfect extra reward for mission evaluation)]

Of course, only 500 survival points and 1 free attribute point were newly issued among the rewards for completing the main mission, and the others were calculated together with the previous main mission 2 completed in one step.

The main mission was just an appetizer. What really surprised the two of them was the completion prompt of the extended quest:

[Hidden Extended Mission: Kill 10,000 Wild Animals

Mission Status: Completed

Mission Evaluation: Perfect

Mission rewards: 5,000 Survival Points (500 Survival Points for killing 100 Wild Animals, 1,500 Survival Points for killing 1,000 Wild Animals, 3,000 Survival Points for killing 10,000 Wild Animals, 5,000 Survival Points for killing 10,000 Wild Animals).

Reward all attributes +3 (mission evaluation perfect extra reward)]

Sure enough, compared to the main mission, the extended mission was the most rewarding. Whether it was a survival point or an attribute point, the more difficult extended mission rewards were more generous, which fully reflected why the greater the risk, the greater the reward.

What’s more, this was not the end, and there was also a reminder to extend the completion of the mission:

[Hidden Extended Mission: Explore the Black Core Area

Mission Status: Completed

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Mission evaluation: excellent

Mission rewards: 3,000 Survival Points will be awarded (1,000 Survival Points will be awarded for exploring the crimson sub-core area; 2,000 Survival Points will be awarded for exploring the Black Core area, and 3,000 Survival Points when combined).

Three fruits of each of the sixteen colors will be rewarded.

Special Note: You can request to leave the mission world at any time]

This extended mission completion prompt confirmed Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian’s guess. The core area of ​​this mission world hid a huge secret, which made wild animals closer to the core area more terrifying in size and strength. Also let them step into the black land area to complete the hidden extension mission.

The evaluation of this hidden extension mission was “excellent” rather than “perfect”, probably because Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian did not thoroughly explore the entire black core area before the end of the mission time.

But this did not affect the good mood of the two. On the contrary, the last special prompt of the hidden mission suggested that the two could continue to stay in this world.

Under what circumstances will the mission prompt suggest that the trialer could continue to stay?

From the experience of Xia Ruize’s second mission world, when it was profitable to continue to stay, the Lord God would generously relax the restrictions and give the trialers enough time to collect the spoils.

“Haha, very good. With the guarantee that we can leave at any time, we can continue to approach the beam of light with confidence.”

Cheng Huaiqian immediately understood the meaning of the special prompt being placed on the hidden mission instead of the main mission. In fact, it was a hint to them that they could continue to stay in the black core area of ​​this mission world and enjoy the unknown but definitely beneficial effects this area brought to them.

Xia Ruize nodded and looked curiously at the center of the beam of light, thinking that it was the real secret.

Cheng Huaiqian didn’t know what to think, his smile became more and more malicious.

Cheng Huaiqian turned to Xia Ruize to stop him. Under Xia Ruize’s doubtful eyes, Cheng Huaiqian’s slender fingers were placed on the buttons of the desert camouflage shirt. The mermaid line of abdominal muscles made Xia Ruize’s face turn red.

Xia Ruize actually wanted to look away, but he didn’t focus on exercising for a long time. He hadn’t been able to practice the chest, shoulders, back and legs. Compared with Cheng Huaiqian’s round and strong muscles, he was a lot worse. Knowing what made clothes look thin and fleshy, he couldn’t look away for a while.

Although they both rested in the same tent recently, both of them were wearing pajamas. It was the first time that his teammate was so bold and unrestrained in broad daylight…

“What, what, what are you doing?”

It wasn’t until Cheng Huaiqian smirked to unbutton the belt of his camouflage pants that Xia Ruize finally regained his senses, quickly turned his eyes away, and stammered.

“We should learn from the experienced natives, look at those wild animals, aren’t they all like this? It means that it is easier to absorb the energy in the air.”

Cheng Huaiqian answered confidently, and finally even took off his boots and stepped on the black sand with his bare feet.

He observed Xia Ruize quietly for a moment, and sincerely suggested: “Yes, it feels more comfortable than through clothes, you can try it too.”

Xia Ruize felt that his cheeks were about to burn, but Cheng Huaiqian stood there generously, admiring the shyness of his teammate, and coaxed warmly:

“You can just think we’re going to the beach for a swim. Everyone on the beach only wears swimming trunks. Don’t be nervous. Come and try. I’ll never lie to you.”

