Chapter 83

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Bloody battle in the wild (16): Team up

Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Finally having the opportunity to appear in the city where human beings live, the higher undead were very interested. In order not to affect human beings, they floated on the sea far away from land for a whole night to dissipate their hostility before going ashore.

Of course, this time, they were also preparing to fulfill the original agreement to see if they could help the undead of the city lord’s family.

Noticing Feng Konghao’s anxious face, an undead emperor reassured him:

“Don’t worry, the more round the moon, the stronger the undead’s instinct to go home. Your family may have just turned into low-level undead, and their instincts are not strong. In two days, when the moon is the farthest, you will wait for them.”

Feng Konghao barely twitched the corners of his mouth, he hoped so.

Fortunately, Feng Konghao’s waiting was not in vain. On the evening of the thirteenth day, he finally saw the return of the undead of his wife and children.

The moon in the sky had become the brightest full moon. Under the light of the full moon, the undead of the wife and a pair of children, one large and two small, slowly drifted around the city master’s mansion, and Feng Konghao easily distinguished them.

Several high-level undead who had been visiting Ping’An City recently came to the door again, promising that after the full moon festival, they would take away the undead of the city lord’s relatives and let them stay around a group of high-level undead every day.

This was because the high-level undead discovered that the low-level undead who stayed near them had a high chance of advancing. They wanted to help the relatives of the city lord find their wisdom. They could only rely on the deterrence of the high-level undead to force a few low-level undead to follow them.

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Feng Konghao had been prepared for a long time. Knowing that it would take a long time for the undead of his wife and children to find spiritual wisdom, he was willing to wait and had hope.

In the past few days, Feng Konghao had been waiting for the undead of his wife and children, and Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian could potentially handle the affairs in the city.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian also felt comfortable. The current situation was exactly as they planned. The citizens of Ping’An City had become more and more comfortable with the undead when they walked on the road during the day, and the life of the undead floating in the sky at night.

Realizing that the undead won’t hurt them, the townspeople slowly accepted it when they realized that their lives had not changed much.

Not to mention that since some undead who were about to dissipate chose to completely dissipate in their former homes, the case of they dropping spiritual stones to their descendants spread, the attitude of the city people had been completely reversed.

In the past, except for spirit-hunting warriors, ordinary people could not afford spirit stones at all. Without spirit stones, there was no way to enhance their physical fitness. After a long time, they became spirit-hunting warriors, and they could train their offspring to become spirit-hunting warriors. The offspring of ordinary people were still ordinary people.

But it was different now. Ordinary people had the opportunity to obtain spiritual stones through gifts from their ancestors, and wear them to young children in the family. The children in the family were likely to embark on a completely different path in the future.

As a result, the city residents who received the gift were grateful to their ancestors, and other city residents also had expectations for the ancestors’ undead, and their attitude of resistance gradually changed.

In short, although there were some small twists and turns in the fusion process of humans and the undead, it was still a smooth transition on the whole.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, in the last few days of this mission, apart from helping with various affairs in Ping’An City, they did not encounter any danger at all. They survived safely until the last day, and received three mission reminders one after another:

[Main Mission: Survive Fifteen Days

Mission Status: Completed

Mission Rating: Perfect

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Mission reward: 1,000 survival points reward; 1 free attribute point reward (perfect extra reward for Mission evaluation)]

The two of them were not even injured, and the mainline survival mission was naturally completed perfectly. In addition, two hints for the completion of the hidden extension mission were also obtained:

[Hidden Extended Mission: Continue the Peace of the Peaceful City

Mission Status: Completed

Mission Rating: Perfect

Mission Reward: 3,000 Survival Points will be awarded. Rewards all attributes +1. Eye of Wisdom reward.]

[Hidden Extended Mission: Uncover the truth of history

Mission Status: Completed

Mission Rating: Perfect

Mission Reward: 5,000 Survival Points reward. All attributes +3 reward. 10 Undead Emperor Spirit Stones reward.]

It reversed the result that Ping’An City was invaded by the undead and may even be destroyed. It also revealed the hidden historical truth, spread it all over the continent, and rectified the name of the undead. Sure enough, the corresponding extension tasks had been completed.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian found that as the difficulty of the missions increased, most of the extended missions became hidden, and they needed to explore on their own and practice first to know if there was any benefit, instead of how it was in the first novice world, where the main god issued extended tasks to guide their actions.

The two of them already had a wealth of experience in excavating extended missions, and they were just waiting to be tested by more explorations in the mission world.

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The reward of this hidden extension mission, in addition to the regular survival points and attribute points, the Eye of Wisdom was a yellow low-grade skill, the passive ability was to see spirit creatures clearly, and the active ability was to attack souls or spirit creatures through the eyes.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian both possessed this skill and couldn’t help joking with each other. In the future, they would really be able to kill people with their eyes.

