“You don’t seem like a male?” Wei Zhuo wonders, as Cheng Zhaoci recounts his experience during their chat that night.

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Wei Zhuo is going to concur that Cheng Zhaoci doesn’t look that much like a male… until he thought this might wound Cheng Zhaoci’s weakened dignity even more, seeing how baleful Cheng Zhaoci is looking. Wei Zhuo lies, “you look like one, I think.”

Unfortunately, lying definitely isn’t a strong suit of Wei Zhuo’s; the shifty look Wei Zhuo has is all the tell he needs, “so what part of I don’t look like a male?”

“Nowhere,” Wei Zhuo doesn’t know he’s already been seen right through, and is still trying to keep the ruse up, “you definitely feel like a male wherever you look at it.”

Wei Zhuo is actually speaking the truth for that last sentence, because Wei Zhuo has this uncanny ability for discerning someone’s sex, as demonstrated when Cheng Zhaoci had that horribly disfiguring pile of markings on his face back on the landfill planet. Of course, that level of perception is only seen among grade S shemales, like Wei Zhuo.

Though if you ask him, Wei Zhuo may be able to definitively tell the sex from the difference in the bone structure and body make-up, but simply going on personality, he really doesn’t think Cheng Zhaoci is a male.

In fact, if one looks at Cheng Zhaoci’s comic in the beginning, like the little zombie king, one gets the impression that the comic artist is a shemale or demi without a xiongzhu, who is fantasising a male like the zombie king.

There is no way a male would fantasise about a male, no.

Unfortunately, these thoughts are practically written on the face of Wei Zhuo’s face. Cheng Zhaoci knows, and Wei Zhuo has sure strained himself to be mindful of his fragile ego.

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He changes the topic, talking about Wei Zhuo’s daily life in the frontline, whether he’s eating well, sleeping well, getting hurt, stuff like that.

He’s quite thorough in questioning as well, not wanting the insectoid he loves to come to any harm where he doesn’t know.

Wei Zhuo also answers patiently, or, perhaps even quite passionately. At least, it is very obvious to the shemale soldiers around him.

Who in the world would go into such detail about their meal? Like, everyone is eating the same thing at the frontline. And obviously, people get hurt in the frontline battles! Insectoid medical technology is advanced enough to save someone as long as they’re not actually dead! And what if he was hurt? It’s not like who he’s talking to can come treat him from the central star systems, anyway.

Wei Zhuo would have shared their opinion in the past, but he has finally understood now, seeing the male’s concern for him. Understood love and concern for someone one cares about.

Actually, his granddad Lu Yao also cares about him a great deal, but he also knows how capable he is as a grade S shemale. His strength and resilience mean he wouldn’t ask about him to this degree even if worried about him.

Not to mention reminders to get some proper sleep and stay warm.
Almost like he’s some kind of teenage shemale leaving home for the first time ever.

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Wei Zhuo really hasn’t experienced anything like it, which is why his love for the male seems to have increased day after day. He thought all he could think about was the male already, but it turns out, his mind always has more space to fill.

“You can come back in the middle of the war, right?” Cheng Zhaoci asks, and worried that Wei Zhuo might misunderstand him as asking him to shirk his duties in a war, adds, “I heard from granddad, that because you’re not the top commander in this battle, during periods of relative silence, you can take a few days off.”

“Yes,” Wei Zhuo answers with a smile, “I can. Does Mr Cheng wish for me to be back?”

“Of course!” Cheng Zhaoci answers by reflex, “but you should also rest well if you’re tired. Don’t get off the battlefield one day and immediately trek all the way back the next.”

“I won’t be. I’m a grade S shemale,” Wei Zhuo then declares solemnly to Cheng Zhaoci’s holographic projection, “I will never tire if I know you will be waiting for be there.”

Cheng Zhaoci’s face flusters. Seriously, Wei Zhuo can really suddenly flirt with his words out of left lane.

“I miss you. When you, uh, hugged me. To cheer me up. I want to hug you again,” here, Wei Zhuo rubs his nose a little, embarrassed. He really does miss the embrace.

Males are very different from shemales. They’re slender and soft, the perfect size for snuggles. Not bear hugs, either, so that they don’t suffocate or hurt them.

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But he’s happy just to give the male a light hug!

Happiness that would last for a whole day!

“Me too,” Cheng Zhaoci sighs. Last time, he was all too preoccupied trying to soothe Wei Zhuo, and didn’t have the mind to feel his beloved chest muscles… Ah, what a waste!

Then suddenly, Cheng Zhaoci looks at Wei Zhuo inquisitively, asking, “would it be harassment if a male touches another shemale on the chest when they are still dating?”

He asks without any tone of innuendo, because if it is actually something without connotations in insectoid society, he’ll be sure to poke and feel it all he wants!

Wei Zhuo “…”

“No, it’s not,” he replies extremely meekly, uncharacteristically for this silently confident grade S shemale.

His hands, placed casually on his kneecaps just now, rather awkwardly curls up a little after the question, “if you feel like it, you can touch them as much as you want. If you want to.”

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Honestly, Wei Zhuo’s rather imposing looks, with that intimidating scar, like some hardened battle veteran, nervously and weakly agreeing to let his beloved male touch his… parts.
Ah, the stark contrast! Bringing with it a stark impact.

Cheng Zhaoci only realises after asking that he shouldn’t have asked Wei Zhuo himself, but other adult shemales, like his own dad.

Although, Wei Zhuo’s reaction, oh, oh damn no! He’s going to get a nosebleed! And, and like, he doesn’t know what to say either! Wei Zhuo looks like he’s on the verge of panicking!

Though soon enough, Wei Zhuo, and by extension Cheng Zhaoci, are helped out of this predicament.

Someone is telling Wei Zhuo to head to a meeting. Cheng Zhaoci immediately says, “oh, it, it looks like you have something to do! I, I’ll see you later.”

“Huh? Oh, yes,” Wei Zhuo nods, all dazed.

Cheng Zhaoci’s heart is still pumping like mad after the call was cut, when someone speaks up behind him.

“Oh my, you young males nowadays sure are curious,” Lu Yao, with his signature warm bottle in his hand, has been standing at the doorway for who-knows-how-long.

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