The 101’st Duel  

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「Here I come Christina! This time I’ll win against you! With my win I’ll finally be able to raise a flag! So be prepared!」 (TN Note: Flag = Romantic event’s)

As I pointed my finger to the country’s first princess, Kristina, who was standing in front of me.

「Tsukasa -sama my name is not Christina . Its Kristina-desu ….Kristina Avil Vein。Don’t selfishly make my name sound dull. Do you even understand to what degree this is」

She corrected me while letting out a sigh

She was noisy

However it was possible to hold a conversation now.

During the first time I hardly could believe that I could have a conversation with her
(TN Note: People who are in the  arena are speaking)

「 It’s disrespectful!」

「You’ve got some nerve despite being a peeping tom」
「What is a flag? 」

「 How should I say this…. What is that man saying? 」

「 I would also like to see this young lad 」
At last, hey.

Since I have called the first princess, who the people love and respect, without any honorifics, there was voice of criticism that filled  the arena

Grr, it’s irritating .

It might be sudden for you guys but it was a ridiculous number of times for me that I encountered this duel.
Which I’m still counting!
This is the 101’st time

I will not die!

Yes, I will not die this time.


Well even if I die, I have the ability to start over again (TN Note: Re Zero ? )

I have also got cheat like abilities as well

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The cheat abilities are used to overwhelm and trample the enemy which will make the women fall in love with the man
To the point where a person who comes from Earth to a different world are presented to live their lives with cheat abilities.

Such a person was Yagami Tsukasa who was sixteen years old

However, he couldn’t win in front of a woman who had beautiful eyes and was named Kristina

He couldn’t defeat her even if he tried several times
A*rman ? Is your true form Ai*man or something? (TL Note : a reference to perhaps Rockman X’s enemy )

This is the 101 time that I have challenged Kristina

Even if I say it this time the audience wouldn’t know what I actually mean
As a matter of course, it’s only me who is able to maintain my memory during a [ fresh start ]

…But unexpectedly.

As I attempt to defeat Christina for the 50th time, she started to act as if she remembered me from before, then by the 80th, for some reason she went dere on me

I couldn’t understand the meaning behind it

No, but it’s a known reason to really do so
「No Tsukasa-sama even if I don’t duel anymore , you have to take responsibility for looking at my skin and become my husband 」

Looking at the blushing Kristina was a heartwarming scene

Hearing that, the audience became extremely surprised and created a huge uproar considering my previous statement
Oh is that so, the king was a man who helped me since yesterday, so it was a great honor just hearing the princess say such a thing

Well it wasn’t just that

The overwhelming “power” that is obtained by Kristina thanks to her being the “Hime miko” by sacrificing her chastity to god .

Women lose their “hime miko ” blessing when they find their partner ,so if I make her abandon the overwhelming “power” then we are in equal footing

If a person witnessed the princess changing  clothes, it was considered as vicious and were to be assassinated through a duel  for exposing the skin which should be only presented to god.

That certain person who committed that crime was me

When a person who would to do the heaven’s vengeance execution says such a thing, you cannot understand the fact that your astonished, are you not? (TN Note: Breaking the 4th wall)

Therefore if I cannot defeat Kristina

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I’ll never be able to win the duel

Come to think of it there was an old man who helped me 101 times, and with surprised expressions the king and Kristina’s brothers and sisters were looking at me

I opened my eyes wide.

Looking at their faces for the 20th time ,it still makes makes me laugh

Well it’s not the time for seeing that.

I looked at the bashful and fidgeting Kristina

Isn’t she cute !?!?

But I will not be deceived this time.

「Tsukasa-sama….do you hate the idea of being my husband that much? 」
Just shut up,cheat woman who has been chosen by god and nature

With an expression full of sorrow, she looks beautiful, and if it were the past me I would have been deceived

But right now I know her true nature.

If I remember she would cut my neck off just like killing some insect or worm

I still remember the horrific memory that was burned into me

You cut my limbs off and divided them while asking 「Have you reflected on your actions?」

At that time her smile looked really scary.

And for some reason the memories before my next fresh start remained with me, which little by little, sucked out the humanity in me

However in several times at this place, if you take responsibility then it would be alright if I spoil you a bit.

It isn’t

This isn’t the development that I had demanded.

After being dragged to a different world with a (cheat) ability ,I was forced into a duel with the princess after accidentally looking at her while she was changing clothes

It would be great to win the battle and overturn the crowds expectation while making the Tsundere princess falling in love with me

No, No it isn’t good to make the same mistake the second time

There are exceptions.

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So what?

I can dispel her god blessed and nature given (cheat) ability with my own (cheat) ability, which makes both of us equal

This isn’t a game nor a game world.

Even though it has status screens,the concept of leveling and a variety of cheat abilities, it’s the real world for me.

And since I cannot go back to the japan that I was born and raised up in.

I have decided to live a protagonist life using the Transition cheat ability

For that I have to first defeat you Kristina.

After defeating I could raise a flag for the future events

「Here I go !!!」
I let my whole body be filled up with magical powers that I got from my (cheat) ability and start my 101’st duel

The silver artificial eye present in my left eye bursted up magical power and displayed the situation of the battle.

The glove with open finger,s that is on my left hand, has the same magical power as the left eye and creates a magic formation according to the situation

While my right hand which is filled with scratches is able to absorb low level magical attacks and sacred treasure attacks

I hold a [dagger (with draining ability)] which is a graded weapon

Though there is no wind I wore an overcoat (mantle) with black flutters which floats while in the air

It’s ready!

A huge number of icicles surround my body and starts rotating
And  Kristina with her sword skills prepares her flame sword

This is a battle between fire and ice !


While in Japan, I remember criticizing ice for not going lower than the absolute zero temperature while reading the manga

Well I’ll be alright .since my opponent is not a silver haired handsome man

I’ll manage

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I guess ?

Kristina let out a sigh

Don’t think I’m the same as last time, just see it with your own eyes

Besides winning easily,

「The girls in this world are this strong? I’m surprised,」

Then I take her hand and help her stand up.

If I can’t do that, my otherworldly life won’t be able to advance a single step from this point!


Being in high spirits , it is not wrong to let a war cry, right ?

I began to shout 「yare yare」 while I was speaking

「Is it that your reluctance to fight a girl?」

Also I forgot the words

I failed

I failed. I failed. I failed. I failed. I failed. Fell short

Oh well, there is nothing like success

If I win this fight I can finally be free

So in this 101st fight I’ll  definitely win!

—And will release you Kristina

Translator and editors section

Poor Quality TL (´∇ノ`*)ノ「Yay,Finally i got myself an editor 」

TheNo1Fan ( ̄ω ̄;) 「 Nice to meet you people 」

Poor Quality TL (´∇ノ`*)ノ「now i just need a proof reader to keep my translations running smoothly 」

TheNo1Fan ( ̄ω ̄;) 「 Sorry but you can’t find proof readers that easily  」

Poor Quality((((;゜Д゜)))「EH!?!?!??!?!?!? 」

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