As for the Undead Emperor’s Spirit Stone, Xia Ruize, who had just resolved a high-level Spirit Stone, gained +0.3 for three attributes: Strength, Agility, and Spirit. After being satisfied, he realized that the Undead Emperor’s Spirit Stone would definitely bring more benefits, he was naturally looking forward to it.

Moreover, in this quest world, in addition to the quest rewards of the Lord God, the two also obtained two boxes of high-level spirit stones, the city owner gave them a box. A box of high-level spiritual stones was given to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian.

After the two were evenly divided, they each had 30 high-level spirit stones. As long as they resolved these spirit stones over time, they could gain a lot of gains.

As the five-second countdown ended, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian left the mission world with satisfaction, but the other eight trialers left with full confusion.

After being kicked out of the barracks, the other eight trialers gathered together spontaneously. They searched for news everywhere in the city. When Ping’An City was in chaos, not only did they not find out any news, but several of them were also guarded. The city team found that their whereabouts were strange and drove them out of Ping’An City.

The group thought that the last five days must be a decisive battle, but they found that the last few days were getting easier day by day. In the end, not only did they not see the battle between humans and the undead, but they saw that ordinary people in the city began to accept the undead.

Although they also successfully completed the main mission and gained a thousand survival points, from the square-face Captain to his four old team members who had experienced the missions of the bamboo silk area, and to the three new team members who were going through the test of promotion, they all felt that this mission was weird from start to finish, and it was done inexplicably.

After the eight people successfully left the mission world, they simply put their doubts behind them. In any case, the survival point at hand were an indisputable fact.

When Xia Ruize returned to his room, he suddenly had some information in his mind, just like he had completed the novice world and returned to the endless world and suddenly learned a lot of information. Now he had passed the promotion task and was officially promoted to the bamboo silk area. He learned a lot about the situation in the bamboo silk area.

Ascension to the bamboo silk area, there were still great changes.

First of all, the area of ​​his private room had become larger, and he had also moved from the original white paper town to the bamboo silk town. Although there was still only one chance to take the initiative to return to the endless world between two missions, the time he spent in the endless world for free had been extended from 24 hours a day to 3 days and 72 hours.

Second, the items in the endless world could be brought to the real world after paying a certain price. This feature made people look forward to, but also couldn’t´´t help but raise vigilance.

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They could take items away, and other trialers could also take them away. Did it mean that there may be various threats in the real world?

The biggest change was that the Lord God had opened the official team system. As long as the trialers paid 1,000 survival points each of their own free will, they could form a team with other trialers.

After forming a team, you could share the team space or enter the same mission world.

For Xia Ruize, although he knew that he could form a team in the previous promotion mission, he was pleasantly surprised to get the exact news from the official source. Now, he and his lover could go through the follow-up missions together.

Xia Ruize, who was in a happy mood, pushed open the door and entered the bamboo silk town. He found that the bamboo silk town was very prosperous. There were trialers everywhere on the streets, and it was many times more prosperous than the white paper town.

Xia Ruize looked around as he walked, and finally found the main shrine following the flow of people. The main shrine was many times taller and majestic than the one in the white paper area. Thousands of people entered the main shrine at the same time without feeling crowded.

Xia Ruize walked into the main shrine, found an open space and sat down. He closed his eyes and browsed the interface of the black market and the official store. He soon discovered that compared with the white paper area, the current store had more products, many of which were not previously available.

It was worth noting that the prices of many commodities were different from what he saw in the white paper area. For example, the prices of several bloodlines and skills that Xia Ruize bought were now higher than what he saw in the white paper area.

The corner of Xia Ruize’s mouth twitched. He could only be glad that he bought a lot in the white paper area, otherwise he would be heartbroken now.

After browsing in detail and simply planning the route, Xia Ruize left the endless world.

When he opened his eyes, Cheng Huaiqian on the opposite side opened his eyes almost at the same time. The two looked at each other and smiled. The latter part of the task of ascending the zone was very simple. Both of them got regular rest time. They discussed what they saw at the Lord God store, exchanged their plans, made an appointment to meet at the main temple, and returned to the endless world together.

This time, they successfully saw each other at the entrance of the main hall of the Lord God. Cheng Huaiqian smiled happily. Although they were not in the same white paper town, they were promoted to the same bamboo silk town. This was really the happiest news.

After Cheng Huaiqian took Xia Ruize into the main temple, he immediately applied to the Lord God to form a team. The two paid 1,000 survival points each, and solemnly signed their names and numbers on the team contract provided by the Lord god.

Since then, they had become a team, and they were completely bound until they voluntarily quit the team. In the future, they would enter the mission world together and face various challenges together.

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