To be honest, Cheng Zhaoci’s outrageous declaration wasn’t actually meant as a flirt, but he was just too immersed in the unhealthy materials he’s thought of earlier, about how Wei Zhuo, as a shemale, will produce eggs and lac-… kuhum, he tried distracting himself, but that clearly hasn’t worked.

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He was also much saddened listening to Wei Zhuo’s story, so he thought if it was him, he would never treat his shemale that way. He substituted Wei Zhuo’s father and dad with himself and Wei Zhuo.

Not that explanations are worth any damn after what was said. They haven’t even formally confessed to each other, and uncertainties still lie in wait in their possible future together. Of course, Cheng Zhaoci thinks the uncertainties aren’t that great, but like…
The two of them still haven’t become something beyond friends and that both are well aware.

It’s the same thing as asking the boy or girl you like “which kindergarten should we pick for our children” while you’re still only close friends at best! When you’re not even dating yet!

In his past world, Cheng Zhaoci could expect a heavy scolding from both parents.

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Of course, Wei Zhuo would never scold Cheng Zhaoci, but how calm he can ever be as a shemale when the topic of raising insectoid kids comes up?

“Uh, Sq-Squadron Leader Wei?” Cheng Zhaoci tries to ascertain if Wei Zhuo has been offended, “about the topic of children…”

Wei Zhuo, whose mind is about as congealed as a pile of glue, immediately says, “yessir! Chil-Children! How, how many are you thinking of?” He doesn’t even know what he’s saying anymore.

The topic dies, alone and unwanted.

Embarrassment washes over them both.

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And almost simultaneously, both Wei Zhuo and Cheng Zhaoci fall to crouching.

Wei Zhuo has his hands covering his face and mouth. He can feel how hot his cheeks have become. Gah, what was he saying! What ever was he saying?! Was he actually saying those words to a minor, underage, male insectoid?!

He thinks he might need to jump into the artificial lake to calm down. With a stone tied to his ankle. Argh! The embarrassment! This feels even worse than taking Cheng Zhaoci to the virtual mecha fight simulation centres. Even worse than fifty Meng Yuele drolling his off-tune and offbeat singing into his ears! Oh shit, his image, his whole positive reliable image must have been destroyed entirely!

As for Cheng Zhaoci… Well, being the rather unscrupulous insectoid that he is, he simply found Wei Zhuo’s flustered, panicking form too cute. He had to crouch down to muffle his ‘hehehe’ chuckling, keeping it mostly in his mind.

And that’s how their suddenly eventful stroll ended, with the heavy topic of Wei Zhuo’s past brushed away gently.

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That night.

“What in the holy fuck! Oh shit shit shit! Did the Squadron Leader eat an entire Protonokinetic Gun earlier?!” A shemale soldier is trying to massage his own chest while yelping in pain, “I thought he wasn’t coming back to training tonight! What’s he doing off work?! Is it really that interesting to beat us senseless?”

A grade S shemale is practically a mecha in flesh. Why did he even think to come fight them?

“Who else?” Wei Zhuo, seeing everyone sprawling on the ground in defeat, goes ‘tch’ impatiently.

His feelings are all over the place. He’s both excited and worried, and feeling a little shy on top of that. In any case, it means he has a lot of pent-up feelings to divulge.

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That is when a shemale, watching his holodeck and taking sip of his tea, saunters into the training room?

Meng Yuele looks up and notices Wei Zhuo, “eh? You’re still here? That’s odd. What’s up?”

One shemale soldier on the ground quickly says, “Pilot Officer Meng! R-…” Before the word ‘run’ can leave his lips, though, Wei Zhuo’s voice has already overlapped his.

“Come. Train a bit with me,” Wei Zhuo waves his hand at him.

Meng Yuele, who fails to connect the whole room of defeated, squirming shemale soldiers with Wei Zhuo’s training, assumes it’s the typical training exercise and obliges happily. His smile remains beaming until the very moment Wei Zhuo starts his beatdown of him.

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