One-Eyed Female General and The Harem ch.32

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4 MARCH 2018 ~ RAIZU

Weekly Chapters (2/2)

Translator: Raizu
Editor: Shirayuki


Chapter 32

[Fufufu… what a fool. My companions won’t be alone now… repent for your sins with your death !]

[Oh no!] (Shingen)

Shingen panicked, his sword unyielding even though he tried to pull it off. Hairingand readied a thrusting stance.

And then with eyes wide open.

[That life, offer it to meeeeeeeeee!]

Hairingand stepped in, aimed and directed the sharp edge to Shingen.

Sparks lit up and a metallic sound roared. Hairingand was interrupted by the presence of a brown haired woman who had stood between him and Shingen.

Large amount of sweat began to overflow from Hairingand’s pores.


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Ortashia who had parried the sword thrust had a smile on her face, eye looked down.

[Now this Ortashia will become your opponent… ] (Ortashia)

[Why did you interfere!? Are you not a knight ? ! ]

[A knight? This me? Laughable.]

Hairingand came to his senses, falling back to make some distance. Ortashia did not pursue. Her eye was on Shingen.

[I am not a knight but a general. The path of chivalry and the likes has nothing to do with me.] (Ortashia)

He was about to deny but Ortashia spoke first.

[I’ll teach you bastard about it.] (Ortashia)


[Benevolence is not needed in this world. ―――――In order to gain victory, you use any means necessary and the loser will have their feet cut off the so that they can’t stand up again. That is my way. Or should I call it, my belief?] (Ortashia)

[Ku… as I thought, a woman like you should not become a queen…. ]

[That is not something for you to decide.] (Ortashia)

She won’t deny if she was offered to become a queen. Although getting her place at the throne never crossed her mind.

After that short exchange of words, Ortashia and Hairingand stared at each other silently. It was Ortashia who made the first move. She strode forward and made a large, sideway swing with her sword. The sound of wind being cut rang out. Hairingando avoided it by bending backward.

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Ortashia, with the sword in hand, laid pursuit. Chasing Hairingand from left to right, right to left, a very monotonous pattern of sword swings. Each one blocked. All of them were too light. In any case, her sword wasn’t light at all. Obviously, the power behind the swings were weak. Hairingand became furious after realizing that he was being played with. Up to this point, are you taking me for a fool? He thought in anger.

Even then, the chance to counter attack never came.

He repelled the sword by slashing downward from above, then went in for Ortashia’s chest. It was a sudden attack. Or so he thought.

However, Ortashia simply laughed.


Something had knocked Hairingand in the cheek hard. The body floated, falling to the first floor together with parts of the broken handrail it had crashed into when still on the second floor. At that moment, it’s as if the time was ticking very slowly.

( ―――――――I…..just now, got kicked…..? )

A loud noise could be heard.

When Shingen looked into the fallen Hairingand, he was looking up at the ceiling, an immediate death. From the back of the head, blood splattered on the entire floor due to the falling impact.

[The attack just now, did you plan it?] (Ortashia)

[No idea.] (Shingen)

[Even so you were almost got done in.] (Ortashia)

[If I die here, what will happen to you girls? I won’t die in such a place.] (Shingen)

Ortashia caressed Shingen’s hair, which caused him to clench his teeth in an almost depressing manner.

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[Hey, stop!] (Shingen)

[Are you really that worried about this Ortashia? Nnn? ] (Ortashia)

She asked with a seemingly happy voice. Shingen waved off Ortashia’s hand and replied as he combed his hair.

[Tha, that’s not what I mean… ] (Shingen)

He was messy. Ortashia narrowed her eyes in suspicion as she put her hand waist.

[Do you have anything to say? Just tell me, I will listen.] (Ortashia)

Shingen thought a little. He thought as he glanced at Ortashia. What a very well-made face.

Becoming a knight was something Shingen had dreamed of and the chance to become one had presented itself. He thought it was possible, thus cooperate up to now.

However, he just found out that Ortashia hates knightly characters. He had a pretty cranky face a while ago thinking what would it be if he said that he wanted to be a knight.

Honestly, he’s scared. So he refrained.

[That… ] (Shingen)

[You are a man, right ? Say it clearly. This make me anxious too. Why, do you keep helping us this far? ] (Ortashia)

It seemed that Ortashia had seen through Shingen’s mind. Though his real purpose might not be guessed. But there was no need to hesitate anymore.

[Well, let’s say, that, I….how should I say it… that I wanted to become part of the White Wolf Knights.] (Shingen)

Ortashia looked surprised. Fuu~n, kind of guessed it already.

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[It’s impossible.] (Ortashia)

[As I thought… ?] (Shingen)

[Such a thing, without the head knight himself, I cannot do anything about it you know ? Since I’m not a knight under the White Wolf Knight troop.] (Ortashia)

[No… ] (Shingen)

Seeing the depressed Shingen made Ortacia frown. She tapped her shoulder gently. Showing an unusually sympathetic side of her.

[ Well, when the time is right, maybe I can do something about it.] (Ortashia)

[For real ? Really?! ] (Shingen)

An unexpected reply. Unexpectedly, the body went forward

[Yes. But before that, it’s necessary to teach you swordsmanship first.] (Ortashia)

Ortashia’s expression changed. Shingen had a bad feeling for some reason.

[Well, special skills or something like that, I don’t like it so I’ll pass.] (Shingen)

Shingen had once escaped from his sister’s training.

[Hou ? This Ortashia will teach you herself. You can’t refuse. Instead you should feel honored…..] (Ortashia)

(―――――――her expression seems dangerous…… even though she’s a beautiful woman, why does she look more like a pretty-looking demon right now…..) (Shingen)

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