Chapter 35 Part 1 Exposed

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Leo waited expectantly until Xiào Mu came back. He didn’t expect Xiào Mu to turn around and ran. All of a sudden, his mood fell into a trough, followed by a wave of rising anger. Is he so scary? Don’t they already familiar with each other? Are those interactions during exercise every night fake? Leo gave chased with his long legs. His speed is very fast, and in a blink of an eye he caught up with Xiào Mu. He put his hand on Xiào Mu’s shoulder to stop him from running forward, and asked unhappily with a cold voice, “Why are you running?” The shoulder trembled slightly, and Leo was taken aback. Anxious, he asked, “What’s the matter with you?”

Xiào Mu clenched his fists, he almost exhausted all the strength he could use now. Turning around, he waved away Leo’s hand, while rebuilding the barrier that had just collapsed. At the same time, he tried to control the spiritual filaments that almost on the edge.

“Don’t touch me.” Xiào Mu’s voice was muted with restraint. Every cell in his whole body wanted to hug Leo fiercely, and he wanted to let go of all control and relax.

It is midnight, and the sky is very dark, but there were emergency lights in the aisle. Although it was very dim, it did not affect Leo’s eyesight at all. At a glance, he saw Xiào Mu’s face is flushed, his brows furrowed, and the hair on his forehead was wet with sweat. Leo felt tight in his heart and asked, “Are you sick?”

Xiào Mu pinched his fingers fiercely and reluctantly replied with forced calmness, “I am uncomfortable and want to go back to rest. Can we talk about this tomorrow?”

How can he not worry? Leo stepped forward and grabbed Xiào Mu’s arm, “I’ll take you to the infirmary.”

“No,” Xiào Mu struggled, “Let me go!”

Leo was stunned by Xiào Mu’s action. His reaction was too great, and his voice suddenly rose sharply. Xiào Mu looked a little stern in the night light, so Leo subconsciously let go of Xiào Mu’s hand.

The barrier that Xiào Mu had just built collapsed again so he built another one. Looking at the remaining spiritual power, his face looked tense and he ran towards his room. He didn’t understand why Leo would appear at the door of his dormitory at this time. He only hoped that Leo could leave now and let him stay in his dormitory quietly. As long as there is no interruption by Leo, he can concentrate to restrain the stimulant by himself. Moreover, in another 20 minutes, he will be able to take a healing pill and recover his spiritual power. However, his hopes fell through. Just as Xiào Mu is about to close the door, Leo pressed against the door panel and suddenly wrinkled his brows, “Are you injured?”

He smelled blood, it was very light but couldn’t be ignored. As he asked the question, Leo’s left hand pressed the light switch by the door of the bedroom, and the room instantly lit up. Xiào Mu’s eyes were stimulated by the light and instantly closed to avoid the light. Before he opens his eyes again, Leo grabbed his left hand.

Leo opened Xiào Mu’s fist gently and looked at the obvious pinch marks on his index finger, which was clearly caused by himself. Leo’s voice sank, “It’s so uncomfortable that you hurt yourself, why don’t you go to the doctor?”

Xiào Mu wanted to withdraw his hand but was firmly grasped by Leo. Leo added, “I will take you to the infirmary!”

His tone was firm, and he bent over to carry Xiào Mu after speaking.

Xiào Mu took a step to the side, but his hand still got caught. He absolutely can’t go to the hospital. With his current condition, his spiritual filaments would be uncontrolled soon. From here to the infirmary, they have to pass through the other dormitory buildings. The dormitories for the university department and the higher education department are in the same area, and each building may have at least a sentinel. The sentinel of the University Department of the Imperial Military Academy has always been the best. Among them, there are a lot of Level AA sentinels, so Xiào Mu can’t take risks. Now, Building 30 is the safest place. Sentinel has good welfare and they have no financial pressure at all. Therefore, there is no sentinel in the quadruple dormitory. Other than that, Building 30 is the outermost building. In case his spiritual filaments get out of control, based on the distance, only the Level AA sentinel of the nearby 3 or 4 dormitories can be affected. Xiào Mu only hopes that there are no Level AA sentinels in these buildings.

