Chapter 18

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The White Beard of the White Wolf 2

After Randall had finished the meeting, he dismissed the military executives and was just trying to eat his meal.
But suddenly, an incoming messenger brought an important letter while he was still catching his breath.
Randall headed to his office in haste because he realized something has happened because the messenger is coming in a rush. After he got the letter, he cuts the seal of the letter with a knife and read the contents inside.
As he read the sentences with his eyes, he sat down in a chaotic manner as he tumbled down his body into chair and shakes.
Suddenly, he struck his office desk with his right fist enraged.

[You damned Runititas——–!!!!! How dare you!!! How dare you do that to my best friend!!!!! I will not permit this!!]

He scattered everything on his office desk onto the floor, and hitted the desk again intensely.
The sounds from the items and vases breaking have been heard from the office room door to the outside passage area, the serving maids are showing an uneasy complexion in his face.
Being enraged like this was the first time happening for him, most likely someone has incurred his wrath, he anxiously gasped for breath.
His son who saw his father madness was refraining from doing anything behind his back.

[W, what happened so suddenly, Father?]

Randall handed Rado at his back the vigorously crumpled letter
Rado quietly receives it, he was surprised and his mouth opened agape after looking over the content. He leaked some voices.

[Maruto-sama… has been killed…..? It can’t be]

[My true friend… Maru who I trusted sincerely… It’s impossible. That cowardly guy…. He is impossible to fight in the frontline…]

Randall, who is trembling, gripped both of his fists on his office desk.
It was the first time Randall has bursted in anger so far, but Rado glanced at the letter and doubted its content.

[However, why, did the letter came from Minister Runititas who hates Maruto?]

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Randall pondered this thought.
Randall who have noticed the intention of Runititas answered the question in a short sentence.

[… He provoked us]

Rado looked gloomy.
Randall has chosen his words in an easy to understand meaning.

[It is said that he is the one who killed Maruto]

There was anger coming from his voice. It is not anger towards Rado, but for another person.
Randall said his opinion, even though there is no such things coming from the letter.
However, Randall realized that it was a low-level method of provoking him.
It’s purpose is to tell us about Maruto death early before anyone find it out and to show that Maruto was assassinated by someones plot.
Of course, it is not written that I was the one who assassinated him. Because it is not specified, from others looks, the letter looked like a consideration letter.

[Runititas… As expected, it was your doing…]

Randall remembered Runatitas and Maruto had intense rivalry in the shadows from a long ago, and there was also a fierce dispute in the hallway of the royal palace.
Runititas idea is that the country must be pure. The country right now covered with dirts so “I want to clean it”.
What is cleaning about? It’s a word for society discrimination to the people who are not Ardesilians people. Furthermore, there is an idea to officially deport the immigrants.
The idea was unacceptable for Maruto, so naturally, he grasped Runititas collar in fury, and tried to change his opinion.

However, Runititas decision did not changed.

Only purity is above all, every different tribes and people who opposed it will be eliminated, and so on, Maruto who was disgusted in anger, knocked Runititas down in the hallway of the royal palace.
That midnight at the same time, the attempt to assassinate Maruto occurred. When the adjutants and the guards were running over, there was a shallow cutting wound on his left chest, there is nothing dangerous towards his life.
However, since that day, the assassination attempt on Maruto didn’t cease.

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The mastermind is not clearly known, it was impossible to accuse Runititas.
Randall who had been worried about Maruto’s body had proposed an idea when they were talking in the Royal Capital to move Maruto’s residence to his territory, but Maruto refused to leave the Royal Capital.
The reason why Maruto did not leave the kingdom even though his life was being targeted was because he has a strong intention to save the people suffering from poverty with his own hands.

[Even though I have advised him so much during that time…]

Randall held the corner of his eyes to lessen his headache while leaked anger groans.
Randall who has decided to do something, roughly opens the drawer in his room, puts an order to move the Baan Rondo soldiers with a red wax seal. It is a sign of proof that Randall has and puts it on his office desk.
Toward his father action, Rado is only furrowing his brows.