Cheng Huaiqian was right in saying something, he had never lied to him.

Xia Ruize felt that he must have been bewitched, and even thought that his teammate’s proposal was reasonable, but facing Cheng Huaiqian with a smirk on his face, he was inexplicably shy and uneasy. In the end, Xia Ruize simply turned his back to Cheng Huaiqian and unbuttoned his shirt.

Xia Ruize had no time to look back, of course he couldn’t see that Cheng Huaiqian’s eyes behind him were lingering on him, as if there was fire burning in his eyes.

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Xia Ruize’s skin was at least two degrees whiter than Cheng Huaiqian’s. Although he didn’t exercise often, his physical fitness had improved rapidly in recent months, making his muscles firm and condensed, which was pleasing to the eye.

After taking off his shirt, Xia Ruize calmly felt it. Indeed, the skin was in direct contact with the air, and he could feel the warm energy in the air entering the body more easily.

Heartless, Xia Ruize took off his pants and boots, then turned around and walked forward.

Although he never looked back, he seemed to be able to feel the gaze of his teammate that was hotter than the air, which made people extremely embarrassed.


Cheng Huaiqian’s cheerful laughter flowed behind him. Of course, before Xia Ruize was completely annoyed, Cheng Huaiqian restrained himself in time, stepped forward quickly, took Xia Ruize’s hand and dragged him towards the beam of light.

The closer they were to the Light Pillar, the more they could feel the difference in their surroundings. The energy that made people feel warm and comfortable was getting thicker and, so thick that the air became sticky, and people seemed to be walking in flowing energy.

Then Xia Ruize found that tiny black particles began to ooze out of his skin. Although it would fall off when he touched it, as he walked, the black particles on his body continued to increase, which made him a little annoyed.

“I also have it on me. This is probably the cleansing of the essence in martial arts novels to remove impurities from the body?”

Cheng Huaiqian patted his chest with a palm, shaking all the black particles on his body, and guessed jokingly.

Xia Ruize remembered that there was a pink fruit in the treasure box opened by killing wild animals before. It was used to remove impurities from the body, he put it on his mouth.

Sure enough, the number of black particles on the body suddenly increased, and the two almost shook off while approaching the beam of light.

More than twenty behemoths around the beam of light had noticed the two tiny humans, but they ignored them, still staring intently at the beam of light in the middle.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian finally got close to these wild animals, looking up at them as if looking at a skyscraper. To these wild animals, the two of them were probably two little bugs, and they had nothing to hang on to.

Wild animals were very close to each other, but this “closeness” was for them. For Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, there was a gap between them enough for the two of them to pass.

After observing the outside for a long time and finding that the wild animals did not respond, the two boldly walked inward.

Now they were only 100 meters away from the light beam in the middle, and they clearly felt that the surrounding was filled with gentle energy, so thick that the air was like a hot spring, and they were immersed in it.

The two of them clearly realized that after soaking in the energy of the light beam for a short time, their bodies were obviously much more relaxed. Although their physical attribute values ​​did not improve, they just felt different.

For example, Xia Ruize’s strength attribute value was as high as 46, if he could play the exert 50% of its power, then he now felt that his mastery of the body had deepened, and he could exert 70% of the effect.

Cheng Huaiqian’s potential energy attribute value had reached as high as 53. He used to be able to exert 70% of his power, but now he felt that his control of power had increased to 80%.

This was a great improvement. After all, the physical attributes of the two people were improving too fast. Even though they had invested a lot of survival points to improve their mastery of the body by practicing auxiliary functions, some things were not achieved overnight.

After removing the time in the real world, they only stayed in the Endless World for more than ten days, but in these ten days, their physical fitness had rapidly improved forty or fifty times, far beyond what they could digest and control.

Now, under this inexplicable gentle energy package, the two felt that their bodies were being rapidly purified, and the impurities generated by the rapid ascension during this period were excreted from the body, making the body purer and more condensed, and also allowing the soul and the body to be more compatible, and the degree of control over the body was rapidly improved.

The two who had tasted the benefits of course wanted more. Since the closer they got to the light beam, the more energy they had, they would naturally want to go to the place closest to the light beam.

