C20— Virtual Shop

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Posted on March 9, 2022by UntamedS

 He Yishu nodded, “It’s the rune cards I refined during this period of time.”



    “Can you show me the rest of the rune cards later?” Adrian inquired as he pressed the button to open the virtual cabin.



    “Sure.” The two of them came out of the virtual pod, and He Yishu directly handed all the rune cards in the anthropomorphizer to Adrian.



    Because of the battle just now, some of these rune cards already turned into waste cards, the rune characters on them had completely disappeared, so Adrian picked out these rune cards and began to study the remaining part of the rune cards.



    After reading these cards one by one, Adrian put them into the rune card tester. The test results presented by the tester made his expression become more serious, and by the time he finished measuring the data of the last rune card, Adrian’s eyebrows were already tightly wrinkled together.



    Such a reaction was already considered very calm. If other people saw a D-class rune card that had been tested as a B + effect, they would scream on the spot, or even faint from excitement.



    What was even more frightening was that this situation wasn’t unique, among these rune cards that had just been tested, more than half of them had actually achieved such an effect, which was simply too incredible, okay?



    He Yishu felt the tension, he hadn’t even taken out his real skills yet, and it already scared Adrian to this point?



  “Are you okay?” He Yishu’s tone was filled with caution.



    Adrian looked at He Yishu, his gaze was complicated: “I won’t ask how you made these rune cards, but even just from the effect and quality of these rune cards, it’s already enough to prove how special your card making ability is, it’s a very powerful talent, and at the same time, it could be a sharp blade that hurts you, because it’s really …… incredible.”

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    Probably feeling that his explanation wasn’t enough to make He Yishu pay attention to his ability, Adrian thought about it and added: “He Yishu, even the most powerful rune card maker I’ve ever seen can’t reach a level like yours.”



    He Yishu’s eyes widened slightly, and before he could speak, he heard Adrian say in a more serious voice: “You need a powerful shelter, only then can you continue to walk safely on this path and do what you want to do.”



    “But ……” He Yishu was about to speak, but was interrupted by Adrian.



    “Believe me, this world isn’t as simple and safe as you think, only with enough strength or reliance, can you safely continue to move forward.” Adrian spoke solemnly once again.



    He Yishu could see that Adrian was really concerned about him, so he seriously responded, “You’re right, in a situation like mine, I do need a strong shelter and reliance, but where am I going to find such a reliance?”



   Hearing this question, Adrian stood in a good posture with his chest up: “Isn’t he standing right in front of you?”



    “……” He Yishu suddenly didn’t know what expression to put on, so when Adrian said he’d protect him before, he wasn’t joking?



  His heart felt warm, and at the same time he felt that he was really too lucky, although his situation after transmigrating was a mess, the two friends he met were good people with good characters.



    Especially Adrian, the first time they met, he gave him a ride; the second time they met, he gave him a rare part-time job; now he was very serious about becoming his shelter, it was impossible for He Yishu not to be touched.


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    He Yishu smiled slightly and looked at Adrian with a bright gaze: “Then I’ll be relying on you from now on.”



  “I will protect you,” Adrian’s heart inexplicably began to beat faster, his eyes met He Yishu’s dark eyes and his tone became extra serious, “I never told you that my father is a military marshal, my mother is an imperial councillor, and I already have a position in the military, you can trust me.”



   He had never thought that his friend had such an illustrious identity and background, He Yishu stared in amazement, “You’re actually so powerful!”



    Although he didn’t mean to show off, when he saw He Yishu looking at him with such a gaze, Adrian still somehow felt a subtle sense of satisfaction, but his attitude still remained modest: “It’s just from the shelter of my parents, it’s not much.”



    “But not everyone can have such parents, since it is fate that you were born in such a family, then the shelter and help they bring, is originally your capital,” He Yishu patted Adrian’s shoulder and looked at him with a smile, “just like I met you now, after all, not everyone can be as lucky as I am to be able to hitch a ride on your boat so coincidentally and also become your rune card assist master, don’t you think?”