“Let me go.” Xiào Mu looked at Leo firmly. The hair on his forehead and temples was wet, and he looked miserable.

Leo felt angry and funny at the same time, “Afraid to see the doctor? Your face is red, so you might have a fever. Normal trauma is fine but this kind of injury can easily get worse if it is not treated in time.”

Xiào Mu’s expression was strained and he built a spiritual barrier again. Then suddenly, he received a prompt in his mind. His spiritual power is less than 20% now. Xiào Mu is in extreme pain. If he has the ability to do so, he really wants to throw Leo downstairs. “Why the hell are you looking for me?”


After saying a word, Leo’s voice cracked and he looked at Xiào Mu in shock.

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Xiào Mu’s jaw tightened. In an instant, he couldn’t control himself properly and a very thin spiritual filament passed through the barrier. Although he took it back almost immediately, his heart sank when he saw Leo’s expression. Leo stared at him closely, and his expression changed several times. A black panther suddenly appeared beside him, walking anxiously around Xiào Mu. Xiào Mu’s heart jumped to his throat. Because of the distraction, his control on the spiritual filaments became weaker, and two more sprang out. Xiào Mu’s eyes widened. As if guided by fate, his and Leo’s spiritual filaments moved close to each other. Xiào Mu controlled them back to his mind, but they only retracted a little bit before extending forward again.

Fatty appeared at his feet. With its big tail swept in front of itself, it curled into a ball. The panther lowered its head and pressed its head against Fatty. Its fat body was trembling, staying in place without giving any response.

Xiào Mu felt soft all over, and the familiar heat instantly swept through his body. He bit his tongue hard. The pain made his mind clearer, and he glared at Leo, “Get out!”

Leo didn’t go out but took a step forward instead. Kicking the door open, he slides his hand along Xiào Mu’s wrist uncontrollably, “It’s you.”

The refreshing smell of the guide rushed into his nose, and Leo instantly understood everything. The part about buying pills from his 100% compatible guide was fake, Xiào Mu has always been the only one. Xiào Mu is his 100% compatible guide; the medicine maker!

Leo’s dark voice shocked Xiào Mu. He shuddered uncontrollably by Leo’s contact on his skin. He could no longer stand, his feet fell softly, and was caught by Leo’s powerful arms halfway. Immediately after, hot breath spread to the side of his neck. Xiào Mu tilted his neck to avoid it, and his voice trembled, “No!”

Leo’s eyes were red. He has just realized his heart no long ago. He always did things cleanly so he came back to the dorm immediately after the military exercises and wanted to confess to Xiào Mu. However, he didn’t expect the development of things to be completely unexpected. With his love and the attraction of a 100% match rate, Leo almost immediately fell into the combined heat and wanted to ‘eat’ this person in front of him. He tried his best to control himself, and the person in his arms trembled, causing him to feel pity involuntarily. The guide’s pheromones became more and more intense, and he knew that his guide would also enter the combined heat soon. Leo kissed the side of Xiào Mu’s forehead, and soothed in a low voice, “Don’t be afraid, I will help you.”

Xiào Mu’s eyes widened, and his soft hand pushed against Leo’s shoulders. Although it was a useless attempt, he expressed his emotions very clearly, “Let me go and get out of here!”

Leo frowned, his voice darkened, “A sentinel will not leave his guide alone.”

“I am not your guide!” Xiào Mu immediately retorted, he took a deep breath, “Leo, don’t forget, I am the weak chicken you hate most1.”

“You are not,” Leo couldn’t help tightening his hand, bringing the two closer together, “I like you.”

