Chapter 34 – Witch Hunting 2

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Black smoke rose up from Rochef Village. A tremendous amount of dead bodies laid there.

The burned bodies of a mother trying to cover up her child left a deep impression.

And such a sight was common view here and there.

But most of the knights were looking at it with proud faces.

Maybe due to the sense of accomplishment from having succeeding in witch hunting.

Stored food and liquor from the village was seized, with some of the liquor being drunk as the corpses still burned. It could be said there was almost no difference between this army and thieves.

Cheerfully laughing and singing. It’s abnormal in the midst of such heavy air.

Most of the Fuhren’s Saint Knight members, like that of private mercenary, had no ties to the Ardesil’s army.

Though there were some who applied due to their belief, for the majority, they became knights for the wages.

In order to support the vast continent, quality was something that was hard to afford.

The current knight orders had a problem with manpower shortage .

Therefore, even if they lacked manners, as long as they knew martial arts, they could still join the knight order.

Broadly speaking, even the likes of criminals could also join.

But even then, all of this was too much, thought the soldiers of Ardesil.

But it’s impossible to act against it. They could only watch as the deed was done.

Because Fuhren’s Saint Knight Order acted in accordance to the order of the world.

If they did not exist, this place, might have been overrun by demons.

It was necessary to express gratitude from this standpoint. But all this…

The general of the Ardesil army was watching the heap of corpses with a sad but brave face.

His name was Daedalus.

He was a highly-loyal warrior from Ardesil. He hailed from the Yuran School but he didn’t really hate Ortashia.

An adjutant came to report to Daedalus. He reported while casting his eyes down to the list notebook.

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[ …….there are six women presumed as witches. All of them have been crucified ]

Daedalus gave a little nod.

[ I see…. ]

The adjutant curled his eyebrow and spoke in a low voice.

[ Something… happened? ]
[ ……Look at this….this storm of murders….what do you think? Do you also think that these people need to be killed too? ]

The adjutant was perplexed by that.

He looked around to see if any of the Fuhren Saint Knight was nearby before replying in a low voice.

[…..this, I…. can not answer it ]
[ Witch…? Those women, they are merely alchemists, aren’t they ? ]
[ The villagers said so ]
[ Can’t they distinguish between a witch and an alchemist? Those people ]

Daedalus said that while drinking and sending a glance to the singing and dancing Fuhren’s Saint Knights.

Cold sweat flowed down the adjutant’s cheek.

Witches and alchemists were classified differently in this country.

Witches had inborn magical power, and they could use various abilities.

In comparison, an alchemist was an ordinary human being. They made potions.

[ Perhaps, for our own good, we better not talk about it too much ]

It was likely to have been taken care with.

Daedalus thought, due to his slip of tongue, the adjutant became worried, thus tried to stop him.

Though Daedalus held some gratitude to this subordinate of his, he couldn’t endure it any longer.

A doll with half of its face full of grime fell on his feet.

He picked it up, gently dusting off the grime.

He stared at the doll.

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There was a name embroidered on it.

It says “Rian”. This must have been belonged to a girl named Rian. His eyes became hot.

(――――――even a little kid was not spared….. What a hell of a joke…)

[ Sumuji…..]

He called the adjutant’s name.

[ Wha, what is it? Commander ]
[ We will do a burial for these people who have been slaughtered ]
[ ……understood. Then, I’ll let you know if it can be done ]
[ Please do so….]

Sumuji bowed then left.

Daedelus gently put Rian’s doll into the mountain of corpses.

When he tried to leave the place, he heard a worn out voice.

[ ―――――――― I’ve found it ]

The moment the voice was heard, Daedalus felt a chill run down his spine.

He turned toward the voice in a hurry.

There was only the heaps of corpses there. It had since burned out a long time ago.

There was no way someone could survive that.

[ I’ve found it ! I’ve found it ! Aa――――――dear. Revenge for a loved one ! ! ! So wonderful… it’s unbearable ]
[ Wh, who’s there ! !]
[ Is it hope ? Hope? Revenge ! ? You really wish for a blackened paradise ! ! ! ?]

A strange voice echoed.

The voice was not transmitted through the eardrums, it’s was if it spoke right into the mind.

However, to whomever the voice talked to was unknown.

[ Who are you talking to ? ! ]

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Again, the heavy voice shook the ground.

[ I am Bargugand. One who lives in the pitch black darkness. I ask you lot. ―――――――O those who hoped for this One, what do you wish for―――――? ]

The answer for that question, came from the mountain of corpses.

[ Revenge ! Please kill ! ! Those people ]
[ Revenge is what I wish for ! ! Revenge ! ]
[ Everyone, destroy, kill ! ! Kill everyone ! ! ! There is no need for this kind of world ]
[ Take away father and mother’s enmity ! ! Take my soul as the exchange ! ]

Daedelus retreated for he was unable to understand what was happening in front of him.

[ Wh, what the…. Did it just…. Talk…..? ]

There was no doubt.

Two or more voices could be heard from the heap of corpses.

However, those corpses’ mouth didn’t even move.

(――――――what has actually happened…?)

Suddenly red tears flowed out from the eyes of the dead bodies that should’ve been getting cold.

It gushed out like spring water.

To the toes of Daedalus, the tears flowed.

Daedalus was astonished at the sight of red tears.

[ What the… ]

The blood seemingly shone a bright red.

It didn’t coagulate.

And he could smell that it was all fresh blood.

[ ……Impossible ]

A dim light this time shone from the mountain of corpses.

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The light glowed brighter as it continue to pulse and then weaken, while the sky was covered by thick clouds that weren’t even visible before.

And then, shinn, shinn, shinn, a mysterious sound began to ring.

It was heavier tone than a cymbal sound when it was being played.

The Fuhren’s Saint Knights Order who noticed this quickly rushed to the area.

When the situation became clear to them, their face which were flushed due to liquor turned pale.

Among them, there were some senior ranking knight.

A senior knight was a class to which only those selected from the knights who had passed hard training could achieve, and it was possible for these people to sense the amount of magical power around.

The senior knights were petrified with their eyes open.

One of the knight muttered in low voice.

[ What the… this powerful magic power… ? ]
[ I never felt something like this before. This is the first time… ]

Knights who couldn’t hide their anxiousness watched their surroundings.

In such case, by experience, they knew that there must be a hidden incantation or magic formation somewhere.

This kind of accident doesn’t happen naturally.

There was always be a sign that could be discerned.

Then one of them saw the black haired woman laying on the ground emitting light.

The Fuhren’s Saint Knight realized it at once.

[ That might be a summoning magic ! ]
[ But, what on earth, did she summon ? A familiar ? ]
[ A familiar is impossible. At least for these people―――――――]


(Insider story)

The Fuhren’s Saint Knight Order was formed about two years ago. Originally meant to uphold justice and bravery, they fought demons and magic beasts who threatened people with bravery and resoluteness, or at least that is what it was planned to be.

They are rotten to the core ! They say. When, did they become distorted exactly….? Maybe it was something that couldn’t be helped. At that time, they reduced recruitment standard to raise their numbers no matter what. Friends, let’s think together how to fix that knight order, I will let you know.

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