Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 68.2


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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


“Baby!” Cheng Huaiqian shouted eagerly and cautiously. Seeing that Xia Ruize didn’t respond, he had to continue explaining with difficulty:

“I admit, I thought there was an accident in the kidnapping you planned, and I thought you were an important clue and you couldn’t die, so I helped you. But I promise I figured it out soon after, so when I saw you in the restaurant for the second time, I really didn’t have any ill will, but I was very fortunate that I was willing to cooperate with you.”

“You didn’t mean to smile at me?”

Xia Ruize asked angrily, from the first meeting, to the second meeting after that, and even after getting along with him, Cheng Huaiqian was very kind in front of him, didn’t he lie to him all the time?

“Ah? I laughed at that time? I really didn’t notice this!”

Contrary to Xia Ruize’s expectations, Cheng Huaiqian was even more surprised than him, and repeatedly complained.

Did he smile when he saw Xia Ruize for the second time? How could he not remember, when did he laugh?

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian stared at each other for a long time, and Xia Ruize was sure that Cheng Huaiqian did smile at him when he helped Cheng Huaiqian finish the barbarian team from the attic of the restaurant.

But Cheng Huaiqian recalled for a long time, and he didn’t even remember whether he smiled when they first met. Even if he laughed less, he wouldn’t remember when he laughed and why.

“Then what were you going to explain to me?”

Xia Ruize was annoyed and asked.

“I just wanted to explain that I had some misunderstandings about your identity at first, but I really figured it out quickly, I swear!” Cheng Huaiqian hurriedly said, “As for whether I laughed or not, I really didn’t realize it myself!”

The point that Cheng Huaiqian always wanted to confess but didn’t dare to say was the one push he gave to Xia Ruize when they first met. He knew that his lover always thought it was him who offered to help, but in fact he just wanted to keep his mouth shut.

But at first, they were friends, and he was embarrassed to destroy the friendship. Later, when he wanted to pursue a lover, he couldn’t explain such an image-destroying thing. He never expected that this landmine would be detonated before he made up his mind to confess, or was exploded by an assistant he completely didn´t expect it.

After listening to Cheng Huaiqian’s explanation, Xia Ruize looked at Cheng Huaiqian repeatedly, looked him in the eye and asked:

“Then what else are you hiding from me?”

“No more! I promise!”

Seeing that the lover’s tone was a little loose, Cheng Huaiqian hurriedly assured.

“I’m tired, I’m going back to rest, give me a little time to calm down, I have to think about it.”

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Xia Ruize stared at Cheng Huaiqian for a long time, and suddenly said.

Cheng Huaiqian’s heart shrank. He was very worried that his lover would leave to calm down. He quickly flattered: “There is a lounge in the office. Would you like to rest here?”

Cheng Huaiqian’s voice was cautiously begging, Xia Ruize tried to push him away, but he finally compromised and walked into the lounge in the office.

Xia Ruize jumped directly on the bed and threw himself on the quilt.

Cheng Huaiqian stood at the door of the lounge, only feeling upset and didn’t want to deal with work at all, but Fu Yizhuo had reminded that the two meetings were about to start, and there were already a large group of people waiting for him at the pre-arranged meeting, he turned around in a hurry. After two laps, Cheng Huaiqian still left the office.

Fu Yizhuo followed Cheng Huaiqian cautiously. He could clearly feel that the boss’ emotional state was not right. He could even guess the reason. It must be because he was having trouble with his lover.

Embarrassingly, it seemed that it had to do with him so he didn´t say any word of comfort.

Cheng Huaiqian was surrounded by low air pressure and walked towards the conference room with wind. At the corner near the conference room, he couldn’t help but stop, turned around suddenly, and asked coldly:

“Do I really only laugh at people I hate?”

Boss, don’t you know it yourself?

Although he was complaining in his heart, Fu Yizhuo did not dare to delay and replied quickly:

“According to my and assistant Jing´s observation, when you took the initiative to laugh in the past, there was an 80% chance that the other party was the person you were going to deal with next.”

Cheng Huaiqian was in a hurry when he heard it. He didn’t know that he still had this attribute. He pointed his finger at Fu Yizhuo’s nose and nodded. In the end, he didn’t say anything. He turned and walked into the conference room not far away.

Fu Yizhuo let out a long sigh and touched the sweat on his forehead. He just hoped that the president’s lover would reconcile with the president soon, otherwise they would suffer.

After Cheng Huaiqian left the office, Xia Ruize, who couldn’t sleep, got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the endless stream of cars and people below. In his eyes, the people below were too small, and even the car was as small as an ant.

In fact, Xia Ruize was not very angry after hearing Cheng Huaiqian’s explanation, except that he was a little confused when he first learned about the situation.

There was nothing to blame for Cheng Huaiqian’s vigilance against him after a sudden change, and if Cheng Huaiqian hadn’t helped him by mistake, he would have wondered if the person on the other side was the malicious man behind the scenes.

Speaking of which, Cheng Huaiqian didn’t deliberately hide his true temperament in front of him. From the beginning of the novice world, Cheng Huaiqian never knew how to write the word “kindness” when dealing with people other than him, and his attitude was even fierce and violent.

