The police claimed that it was for the safety of their informants, but they were actually afraid that the two men would escape with the money, so both Chen Dadong and Fatty Sun had tapping devices on themselves. At the same time, the police felt that since this robber had the guts to rob a bank with a gun, he might do something dangerous, so they didn’t dare to do anything to the money either. The two million in cash that was taken from the bank was placed back into the bag it came in and Chen Dadong was now holding onto it.

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Even though the bank robber was a one man operation, Inspector Ji decided to err on the side of caution and got a few dozen SWAT team officers fully armed with real guns to hide themselves nearby, while he stood at a vantage point and watched the entire operation through binoculars.

Chen Dadong had been on the wrong side of the law for many years, but the worst trouble he had gotten into was being detained in a police station. He had never been struck by a police taser before, never mind shot by a real gun. When he saw so many armed officers, he became terrified. And when he thought about how the bank robber coming to take the money from him could possibly be armed with a gun or even explosives, he realized that his life might be in grave danger, so he asked Inspector Ji if he could have a bulletproof vest.

But Inspector Ji wasn’t stupid. He was afraid of them getting away, so he didn’t want to give them bulletproof vests, but he couldn’t spell that out either. He thought of another approach and said, “These robbers are really experienced, so they’d be able to tell if you’re wearing a bulletproof vest. If he realizes you’re wearing one, he would immediately think that you’ve called the police. If that happens, not only will our plans to capture him fail, but you will not be able to escape unscathed either. Besides, if he’s going to shoot, he’s not going to shoot your body. He’s going to aim at your head and go bang!”

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Inspector Ji put his hand up to pretend to shoot at Chen Dadong’s head as he said the word “bang”. Chen Dadong was even more shaken and shuddered immediately. He was so scared that he nearly asked for a helmet instead, but stopped himself in time.

Right now, Chen Dadong and Fatty Sun were nervously standing at the agreed meeting place and waited for the robber to come. During this time, Fatty Sun gave his leader a kind reminder to calm down. Looking frantic would give the game away and the robber would become suspicious.

Chen Dadong instantly lost his temper and chided Fatty Sun, “What do you know? We’re now dealing with a robber who kills without blinking an eye, not going on a blind date! If we look too calm, we’d look even more suspicious.” But he still felt that saying this wasn’t enough to cover up his nervousness, so to save his pride, he said, “Fatty Sun, did you really think I was getting cold feet? I’m purposely putting on an act to confuse the robber!”

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Fatty Sun looked instantly enlightened and didn’t seem so scared anymore. Just then, they suddenly saw Liu Ergou slowly make his way towards them from afar. A man they didn’t recognize was walking right behind him.

Chen Dadong immediately concluded that the other man must be the bank robber and was on high alert. After spotting the two men walk towards them, Fatty Sun whispered, “How strange. Liu Ergou isn’t tied up and the robber isn’t pointing a gun at him either. Why doesn’t he just run?”

Chen Dadong said, “Are you dumb? If Liu Ergou were tied up or had a gun pointed at him and just walked around like this in broad daylight, the members of the public would immediately report them to the police! They wouldn’t have made it all the way here. As for why Liu Ergou isn’t running away, I think it’s because the robber had tied explosives to him. He knows that he’d die if he tries to escape, so he decided to just follow the robber’s instructions.”

Fatty Sun agreed with Chen Dadong’s analysis and nodded profusely. Then, he suddenly thought of another problem and quickly asked Chen Dadong while the robber was still some distance away, “Brother Dong, the robber definitely isn’t going to ignite the explosives on Liu Ergou before getting the money. But what if he decides to detonate the explosives after the exchange? Not only will Liu Ergou get blasted to death, but both of us will end up dying as well. That wouldn’t be worth it at all.”

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Chen Dadong realized this was a problem as well. He spat fiercely on the ground and murmured, “You’re right. It’s not worth it at all.”

Fatty Sun suggested, “Do you think the robber would agree if we asked him to remove the explosives around Liu Ergou before we pass him the money?”

Chen Dadong tried to put himself in the robber’s shoes and thought about this suggestion. He shook his head and said, “Explosives require a lot of technical expertise. Since the robber has taken the effort to tie explosives to Liu Ergou, he’s not going to remove it just because we say so. Also, if we make this demand randomly, he would realize that we’ve found out about the explosives and he might try to hurt us instead.”

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Fatty Sun grew even more antsy. “What do we do then? We can’t just let the robber take the money and blast us all to death, right? We shouldn’t have agreed to help that Inspector Ji with this!”

Chen Dadong sighed and muttered, “Actually, the police set up this trap just so that they could catch the robber red handed once he took the money from us. If we refuse to help the police, we’d end up being charged for bank robbery. We don’t really have a choice at all.”

An idea hit Chen Dadong. “Then again, we might not both die. Once the robber gets the money and he lets Liu Ergou go, we just need to make sure we’re far, far away from Liu Ergou after that. So, even if he decides to ignite the explosives, the blast wouldn’t hurt us.”

Fatty Sun immediately applauded his leader’s wonderful plan. At the same time, Liu Ergou and the robber had reached their spot.

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