Shingen and the middle-aged Banrondo soldier were still waiting for Ortashia to return.

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When they were looking at the scenery from atop of the hill, the ground began to rumble; a very loud rumbling. There was no heavy rain yesterday so a landslide is impossible to happen. Then what happened….? While wondering about that, sounds of angry shouts could also be heard. The middle aged soldier drew his horse close to Shingen’s and asked.

[……What, what is happening?]

[No idea. Nothing came up to mind.]

Unable to think up of anything, the soldier decided to talk about something else after some thought.

[By the way…..if I did something wrong, I’m sorry.]

Shingen pointed at himself.

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[…’s okay. I, myself, had a very bad feeling about this.]

[Bad feeling?]

As a Jipargian, Shingen supposedly has a sharper instinct. But although he did feel something, he didn’t know what it will be. It’s a big difference from the legendary war maiden Minerva. Shingen tilted his head. At the same time, the sound of horses galloping could be heard coming from the other side of the hill. And more than one of them. Shingen sent his gaze towards the direction of where the sound originated from.

A shadow could be seen. A familiar figure is heading toward them. It was Ortashia, still holding the flag. She frequently looked back as if checking something.

[What is she doing….?]

Ortashia took a breather once she arrived near Shingen. Carefully take a breather and why did you rush like that? Shingen wanted to ask that, but before he could do it, Ortashia put her hand on Shingen’s shoulder, her cheeks flushed.

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[Fuhahaha. I’m too accustomed to chasing after all….. Being chased is truly a new experience to me.]

[Eh? Chased? What do you mean?]

Ortashia turned away from Shingen

[Ah~ I’ll be counting on you after this]

[Then tell me what’s up?]

[Soon enough, there will be a unit approaching here that needs to be beaten down. I’ll leave it you. It should be possible if it’s you.]

The girl stared at Shingen with her remaining eye. Shingen was left dumbfounded, unable to know the meaning. Meanwhile, the soldier next to him became pale as he realized what she meant.

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Ortashia kicked her horse’s belly with a happy face, heading back to the town of York. The middle-aged soldier also bowed a little to Shingen, saying [Godspeed] before chasing after Ortashia.

Shingen who was left alone tilted his head, shrugged and turned back forward ――――――― to see shining golden color in his eyes. It was dazzling to the eye.


He rubbed his eyes and took another look. He certainly could see what seems like a layer of golden sand approaching his position. Accompanied by the sound of hooves, angry shouts and dust clouds, Shingen finally realized why Ortashia acted like that.

[So THAT’S why?!]

Ortashia had brought the enemies back with her. He didn’t know why she did such a thing, but for now, Shingen couldn’t think up another things other than escaping.

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Some of the enemies had already begun closing in. Some close enough to see their faces. It’s probably the advance forces. They pushed themselves so hard to be able to catch up with Ortashia. Some of them are clearly elites.

Shingen frowned. At this rate, they’ll catch up before he could escape. He scratched his head roughly in frustration.

[Ahーscrew this!]

said that, he drew out the katana from its sheath on his waist whilst staring at the enemies.

[Later, I’ll definitely file a complaint ….]

After saying that, he dropped a gaze at the sword in his hand. The blade of the lightning sword took on sunlight, gleaming majestically, seemingly sympathizing with Shingen. He then admired it.

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