Chapter 48

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The female assassin could actually still smile despite the grave situation. The guy who looked back at her was also smiling with a look as if he was evaluating her. With his hand on his chin, he praised..

[Un. This is good. You can still follow me despite me running away. Lord Randall tends to get angry at Riru and Mina as soon as they lose sight of me.]

He actually talked like that. To his enemy, no less.

The silver haired girl raised her eyebrows. She was amazed that the guy actually said that. Then, whilst ignoring her cold gaze, Maruto looked around and laughed.

[Fufu…..moreover, not only capable of chasing after me, you actually had the flair to lead me to a dead end.]

[…..shut up. You will die here. I’ll make it painless if you keep silent.]

[For real?! It won’t hurt?!]

The girl nodded in suspicion.

[Ehh that’s interesting. Look, no matter how sharp a blade is, when someone is stabbed or cut, they’ll feel pain, won’t they? As long as there is pain, people will never stop fearing pain.]


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Maruto then touched his chest with his left hand, continuing to talk with a sad face.

[Sometimes, that thought crosses my head. When I was fighting, every time my opponent received a fatal blow……I got really scared just from the image of them writhing in pain floating in my head….]

So that’s why he’s mostly standing behind the soldiers, the silver haired girl interpreted from his words. She was quite amazed. She looked at her adversary with squinted eyes.

[Beside myself, I’m also thinking about others. How can I cut them down without inflicting any pain?]

[The coward of cowards….]

She threw that insult out of disgust but his face didn’t even flinch. That made her wonder. Normal people would’ve denied that insult heavily. But he didn’t. Rather, he was smiling after hearing it.

[Hahaha. That’s something Ortashia had also said. But anyways, what you said earlier has piqued my interest. We should speak some more.].

The situation wasn’t good. Even though she seriously went in for the kill, the opponent did not even show fear. The silver haired girl had had enough and readied her daggers across her chest. The blades reflecting the moonlight. Although she tried, Maruto looked like an unscalable wall which does not show any sign of wearing out. It’s as if he’s inviting her in, which made her cautious.

Suddenly, Maruto tossed the sword in his right hand to his left.


Then, while raising his now empty right hand, he beckoned the wide-eyed, silver haired girl.

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[How about it? Why don’t you join my Order?]


Her eyes widened to those words. She backed off quite a distance away due to the surprise; her eyes swimming. It’s the first time her opponent had shaken her feelings this strongly. With fluttery lips, she said the things that had been floating in her head.

[A, are you….stupid? No. Stupid is an understatement. I don’t get it….what are you trying to do…?]

[Nmm, I’m recruiting you into my knight order….is it a no go?]

[Of course it’s a no! Are you kidding me?! I’m your enemy! I tried to take your life away! How can you easily do something like that! Are you stupid?! No, you’re an idiot!]

The girl quickly shut her mouth once she calmed down. Without changing his expression, Maruto gave a quick answer.

[Un. I’m an idiot.]

She wasn’t that convinced since he easily replied like that, thus she asked for another confirmation.

[The-then, why did you invite me even after knowing who I am?]

Of course, there must be a reason for that and she wanted to see why.

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[Nn.. My gut feeling.]


[I can tell. Just from seeing. In roughly three seconds, I can tell what kind of experiences you’ve went through, as if you told me about it yourself. Sometimes it’s inaccurate but…… with you, I’m sure of it. I know at this point, you are very wary of me. In many ways….right?]

Maruto’s line of sight lowered to her breast. Something felt amiss, it’s as if there is something missing.

[―――――――umu. As a swordsman, you have a pretty face augmented with beautiful silver hair and eyes and also dazzling white skin. That’s extraordinary. However, what I’m worried about is your breasts…….if it’s possible, I wish it remains tiny….then it’ll be the best.] (ED note: must be a fan of pettan.)

The still-mumbling Maruto’s eyes darted past the girl. He had a rather disgusting expression on his face. The girl turned around to follow where he’s looking at.

There were lots of people there. Each riding a magnificent horse. They didn’t wear armor but those white uniforms are obviously military uniforms. All of them had swords. It’s clear who they are from the emblem on their chest. The emblem of the howling white wolf. They are of the White Wolf Knight order. All of them were selected warriors. She’s unable to proceed, yet it’s impossible to retreat.

At this point, her chance of survival is nil.

The knights were staring at her as if she was some kind of a demon. Of course it’s because she was targeting their master. Voices mixed with anger resounded.

[Leader! Stay right there! I’ll assist you right now!]

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[This coward! I’ll tear you apart!]

[That’s no good. Let’s capture her alive! I’ll give her a torture even worse than death!]

[Yeah, that’s right. Let’s make her regret ever trying to take leader’s head!]

More and more white knights arrived, crowding the alley and attracting the city patrol who came in to check the situation with torches.


Said a knight with bloodshot eyes. Unexpectedly, even the assassin girl felt scared. Her hands trembled. There was no other choice but to go for the unprotected target in front of her. She turned back and gazed at Maruto.

[……one way or another. Complete the mission….]

She attempted to close in on Maruto.

However, her feet refused to move.

(――――――Why? I can’t move……)

She couldn’t move her legs. It wasn’t her first murder. She had seen countless deaths. Sometimes, the client even asked to dispose of the corpse too. This wasn’t the first. It should be easy. She should’ve been able to deal a confusing yet devastating blow.

Even so, there is no use in regretting now. She has neither a place to go back to nor does she have any family left. She no longer cares for her own life. The teachings taught her to prioritize her mission regardless of anything. Even if she has to die to succeed.

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