Leo bowed his head and wanted to kiss Xiào Mu. Xiào Mu turned his head to avoid him.

Xiào Mu tightened his brows uncomfortably. His whole body went crazy and desperately wanted to get close to Leo. His refusal to Leo made him felt particularly uncomfortable. Xiào Mu bit the tip of his tongue, and the smell of blood spread in his mouth. The sharp pain made his paste-like mind clearer, and the words he said next were filled with undisguised irony.

“Leo, you said that anyone who is controlled by their match rate is rubbish. Do you also finally succumbed to your match rate?2”

“No,” Leo pinched Xiào Mu’s chin to make him open his mouth slightly. The smell of blood in Xiào Mu’s mouth stimulated Leo’s nerves. Leo brushed Xiào Mu’s lips with his thumb and replied, “I only follow my heart.3”

Xiào Mu almost laughed angrily, “Don’t tell me you like me.”

Leo’s blue eyes looked at Xiào Mu intently, and his voice was dull and deep, “Yes, I like you.”

If he hadn’t been ridiculed by Leo so many times, hadn’t been disgusted so many times, Xiào Mu would almost believe it when he saw Leo’s expression at the moment4.

“Major General Leo, I really despise you.”

Leo’s face changed slightly, and his tone was low and hoarse, “You don’t believe me.”

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“No one will believe that. This is just your excuse for not being able to resist finding a 100% match.” Xiào Mu mocked.

Leo leaned close to Xiào Mu, and their breath mingled with each other, “I will make you believe it.”

Xiào Mu shrank his head and was about to say something, then his expression changed. He looked in the direction of Building 29. His spiritual filaments swayed for a few moments over there but firmly stretched towards Leo in the end.

Leo’s brows wrinkled. There was no soundproofing system in this room. He felt that 5 people are running towards Building 30; all sentinels with high abilities.

Xiào Mu knew that his hopes were unfulfilled. Not only there are Level AA sentinel in the nearby dormitories, there are several of them.

“Leave, right away!” Xiào Mu said immediately. He can’t stay here, otherwise, he can’t imagine what will happen when the sentinels arrived.

Leo knew by looking at Xiào Mu’s expression, that he(XM) also knew that someone is coming. But he is a guide and his hearing should be similar to that of ordinary people. This is not normal.

“How did you know?”

Xiào Mu looked helpless as he explained, “The match rate between me and all Level AA sentinels is above 90%. As long as my spiritual filaments get out of control, the nearby Level AA sentinels should be able to sense me.” If right now weren’t late at night, and most people should be in a deep sleep state, they would have come here long ago.

Leo: “…” He looked at Xiào Mu with a complicated expression. Picking him up, Leo opened the door. He released his mecha Ying from the space storage and activated the flight mode.

Ying fell down the dormitory building, and a pair of huge metal wings suddenly raised from the side. It flew back to the corridor on the 6th floor and opened the hatch. Leo held Xiào Mu and jumped to the mecha. He put Xiào Mu in the lounge behind the driver’s seat, set the destination to leave.

Xiào Mu lay on the leather sofa and curled up into a ball. He used the skill ‘Pin Hold’ without stopping, and his spiritual power that had been empty slowly rose back up. Joy flashed in his eyes, and the effect of the medicine is gradually disappearing. However, the next moment, he is held in Leo’s arms, and he could feel the heat on his back. His joy dissipated in a flash. Leo’s fiery breath spread across the back of his neck, followed by a light bite. Xiào Mu had to bite his lip to restrain himself from gro-a.ning. He knew that Leo’s current condition is very bad, and he is the same as well. If this continues, something will definitely happen.


Xiào Mu was turned over to face Leo. Looking at Leo’s gaze as if he is about to eat him, Xiào Mu hurriedly calls out. However, he is not in a good state at this moment; his whole body seemed to be burning, and his voice sounded soft and sticky.

