Episode 13: Post a video first

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"Well, I won't be streaming today, so what should I do?"



"It's club activity recruitment week, but ..."



[ Don't you have to go to the gym, desu? ]



 Yup, I don't think it's a good idea to leave it alone?



"I left a note in the gym saying 'If you want to join the club, please go to the club room'."



 ... Well, I came here on my own.


 In most cases, you won't know what this club is doing until you come to this club room.





"Isn't it true that the more members there are, the higher the club expenses?"



"Club expenses are higher the more members there are in the club. Well, I'm the one making the money, so there's no problem."



 Is that so ...


 Well, there is only one seat left, including the VRHMD, so if there are too many people, isn't that a problem.


 My younger sister Miki will be joining us next year, so it's just right.



"Speaking of which, is Yata-sensei not coming today?"



"Today is a long staff meeting, so I don't think she will come to the clubroom."



 Is it like that!


 Well, I can ask Bell-buchou to return it.(TN:The key)



"Then, maybe I should practice streaming. Should I go to IRO?"



[ Shou-kun, wait. ]



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 I immediately thought of diving into IRO, but Mion stopped me.



[ It's just a proposal, desu, but I don't think it's necessary to live stream from the beginning. ]



"Oh, what do you mean?"



[ If we post a video with commentary on Shou-kun's play on a deserted island, I think there will be people who will watch it, desu. ]



 Oh, I guess so. I mean, there's no merit to live stream from the beginning.


 Mion ... I think it's safer than a sudden live stream.



"That's right. The world announcement of the discovery of the uninhabited island still remains a mystery. I wonder if just summarizing that information is worth it."



[ I thought that if we were to do it all at once, the uninhabited island start would stand out too much and it wouldn't be good. Isn't it fine to upload an edited video first and then live stream when it's calmed down, desu? ]



"It's true that it's less likely to happen, and it might be good for getting used to it ..."



 It's scary when people complain or come in real time.


 Well, that policy is fine, but ...



"Umm, in that case, who will edit the video?"



"Of course, it's the two of you, right?"



 It was easily thrown around by Bell-buchou.


 When you say that, we have no choice but to do it, but I haven't done much video editing myself.



 Looking at Mion, she seems satisfied and motivated, a little different from her usual timid mood.


 Well, since she entered this department, I thought she would like it, but I wonder if she's good at editing videos.



"Umm, then, what should I do?"



[ Please play IRO with the same streaming settings as yesterday. I will also broadcast with the same group settings. ]



"You will do group-only distribution, but you will edit the archive later."

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[ Desu. ]



 I see. Is it because if it's just my archive, it will be a hassle to take it into the studio later.



[ What will Bell-buchou do? ]



"Then, I'm going to watch Mion-san's stream in Real View. Maybe someone will come."



 Ah, there's still a chance that someone who wants to join the club will come.






 When I open my eyes, it's the familiar ceiling.


 I've been here all day since yesterday, but the tent and I are fine, so it doesn't look like there will be any monsters around here.



"For now, let's go outside the tent ..."



< Shou-kun, not yet, desu? >



 Excuse me, the stream will start now ...


 I confirm that it is restricted to Mion and start streaming.



< Started. >



< Nn. >



 The number of viewers immediately went from 0 to 1.



[ Hello. ]



"Yes, hello, Mion-san."



[ I don't need the 'san', desu. It's 'Welcome, Mion', one more time, please. ]



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"Yes ..."



 I got a bad result.


 I feel like Bell-buchou is laughing ...



[ Hello. ]



"Welcome, Mion."



[ Today, I would like to introduce IRO's first uninhabited island player. My best regards. ]



"My best regards."



 I wave at the camera since I thought I should do something.



[ Good, desu. Then, just play normally. I will talk to you from time to time, so please answer within a reasonable range. ]



"K. For now, I'll take a look at the goblins I saw before."



[ Yes, take care. ]



 In terms of length, the first video should be an introduction video on the east side from the sandy beach where I started.



 I would be free to play IRO, answer questions from Mion in between, and then skillfully edit them to make a video.



 I started exploring the east side just like last time, thinking that although it would be easy to just play as I liked, the editing work would be quite difficult.










[ Shou-kun, it's about time, desu. ]



"K. I'm logging out."


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 I hurry back to the tent and log out.


 I close my eyes and confirm the notification sound from the system, and when I open my eyes, I naturally saw the club room.



"Thank you both for your hard work. For the time being, a notification will appear at 5:40, so there's no need to be nervous."



 She should have said that in advance.


 You can't tell the real time in IRO unless the system screen is opened, so when Mion said it was time, I thought it was already 45 minutes.



[ Thank you for your hard work. ]



"Good work. I think I was able to shoot enough material for now, but what should I do?"



[ I will edit it, so you can check it yourself, desu. ]



"Eh? Are you okay with me not helping?"



[ It's fine, desu. I'll bring it to the clubroom around 9 o'clock, so please take a look. ]



"Well then, I'll go to the Virtual Club Room."



 If Mion says she wants to do it herself, I guess I'll leave it to her. I have the same feeling as before.


 I honestly don't have any talent for editing my videos, and if I'm going to stream on her channel, she should do what she pleases.



"I think you should check with Sensei, so I'll get in touch with her."



"Oh, that's right. Please."



[ Please. ]



 At that time, a notification saying 'It's 5:40 pm. Let's log out' flows in front of me.


 Did I get this notification yesterday? No, did I remove the VRHMD before then? Anyway, I removed the VRHMD and prepared to go home.



 I would be home from now around 6:30 pm. If I had dinner and other things, the fastest time would be 8:00 pm.


 Assuming that the ingredients were bought by my stupid sister, what should I make for dinner ...


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