Input Log Dates

Chapter 249: 249

Location: B2 room

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B2: is this on...?

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B2: fuck what is happening... I can't believe this is real...


B2: does the red light mean it's on?

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[clears throat]

B2: This is B2 of Building Block O. Currently all computers are down and thus here i am... [quietly] talking to nothing.


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[footsteps before the bed creaks]

[distant sigh]

B2: [distantly] that's probably not even working huh? why am i trying here anymore. It's not like... It's not like this will help us out right? Maybe 5 is right... We might be doomed.


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B2: [another sigh] I just... I'll have to just keep this up. 1 needs me to keep this up. I'm sure they are bursting at the seams... I can't even get a read on 4 so who knows. But i just gotta... I just gotta keep this up un til everything is fixed. Someone needs to be strong here. Can't have everyone falling around me.

B2: I wonder how the others are doing... What is the A level doing. Are they getting these recordings? Does the Main Apartment know yet?


B2: i'm scared of what they'll do if so..

>recording end

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