In this way, Cheng Huaiqian did not deliberately deceive him, he was just a special case.

What Xia Ruize really found difficult to accept was that the first impression Cheng Huaiqian left on him was completely broken! That gentle and kind image was actually all fake!

However, after carefully combing the process of getting along between the two, Xia Ruize felt that the image had not collapsed.

When facing him, Cheng Huaiqian was gentle and reliable. Cheng Huaiqian left his best attitude to him. Even when the situation was the most difficult, Xia Ruize could absorb positive energy from Cheng Huaiqian.

It was not easy for two people to meet in the vast sea of ​​people. They were two completely different individuals. They were different in terms of living environment, way of thinking and personality. Promise confession was not the end of love, but the beginning of love. To maintain this relationship, they also needed to constantly run in with each other.

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At least for now, they could discuss and solve problems openly and honestly when they encounter it.

Forget it, it was a beautiful misunderstanding at first sight.

Anyway, Cheng Huaiqian’s attitude in getting along after that was more visible and palpable.

So, Xia Ruize, who figured it out, took the initiative to send Cheng Huaiqian a “hug” emoji.

Xia Ruize, who was not sleepy, left the lounge and turned on the computer prepared for him. There was a large amount of information collected and organized by Cheng Huaiqian on the computer. Xia Ruize could read it at will, and even helped to filter important information. After all, Xia Ruize knew more about what type of information they needed than his assistants.

A few seconds later, Cheng Huaiqian sent the address of the meeting room, sent several crying expressions one after another, and said coquettishly, “Baby, come to accompany me to the meeting!”

It was really bright with some sunshine!

Xia Ruize squeezed his fingers, and finally got up and sorted out his clothes. He found the meeting room according to the information. Fu Yizhuo was already waiting at the door. Seeing this, he hurriedly invited him into the meeting room and arranged him behind Cheng Huaiqian and gave an already prepared assistant position.

Cheng Huaiqian’s eyes lit up when he saw his lover, and his eyes moved with the lover calmly. When Xia Ruize sat down, he even pretended to help with the chair and squeezed Xia Ruize’s hand tightly.

Xia Ruize opened his notebook behind Cheng Huaiqian and read the materials on his own. He would read the materials wherever he looked, so he would read the materials in another place.

It would be better if the people next to him didn’t always reach out and touch him every time the lights in the conference room were dimmed.

From the perspective of the senior management of Cheng’s Group, the entire first half of the meeting was in a low-pressure atmosphere. The boss sitting at the main seat seemed to be the same as usual, but the slightly frowning brows and sharp thorns still made the sharp subordinates who sensed the boss’s displeasure to be cautious.

But unexpectedly, the boss fiddled with his phone in the middle a few times, and his mood seemed to be inexplicably better again. Although he still had a cold face, at least he didn’t frown, and even when he was provocative and gentler.

After that, the process of the meeting accelerated again and finally ended early.

After returning to the president’s exclusive floor, Cheng Huaiqian couldn’t hold back and put his arms around Xia Ruize’s waist, like a puppy, leaned into Xia Ruize’s ear to fawn over, and asked carefully, “Aren’t you angry?”

“If you have something to say, say in time in the future.”

Xia Ruize pushed the person away angrily and returned coldly.

But Cheng Huaiqian, who was familiar with his emotions, still noticed that his lover’s emotions had eased, and hurriedly assured:

“I’ve learned my lesson, and I’ll tell you in time in the future! I say it’s better not to be stabbed by others!”

As he said that, Cheng Huaiqian glared at Fu Yizhuo at the back. Fu Yizhuo had deliberately fallen behind by a long distance, but he still received the boss’s stare accurately, and he bemoaned himself for a few seconds, and his workload would definitely increase, the private time would be exploited more.

Even the boss who was busier than him had found a lover. Why didn’t he think that he was still single as a subordinate, should he be given more personal time to let him get rid of the single?

Next, Cheng Huaiqian was working in the office, and Xia Ruize was looking up information on the table next to him.

Until late at night, Cheng Huaiqian still didn’t mean to leave his office, Xia Ruize couldn’t hold it anymore and really went to sleep.

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After Cheng Huaiqian’s repeated attempts to let him stay behind, Xia Ruize directly washed up in the bathroom inside the lounge, and then fell asleep in the lounge.

This fact made Cheng Huaiqian full of motivation to work. He thought that as long as he could compress his working time and save some rest time, he would be able to hold his lover for a while, and it was a joy to think about.

At three o’clock in the morning, Xia Ruize suddenly woke up from a deep sleep. At the same time, Cheng Huaiqian, who was holding a cross-border meeting in the conference room, suddenly froze, and then forcibly compressed the meeting that originally took twenty minutes to five minutes.

Cheng Huaiqian instructed his assistant to postpone his work for an hour, then strode back to his office and pushed open the door of the lounge. Sure enough, Xia Ruize had already woken up and washed.

“You got it too?”

Cheng Huaiqian stepped forward and hugged him.

Xia Ruize nodded.

Just five minutes ago, the system in the back of their minds suddenly sent a notification that the task of ascending the area would start in half an hour.

