Into the Zombie World

Chapter 110: 110

Moments later after Gretta made Maria drink the water, Maria stopped convulsing as if she had already calmed down.

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Seeing that, Gretta felt happy deep inside. 'Nile is pretty strong and reliable too,' she thought.

Sarah extended her hand immediately and press Maria's forehead. "Her temperature is getting better!"

She couldn't help but blurt out in surprise. It has only been a few moments and the effect was already visible? What kind of medicine is that?

Sarah looked at Gretta before saying, "I'm sorry for stopping you!" She then turned her head towards Warya and said, "Although it's only an accident, thank you!"

Sarah felt lucky that Warya accidentally hit the pea-size medicine on her thumb causing it to bounce towards Maria's mouth. If Warya had not done that, and Maria died a moment later, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

Gretta nodded her head while Warya only smiled wryly.

"We should wait for a little more!" Said, Gina.

It was not definite yet if the medicine had really work.

"No need for that, it had definitely worked." Reassured Gretta, she trusted Nile so much.

"You sound confident, huh. Do you perhaps like him?" Sarah teased.

Gretta was startled by the sudden shift of topic "I- I... Of course, I like him."

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She finally said it. Her face turned rosy thinking of the embarrassing confession she just made.

The two women laughed at her expression.

Warya seems to be confused as she said, "Uhmm, where is that man?"

Gretta smiled and recounted what happened.

She also included what Nile said about Maria's consumption of the Apocalypse Virus.

When the three heard it, they have different reactions. Sarah was scared shitless thinking about the fact that her friend had almost become a zombie right in front of her. She suddenly recalled what had happened to her family during the outbreak, 2 months ago.

Gina was also scared but she was calmer than Sarah, "So that's why she was convulsing. It seems that she was about to transform into a zombie at that time."

Warya on the other hand was the calmest. Suddenly she said, "I'll go and pee!"

The three women then nodded their heads.

Warya goes outside the house to look for Nile. Gretta had already told them that he was no longer there but she could not help but try her luck. "Nile, huh!"

A while later, she turned around and came back inside the room.

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The same moment she entered, Gretta had also started talking about zombie pets.

"Nile said that we should be careful. There's an incoming zombie pet hordes and estimated that the horde might reach here tomorrow."

"He said that if we don't want to fight, then it's best to hide on a bunker or a sturdy place and only go out when necessary." Gretta continued.

Nile also informed Gretta that the bunker under that three was quite spacious, but the problem is that the place was smelly and had human bones all over the place. He also suggested that they could use that place as their base.


At the same moment, more than 20 meters away from the house, while ridding Maximo, Nile found three bodies of a human that was still freshly killed. The blood streaming off their head was still fresh and vibrant. He noticed a few holes around their head and neck. Whoever did it must be so brutal to make their head looks like a beehive.

Nile does have an idea who did the crime. He felt that it was Warya. Her weapon was still laden with blood when Nile meet here earlier. "So they were her victims, huh."

The Nile also felt that Warya was only deliberately trying to act like a person who got easily distracted. Nile saw her spit some blood after he kicked her stomach earlier. Although he didn't use his full strength, that still packed a lot. Considering that fact, he couldn't help but wonder how could a woman like her to endure the pain that comes from the kick.

That's how Nile arrived at the conlusion that Warya was only deliberately acting.

Nile flicked the reins and let Maximo go wherever he wants. However, it seems that Maximo was sleepy as he suddenly stopped at a huge house before looking at Nile with expectant eyes.

"Alright... Alright!" Nile said as hops off Maximo back. He then sauntered towards the house. Nile made sure to clear the whole house of unwanted visitors first before resting.

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Nile was now atop a couch, lying comfortably. Maximo and Croco also found themselves some space to rest.

Nile the slowly drifted to sleep. He hopes that his sleep won't be bothered this time.


The piercing hot rays of the sun pass through the window as it illuminated Nile's skin.

The sun ray's made Nile to forcefully awaken from his deep sleep. He wiped the eye booger before getting up and stretching his two hands in the process.

Maximo and Croco had already waked up since a moment ago, and they were now only laying just below the couch that Nile was sleeping.

Nile patted their head one by one before searching around the house. His aim was to search for a pool and if possible, food as well.

As his clothes no longer have the auto-clean function, Nile was now oozing with stink.

Unfortunately, the house doesn't have any well, so Nile could only give up searching for one.

However, he got lucky though as he found a a mutated fruit at the house'z backyard.

It was a durian. The mutated durian's size look normal as it has the same size like a watermelon. The durian was already ripe so Nile plucked it off from its branch.

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Nile wondered what characteristics of the durian had change. He was still wondering what, but the moment his hand touches the durian fruit, he already confirmed what had happened.

The mutated part of the durian fruit was its spikes. Like the coconut fruit, the durian's spikes had also mutated and become a little matalize.

Nile called over Maximo and Croco at the backyard. It was now time to eat.

Nile broke the durian fruit into two. He gave one to Maximo while he got the other one. Of course, for Croco, Nile bought him a piece of meat that cost 5 Apocalypse Points for the work he had done yesterday.

As usual, the durian fruit was really stinky. Maximo smelt the durian's flesh before turning around in disgust. Nile then heard "blurrgh!" from Maximo's muzzle.

Nike shook his head as he ate the durian fruit's flesh. As Maximo didn't want to eat the stinky durian fruit, Nile could only buy a food for him in the System Store

Nile ates the durian fruit happily. Its smell might be unpleasant but its flesh was definitely on a whole new level.

After eating, Nile threw away the spiky, and carapace-like husks of the durian fruit towards the corner.

He then brought water from the System Store. Drinking it in a mouthful, Nile couldn't help but wonder where the did the products bought from the System Store came from. However, since he already considered the System as his, Nile lets the matter go.

Nile goes up and hops on Maximo's back.

"Time to hunt! Some zombies!" Nile said.

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