Leo heard Xiào Mu’s voice and his eyes darkened. Lowering his head, he kissed Xiào Mu firmly in the mouth.

Chapter 35 Part 2 Exposed

‘Mhmm…’ Xiào Mu widened his eyes. He tried to avoid Leo, but his head is positioned at the side of the sofa; giving him no space to avoid Leo. Xiào Mu shook his head, but he couldn’t stop Leo’s movements at all. Leo didn’t let go of his lips until Xiào Mu thought he would suffocate. He p.a.n.ted violently. When he recovered, the hem of his shirt had been lifted, and Leo’s callous hands have moved up his waist. Xiào Mu shrank subconsciously, trying to avoid his touch, and hurriedly shouted, “I’m not willing! Leo, I’m not willing!”

Leo is a proud person, he won’t force anyone who is unwilling. However, at this moment Leo has been enduring the combined for several minutes, and he is totally different from his usual self. Leo paused when he heard Xiào Mu’s words and frowned in pain.

Xiào Mu looked at Leo nervously, but when he saw his red eyes, his heart tightened. Then, k_isses fell like a violent storm, his breathing almost stopped. His instinct to follow the flow clashed with his strong resisting thoughts, and that almost drove him crazy.

“Let go!” He reluctantly spat the words, but his voice was soft and light and Leo seemed to have not heard it. His(L) hand all over his body, and the k_isses moved downwards along the side of his face.

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This can’t continue!

Xiào Mu raised his head and ga.sp_ed heavily. Biting his lip, he tried his best to control the urge to reach out and hug Leo. His unfocused eyes slowly regain its focus and Xiào Mu closed his eyes to concentrate on controlling his spiritual filaments. He twisted some of them into a bunch, restraining his guide instinct, ignoring the pain from his head, and slammed it towards Leo’s spiritual state.

“ARGH!” A painful cry came out of Leo’s mouth, then Xiào Mu felt him slump heavily on his body.

At the same time, an uncomfortable feeling flooded Xiào Mu’s mind like a tide. His whole body is trembling uncontrollably. His spiritual filaments almost instantly shrank into his mind, as if they have lost their life, without the slightest light.

[Master fell into a coma, enable defense mode]

A mechanical sound rang out, but Xiào Mu was so immersed in pain that he did not hear it at all. It took him several minutes before he could come back to his sense, only to realize that there is a feeling of wetness on his face. It turned out that he has been crying unconsciously. Xiào Mu looked down at Leo and saw that Leo fell on top of him, so quietly that it frightened him. He quickly got up and turned Leo over. After confirming that he is still breathing, Xiào Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

When he scanned for Leo’s spiritual power, Xiào Mu was taken aback. He hadn’t noticed it before, but it seems that Leo had taken his pills before this at some point. That’s why he could see the remaining value of his spiritual power at the moment. His previous spiritual power balance was more than 6,000, but now it is only more than 600, which is less than 10% of his overall points. It must be because of his mental attack just now.

Xiào Mu’s heart is full of guilt and misery, but this is not an emotion he can control. The guide’s nature is to help sentinel, and not only does he just hurt a sentinel, but that person is also his 100% compatible sentinel. All the uncomfortable emotions doubled in him, making Xiào Mu feel depressed. He silently moved to the corner farthest from Leo and sat down with his feet in his arms. His body felt hot and his head is throbbing with pain. Before this, Xiào Mu has checked a lot of information related to the guide. He knew that he is experiencing a combined heat. Like Leo, if he has no medicine or a sentinel to help him, he will feel very tormented. Fortunately, the initiator sentinel, Leo is now in a coma and will not make his condition worse, and his spiritual power is recovering.

The effect of the stimulant gradually dissipated, and the recovery speed of his spiritual power gradually increased. Xiào Mu watched the time and took a high-grade healing pill. Instantly, he recovered 2,000 spiritual power. After another 10 minutes, his spiritual power is finally full. Xiào Mu breathed a sigh of relief, and the heat on his body gradually dissipated. His limbs regained strength, and he can now establish a spiritual barrier.

