Da Hu thought about it carefully, and replied seriously: “We´re almost halfway through the task. Although there is no difficulty that threatens our lives, it is also very hard to complete the daily tasks. I think the difficulty is medium.”

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As soon as the answer came out, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huai knew it. For them, the difficulty of this task world was just ordinary. It seemed that the difficulty of the task in the Bamboo Silk Area was still within the controllable range.

However, their vigilance had not been completely put down. For example, in the previous mission world, according to the normal trend, the first ten days may be non-life-threatening low-difficulty missions, but the mission difficulty of the last five days would suddenly increase. In general, the mission difficulty was not low.

The world had been simple so far, but they weren´t sure that nothing would happen in the end.

With the advantage of the boat’s bonus and strength, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian’s boat, as well as Da Hu and the Xiao Hu’s boat, quickly stood out and ran to the front, leaving most of the tourists paddling on the planks behind.

Of course, they were the first to face the test. After half an hour, they saw that the waterway in front of them was no longer flat, but showed an upward trend. That was to say, they needed to row a boat to climb the slope.

Xia Ruize wiped the sweat from his head. The temperature outside the gem boat was nearly fifty degrees, and inside the gem boat was about thirty-five degrees, which had dropped a lot, but it still made people feel hot.

He was only sweating from the heat, and he was much happier than Da Hu and Xiao Hu, who were dizzy and tight in the chest.

The four people who arrived at the bottom of the ramp first looked up. As far as they could see, the ramp was sloping upwards, making people dizzy.

The water flow in the slope-shaped channel was faster and the resistance was greater.

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Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were fully prepared, but in addition to the power of the boat itself, they also needed to paddle frantically with their hands and pedal frantically with their feet in order to keep going up against the impact of the current.

In this way, even if Da Hu and Xiao Hu wanted to follow Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, they couldn’t keep up, and they didn’t dare to ask the people in front to wait for them. After all, in this kind of waterway, if they stopped for a while, they would slip down, so they could only watch the backs of Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, going farther away.

“Even it’s difficult for us to climb this slope. I really don’t know how many people will be eliminated today.”

Xia Ruize said weakly.

Cheng Huaiqian was happy to see the increase in the difficulty of the task, but at this time, he only needed to echo his lover’s complaints.

It didn’t take long for the army of planks to reach the bottom of the slope. Benefiting from the unique topography of the waterway, they could look far out as soon as they raised their heads. They could even see Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who were rowing at the forefront, and the scattered tourists after them.

The tourists who were paddling on the planks were overjoyed. It seemed that the gap between them and the people ahead was not very big today. After all, they always couldn’t even see the shadow of the first place two days ago.

But it wasn’t until they actually started rowing up the slope that they realized why the people in front didn’t seem very far from each other. Because it was too difficult and tiring to climb the slope, when you moved forward one meter, you had to be pushed back by 0.8 meters by the current.

More importantly, there was no rest on the slope. If you dared to stop, you would be washed down by the current.

It didn’t take long for some tourists to paddle slowly because of exhaustion. As a result, not only their own board fell down the slope, but also affected a series of people behind. Either the board overturned or was pushed back down.

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They were dragged all the way to the starting point of the slope by the current, they finally paddled for a long time for all of it to be in vain.

After rowing upwards for three hours, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian finally turned over the slope and paddled to a smooth waterway.

Xia Ruize’s body loosened, he fell forward, falling on Cheng Huaiqian’s back, and closed his eyes against his lover’s back, almost falling asleep.

Cheng Huaiqian took Xia Ruize’s hand back and comforted him softly:

“Do you feel a lot happier when you think about the way back when we can go all the way without rowing and relying on the current?”

“Ha.” The corner of Xia Ruize’s mouth curled slightly, and he nodded slightly happily, yes, although the uphill was tiring, the downhill was easy,  he was looking forward to the return trip.

Of course, before returning, they also needed to find the island carrying the treasure chest. After a ten-minute rest, the two continued to row forward.

As a result, the smooth waterway only took half an hour, and they saw a slope that was sloping upwards again. Although the distance of the slope was short this time, they could see the head at a glance, but the slope was about to cast a shadow on Xia Ruize, and Xia Ruize fell on his head, hitting Cheng Huaiqian’s back.

Cheng Huaiqian patted his lover soothingly, and then replaced three of the ten low-level energy crystals on the gem boat with intermediate energy crystals, and two with high-level energy crystals.

Almost at the moment when the advanced energy crystal was replaced, the power of the gem boat to move forward on its own increased a lot, and even began to climb the slope on its own.

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The gem boat itself was powerful enough, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian only needed to pay a small amount of force to push the boat forward faster, not to mention that the two paid most of the strength, for a while, the climbing gem ship was faster than before in the smooth current.

Finally, after climbing the slope, the two saw a familiar island at the end of their sight.

Xia Ruize turned his head and looked behind him, but he couldn’t see the shadow of other ships at all, so he urged Cheng Huaiqian to remove the high-level energy crystals he had put on earlier and replace them with low-level ones.

Apart from the lottery, there was currently no other source of advanced energy crystals.

Seeing that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were the first to appear in the camera, the host was not surprised. After all, these two people had already established their advantages two days ago, and others could not interrupt their process. Naturally, they could only watch them continue to lead.

“Welcome to two old friends we are familiar with, Mr. Cheng and Mr. Xia. The two also have four opportunities to open the treasure chest today. I wonder which treasure chests you want to choose?”

The host asked enthusiastically, these two young people were strong and stable, and they could meet their requirements. He had great expectations for them.

Xia Ruize didn’t directly say the number he chose this time, but instead asked: “Can’t we really take these rewards now? Can we only choose four boxes?”

The drone stopped in front of Xia Ruize with a camera and microphone, and the host’s meaningful voice came out:

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“That’s right, you can only choose four treasure chests, and you can’t get them until you return to the starting line. Even if you climb up the island now and collect all the chests, it’s useless.”

“Okay.” Xia Ruize returned with a little regret.

Today’s shore looked like a volcano with magma constantly emerging. The temperature was abnormally high, and people couldn’t stand up at all. Xia Ruize originally thought that they had obtained an aircraft, and relying on the aircraft to approach the treasure chest, it seemed a good choice to put all the treasure chests in the backpack, he didn´t expect to be denied by the host.

Aside from this episode, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian quickly reported the numbers of the four treasure chests.

The first treasure box contained ten high-level energy crystals, the second treasure box contained a multifunctional shovel, the third treasure box turned out to be a new boat, and the fourth treasure box contained a portable medical kit.

Cheng Huai felt a little regretful in his subconscious mind. He still wanted to get a rest coupon for the treasure ship. Not to mention, it was so hot today that it would be very comfortable to go back and swim two laps in the cool swimming pool.

However, the two had already watched two episodes of variety shows, so in terms of the richness of the rewards, they were the only ones who got the four treasure chests.

How painful it was to go uphill and how easy it was to go downhill.

After rowing to the slope closest to the island, the two rowed along the current and terrain without using the paddle. In the process of going downhill, there was a faint wind blowing by, although the wind was very hot, it was wind.

Not long after descending the small slope, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian met Da Hu Xiao Hu and several other groups of tourists in the gentle waterway. When they saw the two people who were heading towards Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, their eyes were full of envy.

Thanks to the variety show, there weren´t tourists who didn´t know what Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked like, and they were sure that they did not give up their mission halfway, which meant that if there was no accident, the two would win the first place again today.

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