[What will you do…?]
[Revenge for Maruto]

Rado opened his eyes wide astonished.

[Fa-Father, are you serious?!]

Rado takes one step forward, he tried to criticized his father thoughtless action, and shouted at him.
Even after being shouted strongly, it’s seems impossible to change his mind.

[I am a White Wolf Knight. I’ll take revenge to the person who killed my companion!]

[Father don’t do it!! Please calm down for now!]

However, Randall threw his shouting voice toward his office door room and disregard the advice.

[Someone! Is there someone out there!! Bring my armor!! Make preparation to sortie!]

To raise the army on here, it’ll be like a revolt as planned by Runititas. Although Randall understood it, but his anger has not calmed down.
His head knows the result, but his body is moving without thinking.

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It’s like a devil whispered to him to take revenge for Maruto.
Rado stands in the way of Randall line of sight, as to not being defeated when Randall strike both of his hands on the office, he raised his voice from his belly.

[Father!! It is not the right time for that!!]

Randall stared at Rado with bright red stern expression.
Rado is not flinched at all and returned it with sharp penetration to persuade him.

[I raised the army by myself, I don’t understand what you mean!]

[You should already be aware about the result!!]

[Isn’t dying in battle a honor as a knight! Father was looking for that, the battle with a certain victory! Why are you heading towards a dog’s death!!]

[It’s different!!]

He spits out an answer back.
Randall was always doing battles when he is able to win.
He doesn’t want to die in vain because of foolishness.
He predicted the movement of the battlefield and always made an adequate judgment.
That is the reason why his military exploits has been praised up till now, giving him the title of Earl.

[It’s important to increase the number of our allies right now! We need to send letter to the other nobles and ask for soldier reinforcements. After that, we can do the revenge battle]

Randall was not able to reject his son advice.
Everything that he said is correct, his action just now is too rash.
Randall asked back in weaken voice.

[For the soldier rallying, aren’t we gonna be suspected?]

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[It’s alright. We can said that the barbarians will be attacking us]

Realizing the answer, Randall just muttered.
Baar Rondo is considerably far from the Royal Capital Rouen.
Even if we said the Barbarians invaded us, even if someone have not believed it and sent the messenger to confirm it, it might take time.
Even if they sent one, there will be no problem if the messenger is killed in silence.
If Runatitas complains, if you answer that it was hit by a demon in the way, it is difficult to pursue it.
Even if he sent a subjugation army because he got triggered by this, as long as there is no legitimate reason to move that army, the other people will worry about Runatitas actions and start to strengthen their vigilance.
Rado added that there is a need for the Queen authority to permit such an action.

[Moreover, Her Majesty has permitted for the Nobles to draft the soldiers on their own territory]

This is the privilege for the Nobles who have territories.
Under the preliminary consent of the Queen, it’s possible for the Nobles to flexibly respond to the sudden invading armies of other countries, rebel armies, barbarians and bandits who ruined the towns.
The reason for conscripting was also perfect, and Randall was impressed with the idea of ​​Rado and became happy.
He wanted to praise him that he has become an splendid man, but his word was swallowed at the throat.

[ I understand. Let’s do as you say]

Whether because of the fact that Randall had no one who would ally with him or because of the fact that there was nobody who held Maruto dear, he looked to his right-upper peripheral in thought.
After he nodded, Randall had thought about someone who will most likely become their ally.

[First of all, I will send a letter to Lord Maas. He is likely to agree with me. Since he is my other friend]

[Then, I’ll carry it out]

I say that he will be alright, but he is also a knight too.
Although being worried about his own son is natural, Randall decided to let him do it.
The letter written to Maas was passed to Rado.
After treating it carefully, Rado lightly bows to Randall and then he departs from the office in a hurry to prepare for departure.

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