Cheng Zhaoci didn’t have much to weigh in on his big reveal of being a male. He’s even written about it in a status update once, but no one believed it. They thought it was an impromptu joke from BombIn – to soften the tense mood a little.

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Meanwhile, the President has arranged for the insectoids in charge of that comic site to host another meet-and-greet. Before that is arranged, he tells Cheng Zhaoci to go talk a few walks outside; Lu Yao will follow from a safe distance behind him.

They are certain those shemales on site would be unable to stop themselves from taking photographs, especially when they have not issued direct orders forbidding it. There are always ‘brave’ shemale soldiers everywhere, and they expect Cheng Zhaoci’s photograph to end up online in no time.

A male on the frontline? That can only mean he is that rumoured xiongzhu of Wei Zhuo, and the pilot of that mysterious black mecha. It will cause quite the stir.

But after that ‘parade,’ Cheng Zhaoci will have to return to the Capital planet.

“Eh? But, what about Wei-ge?” Hearing the arrangement, Cheng Zhaoci’s heart skips a beat, “I’m returning alone?”

“With me and my personal guards. I heard a friend of yours made a movie from ‘In a Tiny Flicker,’ what gender is he?” Lu Yao has to repeat his question, when all Cheng Zhaoci is doing is hanging his head so low it looks like it might lop off, “is your friend who made the movie a male, shemale or demi?”

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“Male,” Cheng Zhaoci answers unenthusiastically, before looking at Lu Yao, “grandpa, don’t you think that, I came over only to survive my Awakening using Wei-ge, and slept for three whole days when Wei-ge went to get his punishment while I slapped myself on the bum and just left; isn’t this like, shitty behaviour?”

Lu Yao’s face softens quite a lot, “grandpa is right. You’re a good kid,” he ruffles Cheng Zhaoci’s hair, but also shuts Cheng Zhaoci’s expectant look down, “you cannot! No visits. I can’t have him get into the habit of getting in over his head. He needs a lesson.”

Though Cheng Zhaoci is going to ask if Wei Zhuo might be pregnant from the intense 3-day session, and it being unethical to treat a pregnant insectoid thus, but Lu Yao shuts him down again preemptively, “don’t worry. He wasn’t impregnated. We’ve checked.”

“But it was three whole days!” Cheng Zhaoci is in disbelief. So many times! For three whole days! How could this be? “Is it my body?”

“‘Course not. Don’t worry about it. Both of you are fertile, but insectoids aren’t exactly fecund either. When it involves grade S’s like you, the complexity of your genetics makes pregnancy ever more unlikely. We’re expecting two to three offsprings your entire life, but never mind having a full roster of children,” Lu Yao explains before rising to leave, “no more questions? Then let’s go. A walk around the base, and then we leave, xiao-Ci.”

Cheng Zhaoci gets up, not exactly enthused. He is freshly married, and only just experienced a healthy, adult sex experience once, before being forcibly separated. The tragedy of the insectoid condition.

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At the same time, inside the confinement cell, Wei Zhuo reads through his critical reflection written for Cheng Zhaoci loudly and emotionally. After proofreading everything, he starts blanking out, staring at his selfie with Cheng Zhaoci.

It’s not really that difficult to stay in one place, when he imagines how he’ll meet Cheng Zhaoci again as soon as he exits. If Cheng Zhaoci is still angry, he’ll give him the reflection. If he’s still angry, then he can let Cheng Zhaoci beat him up…  Oh wait, not this. His muscles are too hard. It would hurt his xiongzhu‘s hands.

“Hehehe,” Wei Zhuo is now chuckling thinking of Cheng Zhaoci.

This only sends goosebumps through the guards keeping an eye on Wei Zhuo outside. Is this really still the Group Captain who can fight a whole group of soldiers head-on without breaking a sweat during training? Why is the cold and merciless Group Captain smiling so eerily? This is scary. Do shemales end up like that when they have their xiongzhu?

It’s baffling for sure.

One guard even decides he’d rather stare at anywhere else than a certain insectoid going insane just watching a photograph.

That night, Wei Zhuo is finally released. Meng Yuele is waiting for him. Wei Zhuo is actually a little surprised he’s released this quickly, “I thought the confinement would be longer. Where’s ‘pa?”

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Meng Yuele is looking at Wei Zhuo sympathetically, “you’re only released from solitary confinement, but still suspended pending investigation and further evaluation. Any more transgressions and you’d be discharged dishonourably.”

“Got it,” Wei Zhuo is scratching his hair, “there won’t be a next time. Is my granddad and… kuhum, xiongzhu here? They didn’t come with you?”

“It’s only me,” replies an even more sympathetic Meng Yuele, who pats Wei Zhuo on the shoulder, “your granddad took your xiongzhu for a tour of the base this afternoon.”

“What?!” Wei Zhuo’s expression turns serious, “did-, my granddad could never make such a mistake. If the pirates had the opportunity, they would definitely try to kidnap him, no matter how much we strengthen our defences. What if there are still undercover agents in our ranks?”

Seeing Wei Zhuo already getting up to look for Cheng Zhaoci, Meng Yuele drags him back by the arm, “the Grand Marshal thinks the same.”

Wei Zhuo is confused. The same? Then why? Are they putting his xiongzhu in danger deliberately? Some new scheme from the upper brass? New ridiciulous schemes?

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Finally, Meng Yuele reveals the cruel truth, “after the brief tour with Mr Cheng Zhaoci, he took him back to the spaceship, and they left for the Capital planet without delay.”

Wei Zhuo “…”

It appears Wei Zhuo has become petrified.

Meng Yuele explains, “they left as soon as the tour was concluded without even a moment of respite. There was no danger of exposure. It’s fine.”

Wei Zhuo was going to look for his male, but now he’s stopped. Meng Yuele can only see his side profile – it is certainly gloomy. If he were a weatherperson, he would describe it as ‘a storm appears to be brewing.’

“And this is my punishment?” Wei Zhuo asks, his teeth audibly grating.

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