Into the Zombie World

Chapter 101: 101

Jacob was smiling as he approached Gina and the other two. He was waving the knife in the air. Although he was smiling, Gina no longer felt it was pleasant, instead, she felt it was creepy seeing him like that while holding a bloody knife.

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Jacob suddenly dashed towards them. Gina got startled and prepared to dodge. However, Gina was not Jacob's target, instead, it was Gretta who was still frozen in place.

Using a light forced, he knocked Gretta's head to make her faint. Gretta's body instantly plummeted to the ground after her head got knocked by Jacob's palm.

Gina trembled in anger, but she could do nothing as she doesn't know how to fight. She was observant, but that was all there to it. It might have its own uses sometimes but it was clearly not the case for now. Seeing Gretta's body falling to the ground limply, Gina could not do anything other than to turn towards the terrified Sarah. She reached her hand and pulled Sarah's body closer to her body before she stepped back and retreated away from Jacob.

Jacob's hand was about to hit Sarah's head. Fortunately, Gina pulled her at the right moment.

Jacob smiled looks towards the retreating Gina. He then slowly walked towards the two before saying, "Worry not. I changed my mind. I no longer wanted to kill you!"

Gina stopped in her tracks but didn't believe him immediately. She was hugging the terrified Sarah while her right hand was holding a small knife. She then said, "I don't believe you. Stop right there and drop your weapon!"

Jacob smiled and continued to walk slowly towards them.

He then said, "You misunderstand something. Yes, I no longer wanted to kill you. Because my love, prepared for her food to be alive."

Jacob squinted his eyes and smiled satisfactorily as if recalling a certain event.

After producing the smile that was full of satisfaction, Jacob stared fiercely at Gina before saying politely, "That's why, could you please stop struggling and allow me to capture you?"

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Jacob then dashed madly towards Gina.

Gina's eyes were bulging after hearing Jacob.

She said maniacally, "Food? You're trying to make us into a food? Your insane!"

She threw Sarah's body to the side before she also dashed towards the lunatic Jacob. She knew that sooner or later, she would no longer be able to fend him off. Instead of defending and evading, passively, Gina decided to be proactive and attacked Jacob herself.

Her experience of fighting was only from those low leveled zombies that they got their dead apocalypse virus on. She doesn't have any experience of fighting a live human, but she thought that it was at least worth a try.

If she failed? They would become snacks for the 'my love' that Jacob was referring to. However, if she could kill or at least injure Jacob in the process, it would be a good ending and they would be able to live.

Their knife clashed with each other like a sword. Sounds of metal hitting metal echoed in the silent surroundings. Jacob was smiling maniacally while Gina was gritting her teeth while trying to defend from Jacob's hysterical attacks.

Suddenly, her hand slipped and instead of parrying Jacob's knife, she was injured on the hand where she was holding the knife. Gina produced a pained 'yelp' before the knife she was holding was dropped to the ground.

Jacob smiled widely from ear to ear. He touched the blood on his knife before sniffing it. He then looked towards the pained Gina and ask politely while smiling, "Could you please stop struggling?"

Jacob raised his hand was about to slap Gina's head when a hand suddenly stop his attack. Jacob turned his head towards the obstruction and said, "Worry not, Sarah. I will also feed you to her, alive."

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He then made a stabbing motion towards Sarah's stomach.

Sarah avoided the stab, by swaying her body sideways. There was still a streak of tear from her eyes as well as the blood on her shoulder. Her face contorted while enduring the pain she felt from her shoulder. She was still shock and terrified by the blood she saw dripping from her shoulder.

Fortunately, when Gina threw her off to the side harshly, her body hit the floor hardly allowing her to get out of that trance.

Seeing Sarah avoid his attack, Jacob's smile vanished as he pulled the hand that was still holding him. He then arched his head and proceeded to head butt the newly awaked Sarah. Sarah felt the impact and definitely saw a dozen or so fireflies hovering her head. Not long after, her body plummeted to the ground limply as she fainted from that impact.