It’s just that his spiritual filaments are still feeling awkward. Although they have restored their luster, the filaments don’t float like usual, but stayed limp in his mind; seemingly unable to lift their energy. Xiào Mu pursed his lips, his body actually felt the same. He obviously has plenty of physical and spiritual power, but his emotion is very low. Xiào Mu is a sensible person and knows that this is just his guide side’s feeling, but he has no way to solve it.

Looking at Leo, Xiào Mu used ‘Pin Hold’ on him. In an instant, emerald green tea leaves floated from his palm to the space between Leo’s brows in the blink of an eye. Xiào Mu felt better now. As a guide, healing other people always made him feel satisfied. When Leo’s spiritual power returned to 20%, Xiào Mu stopped using the skill. He took out a high-grade healing pill and put it next to Leo’s head. At this moment, his spiritual filaments immediately floated out. Xiào Mu restrained the urge to touch Leo and walked to the window, which his spiritual filaments fell limply again. That makes Xiào Mu felt a little amused inexplicably. He felt like his spiritual filaments looked like Leo’s diehard fans.

It was dark outside the window, and there was nothing to see. Xiào Mu didn’t know where they are right now, let alone know when it landed here. So, he couldn’t estimate how far they are from the school. Thinking of school, he couldn’t help having a headache. There is a residual smell of a guide’s pheromone in his dormitory, so his identity is probably exposed. If the Golden Tower comes for him, he can only negotiate with his own ability according to the idea he first had in mind, that he has the ability to live independently.

Xiào Mu wanted to leave the mecha but he didn’t see any buttons to open by the door. Climbing into the driver’s seat, he saw the densely packed buttons on the control panel and got even dizzier.

[You villain, what do you want to do?]

An angry mechanical sound sounded. Xiào Mu was stunned and he looked around but he did not see any living creatures. So he asked, “You are?”

[I am Mecha Ying. You hurt master, where do you want to take him? Let me tell you this. Even if you are master’s 100% compatible guide and I cannot attack you, I will never follow your instructions to take master away!]

Xiào Mu has a moment of realization. He was not surprised though because he knew that smart mecha has independent consciousness. After listening to it, he secretly rejoiced inside. If he and Leo are not a 100% match, he afraid that the moment he attacks Leo, the mecha will attack him.

“I won’t take him away. I just want to leave, so can you open the door to let me out?”

[Can’t let you run away!]

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Xiào Mu didn’t want to wait for Leo to wake up. After Leo woke up, the combined heat might not disappear yet. It would be too dangerous for him to stay here. Leo would be on guard so if the same situation happened again, he(XM) might not be able to stop him. He thought for a while, “If you don’t let me go, I will stay here and continue to hurt him. I am such a bad person and he is not safe with me here.”

The smart mecha’s IQ is equivalent to that of a child. It only has Leo as its master from the moment it was built. Leo only regards it as his mecha and combat partner. They have never communicated properly with each other. Ying has a strong fighting ability, but it knows very little about other things. Ying thought for a while and searched the Internet silently ‘how to ensure safety’ and got ‘stay away from danger’ as the answer. It felt that Xiào Mu’s words are right. For its owner’s safety, Ying made a decision. It opened the door and forced Xiào Mu out.

Xiào Mu fell to the ground. The black mecha fused together with the night so he couldn’t see the mecha clearly. However, thinking about the big guy that is over 3 meters tall, Xiào Mu could only comfort himself that it was fortunate that he didn’t get thrown out directly out of the window. He stood up by supporting his hands on the ground and looked at the time. It is almost 2.00 am, the time when people slept most deeply. Xiào Mu hesitated for a moment and decided not to call Hawke and Zhao Sheng. Except for his depressed mood, everything is fine now. It’s not very good to disturb people at this kind of hour.

