Wei Zhuo should not have fallen for it, at least, not normally. He was aware the pirates would try anything to target him specifically, so he’s been wary and careful in his fight against them.

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During this sortie, when the pirates sent him a video telling him they had Cheng Zhaoci in their hands, Wei Zhuo already knew they were bullshitting; if Cheng Zhaoci was successfully kidnapped from the middle of the military base, under the highly advanced protection of the spaceship that was the brainchild of the First Research Institute, then they can probably all resign in shame.

What completely pissed Wei Zhuo off, however, were the exceedingly obscene words the pirates hurled towards ‘Cheng Zhaoci,’ as they discussed how they would deal with – toy with – this ‘male’ they captured right in front of him.

It was unequivocally vile and revolting how they were talking about a living insectoid like some common object. To Wei Zhuo, Cheng Zhaoci is whom he carefully, lovingly places in the most important corner of his heart. His beloved baby was being blasphemed by these damned shemales? How dare they?!

To his credit, Wei Zhuo was still comparatively rational at this point. Until that video sent to him, that fake, shoddy video went on in an utterly atrocious fashion, where the shemales were prying the clothes off of ‘Cheng Zhaoci’ as the ‘male’ screamed for help, that Wei Zhuo snapped.

Not even Meng Yuele’s dissuasion assuaged him. Wei Zhuo went after the pirates alone in his mecha.

And as expected of a grade S shemale’s fighting strength, that the spaceship sent to bait Wei Zhuo elsewhere almost ended up violently decommissioned on the way. It was saved a few minutes prior to disintegration by finally having reunited with Jin Yue’s main spacecraft carrier.

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Meng Yuele and the others present could only watch in horror as Wei Zhuo went out on a chase when they’re still on standby orders. They have no orders to give chase – obeying this is a shemale soldier’s most basic requirement.

Clearly, Wei Zhuo is too riled up to care.

“Report! We, we must report to the Marshal! Those bastards, Jin Yue must be going after Wei Zhuo personally!” Meng Yuele is panicking, but he at least has the good sense to remember he must keep this a secret from the male – from Mr Cheng Zhaoci.

Unfortunately, what Meng Yuele doesn’t know, is that the arrogant space buccaneers set up an actual livestream, even releasing that video threat in full – with mosaic applied, of course, but even so, Cheng Zhaoci can still recognise himself from the mess of features on his face area and the voice.

Ha. Really, the computer-assisted polygonal model construction is too advanced. Cheng Zhaoci knows why Wei Zhuo has headed off, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be angry. Actually, balefully angry.

He knew it’s a trap and he’s still rushing?! For a fake ‘Cheng Zhaoci’?! The hell is he thinking when there’s an actual Cheng Zhaoci still nervously waiting for him to be back?!

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Cheng Zhaoci is watching Wei Zhuo being surrounded on all sides in the livestream. It is odd. He thought he would explode with ire, but the truth is, he’s calm. Cheng Zhaoci thinks his anger might have boiled over, wrapping around to being calm all over again.

A grade S shemale can fight a full metal armoured mecha with his bare flesh, but what if he’s surrounded by countless battleship-class vessels? It’s probably a silly question. Like if he asked ‘assume a person can fight head-on with a mechanised jeep, can they hold their own against an aircraft carrier?’

No contest.

Cheng Zhaoci thinks he really must be calm to an irrational degree if he has the presence of mind to analyse that. All his anger has been suppressed in his chest, but it also isn’t threatening to blow.

He closes the livestream, expressionless, and takes a deep breath. His head hurts.

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“Don’t bother shutting the stream down,” the President tells the communications director in charge of holodeck safety, “I bet those brats have plans B/C/D all prepared.”

“Then we can also shut down all livestream capabilities temporarily,” his subordinate knits his brows, “there are more and more insectoids getting into the stream by the second,” and some of them aren’t even worried about the grade S shemale, but are simply onlookers who might even take pleasure in schadenfreude.

The stream is spreading among the population like wildfire. The number of viewers is getting out of control.

“We need it to keep going for now. Get the experts to analyse which sector Jin Yue and the others are in from the background. Have everyone on the frontline ready to sortie at a moment’s notice.”

Bai Jiawen gets up, thinking about getting Lu Yao. He’s actually about as stable as a casket of gunpowder just like Wei Zhuo, so he’s worried he might also join in the chaos and go seize a mecha to beeline for the warp point, in order to save his grandson.

“This is ridiculous. He really just fell for it,” complains Bai Jiawen, his head throbbing.

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“It can’t be helped. No shemale can ever stand and take such revolting insults to his own xiongzhu, not to mention the grade S shemale has not exactly been leading a fulfiling life up to that point. Mr Cheng Zhaoci’s importance to him is unfathomable to any of us,” the Chairman of Chief Command comments, “regardless, we need to get the situation under control right now.”

Bai Jiawen knows the Chairman is right. He starts calling Lu Yao on his own holodeck to assess the situation, and tell him to keep calm.

Yet when he does so, a call comes through first. It’s Bai Jun. Bai Jiawen cuts the call short, furrowing his brows, but while flipping through his contacts for Lu Yao, Bai Jun is calling again.

His head, ugh… The second time it’s cut, but the third time’s the charm. Bai Jiawen is forced to accept the call, and yells in the phone, “we’re in an emergency right now, if you brat doesn’t have an actual emergency as well, I’ll beat you to a pulp myself!”

The harsh tone makes Bai Jun’s words stuck in his throat, and he burps, but he quickly gets back to business and explains, “fa-father, it’s, uh, Cheng Zhaoci just called, and asked if the mecha can filter male pheromones. I said yes; it was because I thought they might have an interest in that as a location, so I got a filter done on the mecha. Cheng Zhaoci said alright, and hung up, but it was a really weird call…”

“What did you just say? That mecha?!” Bai Jiawen can feel his heart threatening to give up entirely and give him a hearty stroke. The Chairman is looking at him with concern spread across his face, so he tells him, “this is bad.”

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