Into the Zombie World

Chapter 53: 53

The emotion of the carabao, Nile felt it.

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Nile's body bolstered, and he reappeared again at the back of the zombie.

The Katana had been swung, and it took off a quarter of the zombie's head. Unfortunately, that attack did not manage to kill the zombie as it dodge on hairbreadth at the last second.

The zombie jump backwards and took three steps back after. It stared at Nile intently.


It made an ear piercing roar towards Nile as if enrage for interrupting its meal.

Blood oozes off on the right side of its head. The one that the Katana cleanly cut off.

Nile did not let the zombie continue its ear piercing roar as he kicks on the ground and dash towards the zombie.

He swings his Katana diagonally from the right shoulder of the zombie towards it left waist.

The zombie leaned back a little to dodge, causing the Katana to slash with only its tip.

A trace of light followed the Katana's blade, dark blood flowed out from the diagonal wound on the zombie's chest that the Katana made.

The zombie, getting aware of the strength of its foe, did not flee, but instead, it became more savage.

It thrust its body towards Nile and made a swiping motion horizontaly, Nile's head was the zombie's target.

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Nile dodge it successfully by tilting his body a little. The zombie keeps on swiping left and right, while Nile is dodging each one of them.

On closer look, Nile notice that the zombie is a male and has a quite buff body compared to him. Its nails are one to two inches long. Nile could tell that the nails are sharp and sharp enough to cut some metals. It was dyed red and has a metallic gloss on it.

The zombie keeps on making the same move, swiping from left to right and vice versa using its nails or rather claws.

Nile keep on dodging left and right, they are now quite a distance from the carabao.

After a while, the zombie stopped moving, now the zombie could no longer move. It's body is covered and tangled with sugarcane leaves and immature stems.

It keeps on struggling, but the sugarcane's leaves and stem strength is on a different level.

While battling, Nile observed his surrounding to search for other 'weapons' that he could use. The 'Weapons Master' talent played a huge role as he instinctively thought of the sugarcane surrounding him.

He noted that, while the area where the zombie and the carabao is fighting had sugarcanes lying all over, the sugarcane themselves did not break or get strewn, but instead, their roots are uprooted from the soil causing them to fall down.

Nile came to the realization that these sugarcanes are not normal.

Using the 'Weapons Master' talent, Nile kited the zombie around as he purposely came to the area where he could use the leaves of the sugarcane as a way to bind and restrict the zombie's movement.

His plan is 100% successful as even now, the zombie is still struggling to break free from the constraint.

After noting down the sturdiness of the sugarcane, Nile used the Katana of Liberation and directly pierces the zombie's forehead.

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Nile pulled his Katana of Liberation, and instantly, the zombie's body slump down. But because of the sturdy sugarcane leaves holding it, the zombie's body only manages to fall half-way,

Now, if viewed from the back of the zombie, it will look like the zombie is kneeling and worshiping Nile.

This scene can make a huge misunderstanding if seen by the wrong type of people.

Nile could see the zombie's satisfied expression and could not help but feel a cringe.

'The Katana of Liberation is worthy of its name.' Nile thought.

The zombie was the strongest zombie Nile had meet so far.

The reason why the zombie is defeated easily was because Nile is clearly stronger. After his Level Up to Level One°, Nile's journey had been smooth sailing, and he did not meet any zombie stronger than himself, fortunately for him.

Another factor that played a crucial role was of course his 'Weapons Master' talent. The Katana of Liberation also played its part.

The leaf binding that Nile had successfully executed hold the zombie tightly, which made the kill easier.

Well, even without the bindings, Nile could still kill the zombie easily but he will require more effort and he thought that it was a hassle.

Since he could use a method to make things much simpler, why not use it?

Nile looked at the System prompt, and without a surprise, he gained 5 Apocalypse Points after killing the zombie.

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Nile walked over and approach the carabao at the center.

Fortunately, considering the movement of its stomach, the carabao is still alive and breathing.

Nile observed the carabao intently.

The carabao's body is black. Its front shoulder and back thighs are amazingly full of muscles. There were scratches all over its body, but it was only on the surface.

Nile thought that it might be because of the zombie's claw.

The carabao's horn is curved in the most optimum and perfect angle. It was a balance between being curve backwards and curved sidewards. It was stripe with mostly black and a little red as the color.

Nile glance at the carabao's groin area and realize that it was a male carabao.

The carabao's mouth is covered with white foams. The white foams are bubbling, sometimes it will tremble hard because of the carabao's haggard breath.

Nile is not a vet, so he did not know what to do in this kind of situation

Nile took one gallon of water from the System Store and poured a measly amount on the carabao's mouth.

The foam is washed away because of that. Now, Nile could see that the carabao is using its tongue to feel the water.

Just like what Nile had thought, this carabao is only exhausted. If not for that, the winner from earlier might be different.

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Nile continued to pour water in the carabao's mouth. The carabao is drinking the water that is being poured on its mouth.

After a while, two gallons of water is finished and fortunately, the carabao can already lift its head.

Nile heaves a sigh of relief as he thought that he might spend his entire supply of water because of the carabao.

The carabao look at Nile and expresses its gratitude by nudging Nile's hand while 'mooing' softly.

Nile's felt proud and could not help but notice the smartness of the carabao. It knew how to ask for help and knew how to express gratitude.

Maybe it was the effect of the Viruses, but who cares, the carabao can convey its emotion like a human. That was a feat very few could attain.

The carabao's attitude is even more beautiful than those people at the Barangay Hall.

Speaking of them, Nile suddenly remembered that they are now alone on this cruel world and had already been abandoned by their supposed to be owner.

Nile smiled at the carabao and patted its head.

He let's the carabao rest there as he returned to his location before he decided to interfere the battle between the carabao and the zombie.

The reason why he returned? It was because the Pettle Corn is extremely tasty.

Nile had dropped the packet of Pettle Corn earlier when he bolstered towards the center to interfere in the ongoing battle. He thought that it was quite a waste, so he picks the packet up and eats the popcorn again.

'At least, I have saved the carabao in distress.' Nile said inside head.

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