Gina used that opportunity to pick up the knife with her uninjured hand. After picking it up, she immediately whipped it towards Jacob's thigh. A deep cut formed on Jacob's left thigh as blood splattered from the wound.

Jacob pulled his leg in reflex after feeling the pain. He was still smiling but it was now mixed with a pained expression. Using the injured leg, Jacob made a kick towards Gina's bosom. Gina got hit and her body flew back for a few meters before stopping.

"Why are you doing this! There are plenty of mutated animals out there, why purposely chose us to feed your girl?" Gina asked angrily as blood leaks out from her mouth.

Jacob stopped and touched his injured thigh. Smiling, he said as a matter of factly tone, "Because I love her."

It was a concise and brief answer. But it clearly showed Jacob's emotion.

He was doing this for his girlfriend. He had already done this before. His victims were usually the newly arrived survivors in their village.

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Sometimes, if there are none, he would kidnap the patroling survivors of his own village. All for his girl. His beloved zombie girl.

Usually, he would be the one to welcome the survivors that came from the other village. If it was already the time for feeding his girlfriend, Jacob would usually misinform the newly arrived survivors, tricking them to go to certain places. He would then wait at that location to kill or capture his victims.

"Because I love her!" Jacob said again as he dashed towards Gina.

"Lunatic!" Gina shouted as she prepared herself.

Slashing and parrying, Gina and Jacob did their best to wound each other. Gina was trying her best to kill or at least wound Jacob gravely. However, her attacks would often miss by a hairsbreadth. It was as if Jacob was able to predict her movements allowing him to dodge her attacks easily.

Jacob was smiling from ear to ear as he dodged and parried Gina's attack leisurely. Evading a stab from Gina, Jacob rotated his knife and made a reverse grip from below. Slashing it upwards, the knifes blade instantly made a gaping wound on Gina's armpit.

Gina gritted her teeth as tears were forming in her eyes. Struggling, she was able to raise the knife at Jacob's chest. Using all her remaining strength, Gina pushed the knife and stabbed Jacob's chest.

At the expense of her armpit, Gina successfully stabbed Jacob's chest.

Jacob reached his hand and held Gina's hand that was holding the knife. He was smiling but a pained expression was still present on his face. Pulling Gina's hand away from his chest, Jacob locked his eyes on Gina's eyes. Smiling, he said, "You should have gone for the head."

Blood was splattering from Jacob's chest as he forcefully pulled the knife embedded in it. After the knife was pulled off, Jacob raised Gina's hand in the air. With his tight grip, Gina's hold on her knife loosened as the knife fell to the ground.

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Gina felt the pain on her wrist. She tried to take her hands away from Jacob but his grips were just too strong for her.

Gina was struggling to break free from Jacob's hand. With her struggling like that, her blood got splattered on Jacob's clothes. Jacob's face was also stained by some blood. Seeing his face bloody while still smiling, Gina could not help herself but shiver in fear.

With his smiling and bloody face, Jacob dropped Gina's hand before his hand reached towards Gina's throat, choking her in the process. Gina's tongue was already stuck out as she struggled to breathe.

Jacob keeps on smiling while locking his eyes with Gina. His head then suddenly plummeted towards Gina's head for a headbutt. Due to the sudden impact her head received, Gina's body jolted before limply fell to the ground immediately.

Jacob then wiped the blood staining his face. He pulled out a handkerchief and proceeded to wipe the bloody knife and his bloody hands.

After throwing the handkerchief away, Jacob princess carried Gina's body and piles it along with Gretta and Sarah's body. He then puts them over his shoulder before walking out of the village's entrance.

Jacob was smiling widely and he seems to be satisfied with his hunt.

With eyes squinting and lips smiling in happiness, Jacob muttered under his breath.

"I'm coming my love!"

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