Cheng Huaiqian pulled Xia Ruize all the way through the tall wild animals and walked to the beam of light. Cheng Huaiqian cautiously tried to reach out to touch the beam of light, but suddenly there was a cry of “Ow!”

The two immediately raised all their vigilance, looked up, and the huge closed eyes of the cheetah hundreds of meters on the left opened, staring at Cheng Huaiqian coldly, expressing dissatisfaction with his behavior of trying to touch the beam of light.

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Cheng Huaiqian had no choice but to withdraw his hand and honestly stopped acting as a demon. The cheetah did not express any more, closed his eyes and continued to concentrate on enjoying the energy of the beam of light.

Xia Ruize looked at his teammate with a smile in his eyes, Cheng Huaiqian unceremoniously reached out and pinched Xia Ruize’s nose.

After the play, the two gradually relaxed, because they found that the wild animals around them didn’t care about them at all, and they were all immersed in absorbing the energy escaping from the beam of light.

After Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize discussed in a low voice, they simply lay down with their heads against their heads in the place closest to the beam of light.

Not only that, but the two also released their pets.

The system creatures had no special response to this energy, but their pets were alive and could absorb this energy. As soon as they came out, they were so dizzy and dizzy that they lay beside the two of them.

The two of them and their six pets together didn’t need the space that a cheetah’s paw needed to occupy. The cheetah on the left and the elk on the right didn’t react in any way except glaring at them.

In front of the energy of the beam of light, everyone put aside their disputes and coexisted peacefully.

Xia Ruize stared at the beam of light for a while, and suddenly remembered that there was a talent called natural shelter in his dazzling elf bloodline.

The introduction of talent was that when he was in the natural environment, he could slowly absorb the free life energy around him, and slowly recover his physical strength and injuries. In times of crisis, life energy could also be quickly extracted for quick recovery of injuries.

This talent was often forgotten, because the quick recovery effect of Xia Ruize’s [Superman Xiaoqiang] bloodline and the warm and nourishing recovery effect produced by the exercise of “Withered Trees in Spring” were stronger than the “slow” effect of this talent, which seemed to be a natural protection talent.

But now Xia Ruize stared at the beam of light and suddenly remembered this neglected talent.

If this beam of light was considered as free energy in the natural environment, could he quickly extract it?

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He couldn’t hold it any longer. Xia Ruize lightly squeezed Cheng Huaiqian’s hand next to him, and winked when his teammates looked over.

Cheng Huaiqian immediately understood that his teammates had a new plan. Although the details were still unclear, Cheng Huaiqian was instantly vigilant and ready to cooperate at any time.

After reminding his teammate, Xia Ruize took the initiative to activate the natural shelter talent. Soon, Xia Ruize felt that a small bridge had been built between him and the beam of light that was close to the sky but had no contact. The energy entered his body directly from the beam of light along this small bridge.

The speed at which Xia Ruize absorbed energy was at least ten times faster than before!

After all, before, the body was only absorbing the energy escaping from the beam of light unconsciously, but now he was actively absorbing the energy directly from the beam of light. The concept was completely different.

Cheng Huaiqian looked at Xia Ruize’s eyes suddenly lit up, and looked over with surprise in his eyes. Although Cheng Huaiqian didn’t know what happened, he still laughed because Xia Ruize was happy.

However, Xia Ruize smiled, turned his head cautiously, and found that the giant wild animals around him had no abnormal response. Realizing that his target was too small, he secretly built a small bridge from the beam of light to absorb some more energy.

But Xia Ruize knew that there were still some abnormalities. For example, a small amount of the energy he absorbed actively was scattered around him because his body could not bear it.

Xia Ruize backtracked to see a clear circle of energy around him, and then looked at his teammate who were smiling gently at him. He gritted his teeth, moved his position, lay behind Cheng Huaiqian, and then reached out and hugged him.

Cheng Huaiqian was stunned by Xia Ruize’s sudden action, and then he was ecstatic, and immediately wanted to turn around and hug him back, but Xia Ruize first stretched out his hand to restrain Cheng Huaiqian’s arm, half-pressing him, firmly pressing Cheng Huaiqian to prevent him from turning around.

A series of low and gentle laughter overflowed from Cheng Huaiqian’s mouth. He had already felt the abnormal energy around Xia Ruize, but pretended not to know, and joked:

“It turns out that you are an activist, but it’s better for me to confess first. Let’s date, okay?”


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