    “You make a good point.” Adrian nodded, but in his heart, he thought, “Actually, all of that wasn’t a coincidence.”



    The two people who evolved from a friendship to a sheltering relationship didn’t change much, and it was only at this point that He Yishu had the chance to say what he intended to do, “Actually, the reason why I’m using these rune cards on purpose is to make money.”



    “Make money?” Adrian raised his eyebrow, “You want to sell the rune cards?”



    “Yeah, if even you think these rune cards are powerful, then they should be able to sell for quite a lot of money, right?” A bright light flashed in He Yishu’s eyes, “What do you think? Will anyone be willing to buy them?”



    Adrian thought seriously and gave a pertinent answer, “Probably every mecha warriors would love to buy such a rune card.” Even he himself wanted such rune cards.

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    “In that case, I might be getting rich soon,” He Yishu’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t forget his patron, “Don’t worry, even if I get rich, I won’t forget you, you can just tell me whatever rune cards you usually need, and I will unconditionally provide you with the best quality rune cards.”



    Adrian’s eyes lit up for a moment, but he still pushed back, “No, I can pay for ……”



    As a result, just halfway through the sentence, He Yishu glared at him: “If you say that I’ll be angry, according to what we just discussed, you are now my backer, as a person who’s being sheltered by you, do I have to do nothing and just accept your protection? There isn’t much I can do right now, and I can only give back to you for helping me in this way, if you refuse even this, then I really have no face to accept your protection.”



    He Yishu was a man who knew how to repay kindness, and it was true that there was very little he could do now, but he believed that he would always have the opportunity to thank Adrian for his selfless help with a reciprocal, or even more generous, return in the future.



    Faced with He Yishu’s serious response, Adrian could only smile helplessly: “When I need a rune card, I will take the initiative to ask for it.”



    “That’s good, don’t worry, I’ll definitely leave you the best rune cards.” He Yishu had previously tested that if he used pure Chinese characters to complete the rune card, he could make the effect of a C grade rune card reach the effect of A+ grade stably, and the quality of the rune card could also reach perfection.



    The quality of a rune card mainly represented the stability of a rune card. There were seven levels of quality, from low to high: scrap, pass, ordinary, excellent, fine, rare, and perfect.



    A pass was a common quality level, anything below that was equivalent to a waste card, it couldn’t be used.



    The average or excellent quality meant that the card had basic stability and could be used at least once, but the effect may be deviated or there may be other problems in the process.



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    Fine and Rare meant that the card was highly stable and there was no need to worry about any accidents during use, while the card may be used more than once.



    As for perfect, this was a state that didn’t exist yet, no one knew what a rune card that reached perfect quality would look like.



    Now, He Yishu had already secretly produced more than one perfect quality rune card, and if word got out, it would really alarm the entire interstellar empire.



    But for now, He Yishu wasn’t interested in alarming the entire interstellar empire, he only wanted to make more money as soon as possible, so that his pockets would quickly bulge.



    He Yishu rubbed his hands with high ambition and said smilingly, “Adrian, if I want to open a store on the virtual network, do I have to use my real name?”



    “Yes, but under normal circumstances, no one else can view your real information.” Adrian nodded.



    “Of course I’m not worried about normal circumstances, but if I encounter special circumstances, someone can still view my information, right?” He Yishu held his chin and looked at Adrian, an idea flashed through his mind, “As my guardian, can you do something to prevent my information from being accessed by certain people?”



    Although it wasn’t a direct request, He Yishu’s meaning had been expressed clearly, Adrian couldn’t help but ask, “If you use my information to open a store on the virtual network, the future proceeds of the store will be directly credited to my light computer, have you really thought it through?”



    With He Yishu’s talent in card making, this store would definitely bring in huge profits in the future, and these profits would only go to the light computer of the person who set up the store, if He Yishu didn’t trust him completely, he wouldn’t have made such a decision.



    “Of course, I’ve thought it through very clearly.” He Yishu smiled and nodded, of course he already had complete trust in Adrian to make this decision.

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