At the same time, there was also information that the mission of ascending area was held on the ninth of every month, and this mission of ascending area had an ancient background.

It turned out that the Bamboo and Silk area, which was one level higher than the White Paper area, gave a prompt before the mission started.

And this time, it also reminded that the mission world had an ancient background, and the clothes could be prepared beforehand.

Although Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize suspected that their images were adjusted in the eyes of the natives, after all, the first mission world was also an ancient background, the city residents of Bianlu City did not show too much strangeness to their fancy clothes. But it was always good to be better prepared in advance.

After locking both the office door and the lounge door, Cheng Huaiqian opened the inner wardrobe, which contained various styles of clothes. Cheng Huaiqian picked out two sets of simple black work clothes and handed them to Xia Ruize.

“I’ve already asked assistant Jing to prepare clothes that fit your size, and they will be ready tomorrow. I didn’t expect the task to come today, so you’ll have to do with it first.”

Helping Xia Ruize to straighten his collar, Cheng Huaiqian held onto his shoulders and stared at him deeply, “Anyway, life is the most important thing!” Cheng Huaiqian made a solemn request.

“I should ask you for this. I have blood and countless medicines to save my life. You should restrain yourself well, and don’t take risks that are not too good for you!”

Xia Ruize emphasized bitterly, and then took the initiative to kiss him.

Of course, Cheng Huaiqian, who saw a rare affectionate lover, would not let it go. The two kissed inseparably until Xia Ruize was out of breath, pushed Cheng Huaiqian away gently, and buried his face in his chest.

“Thank you for understanding me, at least we didn’t have a fight before entering the mission.” Cheng Huaiqian hugged the person tightly, as if holding the most important baby, and said with some fear.

Xia Ruize was also afraid. This time it was an upgrade mission, and he didn’t know how difficult it would be. If they completely broke down tonight, he didn’t want think about it. One person had an accident, and the other person may never be able to solve this knot.

So, he hugged his lover tightly.

Cheng Huaiqian suddenly mentioned softly: “I was kidnapped when I was a child.” There was a little weird pride in his calm voice, “But I was not scared to cry. I calmly talked to them about the price to redeem me, and then I found out that they didn’t actually want the money, and I knew they were just coming for me.”

Xia Ruize was completely stunned and looked at his lover nervously. Cheng Huaiqian smiled instead, and touched Xia Ruize’s face to reassure him: “It was nothing, otherwise I wouldn’t be standing here. I successfully delayed the time and was rescued in the end.”

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“You… why didn’t you say it before?”

Xia Ruize asked in distress.

If Cheng Huaiqian had said it just now, he would definitely let go of those little entanglements and hug him tightly at that time.

Cheng Huaiqian smiled and replied slyly, “Because you will feel sorrier for me now.”

Xia Ruize was stunned, and while annoyed, he took a bite at Cheng Huaiqian’s face.

The two of them were laughing, their eyes darkened, and when they opened their eyes again, they had already appeared in a completely unfamiliar environment.

Xia Ruize’s eyes were dim, and he subconsciously turned on the space backtracking. With the growth of his mental power, the coverage area of ​​the space backtracking had expanded to a radius of 50 meters with him as the center.

In an instant, the situation in this area was presented three-dimensionally in Xia Ruize’s mind. Only then did Xia Ruize realize that he was lying on a chaise longue, and there were a total of five people lying on the 3-meter-long chaise floor, including him. The other four were images of ancient indigenous people, who were sleeping soundly.

They were in a low-rise bungalow. There were many such rooms lined up around them, and the situation inside was mostly the same. Xia Ruize immediately locked Cheng Huaiqian, who was lying next door and in the next room.

Cheng Huaiqian only felt his head froze when the [Heart net] skill was activated, and suddenly his lover’s voice sounded from the bottom of his heart:

“Huaiqian, it’s me. There´s a room between you and me. Don’t move yet. Apart from the two of us, I also found that three people have stood up, doubtful.

If you have anything in your heart, tell me I can receive it. ”

Xia Ruize’s serious voice came, but Cheng Huaiqian seriously paid attention to the first time his lover was calling his name.

Before, they were alone most of the time, they didn’t need to call each other to know that they were talking to each other. This was the first time his lover called him by name since they had been together for so long, and it really broke his heart.

Cheng Huaiqian made a decisive request: “Baby, call me by my name a few more times!”

Xia Ruize: ? ? ?

Was now the time to care about this?

“Be serious!”

Xia Ruize was annoyed.

Cheng Huaiqian’s demands were strongly suppressed. Next, Xia Ruize was still lying on the bed motionless, but he informed Cheng Huaiqian of everything he saw in his mind, and the two analyzed the situation together.

A few minutes later, a harsh trumpet sounded suddenly, and Xia Ruize noticed that the sleeping people closest to the door in each room jumped up quickly, and while dressing, vigorously hit the four sleeping next to them.

“Quick! Quick! Get up! Get up for Lao Tzu!”

The person next to the door of his room also got up and started to beat vigorously. Xia Ruize put his legs away, dodged the hammer blow, and then pretended to be dazed and woke up.

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