Turning on the flashlight function of his terminal, Xiào Mu discovered that he is in a huge outdoor stadium. The mecha was parked in the middle of the stadium, away from the surrounding area. An empty location is indeed a good place for him whose spiritual filaments are out of control. He walked quickly out of the stadium by following along the edge of the stadium, which was just a stadium inside a comprehensive stadium. After walking for almost an hour, Xiào Mu finally reached the entrance of the main stadium. He saw someone in the security room at the door from a distance. After thinking about it, he backpedaled and walked along the wall to find a lower place so he could climb over and leave. He soon lost his hope.

Xiào Mu is very helpless. He keeps yawning constantly and felt so sleepy. In the end, he simply sat down in a secluded corner and fell asleep against the wall. He decided to ask Zhao Sheng for help at dawn. Fortunately, the temperature is not low right now, so even if he sleeps in the open all night, it will not affect him much. However, when he opened his eyes again, he is no longer in the corner of the stadium.

There was a white ceiling above him, and he is sleeping on a soft bed. Xiào Mu looked around and got stunned. This is his room in Ren’s apartment! There was a soft noise from the door, and he turned his head to look over. Leo stood with his back facing him so Xiào Mu couldn’t see his expression.

Leo didn’t seem to expect that Xiào Mu would be awake so Leo was stunned. Then he walked quickly to the bed.

Xiào Mu shrank back subconsciously but was stunned when he saw Leo’s face. Usually, Leo is just like his spirit animal, his body seems to contain countless powers all the time. However, at this moment, he looked tired, his expression is gloomy, and he looked particularly mournful.

Leo’s thin lips were pursed heavily, and his tone was low, “You hate me that much?”

When Leo woke up last night, he almost collapsed2. If it weren’t for the faint familiar smell around his nose and he saw the pill, he might not be able to stay calm. Leo knows better than Xiào Mu that a guide always felt closely to the highly matched sentinel, even to the point of obedience. Since Xiào Mu has a 100% match rate with him, when he(XM) hurts him, the action hurts himself(XM) as well.

Xiào Mu’s strong reaction made Leo understand that not only Xiào Mu disliked him, he even hated him. This is the first time his heart is moved but he was completely rejected, which made him very uncomfortable. Apart from that, as a sentinel, the feeling of being hurt by a guide caused him to feel even more uncomfortable. Sentinel and guide complement each other. They both need each other’s emotions. If they can get it, the feedback will be doubled. On the other hand, the hurt will be doubled too.

The heavy pain in Leo’s tone stunned Xiào Mu. Thinking of his depressed mood at the moment, Xiào Mu realized that it was caused by their guide and sentinel’s side. He looked down and said, “Sorry, I don’t hate you, and I don’t want to hurt you. I just don’t like being forced by anyone.”

Hearing that, Leo’s eyes shone slightly. He looked at Xiào Mu expectantly, “You don’t hate me?”

Xiào Mu nodded and added, “I don’t like you either3.” He tilted his head to avoid Leo’s fiery gaze and said, “Major General Leo, I believe you are a determined person. You have not forgotten what you said before this, right?”

Leo thought of Xiào Mu’s words of sarcasm last night. He thinks back to the way he spoke toward Xiào Mu before and felt his face hurt. He squeezed his fist tightly; he would let Xiào Mu know about his heart.

“I won’t tell anyone about your identity.” Leo didn’t answer Xiào Mu’s question, instead, he mentioned what Xiào Mu cares about and gave his promise.

Xiào Mu smiled bitterly, “Thank you, but I may not be able to hide the secret.”

Leo thought of something, and snorted heavily, “Don’t worry, it’s not exposed.”

“How is it possible?” Xiào Mu’s eyes widened. Although he didn’t believe it, he still had some expectations.

The author has something to say:
Leo: My crush doesn’t believe that I like him. What to do? Waiting online, urgent!

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